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The Multitenant Architecture

Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application
Development Platform

Abstract................................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2

Multitenant Applications......................................................................................................................... 2

Comparing Raw Cloud Computing and PaaS.......................................................................................... 3

Metadata-Driven Architectures............................................................................................................... 3

New Challenges and Emerging Solutions................................................................................................. 4 Platform Architecture Overview............................................................................................. 4 Data Definition and Storage................................................................................................... 5

The Objects Metadata Table.............................................................................................................................5
The Fields Metadata Table................................................................................................................................5
The Data Table..................................................................................................................................................5
The Clobs Table................................................................................................................................................6
The Indexes Pivot Table....................................................................................................................................6
The UniqueFields Pivot Table...........................................................................................................................7
The Relationships Pivot Table..........................................................................................................................7
The FallbackIndex Table...................................................................................................................................7
The NameDenorm Table..................................................................................................................................7
History Tracking Table.....................................................................................................................................7
Partitioning of Data and Metadata...................................................................................................................8

Application Development, Logic, and Processing..................................................................................... 8

The Application Framework.............................................................................................................................8
Metadata and Web Services APIs....................................................................................................................9
Bulk Processing with API Calls.......................................................................................................................9
Deletes, Undeletes, and The Recycle Bin........................................................................................................10
Data Definition Processing.............................................................................................................................10

Internal Query Optimizations................................................................................................................11 Full-Text Search Engine.........................................................................................................11


Historical Statistics.................................................................................................................................13


The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 1

Abstract is the preeminent on-demand application development platform in use today,
supporting some 47,000+ organizations. Individual enterprises and commercial software-as-a-
service (SaaS) vendors trust the platform to deliver robust, reliable, Internet-scale applications.
To meet the extreme demands of its large user population,’s foundation is a metadata-
driven software architecture that enables multitenant applications. This paper explains the patented
technology that makes the platform fast, scalable, and secure for any type of application.

Introduction an increasing number of applications are

History has shown that every so often, multitenant rather than single-tenant. Whereas
incremental advances in technology and a traditional single-tenant application requires
changes in business models create major a dedicated set of resources to fulfill the
paradigm shifts in the way software needs of just one organization, a multitenant
applications are designed, built, and delivered to application can satisfy the needs of multiple
end users. The invention of personal computers tenants (companies or departments within a
(PCs), computer networking and graphical company, etc.) using the hardware resources and
user interfaces (UIs) gave rise to the adoption staff needed to manage just a single software
of client/server applications over expensive, instance (Figure 1).
inflexible, character-mode mainframe
applications. And today, reliable broadband
Internet access, service-oriented architectures
(SOAs), and the cost inefficiencies of managing
dedicated on-premises applications are
driving a transition toward the delivery of
decomposable, managed, shared, Web-based
services called software as a service (SaaS).
With every paradigm shift comes a new set of
technical challenges, and SaaS is no different.
Yet existing application frameworks are not
designed to address the special needs of
SaaS. This void has given rise to another new Figure 1: A multitenant application cost-efficiently shares
paradigm shift, namely platform as a service a single stack of resources to satisfy the needs of multiple
(PaaS). Hosted application platforms are organizations.
managed environments specifically designed to Tenants using a multitenant service operate
meet the unique challenges of building SaaS in virtual isolation from one another:
applications and deliver them more cost- Organizations can use and customize an
efficiently than ever before. application as though they each have a separate
The focus of this paper is multitenancy, instance, yet their data and customizations
a fundamental design approach that can remain secure and insulated from the activity of
dramatically help improve the manageability all other tenants. The single application instance
of SaaS applications. This paper defines effectively morphs at runtime for any particular
multitenancy, explains the benefits of tenant at any given time.
multitenancy, and demonstrates why metadata- Multitenancy is an architectural approach that
driven architectures are the premier choice for pays dividends to both application providers
implementing multitenancy. After these general and users. Operating just one application
introductions, the bulk of this paper explains instance for multiple organizations yields
the technical design of, the world’s tremendous economy of scale for the provider.
first PaaS, which delivers turnkey multitenancy Only one set of hardware resources is necessary
for Internet-scale applications. The paper details to meet the needs of all users, a relatively’s patented metadata-driven architecture small, experienced administrative staff can
components to provide an understanding of efficiently manage only one stack of software
the features used to deliver reliable, secure, and and hardware, and developers can build and
scalable multitenant applications. support a single code base on just one platform
(operating system, database, etc.) rather than
Multitenant Applications
many. The economics afforded by multitenancy
To decrease the cost of delivering the same
allow the application provider to, in turn,
application to many different sets of users,

