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STI College Quezon Avenue

MOJU –DELLI General Merchandise Sales Monitoring


Inventory System

A case study presented to

STI College Quezon Avenue

System Analysis and Design


Submitted by:

Castro, Paul Roneil N.

Catabay, Joanna Marie A.

Garde, Levin Paul S.

Ofilan, Liezl

Ubaldo, Enrique III A.

Submitted to:

Ms. Raychelou C. Tiglao


The Problem and its Background

• Introduction

The market is getting tougher and tougher and

organizations need to concentrate more on their core
competence, to become successful and gain competitive
advantage. One way to get this competitive advantage for an
organization is to start using Inventory System.

Inventory System is a computer program that tracks

inventory and sometimes creates automated replenishment
orders. It supports updating inventory information for all
items, monitoring inventory depletion, and importing, and
exporting inventory information to and from external systems
of record.

Inventory is merchandise in-stock and on hand, also

known as stock. It is a list for goods and materials, or those
goods and materials themselves, held available in stock by a
business. Inventory are held in order to manage and hide from
the customer the fact that manufacture or supply delay is
longer than the delivery delay, and also to ease the effect of
imperfections in the manufacturing process that lower
production efficiencies if production capacity stands idle for
the lack of materials. It is also the total amount of goods or
materials contained in a store or factory at any given time.
Store owners need to know the precise number of items on
their shelves and storage areas in order to place orders or
control losses. Factory managers need to know how many
units of their products are available for customer orders. All of
these businesses rely on an inventory count to provide

• Background of the study

Inventory System offers a wide selection of features to

improve control of your business and save time spent on
inventory and purchasing. The system automatically records
customer names, addresses, what they bought and when. Items can
be set aside and deposits tracked by the system. Full Size
Invoices instead of register receipts can be printed for big ticket
items from the same screen. The system knows at what rate each
item is selling at all times, making it easy to decide what
quantity to reorder. Low stock reports and purchase orders are
produced automatically with enough lead time to receive goods.

For a retailer, an Inventory System is critical to gathering

and applying information effectively in today’s ultra competitive
markets. An electronic cash register, even the very sophisticated
cannot gather or utilize information effectively enough.

Although the stately cash register might be traditional

symbol of retail establishments, many small-business owners
are replacing it with perhaps less aesthetic but eminently more
helpful computer and printer.

The standard cash register captures information on tape,

requiring the store owner to re-enter the data into columnar sheets
or computer databases for accounting, analysis, or inventory
reports. An Inventory System, on the other hand, automatically
captures a host of information about each sale and instantly
updates the inventory database. A retailer can view then on a
screen up-to-the-minute information about stock on hand or
create printed reports that help in making buying decisions.

• Statement of the Problem

- General Problem

How to develop an Inventory System for MOJU-DELLI General


This seeks to address the Computerized Sales Monitoring

and Inventory System of MOJU-DELLI General Merchandise. It
attempts to solve the problems that the company is currently

The study aims to produce an efficient Computerized

Sales Monitoring and Inventory System for MOJU-DELLI General
Merchandise that will generate fast and accurate record for their
inventory and sales monitoring transactions.

- Specific Problems

How to create a module for monitoring inventory?

The company does not track/check their stacks at their


How to minimize errors in sales tracking?

The company monitors the products on a daily basis using

their own format of stock card.

• Objectives of the study

- General Objectives
To develop an Inventory System for MOJU-DELLI General

To produce an effective Inventory System for MOJU-DELLI

General Merchandise that will generate fast and accurate result
for their assets and inventory.

- Specific Objectives

To design and create a module that will monitor the critical

level of the stocks/items of its inventory.

The developers will create a database for all the items

with Microsoft Access. The designed database will be the one to
handle all data and information used by the system. The
proposed module will give the users of the system to easily type
and enter all information of its product and items.

To design and create a module that ensures the security of the

company’s inventory information.

The developers will create and design a module that will

secure the inventory’s information, by having a restricted
personnel username and password that will allow them to enter
or use the system.

To design and create a module that will provide its suppliers


The developers will create and design a module that will

provide database profile of suppliers to easily retrieve

To design and create a module that will provide its list of


The developers will create and design a module that will

provide its list of items to easily retrieve information.

