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Working With VDUs

Health & Safety

These are the main physical problems associated with using a computer
and how they can be overcome.

With a pen, circle the correct answer: a), b), c), or d)

Problem Solution
a) Take headache pills
b) Eat some fruit
c) Take a break every 15 minutes
Headache d) Listen to music

a) Don’t slouch in your chair

b) Sit on cushions
c) Do regular exercises
d) Eat well

Back Pain
a) Wear glasses
b) Switch the lights off
c) Take regular breaks and make sure
Eye Strain the screen isn’t too bright, and the
text is the right size
d) Wear an eye patch

a) Take regular breaks and use a gel

pad if necessary
b) Only type with your fingertips
c) Type really fast
d) Swap hands over regularly
Wrist strain
a) Make sure the computer is below
eye-level and to one side.
b) Make sure the computer is at eye-
level and straight in front of you
c) Take regular breaks
d) Make sure the computer screen is
Neck pain above eye level

Name & Date

What would you do if an error message appeared on the screen?

What is meant by the term Copyright?

Name & Date

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