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By Mr Crowe

The Cold War begins 1945 -1948

Key issue:
Why did the wartime alliance fall apart?
What were the major points of difference
The importance of Yalta and Potsdam
The roles of Stalin and Truman
The chronology and narrative
• Major point: The USSR lost around 20
million people in WW2
• Stalin was determined to make the USSR
secure in the future
• By contrast GB lost around 370,000 and the
USA lost 297,000 people.
The rise of the superpowers
• Before WW2 there were a number of
countries which could have claimed to be
superpowers – USA, USSR,GB, France,
Japan, Germany.
• The damage caused by the war to these
countries left only two countries with the
military strength and resources to be called
superpowers….USA and USSR.
What they believed
• Don’t forget USA was capitalist and USSR
was communism
• They were complete opposites
• They had allied against Fascism ….. Now
the common enemy had been defeated the
reason for co-operation was gone
• Differences soon emerged
Europe at the end of WW2
• After the war who would lead the countries
and form new governments
• The USSR favoured the communist groups,
the USA favoured the non-communists
• Examples would be Greece and Yugoslavia
• This was one cause of tension between the
• Two conferences were held in 1945 at Yalta and
• The aim was to discuss the future especially
• What to do with Germany’s leaders after the war
• What would happen to the occupied countries
after liberation, especially those of Eastern
• How to end the war with Japan
• How to build a lasting peace.

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