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In Partial fulfillment of

Requirements for the award of degree



Submitted By


Submitted To



This is to certify that the project report entitled
“WOCKHARDT LIMITED” is being submitted here for
the award of degree of MBA, UDMS’s DMS is the
result of original research work completed by
Mr.RAHUL D. KORDE under the guidance & to the best
of my knowledge and belief. The work embodied in
this project report has not form earlier the basis for
the award of any degree or similar title of this
another examining body



Place: Aurangabad
I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to
Wockhardt Engineering Pvt. Ltd. for offering me this project
to earn exposure and garner knowledge in the field of
Recruitment and Selection Process.

I wish to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my

Mr. Ravi Mate, (Officer, HRM Dept), Wockhardt Engineering
Pvt Ltd., Aurangabad who guided me and shared his
valuable ideas on varied subjects. I also thank Ms. Bhakti
Banwaskar, for her able guidance and co-operation
throughout the course of my project.

I am able to say with conviction that I have immensely

benefited from prestigious association with Wockhardt
Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

All in all, I would like to thank my whole project team and

entire staff at VEPL for all their support and encouragement
during the course of my project.



I hereby declared that the project report entitled

“WOCKHARDT” written & submitted by me to the
UDMS’s Department of management Science
(DMS), in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Business
Administration (MBA). It is my original work & the
conclusions drawn therein are based on the data
and material collected by myself.

Place: Aurangabad RAHUL D. KORDE



Sr. No Topic
1. Corporate Information
2. Company Profile
3. Strategic Alliances
4. Biotech Business
5. Global Operations
6. Research and Development
7. Finance and Outlook
8. Mission
9. Vision
10. Brands
11. Future Plans
12. Achievements
13. Board of Directors
14. HR Policies
15. Plant Locations
16. Product Information
17. Organizational Structure
18. Departmental Functions

19. Quality

20. Conclusion
21. Bibliography


 To Study recruitment and selection process in Wockhardt.

 To measure processing time of selecting H. R. for organization.

 To study the benefits of present selection method.


 Preparing Job description and Job Specification.

 Selection of right people at right place.

 Improving efficiency of existing recruitment process.

 Cost estimation, budgeting for HR.


Following are the limitations of the study:

 As the methodology of data collection was mainly interview of

employees. Some people may not have reviled the true information

so the findings may not be fully correct.

 Staff member’s co-operation was limited because of Government

norms and restrictions etc.


About Company

Wockhardt is a global pharmaceutical and

biotechnology company that has grown by leveraging two
powerful trends impacting the world of medicine, globalization
and biotechnology. It has its headquarters in Mumbai, India.

Wockhardt’s management style advocates a

customer-centric approach that has filtered down to every
decision and actions. An open culture, participative management
ent of individuals and payment of one’s job and contribution to
others all is hallmark of Wockhardt’s culture.

Company information

 Type : Public (NSE: WOCKPHARMA)

 Industry : Pharmaceuticals

Health care

 Founded : 1960s

 Founders : Habil Khorakiwala

 Head quarters : Mumbai, India

 Area Served : Worldwide

 Key People : Habil Khorakiwala (Chairman)

Murtaza Khorakiwala (Managing
Huzafia Khorakiwala (Executive

 Products : Vaccine

 Revenue : Rs.3, 600 crores, (US$802.8million)

 Employees : 7000(2009)

 Website :


Theoretical Background



“Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for

employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the

- Edwin B.

“Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable

applicants to apply for job”.

“Recruitment is the set of activities and processes used to legally

obtain desired number of right persons at the right place and right

Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job
seekers. It is the process to discover sources of manpower to
meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective
measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to
facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to

develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human
resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist.
Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an
employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated


i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement

Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an
organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external

Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected
Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes
with potential employees. It is through recruitment that many
individuals will come to know a company, and eventually decide
whether they wish to work for it. Recruitment lends itself as an
potential source of competitive advantage to a firm.

Recruitment and selection process

The most important task performed by HR department is hiring the

right number of people of the right type to fill the jobs. Hiring is an
ongoing process and not confined to the formative stages of an
organisation. Employees leave the firm in search of greener pastures-
some retire and some die in the saddle. More importantly, an
enterprise grows, diversifies, takes over other units- all necessitating
hiring of new people. In fact, hiring function stops only when company
ceases to exist. Hiring involves two broad group of activities
i) recruitment and ii) selection

“Recruitment is a process of locating and encouraging potential job

applicants to apply.”

Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with

potential employees. Recruitment lends itself as a potential source of
competitive advantage to the firm. An effective approach to
recruitment can help a company successfully compete for limited
human resources. The firm must choose a recruiting approach that
produces the best pool of candidates quickly and cost effectively. A
recruiting programme helps the firm in at least four ways:

 Attract highly qualified and competent people.

 Ensure that the selected candidates stay longer with the company.
 Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit.
 Help the firm create more culturally diverse work-force.

The negative consequences of a poor recruitment process speak
volume about its role in a firm. The poor quality of selection process
means extra cost on training
and supervision. Furthermore, when recruitment fails to meet
organisational needs for talent, a typical response is to raise the pay
scales. this can distort traditional wage and salary relationships in the
company, resulting in unavoidable consequences. Thus, the
effectiveness of the recruitment process can play a major role in
determining the resources that must be expended on other HR
activities and their ultimate success.


Recruitment Policy of WOCKHARDT:

Every organization has its own policy for its

recruitment. There is value for both employer and employee in
having such a policy carefully formulated and made generally
known, for this will ensure that managers are fully aware of the
standard they must observe and employees appreciate the rights
they may expect. Typical polices refer to such things an equal
opportunities in employment, color or sex the advertising of all
vacancies internally etc.

Recruitment policy is of vital significance in the selection

process. The experts are of the view that a recruitment policy
should be established after a very careful thought. This needs to be
clearly understood and efficiently carried out. Recruitment shall be
made by direct recruitment, promotion, transfer, deputation and re-
employment as the case may be.

A recruitment policy of an organisation should be such that:

 It should focus on recruiting the best potential people.

 To ensure that every applicant and employee is treated

equally with dignity and respect.

 Unbiased policy.

 To aid and encourage employees in realizing their full

 Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection.

 Weightage during selection given to factors that suit

organization needs.

 Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process.

 Defining the competent authority to approve each selection.

 Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and

employment relationship.

 Integrates employee needs with the organisational needs.

Recruitment policy generally covers the following areas:

Recruitment shall be made by direct recruitment, promotion,

transfer, deputation and re-employment as the case may be. The
particular method of recruitment for each vacancy shall be decided
by the controlling authority in the light of the qualification and
experience required for the job.

 Age limit and experience for direct recruitment: The

upper age limit for direct recruitment in each category of post shall
be as specified in the scheduled.

 Method of recruitment on deputation / transfer: The

candidate having minimum qualification and experience as
specified in the schedules, candidates from other Central

 Re-employment: The candidates who have retired on

superannuation or on voluntary basis from the Central or State
Government Service, and having educational qualifications and
experience as specified in scheduled can be re-employed as per
general or specific orders issued by the Central Government from
time to time.

 Promotion: The promotion is to be made on the basis of
seniority- cum-fitness i.e. the promotion shall be made on the
recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee. The
promotion will be strictly made if clear vacancies are available .The
person who has completed the probation period successfully and
qualified departmental test prescribed, will be eligible to be
considered for promotion by the assessment committee.

 It spells out clearly the intentions of underlying objectives in

recruitment. It makes clear in the policy statements that in filling
particular vacancies, the management will be guided by the
principle: to be on the lookout and seek only the most promising
and best qualified men for the jobs or the positions to be filled by
most qualified.

 It is within the purview of the recruitment policy to lay down rules

and procedures for determining whether the recruitment will be
under taken from within or outside the organizations that is
whether it will be internal or external sources to be tapped for

 The recruitment policy also provide for the use of particular

advertisement media source, i.e., whether newspaper, radio,
television or any other media.

