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British Broadcasting Corporation White City 201 Wood Lane London W12 7T5 Telephone 020 8752 5252


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1 I'h August 2003

Martin Smith
The Hutton Inquiry
The Rt Hon Lord Hutton
2"° Floor
81 Chancery Lane
London WC2A 1 DD

" Dear Mr Smith,


Further to my letter of 8s' August 2003 enclosing the bundles of BBC documentation, there is an
amendment which needs to be made which I should bring to your attention .

You will have seen at A210-211 a copy of the Master Prospects list for the 29 May Today Programme
ENPS This is the Master Prospects list which is currently stored m the BBC's electronic archive .
However, we are aware that a small change was made m late June to the original Master Prospects list
m the course of an internal review into events on the evening of 28 May .

In particular, my understanding is that whilst Kevin Marsh the Editor of the Today programme was
looking at the details of the Master Prospects document for 29 May, he noticed that Andrew
Gilltgan's source was referred to as a "senior source among British Weapons Inspectors" . In his
view this seemed perhaps too detailed a description and one which might enable someone within the
BBC who came upon the archived Master Prospects list m the ENPS system to work out who Andrew
Gdltgan's source was . Accordingly, he instructed the person who had sent him the copy of the
original Master Prospects to take out the words "among British weapons Inspectors" but before doing
so to save a copy of the original Master Prospects . I understand that this was the only amendment he
made to the original Master Prospects document and that the original was saved m a private part of
the ENPS for any future reference . The original was also saved m the email archive . This change to
the document um the open area of ENPS was done solely to lessen the risk of the source being

In order to ensure that the Inquiry is fully informed, I enclose a copy of the original first two pages of
the Master Prospects for the Today programme on 29 May including the six words which were
subsequently deleted at Mr Marsh's request .

Yours sincerely,

Philip Lawrence
BBC Litigation Department

iQ 9
3 \Legal Adviser\Lrt\SJ\Hutton Inqumry\Colres\Correspondence to Inqmry\Lee Hughes 11 08 03 doc

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