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Andrew Gi!


From: Andrew Gilligan-INTERNET

Sent, 03 July 2003 12:00 AM
To. Mark Damazer, Richard Sambrook and PA, Kevin Marsh

Spoke to Ottaway again and he's happy, he didn't need to speak to my Jane's man
Not a bad result but I get the impression there might be more fireworks over the leak to Thursday's Guardian of
Campbell's memo This is his second one with the "complete" list of changes he suggested to the dossier, which is still
private, not the one we've got .The Tories are furious and blame Campbell Downing St quoted as neither
confirm ingldenying leak on Newsmght paper review Could be a serious own goal for AC - feeling of manipulation is
definitely making the Tories angrier and more determined to stick anti-Campbell wording in the report Ultimately,
however, Ottaway says Labour could vote en bloc

Something I suggest is that our Westminster people or Martin Rosenbaum get all the other public-domain memos
submitted to the committee ASAP tomorrow . There could be at least 30 judging by the numbering on the 4 we've
already got These could then also be combed for helpful nuggets


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