 The recruitment policy very much emphasize on the

continuing research and analysis of the present sources and
methods, how effectively they have been working to achieve the
desired results and further direct its efforts to explore newer
sources and methods and latest selection techniques like use of job
analysis, motion, and time study and systems and methods study,
for achieving still better and more effective results.

Recruitment Process:

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

candidate and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the
organizations. It is a process of attracting people; selection is a
process of choosing a few among those who have been attracted.
Its objective is to increase the selection that is, the number of
applications per job opening. It can be seen both from the short-
term and long-term implications. A sound recruitment policy strives
to maximize the mobilization of skill and talents so as to place the
right man on the right job.

Identifying the vacancy:

The recruitment process begins with the human

resource department receiving requisitions for recruitment from

any department of the company. A Vacancy can arise for a variety
of reasons, but before it is filled the following questions should be

 Is the post still required, if so, is it required in its present

 Can changes be made to the post so that it attracts a wider
range of candidates?
 Are there any existing Staff where re-deployment is required
(check with personnel)
 Seek management Team and Chair’s approval for filling the

Job analysis:

It is process of studying the duties and conditions of

each job and the qualification which a person should process in
order the perform it. It refers to the formal process collecting
information about a job to identify the components involved in its

The following information is provided by job analysis:

 Job titles including alternate or trade nicknames.

 Number of employees on the job and their organizational
 Names of immediate Boss.
 Materials, tools and equipment used or worked with.
 Worked or instructions received from and to whom delivered.
 Salary or wage levels.
 Hours and conditions at work.
 Complete list of duties-daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal or
casual and spent on each.
 Educational Requirements.
 Experience required.
 Skills, aptitudes and facilities required.
 Promotional and transfer routes from and the job.
Other information, comments and observations.\

Job Descriptions:

Once a vacancy has been created, the search for

suitable candidates is begun. This means that details of the job is
carefully spelt out and a profile drawn up of the likely candidate.
Since this organization is a full time job employees are employed
on a full time basis.

Job Specification:

It is a written statement outlining the personal

qualifications that an individual possesses in order to perform the
duties and responsibilities identified in job description.Job
specification specifies the personnel qualities required for the
performance of a job-formal education, experience, etc.

After drafting Job description and Job specification, search for the
candidate begins. For search for a right candidate for the
appropriate job organization must decide appropriate sources.

Sources of recruitment:

 Internal sources:

 Present workforce.
 Previous application.
 Promotion.
 Transfer.
 Employee referrals.
 External sources:

Press Advertisements:

Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and

journals are a widely used source of recruitment. The main
advantage of this method is that it has a wide reach.

 Educational Institutes:

Various management institutes, engineering colleges,

medical Colleges etc. are a good source of recruiting well
qualified executives, engineers, medical staff etc. They provide
facilities for campus interviews and placements.

 Employment Exchanges:

Government establishes public employment

exchanges throughout the country. These exchanges provide job
information to job seekers and help employers in identifying
suitable candidates.

 Labour Contractors:

Manual workers can be recruited through contractors

who maintain close contacts with the sources of such workers. This

source is used to recruit labour for construction jobs.

 Recruitment at factory gate:

Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory

gate these may be employed whenever a permanent worker is
absent. More efficient among these may be recruited to fill
permanent vacancies.

Short listing process:

 The initial short listing of the candidates done by the HR

department, according to provided job descriptions and job

 The shortlisted candidate CVs then forwarded to the head of the

department where actual vacancy lies.

 Then the final list of the shortlisted candidates is prepared for the

Common problems occurring in Short listing process:

 If there are no suitable candidates, it will be necessary to

readvertise the post. Selectors should review the quality of the
whole process, especially the job specification and potential
sources of applicants.

 If there is only one applicant who measures up to the necessary

criteria, it is acceptable to shortlist that candidate and make an

 Applicants who continually apply for the post, or who have

complained about previous selection decisions or alleged
discrimination, should be treated on merit against job
criteria.Under no circumstances should they be treated less

 Pre-screening is a technique commonly used in private sector

where candidates are assessed by the selection panel prior to the
selection process proper.

Simple procedures:

 All written material used in creating shortlists must be retained for

at least six months after the date of offer of appointment on the file
maintained in the personnel unit.

 Reasons for rejecting a candidate must be recorded and relate
directly to the Job specification.

 Information obtained during the shortlisting process and within the

context of the shortlist itself must be treated as confidential.

 Rejected candidates must be informed(on request) about the

reason for their rejections

Interview Scheduling:

 In this the detail schedule is prepared for the interviews of short

listed candidates for desire post.

 In this date, time, day, place, panel for interview are decided and
the physibility and availability are checked. And the same are
communicated to concerned persons.

 Costing of the process are also considered, budgeting of entire

process has to be done to estimate the expenses.

 The schedule is reassess for avoiding any problems on the

schedule day.

Contacting Candidates:

 Although this is usually done centrally, the following should be

taken into account when being undertaken by a division.

 It is good practice to contact short listed candidates, by telephone

where possible, to give them as much notice as possible and
confirm they can attend the selection process.

 Always confirm such calls in writing afterwards, listing details of

date, time, venue, contact name, names of the selectors involved
and an indication of the type of selection process candidates will be
asked to undertake.

 Ensure candidates are informed in advance on whether they will be

expected to complete a questionnaire, produce qualification
certificate, or other forms of declaration.

The Interview and Appointment:

Application forms:

For all the post, specially designed application forms are

used. In doing so it is ensured that all the candidates are asked to
provide information and data about themselves in one standard

format. They also make it easier to address equal opportunity and
administrative uniformity.
Then the acquired application forms are assessed. They
are checked on the basis of essential criteria first (e.g. Qualification,
work experience, special knowledge/ skills).

The Interview:

Process of interviewing:

There are five steps of interviews:

 Preparation :

It is concerned with – a) the establishment of interview

objectives, that is, what the interviewer intends to achieve out of
the interview and b) identification of critical areas : in which
questions will be asked for judging ability and skills making with the
job requirements.

The areas are – the applicant’s background (education and work

experience) and personal qualifications.

 Personal Qualities: it includes: Personality, health dress,

grooming, speech, language, manners, initiative, alertness, and the
interviewer by means of observations.

 Academic attainment: These includes types of education

received in school and college, degrees and awards obtained, any
special distinctions achieved, social and sports activities.

 Work experience: Work experience will be judged the

applicants technical competency, amount of responsibility
exercised by him, knowledge and any specialized skills he gained in
the various jobs as held in the past, the position level, salary
gradation, promotions, and reasons for leaving past jobs.

 Social background: It points out the applicant’s ability and

competence to get along with other people. Here his family history,
his vocation activities, social contacts, form the subject matter of
special question for the interview.

 Career Planning: Career planning essentially pertains to the

applicant’s careers aspirations, both his immediate and long term
aim and objectives and his promotional potential.

 Setting : The setting of the interviewer counts

considerably in the success of the interview .The following are the
important aspects or tips to be taken care:

 Privacy: Interview being a subject of confidential nature,
concerned as it is, with the personal history or other matter of
confidential nature as the interviewer, during the course of
interview, would wish the applicant to divulge out the applicant will
naturally feel hesitant to discuss such matters freely, it is essential
to provide for privacy. Let the interviewee feel secured about
established and maintenance of confidentiality as safeguard
against its disclosure or leaking out.

 Clean surroundings: The room should be well ventilated, neat

and clean.

 Establishing rapport: With the establishment of rapport with the

interviewee by the interviewer, there will the prevail a congenial
and friendly atmosphere, and will help much in taking away
tension, anxiety and fearfulness which is but natural , from the
mind of the interviewee , who will feed at ease and much

 Conducting Interview :
There is a definite sequence or flow of the ideas
discussed. This will help in systematic orderly achievement of our
interview objects.
Generally, there are four sequences to an interview;

 Establishing a climate:
This helps, abundantly in the flow of information from
the applicant. This will also help to add feeling in the mind of the
interviewee that the interviewer is genuinely interested in him.