2 The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform

offer the service at a lower cost to customers. standard data objects and entirely new custom
Everyone involved wins. data objects? How will tenant-specific data be
Some interesting side benefits of multitenancy kept secure in a shared database so one tenant
are improved quality, user satisfaction, and can’t see another tenant’s data? How can one
customer retention. Unlike single-tenant tenant customize the application’s interface and
applications, which are isolated silos deployed business logic in real time without affecting the
outside the reach of the application provider, a functionality or availability of the application for
multitenant application is one large community all other tenants? How can the application’s code
that is hosted by the provider itself. This design base be patched or upgraded without breaking
shift lets the provider gather operational tenant-specific customizations? And how will
information from the collective user population the application’s response time scale as tens of
(which queries respond slowly, what errors thousands of tenants subscribe to the service?
happen, etc.) and make frequent, incremental It’s difficult to create a statically compiled
improvements to the service that benefit the application executable that can meet these
entire user community at once. and other unique challenges of multitenancy.
Two additional benefits of a multitenant Inherently, a multitenant application must be
platform-based approach are collaboration dynamic in nature, or polymorphic, to fulfill the
and integration. Because all users run all individual expectations of various tenants and
applications in one space, it is easy to allow any their users.
user of any application varied access to specific For these reasons, multitenant application
sets of data. This capability greatly simplifies the designs have evolved to use a runtime engine
effort necessary to integrate related applications that generates application components from
and the data they manage. metadata—data about the application itself. In
a well-defined metadata-driven architecture
Comparing Raw Cloud Computing and (Figure 2), there is a clear separation of the
PaaS compiled runtime engine (kernel), application
Raw computing clouds are machine-centric data, the metadata that describes the base
services that provide on-demand infrastructure functionality of an application, and the
as a service (IaaS) for the deployment of metadata that corresponds to each tenant’s data
applications. Such clouds provide little more and customizations. These distinct boundaries
than the computing power and storage capacity make it possible to independently update the
needed to execute virtual servers that comprise system kernel, modify the core application, or
an application. Some SaaS vendors looking customize tenant-specific components, with
for a quick go-to-market strategy avoid the virtually no risk of one affecting the others.
challenges of developing a true multitenant
solution and choose to deliver single-tenant
instances via IaaS.
Platform as a service (PaaS) such as
is an application-centric approach that
abstracts the concept of servers altogether.
PaaS lets developers focus on core application
development from day one and to deploy
an application with the push of a button.
The provider never needs to worry about
multitenancy, high availability, load balancing,
scalability, system backups, operating system
patches and security, and other similar
infrastructure-related concerns—all these
services are delivered as the “S” in PaaS.
Figure 2: A metadata-driven application had clear separation
between the runtime engine, data, common application
Metadata-Driven Architectures metadata, and tenant-specific metadata.
Multitenancy is practical only when it
can support applications that are reliable,
customizable, upgradeable, secure, and fast.
But how can a multitenant application allow
each tenant to create custom extensions to

The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 3

New Challenges and Emerging Solutions as metadata. Forms, reports, work flows, user
Attempting to weave multitenancy throughout access privileges, tenant-specific customizations
the fabric of an application’s core logic and and business logic, even the definitions of
its underlying infrastructure is a complex underlying data tables and indexes, are all
undertaking. Building metadata-driven, abstract constructs that exist merely as metadata
multitenant applications from scratch without in’s Universal Data Dictionary
any prior experience is destined to be a time- (UDD). For example, when a developer is
consuming and error-prone effort. In the end, building a new custom application and defines
many would-be SaaS providers struggle to a custom table, lays out a form, or writes some
succeed in building multitenant applications procedural code, does not create an
and end up wasting valuable time that could “actual” table in a database or compile any code.
have been spent focused on the innovation of Instead, simply stores metadata that
core application functionality and features. the platform’s engine can use to generate the
One problem is that traditional application “virtual” application components at runtime.
development frameworks and platforms are not When someone wants to modify or customize
equipped to handle the special needs of modern something about the application, all that’s
Internet applications. As a result, new types required is a simple non-blocking update to the
of platforms are emerging to help simplify the corresponding metadata.
development and deployment of multitenant Because metadata is a key ingredient of
applications. applications, the platform’s runtime is the first and most mature general- engine must optimize access to metadata;
purpose, multitenant, Internet application otherwise, frequent metadata access would
development platform available today. The prevent the platform from scaling. With this
remaining sections of this paper explain specific potential bottleneck in mind, uses
details about the technical design of metadata caches to maintain the most recently
so you can better understand its capabilities. used metadata in memory, avoid performance
sapping disk I/O and code recompilations, and Platform Architecture Overview improve application response times.’s optimized metadata-driven stores the application data for all
architecture delivers extraordinary performance, virtual tables in a few large database tables that
scalability, and customization for on-demand, serve as heap storage. The platform’s engine
multitenant applications (Figure 3). then materializes virtual table data at runtime
by considering corresponding metadata.
To optimize access to data in the system’s
large tables,’s engine relies on a
set of specialized pivot tables that maintain
denormalized data for various purposes such as
indexing, uniqueness, relationships, etc.’s data processing engine helps
streamline the overhead of large data loads and
online transaction processing applications by
transparently performing data modification
operations in bulk. The engine has built-in fault
recovery mechanisms that automatically retry
bulk save operations after factoring out records
that cause errors.
To further hone application response times,
the platform employs an external search service
that optimizes full-text indexing and searches.
As applications update data, the search service’s
background processes asynchronously update
Figure 3:’s metadata-driven architecture optimally
generates virtual application components at runtime. tenant- and user-specific indexes in near real
time. This separation of duties between the
application engine and the search service
In, everything exposed to developers
lets platform applications efficiently process
and application users is internally represented
transactions without the overhead of text index