• Scope and Limitation of the study

The developers are proposing various modules that would
provide to various need of the company. It is well designed for the
benefit of ease of its users. The developers will design a
module that only authorized personnel or user only has the access
on the system through their Username and password. There
is also a module that will handle all the information of the
products that will be delivered or have been delivered. The
developers will create a module that is design to edit, delete,
add and update the list of the customers. The contents are
Customer Name, Customer Address and Contact Number. The
developers will also create a module that is design to edit,
delete, add and update the list of the suppliers. The contents
are Supplier Name, Supplier Address and Contact Number. The
developers will create a module that is designed to monitor,
validate, check and update its stock.

The study concentrates only on monitoring the inventory

of the business establishment. The propose system will not
work online, only in a local area network. The propose system does
not cover the Point of Sales of the company.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

• Local Studies

Having a manual Inventory system will make the

management doubt to the security of their stocks/item. Angelo
Romero on his thesis “Inventory System for Bikers World

“The everyday inventory supervising eats a lot of time of the

owner wherein with the help of the system he could have done other
productive things”

In relation to the proposed System the proponent uses

computerizes sales monitoring if there is increase or decrease
in the stocks. According to Renelyn Judilla on their thesis
“Computerized Sales and Inventory System for Chain Glass
Enterprises Incorporated.”

“Problem arising with this is the wrong filing of records”

• Foreign Studies

According to Dr. Harvey M. Deitel

“ Visual Basic is derived from the BASIC programming language,

it is a distinctly different language providing powerful features”

• Theoretical Framework

Database Management System (DBMS) is a software

application system that is used to create, maintain and provide
controlled access to user databases.
Database Normalization is the process of converting
complex data structure into simple, stables structures.
Normal form is a state of a relation that can be determined by
applying simple rules regarding dependencies to that relation.
Functional dependency is a particular relationship between two
attributes. A relation is in First Normal Form if it contains no
repeating groups. A relation is in Second Normal Form if it is in First
Normal Form and every non key attribute is functionally
dependent on the primary key. A relation is in Third Normal
Form if it is Second Normal Form and no transitive dependencies
exist. Transitive dependency in a relation is a functional
dependency between two or more non key attributes.



The developers divide the project into manageable tasks.

There are five (5) members in a group. The developers look for a
possible company where they can propose a project. After
finding for a possible company each of the members gathered
information and conduct interviews about important
information of the company that they needed.

The resource person contacted is Mr. Jude Morris Halili,

the person in charge in monitoring the inventory and also the
owner of the MOJU-DELLI General Merchandise.

The type of methodology that we used is by conducting

interviews and gathering information with the person in charge and
employees that will help us to give other information in order to
design an inventory system for the company.

The model below is the process that the project team will
be following. It describes the stages involved in an
information system development project from an initial
feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application.

Project Planning

Data Analysis
Gathering& Designing

Testing and
Implementation &

Figure Modified Waterfall Model

Project Planning

The proponents will plan about the system proposal.

Recognize the problem and set objectives on how to solve
the problem. In planning the proposal, the proponents will
conduct a feasibility study if there’s a need in developing the
project. The project or task is divided into manageable task.

Data Gathering

This is the phase where the proponents will conduct

research with the use of internet and books, interviews,
data/information gathering and surveys that will help in collecting
information about the system.

Analysis and Designing

The proponents will study the existing system of the

company for the purpose of designing a new and improve
system. Obtain hardware and software resources. The
proponents by then will design the system’s interface and
database design.

System Development

The proponents will be creating the system for the

company. Using all the data’s gathered the proponents will create
the documentation of the system they are creating. Rapid
development will be considered in creating the system; mostly it
will be prototyping to ensure that it will be finished on time.

Testing and Debugging

The Proponents will be involved in Prototyping Testing

and Modify the system as they go along.

Implementation and Maintenance

This is the phase where the proponents will present the

system to the clients. Conduct training and seminars to the
users of the system. The phase where running or testing
the system is implemented in order to correct the some errors and
to improve the system more better.

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