 Getting information:
This type of sequence differs with the type of interview.
If the interviewee placed as he is, feels impressed with the attitude
of the Interviewer towards him, he will continue with the flow of
information as the interviewer asks for. No impatience should be
exhibited by the interviewer while asking questions. Questions
should not be asked in quick succession but with a pause, so that
the interviewee may have time for thinking and giving reply. After
the reply the interviewer can ask another question.

 Giving information:
This is an important task of the interviewer to give
information and provide details about the job in all their aspects or
the organization and its policies in clear times as asked for the
applicant. Some authorities on interviewing emphasize on the care
to be taken by interviewer to conducts the interview with an open
mind, without any pre-conceived notions, free from any biases or
prejudices clinging to his mind.

 Summarizing:
At this stage the interviewer has a complete idea
about the basic strengths and weakness of the applicant, and the
applicants to understand the job opportunity and the company’s
important policies.

 Taking Notes:

It is necessary that in the course of the interview, the

interviewer should take notes of the observations as he makes of
the applicant, while the interview is in progress, as they are fresh
and are likely to be overlooked or forgotten even, if delayed.

Close of the interview:

With the close of the interview and having summarized

his notes, he has collected and recorded during the interview, the
interviewer will indicate if necessary, of the next step in the
selection process to the applicant, provided he has all chances of
being accepted for employment, otherwise he will tell the
interviewee that the decision will be communicated to him within a
couple of days.


Evaluations are generally on the rating form or forms

as the case may be. This evaluation is based on certain factors
relevant to the job, as observed by the interviewer during the
course of the interview. The overall assessment of the applicant by
the interviewer is also taken into consideration in this evaluation.
The rating practice is continuously upgraded and improved.

Interview process carried out in Wockhardt:

Interviews will normally be carried out by panel of at least two

persons; therefore there will be a need for a chairperson. Generally
HR manager, Department head and other necessary persons.

At the outset of the interview the chairperson should outline the

structure of the process.

First round- Technical round Interview

The first round of interview is carried out by department head, in this
technical knowledge of the candidate is evaluated. Once the
candidates passes this round,he is then consider for the next round
i.e.HR round.

HR rounds-Negotiating terms:

This round is for negotiating the terms like salary,

facilities, incentives etc. The HR dept negotiate to satisfy need of both
candidate as well as the organisation.

As with any negotiation there are options and choices

dependent on various factors. Selectors can decide to offer only the
terms originally advertised or they may have appoint at different

Issues of terms and condition should normally be raised

as part of the interviewing process e.g. Are you aware of the rate of
pay and starting salary? Do you need further information about terms
and condition were you to be offered the post?

Medical Examination:

After HR round, the selected candidate get a medical

letter for medical fitness, the medical examination is carried in the
authorised hospital by the organisation. This examination includes
laboratory investigation for urine, blood etc, General examination,
ECG, X-ray chest, present status, past history, and other disease.

Final Assessment:

In the final selection of the successful appointee,

similar considerations to those given for short listing should be
possible to identify and list the attributes of each candidate and
compare these with Job specification. Relevant and objective
selection criteria should be used, and it should be clear from the data
how the final decision was reached. Records will also be useful if the
decision is later challenged on the grounds of discrimination.

Selectors must ensure they have sound, and

accountable, reasons why candidates were not selected at any stage
and based on all the evidence they have collected.

Informing Candidates:

Unsuccessful candidates should be informed as

quickly as possible. Most selectors prefer to make a decision on the
day and make an offer verbally to the chosen candidate, but do be

prepared for the candidate who refuses the offer or requires further
time for consideration.
Candidates who are selected should be informed.

Job Offers:

The successful candidate should be offered the job,

subject to the following as appropriate:

 Who has clear technical round.

 Who has clear HR round
 Medical screening.

Information obtained within the whole selection process must be

treated as confidential. Comments about specific candidates’
performance must not be revealed outside the process (except of
course as personal feedback to individual candidates)

Joining and Induction:

Joining date:

After all procedures a joining date is finalize, and

communicated to the candidate with a checklist which includes
documents list which the candidate has to bring on the day of joining.

It includes following:

 Resume.
 Acceptance of offer letter.
 Proof of date of birth.
 Experience certificate.
 Relieving letter.
 Photocopies.

Joining and Induction:

On the joining day the documentation carried out.HR

department make a file of that person which includes his acceptance
letter, Resume, Educational certificate, Proof of date of birth,

Experience certificate, application form, medical certificate etc. The
employee PF forms and Medi claim forms are also filled.


Induction has given to the candidates, he introduces to

different dept, and his respective department.

After induction the candidate inducted in his respected department.


Once this procedure is completed the probation period

is given for the employee for 1-2 years to show his/her


Once probation period is completed the employee is

given a letter of confirmation. He is considered to be a permanent
employee. The employee shows his satisfactory in performing in


Sources of Data:

Primary Data collection:-

 Standard Operating Process (SOP)

These are the written document in the Department which are used for
guidance, These SOP’s are standard process which are followed in all
department. SOP’s are different for different department, as the
process may be different.

 Interview/guidance from HR managers

Discussion on various topics with HR managers, explanation of the
same from them.

 Questionnaire

Questionnaire on the policies and processes.

Secondary Data collection:-

Secondary data was collected from the company website, information

related to topic was collected from search engine.


Opinion and benefits of Present Selection Process :

Following table explains the opinions of the consultants about the

selection process. Three of them are agree for effectiveness

selection through the process. According to the consultants

following benefits Wockhardt has with the help of current

recruitment system:

Proper selection of Candidates.

Proper analysis and study of the potential candidates before


Placement of Proper personnel at required place.

Sr. Respondents Opinion about
no. Process

1 Medical YES

2 Store consultant I YES

3 Store consultant II YES

4 Account NO

From above table it is evident that majority of the

consultants are satisfied with the present recruitment process.


Company History

Promoted as Worli Chemicals by Khorakiwala family in

1959, the company was initially engage in marketing of
formulation. Wockhardt pvt. Ltd was established in 1973. In
1984, it merged with two synergic companies, one making bulk
drugs and the other making dietetic foods. Wockhardt became a
deemed public company in 1985. In 1994 it became the first
Indian company to issue GDRs.

Wockhardt Ltd was incorporated on July 8, 1999. On January 1,

2000 pursuant to a scheme of arrangement, the pharmaceutical
business of Wockhardt Life Science Ltd (Formerly known as

Wockhardt Pharmaceuticals Ltd) was transferred to Wockhardt

The company took over RR Medipharma, a parental manufacture

company in 1996. In 1998 the company acquires Tata Group
Company Marin. At the same time Wockhardt acquired Wallis
Laboratories, UK in 1998 for US$8mm and successfully
turnaround this company in a year’s time.

Effective January 1’st 2000, Wockhardt has demerged its

operations into two separate companies. Now Wockhardt Ltd
handles knowledge-based pharmaceuticals and bulk drug
business Wockhardt Life Science Ltd would be looking after agro-
sciences. IV fluids and Hospitals. Both the company is listed in
the Luxembourg bourse, apart from BSE & NSE.

Currently, Wockhardt operates in India through a 1300- strong

field force covering over 1, 60,000 medical practitioners. The
company covers 50% of the therapeutic segments through six
therapy-focused divisions. Wockhardt’s has a significant
presence in pain management, cough therapy, psychotic drugs,
vaccines nutrition and animal health.

Company’s Profile

Wockhardt is a global pharmaceutical and biotechnology

company that has grown by leveraging two powerful trends
impacting the world of medicine, globalization and

The company has a market capitalization of over US$ 1 billion

and an annual turnover of US$ 650 million. Wockhardt’s pace of
growth and momentum permeates every mindset, system and
technology within the organization.

The company has its headquarters in India, and has

• 14 manufacturing plants in India, UK, Ireland, France

and US
• Subsidiaries in US, UK, Ireland and France

• Marketing office in Africa, Russia, Central and South

Wockhardt has a strong track record in acquisition

management, with five successful acquisitions in Europe market.
These acquisitions have strengthened Wockhardt’s position in
high potential markets in Europe, and have expanded the global
reach of the organization.

