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- M.R.Subramanya Sastry

Gundu parasi is a small village in Orissa state. There was no public water
source for the village from a long time. The villagers had to walk for miles
for water and carry it to their place. Now there is a big tank in that village,
which gets filled by rains and it holds ample water. It supplies water to the
villagers throughout the year.

The creator of this big tank is Duralava Naik. He is a poor labourer. It is

with the effort of this single man this tank is constructed. Perceiving the
necessity of a tank for the village, he shared this thought with the villagers.
Nobody seemed to heed him. No one cared him.

Finally with self confidence and determination he carried tools like spade,
pick axe and started the work himself. Everyday morning he went to the site
and till evening he used to dig the land. This routine continued without
interruption for a long period of twenty five years. Once the tank was ready
he donated it to the usage of the public. He never expected any returns for
his effort. He had the satisfaction of achieving a great task.

Even today Durlava Naik lives in a hut situated near the tank bund now. His
poverty has not gone. But the all the villagers look at him with lot of respect.
Do you know one surprising fact? Durlava Naik is born blind!!

(Ref: News published in Prajavaani (Kannada daily) on 28th June 1998.
Thanks for inspiring news)

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