4 The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform

updates, and at the same time quickly provide specialized pivot tables maintain denormalized
users with accurate search results. data that makes the combined data set
As’s runtime application generator extremely functional.
dynamically builds applications in response to Figure 5 is a simplified entity-relationship (ER)
specific user requests, the engine relies heavily diagram of three core metadata and
on its “multitenant-aware” query optimizer data structures that enable this approach: the
to execute internal operations as efficiently as Objects, Fields, and Data tables.
possible. The query optimizer considers which Note: For brevity and clarity, the actual names
user is executing a given application function, of system tables and columns are not
and then, using related tenant-specific metadata necessarily cited in this paper.
maintained in the UDD along with internal
system pivot tables, builds and executes data The Objects Metadata Table
access operations as optimized database queries. The Objects metadata table stores information
about the custom objects (a.k.a. tables or
Now that you have a general idea of the key
entities) that an organization defines for an
architecture components that make up the
application, including a unique identifier for
underlying mechanisms of, the
an object (ObjID), the organization (OrgID)
following sections explain the structure and
that owns the object, and the name given to the
purpose of various internal system elements in
object (ObjName).
more detail.
The Fields Metadata Table Data Definition and Storage The Fields metadata table stores information
Rather than attempting to manage a vast, ever- about the custom fields (a.k.a. columns or
changing set of actual database structures on attributes) that an organization defines for
behalf of each application and tenant, the custom objects, including a unique identifier storage model manages “virtual” for a field (FieldID), the organization (OrgID)
database structures using a set of metadata, data, that owns the encompassing object, the object
and pivot tables, as illustrated in Figure 4. that contains the field (ObjID), the name of
the field (FieldName), the field’s datatype, a
Boolean value to indicate if the field requires
indexing (IsIndexed), and the position of
the field in the object relative to other fields

Figure 5: uses metadata in the Objects and Fields

tables to define application object and fields and to map
corresponding data stored in the large Data database table.

The Data Table

The Data table stores the application-accessible
Figure 4:’s data definition and storage model consists
data that maps to all custom objects and their
of a set of metadata, data, and pivot tables that allow for fields, as defined by metadata in Objects and
functional access to the actual data of “virtual” tables. Fields. Each row includes identifying fields
such as a global unique identifier (GUID),
When organizations create custom application the organization that owns the row (OrgID),
objects (i.e., custom tables), the UDD keeps and the encompassing object identifier
track of metadata concerning the objects, their (ObjID). Each row in the Data table also has
fields, relationships, and other object definition a Name field that stores a “natural name” for
characteristics. Meanwhile, a few large database corresponding object instances; for example,
tables store the structured and unstructured an Account object might use “Account Name,”
data for all virtual tables, and a set of related, a Case object might use “Case Number,” and