Wockhardt works hard in the pharmaceutical world. The

research and pharmaceutical manufacturing firm employees
more than 500 scientists who focus on recombinant
biopharmaceuticals, generics, and new drug discovery.
Wockhardt’s product includes injectables, tablets, liquids, new
drug discovery. Wockhardt’s product include injectables, tablets,
liquids and topical (creams and ointments) that it manufactures
to sell itself and for AstraZeneca, Sanofi-Aventis, Cell
Therapeutics, Scheming-Plough and other major drug
companies. It operates 15 manufacturing plants in India, UK,
Ireland, France, and US and has field more than 250 parents for
biotechnology products. The company is subsidiary of
Khorakiwala Holdings and Investments.

Wockhardt is an Indian-based genetic and innovative

pharmaceutical manufacturing company. The main business
activities of Wockhardt involve manufacture of
biopharmaceuticals, nutrition products, vaccines and active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The company is also involved
in preparing pharmaceutical formulations. Wockhardt has it’s
headquarter in Mumbai (India) and manufacturing facilities in
UK, Ireland and France. It also has business subsidiaries in
countries US, UK, Ireland and France and a good number of
marketing offices in Africa, Russia, and South East Asia. The
company has already ventured into the manufacturing of
biotechnological products. The output includes:

• Sterile( Injectables)
• Biopharmaceuticals
• Orals(Tablets Liquids)

• Topical((Creams &Ointments)

Wockhardt’s Strategic Alliances

Wockhardt is a partner of choice for manufacturing, having

entered into manufacturing alliance with leading
pharmaceutical and biotechnology majors, including

Astra Zeneca Lab Aguettant

Aventis Amylin
Schering Eisai
Cell Therapeutics LSI, UK
AFT, New Zealand Ebewe, Austria

Wockhardt entered into joint venture with Sidmak

Laboratories inc., USA for marketing Wockhardt’s products

(around 15 of them) in US market. Wockhardt has a
collaborative arrangement with Ferrying AB, Norway for
marketing OTC and generic pharmaceuticals in the
Scandinavian region. The company’s Egyptian JV commenced
operations in September 1998.

Wockhardt entered into joint venture with Sidmak Laboratories

inc., USA for marketing Wockhard’s product (around 15 of
them) in US market. Wockhardt has a collaborative
arrangement with Ferrying AB, Norway for marketing OTC and
generic pharmaceuticals in the Scandinavian region. The
company’s Egyptian JV commenced operations in September

Wockhardt had a joint venture with Rhein Biotech,

GMBH, and Germany to form Wockhardt Rhein Biopharma Ltd.,
for recombinant bio-pharmaceutical s. Chinese JV, Weihai
Wockhardt Pharmaceutical Company Ltd, is also linked to make

The company also entered in strategic alliance with

Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc for enalapril and ranitidine
tablets in US. It has tie up arrangement with IVAX
Pharmaceuticals Ltd, UK for marketing generic nizatidine
capsules. It has also strategic alliances with Eisai of Japan for
marketing of methycobal.

A key growth drive at Wockhardt is its state of the art,

multi-disciplinary research capability backed by a team of
skilled scientists. Consistent efforts have resulted in six
breakthrough biotechnology products, 750 patents fillings and
a pipeline of promising new molecules.

Biotech is one of the mainstays for Wockhardt. Wockhardt
has proven capabilities in various facets of biotechnology
discipline including gene cloning, development of production
strains, expression of proteins in all major expression systems-
yeasty, mammalian and bacterial cells, purification,
downstream processing and testing.

Wockhardt launched recombinant human insulin (Wosulin)
first time in Indian market during 2003. The automatic insulin
delivery device, Wosulin Pen with recombinant insulin cartridge
followed. Apart from Wosulin, Wockhardt launched hepatitis-B


Wockhardt commissioned its Biotech Park in Aurangabad

during 2004. This project is built as per USDFA and EMEA
standards. Its Biotech Park has six dedicated manufacturing
plants with capacities catering 10% to 15% of global demand for
major biopharmaceuticals. Their biotechnology products
constitute 10% of sales in Indian Market.

Biotechnology has been a significant differentiator for

Wockhardt. It has set us apart, helped us blaze new paths, and
set goals that have impacted health and redesigned our future.

Much ahead of time, Wockhardt anticipated the potential of

biotechnology as the ‘Science of the Future’, and started
preparing well in advance of its peers.

Wockhardt’s biotechnology programmed has been geared

towards a single objective -- making high-quality affordable
products that will bring the benefits of this amazing science to a
large section of patients.

With nearly a decade of experience in mastering biotechnology

research, Wockhardt has built a competent organization of
skilled biotechnologists and ‘concept to market’ capabilities in all
facets of development and manufacture of recombinant

Wockhardt’s comprehensive capabilities in

biotechnology include:
Gene cloning,
Development of production strains,
Expression of proteins in all major expression systems --
yeast, mammalian and bacterial cells.
Downstream processing and development,

Marketing of formulations.


In recent years, Wockhardt’s growth has been

propelled by consistent expansion in the global generics market.
Wockhardt is focusing more on value-added generics for
developed markets and supply of biogenetics to less regulated

Wockhardt’s generic programme for the advanced
markets centers on the three strategic platform: injectables,
blockbuster molecules going off patent and value-added

Wockhardt’s commitment to international quality standards in all

its business processes has propelled it to the ranks of the
leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies operating
out of India, with a market capitalization of over $ 1 billion and a
strong global footprint. Today, over 70% of Wockhardt’s turnover
comes from the international markets, most of it from Europe
and the US.

The Company has built a strong presence in healthcare

encompassing pharmaceutical formulations, bulk actives,
biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and nutritional products.
Wockhardt was recently adjudged as a ‘Business Super brand’
by a UK-based organization tracking reputed consumer and
corporate brands in 45 countries including US, France, Germany,
Australia and Canada. The Super brands are selected by a
council of independent experts in recognition of emotional and
tangible benefits to stakeholders. Wockhardt is the only
pharmaceutical company from India to get this tribute.

Besides formulations, the Company is also amongst the world's

leading manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients
(APIs). Wockhardt is among the world’s top three suppliers of
Dextromethorphan, Vitamin B12 and Captopril.

Some of Wockhardt’s Power Brands include:

Diabetology Nephrology
Wosulin Wepox (Recombinant
(Recombinant Erythropoietin)
Mopaday (Oral

Glimaday (Oral
Pain Management Nutrition
Proxyvon Methycobal
Spasmo-Proxyvon Dexolac
Neuro-Psychiatry Cough Therapy
Libotryp Zedex
Tryptomer Bro-Zedex

The Company enjoys excellent brand and customer equity,

which has given it leadership positions in its chosen areas of

Wockhardt’s forte in the Indian market has made it the partner

of choice for reputed international companies. Today,
Methycobal, which is licensed from Eisai, Japan, is the largest
selling brand in the segment and features amongst the Top 50
brands in the country.

Wockhardt offers the requisite resources, distribution &

marketing infrastructure, and brand equity in the Indian market
to make it the ideal partner.

Partnerships for the Indian market

The Company’s brand equity has made it the preferred partner
for many international pharmaceutical companies. Today,
Wockhardt have strong relationships with well-known companies
such as Amylin and Eli Lilly of US, Bristol of UK, and Eisai and
Daiichi of Japan.

Wockhardt UK Limited

The growth drivers for Wockhardt’s European business include

exports, new product launches, penetration in the European
Union through mutual recognition, and strategic acquisitions.

Wockhardt’s European presence consists of Wockhardt UK in the

United Kingdom, Esparma GmbH in Germany, Pinewood in
Ireland and Negma in France. The Company has made five
international acquisitions and has effectively integrated and
synergized their operations. Wockhardt acquired UK-based
companies -- Wallis Laboratory in 1998 and CP Pharmaceuticals
in 2003, expanding business into Europe. In 2004, Wockhardt
acquired Esparma GmbH, which signaled its entry into the
German market and the larger European Union. In the year 2006
Pinewood was acquired in Ireland strengthening its presence in
the European market. Wockhardt staying very aggressive on the
growth through the inorganic route has acquired Negma in
France which provided a strong entry and foothold into the
French Market with foray into branched business.

