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Big/Little Preference(s):
Snack(s): _______________

TV Show: _______________
Email: __________________
Date of Birth: ____________

Color(s): ________________
Name: __________________

Class Standing: __________

Phone #: ________________

Music: __________________
Movie: __________________
Major/Minor: _____________
Hometown: ______________

Shirt Size: _______________

Candy: __________________

Book: ___________________
If you could pick a song that could describe you, what would it be?
Name three adjectives that describe you as a person?
____________ ____________ ____________
What are you looking for in your potential Big/Little?

Where do you live? On campus Off Campus With Parents

How much time are you willing to dedicate to your Big/Little?
Do you consider yourself outgoing or shy? _______________________
How often do you check your Facebook/Twitter/tumblr/etc?
Why did you join Alpha Phi Omega?
What “things” could you use at the moment that you donʼt have now?
Is there anything else we need to know to pair you with your
Big/Little? ___________________________________________________

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