The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 5

so on. The Value0 ... Value500 columns store stores all flex column data using a
application data that maps to the objects and canonical format and uses underlying database
fields declared in the Objects and Fields tables, system datatype-conversion functions (e.g.,
respectively; all “flex” columns use a variable- TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE, TO_CHAR), as
length string datatype so that they can store necessary, when applications read data from and
any structured type of application data (strings, write data to flex columns.
numbers, dates, etc.). Although not shown in Figure 5, the Data
Custom fields can use any one of a number table also contains other columns. For example,
of standard structured datatypes such as text, there are four columns to manage auditing
number, date, and date/time as well as special data, including when and which user created an
use structured datatypes such as picklist object instance (row), and when and which user
(enumerated field), autonumber (auto- last modified an object instance. The Data table
incremented, system-generated sequence also contains an IsDeleted column that Force.
number), formula (read-only derived value), com uses to indicate when an object instance
master-detail relationship (foreign key), has been deleted.
checkbox (Boolean), email, URL, and others.
The Clobs Table
Custom fields can also be required (not null) supports the declaration of fields
and have custom validation rules (for example,
as character large objects (CLOBs) to permit
one field must be greater than another field),
the storage of long text fields up to 32,000
both of which are enforced by the platform’s
characters. For each row in the Data table that
application server.
has a CLOB, stores the CLOB out-
When an organization declares or modifies a of-line in a pivot table called Clobs, which the
custom application object, manages system can join with corresponding rows in the
a row of metadata in the Objects table that Data table as necessary.
defines the object. Likewise, for each custom
Note: also stores CLOBs in indexed
field, manages a row in the Fields
form outside the database for fast text searches.
table, including metadata that maps the field
See Section 9 for more information about
to a specific flex column in the Data table for’s text search engine.
the storage of corresponding field data. Because manages object and field definitions The Indexes Pivot Table
as metadata rather than actual database Traditional database systems rely on indexes to
structures, the platform can tolerate multitenant quickly locate specific rows in a database table
application schema maintenance activities that have fields matching a specific condition.
without blocking the concurrent activity of However, it is not practical to create native
other tenants and users. database indexes for the flex columns of the
No two fields of the same object can map to Data table because is likely using
the same flex column (slot) in the Data table a single flex column to store the data of many
for storage; however, a single flex column can fields that have varying structured datatypes.
manage the information of multiple fields, as Instead, manages an index of the
long as each field stems from a different object. Data table by synchronously copying field data
marked for indexing to an appropriate column
in a pivot table called Indexes, as depicted in a
simplified ER diagram (Figure 7).
The Indexes table contains strongly typed,
indexed columns such as StringValue,
NumValue, and DateValue that
Figure 6: A single flex column can store various types of data uses to locate field data of the corresponding
that originate from attributes of different objects.
datatype. For example, would copy a
string value in a Data table flex column to the
As the simplified representation of the Data StringValue field in Indexes, a date value to the
table in Figure 6 shows, flex columns are of a DateValue field, etc. The underlying indexes
universal datatype (variable-length string), which of the Indexes table are standard non-unique
permits to share a single flex column database indexes. When an internal system query
among multiple fields that use various structured includes a search parameter that references a
datatypes (strings, numbers, dates, etc.). structured field in a custom object, the platform’s

6 The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform

query optimizer uses the Indexes table to help To optimize join operations,
optimize associated data access operations. maintains a pivot table called Relationships, as
depicted in Figure 8.

Figure 7: uses a pivot table to index data stored in Figure 8: The Relationship table helps optimize object joins.
flex columns.

Note: can handle searches across The Relationships index table has two
multiple languages because the platform’s underlying database unique composite indexes
application servers use a case-folding algorithm (OrgID+GUID, and OrgID+ObjID+RelationI
that converts string values to a universal, case- D+TargetObjID) that allow for efficient object
insensitive format. The StringValue column traversals in either direction, as necessary.
of the Indexes table stores string values in The FallbackIndex Table
this format. At runtime, the query optimizer In rare circumstances, the platform’s external
automatically builds data access operations so search engine can become overloaded or
that the optimized SQL statement filters on otherwise unavailable, and may not be able to
the corresponding case-folded StringValue respond to a search request in a timely manner.
that corresponds to the literal provided in the Rather than returning a disappointing error to
search request. a user that has requested a search, the platform’s
The UniqueFields Pivot Table application server falls back to a secondary search lets an organization indicate when mechanism to furnish reasonable search results.
a field in an object must contain unique values A fall-back search is implemented as a direct
(case-sensitive or case-insensitive). Considering database query with search conditions that
the arrangement of the Data table and shared reference the Name field of target application
usage of the Value columns for custom field objects. To optimize global object searches
data, it is not practical to create unique database (searches that span objects) without having to
indexes for the table (similar to the problem execute potentially expensive union queries,
discussed in the previous section for non- maintains a pivot table called
unique indexes). FallbackIndex that records the Name of all
To support uniqueness for custom fields, objects. Updates to FallbackIndex happen uses the pivot table called synchronously, as transactions modify objects,
UniqueFields; this table is very similar so that fall-back searches always have access to
to the Indexes pivot table except that the the most current database information.
UniqueFields table’s underlying database The NameDenorm Table
indexes enforce uniqueness. When an The NameDenorm table is a lean data table
application attempts to insert a duplicate value that stores the ObjID and Name of each object
into a field that requires uniqueness, or an instance that is in the Data table. When an
administrator attempts to enforce uniqueness application needs to provide a list of hyperlinks
on an existing field that contains duplicate to object instances involved in a parent/child
values, relays an appropriate error relationship, uses the NameDenorm
message to the application. table to execute a relatively simple query that
The Relationships Pivot Table retrieves the Name of each referenced object provides “relationship” datatypes instance for display as part of a hyperlink.
that an organization can use to declare History Tracking Table
relationships (referential integrity) among easily provides turnkey history tracking
application objects. When an organization for any field. When an organization enables auditing
declares an object’s field with a relationship for a specific field, the system asynchronously
type, the platform maps the field to a Value records information about the changes made to the
field in the Data table, and then uses this field field (old and new values, change date, etc.) using an
to store the ObjID of a related object. internal pivot table as an audit trail.

