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We are all aware of the instructions of Allaah {Subhanahu wa Ta'ala} that we should unite

"And hold fast all of you together, by the rope which Allaah (stretches out for you) and be
not divided among yourselves…"


If Muslims do not unite, and if they do not support one another for the Love of Allaah
{Subhanahu wa Ta'ala} Catastrophes, crises, turmoil, and disturbances will undoubtedly prevail
in the whole world. Allaah {Subhanahu wa Ta'ala} tells us about the trouble in the World If
Muslims are not united.

"The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another: unless you do this, (protect each other),
there would be tumult and oppression on earth and great mischief."


The idea of dividing the Muslim Ummah into sects, denominations and groups is a curse.
Whosoever divides the Muslims is not a member of the Muslim Ummah.

"As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you hast no part with them
in the least: their affair is with Allaah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they


While Muslims possess all the requirements for unity, they are missing a few qualities which,
InshaAllaah if applied will help them achieve unity without doubt. Some of these missing
requirements are: love, affection, sympathy, concern, care, mercy, to be gentle to the Believers
and to be Mighty against the Disbelievers.

I hope and pray that We as Muslims will strive very hard to create this unity among ourselves. If
we unite, then Allaah will send His mercy and Grace upon us. He will also guide us on the
Straight path and we will be amongst the Believers. Hence we will received immense reward
from our Lord.

"Save those who repent and amend and hold fast to Allaah and make their religion pure
for Allaah (only). Those are with the believers. And Allaah will bestow on the believers an
immense reward"


The Ummah is in NEED OF UNITY….

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