September 4 2003

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Hope Center Tuesday September 2, 2003 Thomas Watkins

Harry Harshaw
Meeting Place: Hope Center Wood stock Georgia
Meeting time: 6:00pm to 10:30pm
Hours of meeting: 4 and ½ hours

1. Restore Network


Today the Hope Center’s Entire Network went down for unknown reasons at the time.
The workers at the hope center where suffering from the

Every PC on the network is infected
Typical symptoms may include Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems
rebooting every few minutes without user input, or Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
systems becoming unresponsive.

This was a setback this evening was an unplanned and serious problem that needed to be

After research of the current situation, it could be fixed by running an application from
Symantec the makers of Norton Anti-virus/Firewall. It is called fixblast.exe

The W32.Blaster.Worm Removal Tool does the following:

1.Terminates the W32.Blaster.Worm viral processes.
2.Deletes the W32.Blaster.Worm files.
3.Deletes the dropped files.
4.Deletes the registry values that have been added.

Then the Microsoft 823980 Security Patch (MS03-026) needs to be loaded from

This proved to be a time consuming task the virus was removed from the network and
every thing seems to be functioning great again. At this time it is unknown where the
virus came from.

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