The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 7

Partitioning of Data and Metadata functionality without writing complicated

All data, metadata, and pivot table and error-prone code. Such features include
structures, including underlying database declarative workflows, encrypted/masked fields,
indexes, are physically partitioned by OrgID validation rules, formula fields, roll-up summary
(by tenant) using native database partitioning fields, and cross-object validation rules.
mechanisms. Data partitioning is a proven A workflow is a predefined action triggered
technique that database systems provide to by the insert or update of an object instance
physically divide large logical data structures (row). A workflow can trigger a task, email
into smaller, more manageable pieces. alert, update a data field, or send a message.
Partitioning can also help to improve the Workflow rules specify the criteria that
performance, scalability, and availability of a determine when to trigger a workflow action.
large database system such as a multitenant A workflow can be set to fire immediately or
environment. For example, by definition, every set to operate at a subsequent interval after application query targets a specific the triggering event. For example, a developer
tenant’s information, so the query optimizer might declare a workflow that, immediately
need only consider accessing data partitions after a record is updated, automatically updates
that contain a tenant’s data rather than an entire the row’s Status field to “Modified” and then
table or index—this common optimization is sends a template email alert to a supervisor. All
sometimes referred to as “partition pruning.” workflow operations occur within the context
of the transaction that triggers the workflow. If the
Application Development, Logic, and
system rolls back a transaction, all related workflow
operations that were executed also roll back. supports two different ways
to create custom applications and their When defining a text field for an object that
individual components: declaratively, using contains sensitive data, developers can easily
the native platform application framework, configure the field so that encrypts
and programmatically, using application the corresponding data and optionally uses
programming interfaces (APIs). The following an input mask to hide screen information
sections explain more about each approach and from prying eyes. encrypts fields
related application development topics. using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
algorithm 128-bit keys.
The Application Framework
Developers can declaratively build custom A declarative validation rule is a simple way for applications using the “native” an organization to enforce a domain integrity application framework. The platform’s rule without any programming. For example,
native point-and-click interface supports all facets the first screen capture in Figure 9 illustrates
of the application development process, including how easy it is to use the IDE to
the creation of an application’s data model declare a validation rule that makes sure that
(custom objects and their fields, relationships, etc.), a LineItem object’s Quantity field is always
security and sharing model (users, organization greater than zero.
hierarchies, profiles, etc.), user interface (screen A formula field is a declarative feature of the
layouts, data entry forms, reports, etc.), as well as application framework that makes
logic and work flow. it easy to add a calculated field to an object. For application framework user example, the second screen capture in Figure
interfaces are easy to build because there’s 9 also shows how a developer can use a simple
no coding involved. Behind the scenes, they IDE form to add a field to the LineItem object
support all the usual data access operations, to calculate a LineTotal value.
including queries, inserts, updates, and deletes. A roll-up summary field is a cross-object field
Each data manipulation operation performed that makes it easy to aggregate child field
by native platform applications can modify one information in a parent object. For example, the
object at a time, and automatically commit each final screen capture in Figure 9 shows how to
change in a separate transaction. use the IDE to create an OrderTotal summary’s native integrated development field in the SalesOrder object based on the
environment (IDE) provides easy access to LineTotal field of the LineItem object.
many built-in platform features that make Note: Internally, implements
it easy to implement common application formula and roll-up summary fields using

8 The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform

native database features and efficiently To access the Web service,
recalculates values synchronously as part of developers first download a Web Service
ongoing transactions. Description Language (WSDL) file.
The development platform then uses the
Metadata and Web Services APIs
WSDL file to generate an API to access the also provides programmatic APIs
organization’s corresponding Web
for building applications. These APIs are
service (data model).
compatible with SOAP-based development
environments, including Visual Studio .NET There are two types of WSDL files.
(C#) and Apache Axis ( Java and C++). An Enterprise WSDL file is for developers who
are building organization-specific applications.
Applications can leverage APIs
An Enterprise WSDL file is a strongly typed
to integrate with other environments. For
representation of an organization’s data
example, applications can leverage APIs to
model. It provides information about the
access data in other systems, build mashups that
organization’s schema, data types, and fields to
combine information originating from multiple
the development environment, allowing for a
data sources, include external systems as part
tighter integration between it and the
of an application process, or build fat clients to
Web service. An Enterprise WSDL changes
interact with the Platform database
if custom fields or custom objects are added to,
management system.
renamed, or removed from an organization’s
application schema. In contrast, a Partner
WSDL file is for partners that
are developing client applications for multiple
organizations. As a loosely typed representation
of the object model, a Partner
WSDL provides an API that is useful for
accessing data within any organization.
Bulk Processing with API Calls
Transaction-intensive applications generate
less overhead and perform much better when
they combine and execute repetitive operations
in bulk. For example, contrast two ways an
application might load many new instances of
an object. An inefficient approach would be to
use a routine with loop that inserts individual
object instances, making one API call for
each insert operation. A much more efficient
approach would be to create an array of object
instances and have the routine insert all of them
with a single API call.
Applicable Web Services API calls
such as create(), update(), and delete() support
bulk operations. For maximum efficiency, the
Figure 9: Declaring validation rules, formula fields, and
platform implicitly bulk processes all internal
rollup summary fields are simple configuration steps rather steps related to an explicit bulk operation, as
than complex coding tasks. illustrated in Figure 10.

