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Music in Islam: Halal or Haram?

Many scholars are propagating the view that music is not Haram. But from the light of
Quran and Hadith, we come to know that there is no place of Music in Islam (except duff).

Music in the light of Al-Qur'an:

"And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men)
from the Path of Allah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allah, the Verses of the
Quran) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-Fire)".
(Surah Luqman 31:6)
When Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Masood (ra), a very close companion of our Prophet (saw)
was asked about the meaning of the term `lahwal hadith`, he replied:

“I swear by Him besides whom there is no other Allah, that it refers to ghinaa (singing ).”

This statement, he repeated three times. This view is unanimously supported by the four
Khalifas, the eminent Sahabaah, Tabi`een, the four Imams and other reliable Islamic scholars
and authorities.

Music in Hadith:
"There will be from my Nation a people who will deem fornication, silk (for men), alcohol,
and music to be permissible; and there will be a people who will camp beside a high
mountain, when a poor man passes by them and asks for a need, they will say to him,
'Return to us tomorrow.' In the morning Allaah will make the mountain fall upon them and
the others (who are saved) are transformed into apes and pigs, until the Day of Judgement."
(Al-Bukhari no. 5990)

Various Ahadith also clearly prohibit music and the use of musical instruments. Hazrath
Abdullah bin Umar (ra) reports that once Rasulullah (saw) heard the sound of the flute of a
shepherd. He immediately placed his fingers into his ears (to block out the sound) (Musnad
Ahmad). How tragic it is that our beloved Rasulullah (saw) blocks his ears to the sound of
music but his Ummah opens their ears wide to the same sounds. In another narration
Rasulullah (saw) is reported to have said:

“ Verily Allah Ta’ala has sent me as a guidance and as a mercy to the Believers and He has
commanded me to destroy musical instruments” (Musnad Ahmad).



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