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Airspace Classification and Special Use Airspace

Homework Reading Assignment

Required Reading
Instrument Flying Handbook 8-1 to 8-4

Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Manual – “Airspace” 3-15 to 3-28

Airspace Classification and Special Use Airspace Quiz

1. Complete the following chart:

2. When is DME required in class A airspace? ________________________________________________

3. Can an instrument rated pilot fly on a VFR flight plan in class A airspace? ________________________


4. How do we set our altimeter in class A airspace? ____________________________________________

5. What is the maximum airspeed within class B airspace? ______________________________________

6. What is the typical upper limit of class B airspace? __________________________________________

7. When operating on an IFR flight plan, do we need to hear the words, “cleared into the class bravo

airspace” before entering? ______________________________________________________________

8. What equipment is required to operate in class B airspace? ___________________________________



9. What are the typical lateral and vertical limits of Class C airspace? ______________________________



10. When is a transponder required when operating in/near/around/above class C airspace? ____________




11. What is the maximum speed in class C airspace? ___________________________________________

12. What are the normal lateral and vertical limits of class D airspace? ______________________________


13. Where can we find the times of operation for a control tower in class D airspace? __________________


14. What determines whether a class D airport becomes class E or class G after the tower closes? _______



15. What is a TRSA? What type of airspace is it similar to? ______________________________________


16. Why does class E sometimes have a floor of 1,200 AGL and other times 700 or even the surface? ____





17. Where does class G airspace exist? ______________________________________________________




18. What class of airspace is a victor airway considered? ________________________________________

19. What are the lateral and vertical limits of that airspace? _______________________________________


20. What is the maximum airspeed below 10,000 feet? __________________________________________

21. Why are prohibited areas established? ____________________________________________________


22. What type of hazards may exist in restricted areas? _________________________________________



23. What is a warning area? _______________________________________________________________




24. Can we fly through a MOA on a VFR flight plan? IFR? _______________________________________

25. How can we determine the status of a MOA and/or view it’s regular schedule? ____________________


26. What is the ADIZ? ____________________________________________________________________



27. What is required to penetrate the ADIZ? ___________________________________________________




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