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Maroon - (mə-rōōn')  
tr.v.   ma·rooned, ma·roon·ing, ma·roons

a) To put ashore on a deserted island or coast and intentionally abandon.

b) To abandon or isolate with little hope of ready rescue or escape: The travelers were
marooned by the blizzard.

2. Klutz - (klŭts)   
n.   Slang
a) A clumsy person.
b) A stupid person; a dolt.

3. Prowl -  (proul)  
v.   prowled, prowl·ing, prowls

v.   tr.
To roam through stealthily, as in search of prey or plunder
v.   intr.
To rove furtively or with predatory intent: cats prowling through the neighborhood.
n.  The act or an instance of prowling.

4. Trounce - (trouns)   
v.   trounced, trounc·ing, trounc·es
v.   tr.
a) To thrash; beat.
b) To defeat decisively.
v.   intr.
To censure something or someone forcefully

5. vile (vīl)   
adj.   vil·er, vil·est

a) Loathsome; disgusting: vile language.

b) Unpleasant or objectionable: vile weather.
c) Miserably poor and degrading; wretched: a vile existence.
d) Morally depraved; ignoble or wicked: a vile conspiracy.

6. quaint  (kwānt)  
adj.   quaint·er, quaint·est

a) Charmingly odd, especially in an old-fashioned way: Unfamiliar or unusual in

character; strange: quaint dialect words.
b) Cleverly made; artful.
7. as·sas·sin  (ə-sās'ĭn)   

a) One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a
prominent person.
b) Assassin A member of a secret order of Muslims who terrorized and killed Christian
Crusaders and others.

8. drea·ry (drîr'ē)  
adj.   drea·ri·er, drea·ri·est

a) Dismal; bleak.
b) Boring; dull: dreary tasks.

9. det·ri·ment  (dět'rə-mənt)   

a) Damage, harm, or loss: took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.
Something that causes damage, harm, or loss

10. mot·ley  (mŏt'lē)   

a) Having elements of great variety or incongruity; heterogeneous

b) Having many colors; variegated; parti-colored: a motley tunic.

11. speak·eas·y (spēk'ē'zē)   
n.   pl. speak·eas·ies
A place for the illegal sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks, as during Prohibition in the
United States.

12. for·ti·tude  (fôr'tĭ-tōōd', -tyōōd')   

n.  Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage.

13. loathe (lōth)   
tr.v.   loathed, loath·ing, loathes
To dislike (someone or something) greatly; abhor.

14. re·tal·i·ate  (rĭ-tāl'ē-āt')   
v.   re·tal·i·at·ed, re·tal·i·at·ing, re·tal·i·ates

v.   intr.
To return like for like, especially evil for evil.
v.   tr.
To pay back (an injury) in kind.

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