Wockhardt UK Limited is amongst the 10 largest generics

companies in UK and the second largest hospital generics
supplier. The Company has a comprehensive, FDA-approved

manufacturing facility for injectables. This facility plays a
strategic role in the company’s growth plans in --
 Driving growth through partnerships in contract
manufacturing (Wockhardt UK has entered into a
product development and contract manufacturing
relationship with Amylin Inc. for Exenatide).
 Being a manufacturing base for Europe.

 Wockhardt UK has built up a critical mass in the segments

 Retail Generics,
 Hospital Generics,
 Private Label GSL / OTC Pharmaceuticals,
 Dental Care (denture cleaning tablets, powders
and fixative creams).

Wockhardt UK’s oral healthcare products are sold both as own

(Confident brand) and private label to a large number of
European retailers such as --- Boots, Superdrug, Sainsbury,
ASDA, Morrisons (UK), Kruidvat, Delhaize, VIP, Aldi, and Redwin

Wockhardt UK has comprehensive US FDA approved

manufacturing capabilities for injectables such as cartridges,
vials and ampoules (including lyophilized products).

Given its resources, it is not surprising that Wockhardt UK is the

partner of choice for reputed international companies for
manufacturing and marketing.

Pinewood Ireland

Pinewood is the largest and fastest growing generic
pharmaceutical company in Ireland with a strong presence in the
pharmaceutical and renal business. Established in 1976, it has
over 200 prescription and over-the-counter products in the
market. Since October 2006, it is part of pharmaceutical and
biotechnology major Wockhardt Ltd. The company currently
employs about 360 people in Ireland.

Pinewood’s market leadership in Ireland is driven by its ability to

more than 98% of Ireland's pharmacies and 100% of Irish
wholesalers. The marketing team covers over 2500 general
practitioners. Pinewood has a successful track record of Day 1
product launches and gaining highest market share. About half
of the Top 10 products in home pharma have been launched in
last 2 years. Pinewood is also the market leader in renal business
in Ireland with close to 60% market share.

Pinewood has a large manufacturing facility in Tipperary

focusing on creams, liquids, powders and sachets. These
products primarily cater to UK and other European markets.
Pinewood also exports to New Zealand, Afghanistan and various
countries in Africa. The facility is also used by large transnational
organizations like Pfizer, Sandoz, etc. for sourcing their products.

The Company is committed to continuous growth and has

demonstrated its competence both in Ireland and various
international markets. At Pinewood, there is constant endeavor
towards strong and sustainable value creation. The company
has an impressive product offering both for the Ireland and
international market. Pinewood is fully geared to grow its
leadership in Ireland market and exploit innovative prospects in
its global operations across geographies and business areas.

Negma, France

NEGMA is the 4th largest independent pharmaceutical company

in France. It is a fully integrated pharmaceutical Group
mastering the various stages of the life cycle of its products from
R&D, API manufacturing, to manufacturing, conditioning and
packaging of final products, and finally the promotion to
prescribers and distribution to wholesalers and pharmacies.

Negma is headquartered in Toussus-le-Noble, Paris. It operates 2

manufacturing facilities located in Quimper and Nevers. It has
rich IPR portfolio consisting of 172 patents.

The main products of NEGMA hold leading positions in their

respective therapeutic classes in the French pharmaceutical
 Osteoarthritis / Rheumatology (ART 50® / Zondar®,
molecule: Diacerein),
 Arterial Hypertension and CHF (Nébilox®, molecule:
 Phlebotonic / Vasculoprotector (Veinamitol® / Rhéoflux® /
Troxérutine Mazal® molecule: Troxerutin).

The United States, being the largest pharmaceutical market in

the world, is one of the key focus areas for the company's
growth strategies.

To drive business in this market, Wockhardt established its own

sales and marketing organization, Wockhardt USA Inc. With this
setup, the company will be able to capture value from end to
end of the supply chain. Wockhardt’s US business is fast growing
business with a growth of over 50 %.

The company has done and is continuing to do substantial work

in this regard. Wockhardt now has 23 products being marketed
under its own label with more than 50 in different stages of

Morton Grove, USA

Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals is a liquid generic and specialty

Dermatology Company in USA located at Morton Grove, Illinois.

Morton Grove is a strategic acquisition of Wockhardt. It provides

entry into the US generic market with a portfolio of 31 products,
13 of which occupy the No.1 market position. The acquisition
would boost Wockhardt’s US revenue by providing a complete
range of dosage forms tablets, capsules, liquids to injectibles

The Group’s products, which benefit from excellent doctors and

patients recognition, are sold in all pharmacies in the French

territory. Negma has in-house promotion networks comprised of
230 medical representatives covering the entirety of the French
territory. This enables the company to maintain close
relationships with prescribers and the French medical
community, and to ensure, with the support of the marketing
department, the most efficient promotion of its diversified and
balanced portfolio of prod

Research & Development

Wockhardt has a dedicated and research complex,

with 400 scientists. The company’s investment in research over
the past years has been on increase. Wockhardt’s R&D activity is
mainly focusing on biotechnology, NDD, NDDS, patents and
technology improvement in fermentation, chemical and

The new drug discovery team at Wockhardt has

developed a number of lead molecules mainly in the anti-
infective field that are currently in various stages of

The most advanced of these New Chemical Entities

(NCEs) is WCK771 that has commenced Phase II human clinical
trials. WCK 771 is a board-spectrum antibiotic, which has proven
effective in treating diverse staphylococcal infections like MRSA
and VISA. WCK 1152, a promising lead molecule to treat
respiratory tract infections, including hospital-acquired
infections, is undergoing Phase I Clinical trials.

Wockhardt R&D Centre

The world of tomorrow belongs to the Proactive and Creative mind.


is a primary focus at Wockhardt, with numerous initiatives targeting both

Marketing opportunities and the challenge unmet medical needs. Addressing

these identified

goals, Wockhardt has a dedicated and infrastructurally sophisticated research

Complex, with 500 scientists, 150 of whom are PhDs. The Company’s

investment in

Research over the past years has been significantly on the increase and is

among the

Highest in the Indian pharmaceutical industry.

Wockhardt’s research teams focus on three major areas:

• Recombinant biopharmaceuticals
• Generics
• New drug discovery

R&D Model

Concentrated R&D efforts at Wockhardt have resulted in 750+ patent


Including three in pharmaceutical biotechnology.

The New Drug Discovery team at Wockhardt has developed a

number of lead molecules mainly in the anti-infective field that
are currently in various stages of development.

The most advanced of these New Chemical Entities (NCEs) is

WCK 771 that has commenced Phase II human clinical trials.
WCK 771 is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which has proven
effective in treating diverse staphylococcal infections like MRSA
and VISA. WCK 1152, a promising lead molecule to treat
respiratory tract infections, including hospital-acquired
infections, is undergoing Phase I clinical trials.

 R & D functions

• Development of New Products

• Maintenance of Existing Products
• Product Enhancement
• Production R&D Interface
• Regulatory Compliance
• Quality R&D Interface
• R&D Structure

• Job Description

Finance & Outlook

Wockhardt reported a 44% increase in operating profit
at Rs 63 crore on consolidated sales of Rs. 351 crore for the first
quarter, ending 31 March 2006. Operating margins improved by
380 basis points.

However, one-time write offs and expenses amounting

to Rs. 23 crore relating to and inadequate provisioning of
chargeback’s in US for the previous period amounting to Rs. 38
crore resulted in a net loss of Rs. 3.7 crore. Formulation business
in India grew by 58% and Power brands contributed 72 % of the
Indian formulations business. Key therapeutic areas registered
impressive growths-biotechnology 45%, diabetology 53%, and
nephrology 88%. Wockhardt aims to expand its Indian by
launching new products in cardiology, oncology and dermatology
during this year. It is also exploring in-licensing opportunities in
these areas.

