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What is meant by “below the line”

What are some of the best
advantages and disadvantages of
utilising the ‘Direct Mail & Trade
Show’ for advertising purposes?
How Point-of-Purchase advertising
works. Some examples it effectively
utilised recently





Explain what is meant by “below

the line” advertising.
BELOW THE LINE (BTL) is an advertising technique. It uses less
conventional methods than the usual specific channels of advertising to
promote products, services, etc. than ATL (Above the line) strategy.

In organisational business and marketing communications, below the line

(BTL) is an advertising technique. It uses less conventional methods than
the usual specific channels of advertising to promote products, services,
etc. than above the line (ATL) strategies. These may include activities
such as direct mail, public relations and sales promotions for which a fee
is agreed upon and charged up front. BTL advertising typically focuses on
direct means of communication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail,
often using highly targeted lists of names to maximize response rates."

all advertising by means other than the five major media - the press,
television, radio, cinema and outdoors; below-the-line advertising
employs a variety of methods - direct mail, sponsorship, merchandising,
trade shows, exhibitions, sales literature and catalogues, and so on. There
are plenty of ways in which a small advertiser can promote his product or
service through below the line like: direct mail letters , sports
promotions , competitions , exhibitions , demonstrations ,
product tags , air banners , hot air balloons , beer mats , T-
shirts , key rings , book matches , , calendars , bumper stickers ,
and so on, can all convey a message. All company need to exploit most
of them is a logo, and perhaps a slogan. Only the first few need any

To understand clear about the BELOW THE LINE (BTL) here I feel too
discuses about the deference between BELOW THE LINE (BTL) and

The term "Below the Line" and raise rapidly going out of fashion in
advertising circles as agencies and clients switch to an 'Integrated
Communication Approach.' BTL is common techniques used for touch and
feel products. Those consumer items where the customer will rely on
immediate information then previously researched items. BTL techniques
ensure recall of the brand while at the same time highlighting the features
of the product.

Above the line (ATL) is an advertising technique using mass media to

promote brands. Major above-the-line techniques include TV and radio


advertising, print advertising and internet banner ads. This type of

communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to
customers. It differs from BTL (Below the line), that believes in
unconventional brand-building strategies, such as direct mail. The ATL
strategy makes use of current traditional media: television, newspapers,
magazines, radio, outdoor, and internet.

Below the Line uses less conventional methods than the usual specific
channels of advertising to promote products, services, etc. than Above
the Line strategies. These may include activities such as direct mail,
public relations and sales promotions for which a fee is agreed upon and
charged up front. Below the line advertising typically focuses on direct
means of communication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail, often
using highly targeted lists of names to maximize response rates. Another
interesting and very effective BTL is Shop Intercept. Trained sales
personnel, often girls, are deployed at Retail Stores, near the shelves of
targeted products category. These girls convince customers visiting these
shelves about the better aspects of their brand compared with others.
This is ideal for new launches as it generates trials, which if successful
result in repeat sales. Above the line is much more effective when the
target group is very large and difficult to define. But, if the target group is
limited and specific, it is always advisable to use below the line
promotions for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Say, for example, if a manufacturer of pen is going to promote its

product, it may take the ATL route, but if a company manufactures
computer UPS, it will certainly take the BTL route, as the target group is
very limited and specific.

More recently, agencies and clients have switched to an 'Integrated

Communication Approach.' BTL is a common technique used for "touch
and feel" products (consumer items where the customer will rely on
immediate information rather than previously researched items). BTL
techniques ensure recall of the brand while at the same time highlighting
the features of the product. Some of the ways by which companies do BTL
(below the line) promotions are by exhibitions, sponsorship activities,
public relations and sales promotions like giving freebies with goods,
trade discounts given to dealers and customers, reduced price offers on
products, giving coupons which can be redeemed later etc.


What are some of the best advantages

and disadvantages of utilising the
following for advertising purposes?
• Direct Mail
• Trade Shows
In the world everything has some advantages and disadvantages while we use. For
advertising purposes we use Direct Mail and Trade Shows. My assignment focus is to
be finding out that clearly as below:

What are advantages and disadvantages of utilising the Direct mail?