The Metadata API is useful for

managing application components—to create
and modify the metadata that corresponds to
custom object definitions, page layouts, work
flows, etc. To create, retrieve, update, or delete
object instances (rows of data), applications can
use the Web Services API.

The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 9

as the platform’s Recycle Bin.

lets users view and restore selected object
instances from the Recycle Bin for up to 30
days before permanently removing them from
the internal Data table. The platform limits
the total number of records it maintains for an
organization based on the total number of user
licenses for the organization.
When someone deletes a parent record involved
in a master-detail relationship,
automatically deletes all related child records,
provided that doing so would not break any
referential integrity rules in place. For example,
when a user deletes a SalesOrder,
automatically cascades the delete to dependent
LineItems. Should someone subsequently
restore a parent record from the Recycle Bin,
the platform automatically restores all child
object instances as well.
Figure 10:’s bullk processing engine executes each
In contrast, when someone deletes a referenced
internal step related to a bulk operation as a bulk operation
itself and automatically does a best effort to continue past parent record involved in a lookup relationship,
rows that cause exceptions. automatically sets all dependent keys
to null. If someone subsequently restores the
Figure 10 also illustrates the unique parent record, automatically restores
mechanisms of’s bulk processing the previously nulled lookup relationships
engine that can account for isolated faults except for the relationships that were reassigned
encountered during any step along the way. between the delete and restore operations.
When a bulk operation starts in partial save The Recycle Bin also stores dropped fields and
mode, the engine identifies a known start state their data until an organization permanently
and then attempts to execute each step in the deletes them or 45 days has elapsed, whichever
process (bulk validate field data, bulk fire pre- happens first. Until that time, the entire field
triggers, bulk save records, etc.). If the engine and all its data is available for restoration.
detects errors during any step, the engine rolls
back offending operations and all side effects, Data Definition Processing
removes the rows that are responsible for the Certain types of modifications to the definition
faults, and continues, attempting to bulk process of an object require more than simple UDD
the remaining subset of rows. This process metadata updates. In such cases,
iterates through each stage of the process until uses efficient mechanisms that help reduce the
the engine can commit a subset of rows without overall performance impact on the platform’s
any errors. The application can examine a return multitenant applications.
object to identify which rows failed and what For example, consider what happens behind
exceptions they raised. the scenes when someone modifies a column’s
Note: At the discretion of the application, an datatype from picklist to text. first
all-or-nothing mode is also available for bulk allocates a new slot for the column’s data, bulk
operations. Also, the execution of triggers copies the picklist labels associated with current
during a bulk operation is subject to internal values, and then updates the column’s metadata
governors that restrict the amount of work. so that it points to the new slot. While all
of this happens, access to data is normal and
Deletes, Undeletes, and The Recycle Bin applications continue to function without any
When someone deletes an individual object noticeable impact.
instance (record) from a custom object, simply marks the object instance As another example, consider what happens
for deletion by modifying the object instance’s when someone adds a roll-up summary
IsDeleted field (in the Data table). This field to a table. In this case, the
effectively places the object in what is known asynchronously calculates initial summaries

10 The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform

in the background using an efficient bulk GroupBlowout, and CustomShare) that

operation. While the background calculation is maintain information about the security
happening, users that view the new field receive domains of platform users, including a given
an indication that the Platform is user’s group memberships and custom access
currently calculating the field’s value. rights for objects.

