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A Story of Spirituality

The Indian Journey

Dedicated to our holy and beloved Satguru

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The source of all knowledge

India, the land of saints, prophets,
gurus and … Gods
From NizzaMuddin to Ramananda and Ramana Maharshi
From Markandeya to Dhyaneshavara and Vallabhadas
From Adinath to Sai Baba of Shirdi
From Parsurama to Shri Krishna

…Untill the Advent of March 21, 1923

No place on earth has been so much blessed by the Divine

The milestones of Spirituality have
been set in the Holy Land of India

In 4000 BC, Shri Krishna is first to speak of the Spirit

In 500 BC, Shri Buddha and Shri Mahavira show to the

world, that man can become enlightened

In 800 AD, Adi-Shankaracharya writes Saundarya Lahari

where he mentions about Kundalini and Chakras

Nath yogis, spread the knowledge to selected seekers

and scholars

In the 12 th century AD, Dhyaneshavara describes the

ascent of Kundalini and
Until the day when…

On May 5 1970, Gangandga Maharaj witnesses from his

abode in Kohlapur

the descent of all Deities on Earth and their position on

the Tree of Life

in Nargol, on the shores of Bharat,

Adi Shakti opens the last stage of Human awareness :

… Self Realisation for all

The path was already well prepared …

Markandeya prays the AdiShakti and writes the Devi

Mahatmaya in 8000 BC

Parsurama, the 5th incarnation of Shri Vishnu teaches

Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga

Shri Rama sets the dharmas of a perfect man in 6000 BC

The «  rishis » record Divine Knowledge

Atreya sets Ayurveda inspired by Sati Anusaya

Valmiki writes Ramayana

Vyasa writes Mahabharata with the Geeta

The nath yogis

Follow and spread the teachings of Macchindranath

First Goraknath

Until Gahinath teaches to Nivrutinath

Who passes the knowledge to his small brother :

Around Dhyaneshvara, an incredible
divine setting
The Lord of Knowledge, his elder brother Sopandev

The AdiShakti, as his elder sister Muktabai

And Nivrutinath as his Guru

Beyond religion divide : AdiGranth

Guru Nanak

Ramananda, Namdev,
 Follow the teachings of Macchindranath

 On the shores of Bharat,

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