Wockhardt UK launched natural insulin’s in Canada

during the quarter after their approval by Health Canada
authorities. Esparma launched Tamsulosin, a drug used in the
management of prostate enlargement, on the first day after
patent expiry. New product launches, planned both in UK and
Germany, will fuel European growth during the year.

In US, the company received USFDA approval for

Ranitidine 75 mg, the OTC version of the anti-ulcer drug. Four
new products have been launched during the quarter, which
would power the US business, along with new products
approvals expected during the year. There has been changing
leadership in US. Wockhardt’s executive director Mr. Lalit Kumar
has taken over the US operations from 1st January 2006.
Appropriate systems have also been implemented to ensure that
chargeback’s are properly accounted on timely basis.

The company is focusing more on US and European

Union for expanding its marketing activity. It exports mix is fast
shifting to a formulation dominant portfolio from an erstwhile
bulk dominant one. It has filled a number of ANDAs and DMFs

the business to the developed regulated nations is expected to
drive the growth in the future.

Wockhardt has a robust pipeline of products in various

stages of pre-clinical and clinical trials. It has completed phase III
clinical trial on interferon alpha 2b, used in management of
Cancer. Pre-clinical work has been completed on growth
stimulating factors and on the long acting Glargine, a new
advance on insulin. The company has setup a bioinformatics cell
to undertake research in metabolic engineering. The team is
working on producing multiple clones from a single gene and on
making multiple gene expression cassettes. Its anti infective
drug discovery took a major leap of late and received global


To achieve and maintain leadership with a focus on

Technology, Product Reliability and Safety in an environment
of Honesty, Transparency and Fairness and contribute towards
betterment of society.


Corporate vision is a short, succinct, and inspiring

statement of what the organization intends to become and to
achieve at some point in the future, often stated in competitive
terms. Vision refers to the category of intentions that are
broad, all-inclusive and forward-thinking. It is the image that a
business must have of its goals before it sets out to reach them.

It describes aspirations for the future, without specifying the
means that will be used to achieve those desired ends.

To choose a direction, an executive must have

developed a mental image of the possible and desirable future
state of the organization. This image, which we call a vision,
may be as vague as a dream or as precise as a goal or a
mission statement.


Some of Wockhardt’s brands include:

• Diabetology

 Wosulin (Recombinant Insulin)

 Mopaday (Oral Ant diabetic)
 Glimaday (Oral Anti diabetic)

• Nephrology

 Wepox (Recombinant Erythroprotein)

• Pain Management

 Proxywon
 Spasmo-Proxywon

• Nutrition

 Methycobal
 Dexolac
 Decdam

• Neutro-Psychiatry

 Libotryp
 Tryptomer

• Cough Therapy

 Zedex Bio-Zedex Viscodyne


Wockhardt is looking at setting up 30 hospitals in the

country in the next five years, in an attempt to mark a national
footprint. The Company will raise funds required through an
initial public offering (IPO) early next year.

Wockhardt is planning to build a global manufacturing

hub in Aurangabad. It has signed a memorandum of
understanding (MOU) with Maharashtra Industrial Development
Corporation (MIDC) to establish a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
in Aurangabad. This SEZ will be spread across 107 hectares of
land and is likely to generate employment to 2000 people. The
SEZ will house manufacturing facilities for achieve
pharmaceutical ingredients, biopharmaceuticals, research and
development centre, effluent treatment plant, a corporate office,
warehouse an d a residential and recreational complex.

The company is also planning to start a new facility in

UK to expand a manufacturing of Byetta Cartridges’. Wockhardt
is targeting to raise the capacity four times compare to its
current capacity.


Wockhardt presence covers more than 90 countries

across the globe. Today, Wockhardt has businesses ranging
from the manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical
formulations, bulk drugs, vaccines, medical nutrition and animal
health products and hospitals. A front-runner in biotechnology,
Wockhardt has an active multi-disciplinary R&D programme
employing over 400 scientists. Its new drug discovery
programme, started about four years ago, has yielded lead
molecules, one of which is under Human (Phase-I) clinical trials.

Wockhardt recently launched India's first recombinant
human insulin, making India the first Asian country to develop,
manufacture and market the product. It is the world's 4th
producer of Insulin. The former President of India Dr. APJ
Abdul Kalam inaugurated the Wockhardt Biotech Park, India’s
largest biopharmaceutical complex with six dedicated
manufacturing plants at Aurangabad. The Rs. 200-crore state-
of-the-art biopharmaceutical complex, spread over 3 lakh
square feet, has capacities to cater to 10% to 15% of the global
demand for major biopharmaceuticals.
Wockhardt has made various successful acquisitions -
Most recent being the acquisition of the German company
Esparma. With its acquisition of the UK Company C P
Pharmaceuticals with 450 people and a sales turnover of £34
Million (roughly Rs. 265 crores) Wockhardt becomes the No.1
Indian Pharmaceutical Company and one of the Top 10 Generic
Pharmaceutical Companies in UK
For the contribution to Indian business and industry, Mr.
Habil Khorakiwala, Chairman of Wockhardt has received many
prestigious awards.

Some of them are…

 The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur
of the Year Award for 2004 in the Healthcare and Life
Sciences category
 Award for Excellence as Top CEO
for the year 2002 from the Institute of Marketing &
Management (IMM), New Delhi, at the 29th World
Marketing Congress.
 Awarded the Life Time
Achievement Award by the International Medical
Integration Council


 Mr.Habil Khorakiwala (Chairman)

 Murtaza Khorakiwala (Managing Director)
 Huzafia Khorakiwala (Executive Director)


 Work Timings

Working hours and Holidays need to reflect an

adequate balance of the quality of work life all employees. It is
recognized that for certain categories of employees business
related work may transcend the routine office timings; whilst for
other categories business may be purely confined to the work
hours and timings.

Each location will have their own Work Timing

policy outlining work timings; holidays and weekly-offs subject to
the board policy guidelines given in this policy with the
concurrence of corporate HR.

Each location will have a minimum 8 working hours

excluding a break of 30 minutes for lunch.

Each location will declare their list of public holidays at

the beginning of the year.

 Dress Code

Provide guidelines to for employees at the

For gentlemen the dress code will be the business
formals, which include shirt, trouser and formal shoes.
For ladies the dress code will be business formals,
which include Western formal wear, Salwar kameez with
dupattas and Sarees.
Informal attire like Jeans, collarless T-shirts, sleeveless
clothes and informal skirts are strictly prohibited on working

At the corporate office, gentlemen (DGM and above)
are expected to wear a tie in addition to formal wear. A similar
code is to be followed by all employees in customer interfacing
roles in all other locations under specific situations like customer
visits, visit of dignitaries or key business associates, auditors.
For security reasons, employees at all locations are
expected to display their identity card.
 Leave Policy

To layout the rules, procedure and guidelines for

availing leave
The Leave year shall be considered from January to
The leave would be under the heads Sick Leave,
Casual Leave and Privilege Leave

 Sick Leave

Employees will be eligible for Sick Leave with pay at the

rate of five for every calendar year of continuous service. Sick
Leave will be credited to the employees account at the
beginning of the year
Application for Sick Leave should be made as early as
possible but in no case later than 38 hours after commencement
of the sickness.
Sick Leave must be supported by a medical certificate
from registered Medical Practitioner
Sick Leave can be accumulated up to 3 calendar years

 Casual Leave

Employees will be eligible for Casual Leave with pay at the

rate of 7 days for every calendar year of continuous service
Casual Leave will be credited to the employee’s account at
the beginning of calendar year
Casual Leave is to be utilized within the same year and is
Casual Leave cannot be combined with Privilege or Sick
Leave and vice-versa
Holidays declared by the company may be either prefixed
or suffixed to Casual Leave with prior sanction but not both

 Privilege Leave

Privilege Leave earned during the calendar year will be

credited to the employees account at the beginning of the
following year’.The employee will be eligible for Privilege Leave
at the rate of 25 days for every calendar year of the service
 Rate of Accrual