Direct Mail is a highly effective tool if company have a fairly small and specific target
market. Once company know who are the potential clients are, advertiser can
approach them direct, personally, and so avoid the wastage of public advertising.
Because this is a below-the-line medium, company are not paying for space or
commission, but simply for the material produced.

With the advent of the computer, direct mail has become much simpler to operate. If
company have a database, this is one area where can go right ahead and once have
found if a good copywriter and artist and a reliable printer, company can do own
direct mailing without using an agency.

Direct Mail is wasted unless company have a precise mailing list. Company can
obtain such lists from the direct mail houses that have hundreds of categories of
people on disc.

Many advertisers believe that a personalised letter, which will obviously cost far less
than a leaflet or brochure, is the most effective way of all to reach on sales prospect.

Company can pay for a newspaper ad, print a newsletter, broadcast commercials,
erect a hoarding, or even send a plane up to write a sign in the sky. But not in any of
those cases can be sure that individual target will see or read message. But send a
letter by courtesy of the Royal Mail and he will! After reading the first sentence, he
may decide not to go further, but he will open it and scan it. And thus company have
generated, for however brief a moment, that precious commodity, company captive


The Versatility of Direct Mail can be used for almost any type of advertising.
company can send out personally signed letters, reply-paid cards, samples, free
gifts, coupons, brochures and leaflets, special offers, catalogues with enclosed order
forms, booking and reservation slips - the ideas are entirely up to company and all
may need is the assistance of friendly copywriter, artist and printer! In the public
relations or image-building sphere, direct mail can be used to post calendars, diaries,
quartz clocks, pens and so on with company’s name to customers or prospects. In
the industrial sphere, it can supply technical information on new developments to
prepare the ground for the visit of a salesman; or to discover interested prospects.
In the educational sphere, it can give customers information about a new service
through brochures, leaflets or in-house magazines. In the simple direct-sales sphere,
it can make special offers and personally-couched appeals to the most likely
prospects. In the area of marketing, it can pinpoint new or ‘lost’ customers or appeal
to any dealer or stockist for any reason.

The Advantages of Direct Mail :

1. Company can evaluate its effectiveness. If company compare the number of
responses to the number of pieces mailed, company can calculate the
response rate. If you include coded coupons or response cards you can keep
track of exactly who responded and from where
2. It works quickly. Company will know right away if it has been successful or
not. If company have a certain product to get rid of in a hurry, or are filling a
gap in your production year, it is the best medium.
3. Once company have the right list, it gives very high accuracy in choosing the
target market. Company can sort out a particular trade or profession, or select
people by income, race, age, or whatever.
4. Company can time it precisely to reach the potential clients on almost the very
day want to reach them.
5. Company can mail anything from a brief A5 letter to a bulky registered packet
containing samples or free gifts.

6. Allows targeting the message to a very specific audience. Pick one street of
houses or all residents of a city. Target college freshmen or just college
freshmen at one college who own a car. Mail to all of your customers or just
to those who spend an average of $25 per visit to store. The possibilities are
as endless as mailing lists accuracy allows.

7. If company are able to focus on only high-probability purchasers, cost

effectiveness can be good.

8. Direct mail messages can be personalized to add reader appeal.


9. Mail readers are actively involved. People read their mail when they choose.
So, for at least second or two, message will have their undivided attention
while they open and scan it.

The Disadvantages of Direct Mail:

1. The public tend to see any unsolicited mail as ‘junk mail’ and may consign it to
the wastepaper basket unread. This can be countered by presenting an
interesting image.
2. Its usefulness is entirely dependent on the strength of the mailing list. So
company’s main job is to find them self a list that covers the target market!

3. Many people don't like unsolicited offers and many are sceptical of their
4. Increasingly, busy people don't even open what they view as "junk mail."

5. Using this method of advertising requires thorough maintenance of mail lists.

Many advertisers do not like to bother with updating mail lists. With outdated
lists, however, mail goes to undeliverable addresses and wastes your money.
Another possible glitch - mail may contain out of date messages, spell names
wrong, or address a person who has died and these kinds of errors annoy, or
worse yet offend, the recipient.
6. Some groups are concerned about the environmental impact of resources
used for advertising mailings.
7. Cost - The cost per thousand will be higher than almost any other form of
mass promotion (although the wastage rate may be much lower).