Internal Query Optimizations

Most modern database systems determine
optimal query execution plans by employing
a cost-based query optimizer that considers
relevant statistics about target table and index
data. However, conventional cost-based
optimizer statistics are designed for single-tenant
applications and fail to account for the data access
characteristics of any given user executing a query
in a multitenant environment. For example, a
given query that targets an object (table) with a
large volume of data would most likely execute
more efficiently using different execution plans
for users with high visibility (a manager that can
see all object instances) versus users with low Figure 11: When a request for data happens,
visibility (sales people that can only see rows executes pre-queries, the results of which the platform’s
related to themselves). multitenant-aware query optimizer uses to build and
execute optimal database queries.
To provide sufficient statistics for determining
optimal query execution plans in a multitenant The flow diagram in Figure 11 illustrates what
platform, maintains a complete set happens when intercepts a request
of optimizer statistics (tenant-, group-, and for data that is in one of the large heap tables
user-level) for each virtual multitenant object. such as Data. The request might originate from
Statistics reflect the number of rows that a any number of sources, such as a page request
particular query can potentially access, carefully from an Application Framework application, a
considering overall tenant-specific object statistics Web services API call, or an Apex script. First,
(total number of rows owned by the tenant as a the platform executes “pre-queries” that
whole, etc.) as well as more granular statistics (the consider the multitenant-aware statistics. Then,
number of rows that a specific privilege group or considering the results returned by the pre-
end user can potentially access, etc.). queries, the platform builds an optimal database also maintains other types of statistics query for execution in the specific setting.
that prove helpful with particular queries. For
example, the platform maintains statistics for all Pre-Query
custom indexes to reveal the total number of non- Selectivity
Measurements Write final database access query, forcing ...
null and unique values in the corresponding field,
and histograms for picklist fields that reveal the User Filter
cardinality of each list value. Low Low
... nested loops join; drive using view of rows
that the user can see.
When existing statistics are not in place or are
Low High ... use of index related to filter.
not considered helpful,’s optimizer
High Low ... ordered hash join; drive using Data table.
has a few different strategies it uses to help build
reasonably optimal queries. For example, when a High High ... use of index related to filter.

query filters on the Name field of an object, the

optimizer can use the FallbackIndex pivot table As Table 1 shows, can execute the
to efficiently find requested object instances. In same query four different ways, depending on
other scenarios, the optimizer will dynamically who submits the query and the selectivity of the
generate missing statistics at runtime. query’s filter conditions.
Used in tandem with optimizer statistics, Full-Text Search Engine’s optimizer also relies on internal
Web-based application users have come to
security related tables (Groups, Members,
expect an interactive search capability to scan

The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 11

the entire or a selected scope of an application’s can choose to weight search results as desired,
data, return ranked results that are up to date, for example, placing more emphasis on recently
and do all this with sub-second response modified objects.
times. To provide such robust functionality
for platform applications, uses an Apex
architecture based on an external search engine, Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented
as depicted in Figure 12. procedural programming language that
developers can use to declare program variables
As applications update data in text fields
and constants and execute traditional flow
(CLOBs, Name, etc.), a pool of platform
control statements (if-else, loops, etc.), data
background processes called indexing servers
manipulation operations (insert, update, upsert,
are responsible for asynchronously updating
delete), and transaction control operations
corresponding indexes, which the search
(setSavepoint, rollback) on behalf of
engine maintains outside the core database.
applications. Apex is similar in many respects to
To optimize the indexing process,
Java. Developers can build Apex routines that
synchronously copies modified chunks of text
add custom business logic to most application
data to an internal “to-be-indexed” table as
events, including button clicks, updates to data,
transactions commit, thus providing a relatively
Web service requests, custom batch services,
small data source that minimizes the amount
and others.
of data that indexing servers must read from
disk. The search engine automatically maintains Developers can build Apex programs in two
separate indexes for each organization (tenant). different forms: as an anonymous standalone
script that is executed on demand, or as a
Depending on the current load and utilization
trigger that automatically executes before or
of indexing servers, text index updates may
after a specific database manipulation event
noticeably lag behind actual transactions. To
occurs (insert, update, delete, or undelete). In
avoid unexpected search results originating
either form, compiles Apex code
from stale indexes, also maintains
and stores it as metadata in the UDD. When
an MRU cache of recently updated objects
an Apex routine is called for the first time
that the platform’s application servers consider
by someone in an organization,’s
when materializing full-text search results. The
runtime interpreter loads the compiled version
platform maintains MRU caches on a per-user
of the program into an MRU cache for that
and per-organization basis to efficiently support
organization. Thereafter, when any user from
possible search scopes.
the same organization requires use of the same
routine, can save memory and avoid
the overhead of recompiling the program again
by sharing the ready-to-run program that is
already in memory.
Apex is much more than “just another procedural
language.” Apex is an integral
component that helps the platform deliver
reliable multitenant applications. For example, automatically validates all embedded
Sforce Object Query Language (SOQL)
Figure 12: uses an external search engine to and Sforce Object Search Language (SOSL)
provide fast text searches for multitenant applications. statements within an Apex class to prevent
code that would otherwise fail at runtime. The optimizes the ranking of records platform then maintains corresponding object
within search results using several different dependency information for valid Apex classes
methods. For example, the system considers the and uses this information to prevent changes
security domain of the user performing a search to metadata that would otherwise break
and weighs heavier those objects to which the dependent applications.
current user has access. The system can also
Many Apex standard classes and system
consider the modification history of a particular
static methods provide simple interfaces to
object, and rank more actively updated objects
underlying platform features. For example, the
ahead of those that are relatively static. The user
system static DML methods such as insert,