For confirmed employees the rate of accrual for Privilege

Leave will be at the rate of 2 days of every 30 days worked i.e.
maximum 25 days for a calendar year
For Probationers and trainees the rate of Accrual for the
first 6 months will be 1 day for every month worked i.e. 6 days.
On confirmation it will be as defined for all confirmed employees
The credit for earned leave will be given to the employee in
the beginning of the following year

No Smoking in Company Premises

All Wockhardt premises and all business
conference/meetings are classified as Non Smoking Zones
All the offices of the company, Factories, Hospitals, Medical
centers, Sales offices, Guest Houses, Training Programs,
Conferences and all Business Meetings, including the ones held
outside the premises will have display signs
All visitors on the premises of the company are required to
follow this rule. Action would be taken against the employees not
adhering the policy
 Business Meetings outside Office

To outline the rules and guidelines for conduct of business

 Base Location
Business Meetings should be conducted in the office
Conference rooms have to be booked at least 24 hours

 Outside Office Premises

In case a business meeting has to be held outside the
premises, approval of department head has to be taken prior to
the meeting

Entertainment expenses incurred at such meeting should
be kept at a minimum
The business guest has to be identified in the expenses
statement.The expenses settlement has to be approved by the
immediate superior and authorized by the departmental head
 Business Cards

To lay down the procedure for issuing of business cards

Functional Heads needs to approve the requirement of
Business Cards based on the role performed by the Employee
Location HR will verify the Designations of the Employees
after which Administration will organize the printing of the card

 Laptop Policy

To facilitate the employee at work Entitlements

Laptops are provided to the employees under specific
circumstances, where their job involves traveling and need for
mobility computing
Functional heads are the final authority with respect to
identifying employees for Laptops
New Laptops request need specific capital approval of
Chairman if they are being allocate to Vice Presidents and below
Corporate IT department will do the procedure of Laptops
In cases where laptops are allocate to employees, desktops
will be withdrawn

 Internet Facility

Under specific circumstances company may decide

provision of Internet Facility at employee’s residence for official
Business Purpose
Functional Heads will be the final authority with respect to
approving this facility
Employees should procure ADSL Broadband connection
from Telecom service Provider of their choice or Air Card can be
The Hardware cost will have to be borne by the employee

 IT Security Polices

All employees should sign and strictly adhere to Published IT

Security Policies of Wockhardt

 Resignation

When an employee resigns from the service of the

company the laptop has to be returned
In the absence of such event the entire amount will be
recovered from the full and final settlements

 Case of Loss or Theft

The employee is accountable for the loss of the laptop

In such occurrences the entire amount will be recovered
from the employee

Plant Location means the function of determining
where the plant should be located for maximum operating
economy & effectiveness.
A selection on pure economic considerations will
ensure an easy & regular supply of raw materials, labor force,
efficient plant layout, proper utilization of production capacity &
reduced cost of production. An ideal location may not, by itself,
guarantee success; but it certainly contributes to the smooth &
efficient working of an organization.
The company has its headquarters in India, and has
• 14 manufacturing plants in India, UK, Ireland, France
and US
• Subsidiaries in US, UK, Ireland and France
• Marketing office in Africa, Russia, Central and South

Corporate Office
Wockhardt Limited
Wockhardt Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East) Mumbai- 400 051

Maharashtra, India.
Tel: +91 22 2653 4444

Manufacturing Plants
India Overseas
• 3 Plants at Aurangabad, • 1 Plant at Wrexham, UK.
Maharashtra • 1 Plant at Tipperary,
• 2 Plants at Daman Ireland.
• 1 Plant at Ankleshwar, • 1 Plant at Quimper,
Gujarat. France.

• 1 Plant at Kunjhal, Himachal • 1 Plant at Morton Grove

Pradesh. USA.
• R & D Centers
• 1 R&D Center at UK, 1 at

• 1 R&D Centre at Ireland

& France
Aurangabad plants

Wockhardt B15

Wockhardt L-1 Plant

Wockhardt Biotech Park


Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited

L-1, M.I.D.C., Chikalthana, Wockhardt Biotech Park
Aurangabad- 431 210 H-14/2, M.I.D.C., Area
Maharashtra, India Waluj, Aurangabad-431 136
Maharashtra, India

Wockhardt Limited.
Wockhardt Limited E-1/1, Wockhardt
D-4, M.I.D.C., Chikalthana, Infrastructure Development
Aurangabad-431 210, Limited,
Maharashtra, India M.I.D.C., Shendra,
Aurangabad 431 201
Maharashtra, India

Wockhardt, Limited.
B 15/2 M.I.D.C., Area
Waluj, Aurangabad-431 136
Maharashtra, India


Wockhardt, Limited.
Wockhardt, Limited.
106/4, 5, 7 Kadaiya.
87-A, Bhimpore,
Nani Daman-396 210,
Nani Daman-396 210,

Gujarat Himachal Pradesh

Wockhardt, Limited. Wockhardt, Limited

138, G.I.D.C. Estate, 57, Kunjhal, Barotiwala
Ankleshwar- 393 002, Nalagarh, District Solan
District Bhuj, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh-174 103

Ireland France

Pinewood Laboratories Negma Laboratories
Limited Z. I De Kernevez
Ballymacarbry, Clonmel 11 Rue Rontgen
CO. Tipperary, Ireland. 29337 Quimper Cedex


Wockhardt UK Limited
Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals
Ash Road North
6451 West Main Street
Wrexham Industrial Estate
Morton Grove
Wrexham, LL13 9UF Wales
Illinois 60053,

Products Manufactured In Aurangabad

• B-15

 Cefuroxime Axetil tablets

 Cefrazidime For Injection

• L-1

 Ibu-Para Tablets
 Enalapril Tablets
 Allopurinol Tablets
 Clarithimycin Tablets
 Wosulin for Injection

 Spasgan Tablets
 Resperidone Tablets
 Acyclovir Tablets

Organizational Structure

Departmental Functions

 HR department

• For any company to touch the skies of limit has to

develop people and the core of it lies in HRD. Initiative taken
by the HRD of WOCKHARDT SYSTEM. To increase efficiency of
HR has led to the growth of company and improvement of its
excellence in the new age of industrial development.
• Human resource department at WOCKHARDT SYSTEM
Plans organizes and control various operative activities of
procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing labor force, in
order that the objective and interest for which the company is
established are obtained as effectively and economically as
possible. The objectives and interest of all levels of personnel
and community are served to the highest degree.

 HR Functions

Administratio Strategic planning, organizational evaluation,

n County Board relations, policy recommendations,
supervision of department staff
Compensatio Salary and benefit surveys, job evaluation, job
n descriptions.
Employee Disciplinary processes, incident investigations,
relations complaint/grievance procedures, labor-
management relations.
Employee Educational assistance, employee service awards.
Fiscal Staffing budgets, departmental budget, accounts
payable, total package costing.
Health and Employee assistance, workers compensation
safety claims, OSHA-related compliance, drug testing,
safety compliance and training.

Slab or Contract administration, collective bargaining,
relations grievances.

Leaves of State and/or Federal Family and Medical Leave

absence rights, County approved leaves of absence, rights
upon return to work, light duty assignments for
temporary periods.

Performance Computer-based or manual evaluation systems,

appraisal supervisory training, compliance with timeliness

Record- Employee files, litigation files, safety records and

keeping other administrative files.
Recruitment Job posting, advertising, testing administration,
employment interviews, background
investigations, post-offer employment testing.

Separations Rights upon termination of employment,

and severance benefits, unemployment compensation,
terminations exit interviews.

Training and County-wide needs assessment, development of

development supervisory and management skills, employee
training and workshops. Benefits orientation for
new and transferring employees. Supervisory

Wages and Salary/wage plans.