8. Waste - Large quantities of paper are thrown away (see below).

9. Alienation - Some recipients resent direct marketing being "forced" upon

them, and boycott companies that do so. Moreover, they may obtain
Prohibitory Orders against companies whose direct marketing mail they find

What are advantages and disadvantages of utilising the Trade Show?

A trade show represents an excellent opportunity to present company and its

products to an audience looking for new ideas and innovation in a specific field. And
even if company are not attending a traditional “trade show” but something more like
a product exhibit or vendor showcase, it is important that the presentation is
attractive and professional so company can attract prospective customers.


Trade shows are sponsored by trade associations for specific industries, and there
are thousands of associations running shows every year. Generally trade shows
aren't open to the public and can only be attended by company representatives and
members of the press.

Exhibitions or trade show may be permanent (e.g. a building centre), general (like
the Chelsea Flower Show) or specific to one industry (e.g. computer exhibition or
any other type of Trade Fair).

They may be Trade Fairs aimed at the business (as a computer exhibition usually is)
or at the general public (e.g. Garden and Home exhibition or Family Fair). There are
agricultural shows, careers exhibitions, motor shows, outdoor living exhibitions; trade
fairs for many types of exhibitors.

Among trade promotion techniques are:

a. Free Goods: Where, for example, one free case is supplied with every dozen

b. Buying Allowance: Where traders are offered a certain amount off the price of
each case brought. This is usually done during the launch of a new product, or the
re-launch or promotion of an old one.

c. Count and Recount Allowance: Here the trade is paid a certain amount for each
case sold during a certain period of time. Its intention is, of course, to speed up sales
of the product, often when it is to be withdrawn and succeeded by a new one, or to
sell excess stocks to ease distribution.

d. Cooperative and Dealer Advertising and Promotions: Product and promotional

advertising includes a list of dealers. This not only tells consumers where to buy the
product, but persuades dealers to join the promotion and stock the product. The
manufacturer may allow the trader a certain sum towards the cost of retail
advertising for each unit sold.

e. Sales Contests: These are used to motivate dealers, who win by having the
highest sales of the product. The effect is a temporary one and such a contest may
be used simply to sell off excess stocks.

In practice, all advertising should be thought of as generating a buying response but

whereas response advertising is intended to generate an immediate response,
information advertising is intended to keep the business and its products in the mind
of the consumer. Thus;


The advertiser can therefore reach either a wide cross-section of the public, or a
more specific target market according to the venue he chooses. The decision to be
made, however, is whether the money invested in an exhibition stand really pays off.

A stand at an exhibition calls for more than simply renting space. Remember that
you must budget for the costs of designing and building your stand, paying staff,
having brochures and leaflets printed - possibly giving out samples, transporting and
insuring units and goods, providing entertainment ranging from free cool drinks,
coffee or wine to lectures and cabaret shows. Expenditure mounts up.

The Advantages of Trade show :

1. Exhibiting at a trade show is an excellent way to find customers to help your
business grow.
2. According to a study conducted by the Centre for Exhibition Industry
Research (CEIR), 86 percent of show attendees were the decision-maker or
influenced buying decisions, yet 85 percent had not been called on by a
salesperson before the show
3. Trade shows are also economical ways of getting sales
4. Trade shows are popular, and it's easy to find one that fits industry and the
company’s needs.

The disadvantages of Trade show :

1. Exhibitors without attendees aren't of much worth. High-quality attendees are
the lifeblood of any successful trade show
2. Company need to recruit new employees, distributors or dealers for the
products, its cost much more.
3. It would be spend a lot of time talking to the wrong people.
4. To using trade show rentals. If company aren’t purchasing own displays,
company are restricted to the rental components available. And company
aren't free to have the entire exhibit customized.
5. If exhibition/demonstration staff are smoking, drinking, flirting, reading a novel
or painting their nails, or just not giving interested attention to visitors, the
stand is actually working against company.