12 The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform

update, and delete have a simple Boolean Once an application is certified for production
parameter that developers can use to indicate by, the deployment process for
the desired bulk processing option (all or the application consists of a single transaction
nothing, or partial save); these methods also that copies all the application’s metadata into
return a result object that the calling routine a production instance and reruns
can read to determine which records were the corresponding unit tests. If any part of
unsuccessfully processed and why. Other examples the process fails, simply rolls back
of the direct ties between Apex and the transaction and returns exceptions to help
platform features include the built-in Apex email troubleshoot the problem.
classes, HTTP (RESTful) services classes, and Note: reruns the unit tests for
XmlStream classes, just to name a few. every application with each development release
To prevent malicious or unintentional of the platform to pro-actively learn whether new
monopolization of shared, multitenant platform platform features and enhancements break any
resources, has an extensive set of existing applications.
governors and resource limits associated with After a production application is live,’s
Apex code execution. For example, built-in performance profiler automatically
closely monitors the execution of an Apex script analyzes and provides associated feedback to
and limits how much CPU time it can use, how administrators. Performance analysis reports
much memory it can consume, how many queries include information about slow queries, data
and DML statements it can execute, how many manipulations, and sub-routines that developers
math calculations it can perform, how many can review and use to tune application
outbound Web service calls it can make, and functionality. The platform also logs and returns
much more. Individual queries that the platform’s information about runtime exceptions to
optimizer regards as too expensive to execute administrators to help debug their applications.
throw a runtime exception to the caller. Although
such limits might sound somewhat restrictive, Historical Statistics
they are necessary to protect the overall scalability Years of experience have transformed
and performance of the shared platform for into an extremely fast, scalable, and reliable
all concerned applications. In the long term, multitenant Internet application platform. As
these measures help to promote better coding an illustration of’s proven capability
techniques among platform developers and create to support Internet-scale applications, consider
a better experience for everyone. For example, a Figure 13. Specifically notice that, over time,
developer that initially tries to code a loop that average page response time has decreased or
inefficiently updates a thousand rows one row held steady (a measure of performance) while
at a time will receive runtime exceptions due to average transaction volume has concurrently
resource limits and then begin using’s increased (a measure of scalability).
efficient bulk processing API calls.
To further avoid potential platform problems
introduced by poorly written applications, the
deployment of a new production application
is a process that is strictly managed. Before
an organization can transition a new custom
application from development to production
status, requires unit tests that
validate the functionality of the application’s Apex
routines. Submitted unit tests must cover no less Figure 13: Platform performance and scalability have
than 75 percent of the application’s source code. consistently improved each year as matures executes submitted unit tests in the and evolves. Sandbox environment to ascertain if the
application will adversely affect the performance For more platform data such as planned
and scalability of the multitenant population at maintenance, historical information on
large. The results of an individual unit test indicate transaction volume and speed, etc., visit trust.
basic information such as the total number of lines, the community’s
executed as well as specific information about the home for real-time information about system
code that was not executed by the test. performance and security.

The Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of’s Internet Application Development Platform 13
Platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are contemporary software application
development and delivery models that an increasing number of organizations are using to improve
their time to market, reduce capital expenditures, and improve overall competitiveness in a
challenging global economy. Internet-based, shared computing platforms are attractive because
they let businesses quickly access hosted, managed software assets on demand and altogether avoid
the costs and complexity associated with the purchase, installation, configuration, and ongoing
maintenance of an on-premises data center and dedicated hardware, software, and accompanying
administrative staff.
The most successful on-demand SaaS/PaaS company at the forefront of these paradigm shifts
is, which recently received the distinction of being the first on-demand software
vendor to be added to the S&P 500 Index. Stepping out from underneath the enormously successful CRM SaaS application, is a generalized Internet application development
and delivery platform on which individual enterprises and service providers have built all types of
custom business applications, including supply chain management, billing, accounting, compliance
tracking, human resource management, and claims processing applications. The platform’s metadata-
driven architecture enables anyone to efficiently build and deliver sophisticated, customizable,
mission-critical, Internet-scale multitenant applications. Using standards-based Web service APIs
and native platform development tools, developers can easily build all components of
a Web-based application, including the application’s data model (tables, relationships, etc.), user
interface (data entry forms, reports, etc.), business logic (workflows, validations, etc.), integrations
with other applications, and more.
Over the past 10 years, engineers have optimized all layers of the platform
for multitenancy, with features that let the platform deliver unprecedented Internet scalability to the
height of 170 million transactions daily. Platform features such as the bulk data processing API, the
Apex programming language, an external full-text search engine, and its unique query optimizer
help make multitenant platform applications highly efficient and scalable with little or no thought
from developers.’s managed approach for the deployment of production applications ensures
top-notch performance, scalability, and reliability for all dependent applications. Additionally, continually monitors and gathers operational information from
applications to help drive incremental improvements and new platform features that immediately
benefit existing and new applications.

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Contact your account executive to learn
how we can help you accelerate your
SaaS success.

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