 Finance Department

The primary task of a finance manager is to deal with
funds. Management of fund is an important aspect of a finance
manager. In a business undertaking or in an education institution
or in hospital or in part of society or elsewhere of fund is primary
concern of a finance manager. The finance function is almost the
same in most of the organizations. The details may differ but the
important features are universal in nature. The finance function
occupies such a major place in the organization that cannot be
the sole responsibility of one executive. The important aspects of
the finance functions have to be carried by the top
management. It is the board of director which makes the final
decision, which involves finance decisions. The financial
Controller is basically meant for assisting top management. He
has important role of contributing to good decisions on issues,
which involves all the functional areas of the business. He must
clearly bring out financial implications of all decisions and make
them understood. A finance manager may know as a financial
controller, vice president (finance) chief accountant etc and has
a prime responsibility of performing finance function. He has to
discharge this responsibility keeping in view the overall outlook
of the enterprises.

Major function of finance department of the endurance

system is as follows.

• GRN (goods receipt note)

• Daily banking transaction
• Payment of expenses
• Bank reconciliation
• Debtor age analysis
• Interplant funding
• Preparation of monthly profit & loss account
• Finalization of account
• Look after towards taxation matters of the organization

 Interplant funding

As we have saw in the introduction of the company that as have
more than one plant in the industry area .and these companies
made up with various departments for smooth running of this
department they want funds and these funds are provided by
finance department. This plant wise, department wise
distribution of funds for there basic needs of the production and
other activities in the company known as inter plant funding.
This distribution of fund made only finance department and it is
the mot important function of the finance department.

 Accounting Department

Accounting department is to handle day-to-day transaction

payment of suppliers and payment of wages, salaries to
employees. Account department prepares a monthly budget for
the requirement of fund.
This department records all the transaction in computer
through ERP SYSTEM-BAAN where automatically quarterly trail
balance and final account are prepared and soft copy forwarded
to corporate office for rectification of errors is usually done
through journal entries.
Account department also take care of the expenses of tours
and traveling done for official work for cash, purchasing or
advances for tour, the cash requisition is to be given sufficient

Function of Accounting Department

• To handle day to day transaction.

• Raw material bill booking & payment o the party on due

date, which is paid in credit.

• To take care of factory expenses such as transportation,

power supply, water supply etc which is paid in credit.

• To take care of staff expenses such as traveling allowance

& local convinces which is mostly paid is cash.

• To take care of banking matter such as fund management

and bank reconciliation.

• Monthly MIS reporting to management, which includes
foreign tour expenses of employee.

• Monthly profit and loss account.

• Finalization or early closing balance sheet.

• Making aging during payment to suppliers in two shift i.e.

on 15&30 of month.
Preparing chairman’s report that includes sale and profit of the
month, major expenses, banking borrowing and loan repayment.

 Marketing Department

They focus on customer satisfaction, durable product

performance and competitive price and provide the customer
with the latest technology.
There are basically two sets of functions.
Communication functions are those that marketing directly
controls while product functions are those where marketing is a
player along with other functional areas of the company

 Development of marketing goals and strategy

 Conducting marketing researches and monitoring
customer needs
 Buying
 Selling
 Transportation
 Storage
 Quality and Quantity
 Financial
 Risk
 Marketing information
 Distribution of spares to after market for effective after
sales and service.
 Customer satisfaction.
 Sales growth.
 Increase brand awareness through promotional

 Production Department

Production department is the heart of an organization

as it is the place from where the final product emerges and it is
the product, which builds the reputation of the organization in
the eyes of the customers.

Production is the process by which raw materials &

other inputs are converted into finished products.

Production department sets the target for each month,

which is again divided in the weekly and daily basis targets. The
plant is made on the basis of guideline by its corporate head
office and all HOD’s and CEO of the company.

 Production function

• To plant & achieve day to day production with

targeted productivity & quality
• To plan with sub-ordinate to achieve desired plan as
per P.P.C. requirement
• Interact & co-ordinate with all related department
for the smooth working in production
• Analysis the reason for the failures in terms of
quantity/quality problem to take immediate action
• Development of people for the achievement of
organization goal
• Follow up for the desired inputs to achieve target
• Interaction with customer as per requirement.

 Store Department

Main objective of store department is storing raw material, finish

good , preventing from nature i.e. rain, earthquakes etc.
receiving and dispatching material preventing from theft, wear
and tear etc. stores is used to cover all aspects of preservation
of goods i.e., building, supplies & the act of storing. It involves
supervision or the clearance of incoming supplies, to ensure that
they are maintained in good condition, safely & in readiness for
use when required while they are in storage and issuing them
against authorized requisitions.

• Materials planning and programming of

procurement and supplies.
• Purchasing
• Inventory control
• Storekeeping and warehousing
• Materials handling and transportation
• Codification and standardization
• Value Analysis
• Identification, Disposal of supplies, obsolete and
scrap materials.
• Supply of uniforms to Railway staff.
• Printing and supply of Card Tickets, Monthly Season
Tickets, to Commercial Branch through Railway Printing press.
• Printing of various Books & Forms, Periodicals,
journals, Registers etc.

 Purchase Department

Purchase refers to the act of buying an item at a price.

Purchasing makes it a managerial activity, which goes beyond
the simple act of buying & includes the planning & policy
activities covering a wide range of related & complementary
activities. Included in such activities are the research &
developmental strategies required for the proper selection of
materials & sources from which those materials may be bought,
the follow-up to insure proper delivery, the development of
proper procedures, methods, & forms to enable the purchasing
department to carry out the established policies; the co-
ordination of the activities of the purchasing department with

such other internal divisions of the concern as traffic, receiving,
store-keeping & accounting.

 Purchasing Department functions

• Handle the mechanical operations of procurement:

obtaining quotations, ordering, expediting, and making
• Act as a center of information on sources of supply
for the many items used by the company.
• Effect savings and economy of company resources.
• Follow the progress of an order from the time it is
issued until the supplies are received or the service is
performed satisfactorily.
The Purchasing Department pledges to help solve your
procurement problems. To function effectively and ensure
service, Purchasing needs your cooperation and understanding
with regards to policies and procedures.

 Logistic Department

Logistics is the management of the flow of goods,

information and other resources, including energy and people,
between the point of origin and the point of consumption in
order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and
originally, military organizations). Logistics involves the
integration of information, transportation, inventory,
warehousing, material-handling, and packaging, and
occasionally security. Logistics is a channel of the supply chain
which adds the value of time and place utility.

To arrange for receiving & issuing of raw material &

brought out items to respective department

To ensure proper storing of materials & to prevent them
from deterioration

To avoid incontinence for shortage of any kind of


 Maintenance

Maintenance is defined as that function of production

management that is concerned with the day to day problem of
keeping the physical plant in good operating condition. It is an
essential activity in every manufacturing firm, because it is
necessary to ensure the availability of the machines, buildings &
services needed by other parts of the organization for the
performance of their function at an optimum return on
investments in machines, materials & employees.

• Minimizing the loss of productive time because of

equipment failure i.e. minimizing ideal time of equipment due
to break down.

• Minimizing the repair cost.

• Minimizing the loss due to production stoppage.

• Efficient use of maintenance personal &


• To keep all productive assets in good working


• To minimizing efficiency & economy in production

through optimum use of facility

• To minimizing accident through regular inspection

• To minimizing the total maintenance cost which
includes the cost of repair, cost of preventive maintenance.

Quality refers to the ability of a product/service to
consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality is
the sum total of features of a product which influence its ability
to satisfy a given demand.

Quality Department will check & clear the OK quantity in

system in Finished Goods location itself.

Quality Systems

 Quality Policy

• Quality Is Of Supreme Importance In Wockhardt

• Continuous Satisfaction Of Customers Is Our Focus
• Quality Is Built Into Process
• Quality Is Measurable
• Continuous Communication With Wockhardians &
Their Involvement Is Critical For Quality.

 For MBA student combination of theory and practice in an
invaluable asset, as this help in understanding the core
principles of business by way of firsthand experience.

 This in plant training is a stepping-stone, which will groom

me for my future in the corporate word.

 This training also helped me to understand the managerial

skills, which we study theoretically.

 It helps me to understand and know the various

departments and their role in organization.


 SOP’s of Wockhardt

 Annual reports




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