How Point-
of-Purchase advertising
works. Some examples it effectively
utilised recently
Globally Point-of-Purchase (POP) is growing quite rapidly. Historically, marketers
and brands have found it very easy to spend money on television. However, as time
has gone on and particularly with the advent of digital TV and the proliferation of the
TV channels, it's become harder for Brands to work out where to spend money. With
this the marketers have now started to identify that where, genuinely, does a
shopper makes the buying decision. Is it all pre planned or is it in the stores.

Sales promotions should be clear, simple and distinctive, and it must obviously do
the job it is intended for: attract customer attention, remind her of any advertising she
has seen for the product, and stimulate her to buy.

One of the most powerful forms of advertising is the Point of Purchase

advertisement. No matter what other forms of advertising you may have been
exposed to concerning a product, POP advertising will often be the deciding factor
when making a purchase. POP advertisements often include detailed information
about the product such as features, warranty information, as well as cost.

POP advertisements of the future promise to fully involve the customer at the point of
purchase. Technology is currently being developed that allows images of customers
to be electronically integrated into a display at the POP location which shows the
customer being happy with the final product. Such technology could eventually lead
to virtual "fitting rooms" where it will be possible for the customer to see their
likeness holographically projected in the clothes that they are considering

Below the line sales promotions are short-term incentives, largely aimed at
consumers. With the increasing pressure on the marketing team to achieve
communication objectives more efficiently in a limited budget, there has been a need
to find out more effective and cost efficient ways to communicate with the target
markets. This has led to a shift from the regular media based advertising.

Sales promotions, this term (sometimes called Point-of-Sale) covers all advertising
material used where the product is purchased. It includes both window and in-store
displays. It is today the heaviest item of advertising expenditure for many


manufacturers and its use has grown with the growth of the supermarket. Among
point-of-purchase (POP) items are:

a. Window stickers and banners

b. Display cut-outs (often quite sophisticated)

c. Check-out counter display boxes

d. Store fixtures such as dump bins, free-standing show cases, gondola ends

e. Banners, streamers, card shelf takers, etc.

Point-of-purchase material can often be a waste of money if the retailer does not use
it. He must find it useful and suitable. For this reason it needs to be supported by
personal selling to the stockist.

The point of purchase display includes at least one display section, and preferably at
least two display sections. Each display section can include one or more of the
following components: a header, a product mount area where product is mounted for
display, and containers that contain products suitable for that display section. In one
implementation, the header is disposed at the top of the display section, the product
mount area is beneath the header, and the containers are beneath the product
mount area.

Further, the products within each display section can be divided based on a variety
of criteria, for example product quality and/or price. As an example, the product can
be divided so that higher quality/priced products are located higher up in the display
section, for example in the product mount area, middle quality/priced products are
located in the middle, for example lower in the product mount area or higher in the
containers, and lower quality/priced products are located lower in the display section,
for example in the lowest containers.

More of the product at the normal price promotions however can also have a
negative effect by spoiling the brand reputation or just a temporary sales boost
(during the discounts) followed by a lull when the discount would be called off.


Gift with purchase

Competitions and prizes

This is an important tool to increase brand awareness amongst the target consumer.
It can be used to boost up sales for temporary period and ensure usage amongst
first time users.


Money refunds a customer receive a money refund after submitting a proof of

purchase to the manufacturer. Customers often view these schemes with some
suspicion – particularly if the method of obtaining a refund looks unusual or onerous.
Frequent user/loyalty incentives

Ring tones and music videos on cell phones are helping the entertainment industry
to promote for a music video or a movie for dirt-cheap rate as compared to media

Most of the pharmacy companies do BTL promotion by getting shelf space through
doctors to display their products or by giving away free calcium tablets again through
doctors, knowing that for a patient a personal advice from a doctor would hold more
value as compared to a commercial advertisement.

It is seen effectively utilised recently of point of purchase

The majority of consumer purchase decisions are made in-store, as research

suggests, the question has to be asked why the bulk of marketing money is not
being spent in-store.

