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Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Regarding the

Anniversary of the 9/11 Event
Saturday, 11 September 2010 15:42 -

It is now for nine years that Afghanistan has been burning in the flames of the invasion of the  American invaders, that started under the 
pretext of avenging the September event. In the past nine years, thousands of Afghans have been martyred, injured and  detained by 
the invading Americans and  others forced to leave their houses. On the other hand, the Mujahideen punished thousands of Americans 
and their allies during armed confrontations and Jihad by killing and injuring them for their invasion.

Furthermore, they  have had heavy financial losses amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. But still the Americans are bent on 
continuing the  occupation of Afghanistan under the same hackneyed pretext and destroying and prosecuting the Afghans by further 
prolonging a war that could not be won. Americans have not achieved any tangible result to  remedy the pains of the victims of 9/11 
despite the continuation of the war for nine years.

The policy followed by the invading rulers of the White House under the pretext of avenging the September Event, unquestionably led to
other hundreds of bloody events not only in Afghanistan but in others parts of the world. Hence in every part of the globe, the citizenship
of USA has become a mark of  danger. The people of America have been deprived of a peaceful and secure life. Their houses, cities, 
offices, airports and barracks have become battle fields.  They are not able to find any solace and peace any where.  Albeit that, they are 
regarded as invaders and aggressors at world’s level.

The war which they have started in Afghanistan,  ironically thousands of kilometers away from the place of the occurrence of the event 
under the name of avenging the September event, is facing defeat because it is an illegitimate war which will eventually usher in the
downfall of the American empire.  Members of the global coalition which they had allied with at the beginning of he war, are  now busy 
wriggling themselves of the entangle the Americans are grappling with, by pulling their forces out of Afghanistan after their having
understood the realities behind it.

The confused rulers of America, instead of considering a rationale exit, persist in implementing  plans which would lead to political and 
economic instability and law and order situation not only in Afghanistan, in the region but in America itself.

After the passage of nine years since the September Event and their resorting to the  usage of all warfare tactics, they have now lost the 
chance of peace in Afghanistan. They have only once chance now and that is to withdraw their forces from Afghanistan unconditionally.
They are not entitled to submitting (certain) conditions as a quid pro quo for withdrawal because the invasion of Afghanistan was an
illegitimate action in the first place. Despite that, they are facing a dashing defeat. Therefore,  on this  occasion of the ninth anniversary 
of the September Event,  the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan advises the American rulers to take advantage of this chance;  lose not 
further  chances and  unconditionally withdraw forces from Afghanistan. Thus   they may save themselves from the fate of the former 
Britain and Soviet Union and put an end to the knotty Afghan issue.

It is the legitimate right of the Afghans to determine the future destiny of Afghanistan and establish a strong and independent Islamic
system there. The Islamic Emirate has started Jihad against the invaders in order to ensure realization of this objective. They will
continue their  Islamic sacred duty (Jihad) until and unless the invaders are no more in Afghanistan and an Islamic sovereignty is 
established there.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan



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