It seems logical that in-store marketing should become more attractive as traditional
above-the-line media become increasingly fragmented and marketers struggle to
reach a wide audience through an affordable range of media.
It is seen effectively utilised recently of point of purchase, whatever let us now look
at the various methods that can be used as a good sales Promotion in point of

The checkout counters of many convenience stores are cluttered with cigarette and
candy POP displays.

The message on unused floor and counter surfaces could be great tool to be a POP.
This unique and inescapable medium stands out to increase brand awareness and
reactivate the impact of advertising campaign

The point of purchase display is particularly beneficial for use with hand tools, for
example paint and decorating hand tools and related accessories. In the case of
paint and decorating hand tools, the display is designed to assist the user in
selecting the appropriate tool that is needed by the purchaser for the task that needs
to be performed. The point of purchase display uses colour, text, and/or illustrations
to assist the purchaser in selecting the appropriate product for purchase.

The point of purchase display uses colour and/or text and/or illustrations to assist the
purchaser in selecting the appropriate product for purchase. The use of colour helps


to, for example, categorize the products and draw the purchaser's attention to a
particular product category.

POP depend on some sales promotion activities also that make consumer’s decision
strongly as below

• Corporate image
• Displays, printed material, exhibitions and trade fairs
• Special promotions
• Sponsorship
• Personalised mail shots

Corporate Image
There are considerable benefits to be gained from developing a corporate image,
namely; Generation of trust, improved staff relations, a foundation for expansion and
diversification. Once established the image will help to launch new products and
expand into new markets as customers will already know and trust the company.

Compared with other forms of advertising/promotion it is relatively cheap, but

remember it does take time to establish a corporate identity. To develop the
corporate image company need to;

Establish a logo - a graphic design based possibly on the company name or an

abstract design attached to the company name. Establish a set of company colours
that can be used in all printed material, display material, equipment and packaging.
Establish an image that reflects the type of Business Company is operating and
advertiser’s basic approach.

Displays, printed material, exhibitions and trade fairs

The basic principles with displays are to follow the corporate image and to be
professional. If the display material is to have any chance of success it must be of
good quality.

Printed Material.
What I am talking about here are things like price-lists, catalogues, brochures,
leaflets, stationery, business cards, etc. All of these are essential to your business.
They should promote the corporate image and, importantly, never be shoddy.


Exhibitions and Trade Fairs.

These may be local, national or international. They are important though rarely do
they pay for themselves in terms of orders taken. Rather, they are there for company
to make new contacts, demonstrate new and complicated products and build
goodwill. Before you go to an exhibition or trade fair, ensure that you prepare and
present yourself properly. You will need to find out about the numbers and types of
visitors and the other exhibitors.

Company cannot rely upon the organisers for this information so, if possible, visit the
exhibition/trade fair the year before to intend to exhibit and note;

• The precise layout of the stand area (and decide where you want your stand).
• The furniture provided and required.
• The lighting and power supplies available.
• The display material and audio visual facilities you will need.
• The sort of literature, samples, demonstration models, etc the other exhibitors
have on their stands.

Company should also consider issues such as;

• How will record and process enquiries/orders.

• Staff rotas.
• Hospitality and entertainment.
• Special promotional activities.
• Who want to meet at the Exhibition/Fair? Advertiser should tell them (and the
media) that company will be there and invite them.

Special promotions
I can talking about here are things like 'money-off' coupons, bonus packs (x% free),
buy one get one free campaigns, free samples, demonstrations, competitions and
contests, special discounts, volume discounts, etc. These are all intended to create
rapid, short-lived increases in business and are often used to launch a new product
or a change in price. However, they should always be;

• Part of a planned programme of promotion over a period of time.

• Planned, controlled and monitored.
• Before embarking on a promotion, company should establish;
• What are attempting to achieve.
• The best method to use.
• The budget.
• The duration of the promotion.

Personalised mail shots


The mail service is often used as a promotional medium as are door to door
deliveries of promotional material. It is one of the tools of marketing most used by
small businesses. Its advantages include the fact that it is;

• Selective - customers can be identified and classified into different groups or

• Personal - therefore is hard to ignore.
• Monitor-able - its results can be evaluated accurately.




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