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Microwave Engineering Lecture No 5

• Demonstrate clear understanding of Maxwell’s

equations 50%
– Explain derivatives and mathematics of the equations
• Presentation 50%
– References must be cited
– No copy paste since the assignment should be in your
– Presentation in terms of linkage of stages
– Submission date:16 September 2010
Microwave Engineering Lecture No 5

• No TM mode can propagate in X band

rectangular waveguide when f < 16.2 GHz Mode fc
• From 6.56 GHz _< f _> 13.12 GHz in the X
band waveguide, only TE10 can propagate.
This mode is called the DOMINANT MODE
TE10 6.56 GHz

of the waveguide
Since X band = 8.2 GHz – 12.5 GHz, the
TE20 13.1 GHz
only TE10 mode can propagate in the
waveguide and no TM mode propagate TE01 14.8 GHz
which is called as SINGLE MODE
• However at 15 GHz any combination of first
three modes exist and propagate inside the
TE30 19.7 GHz
• Also the combination actually exists depend
on how the waveguide is excited TE21 19.8 GHz
TE02 29.5 GHz
TM11 16.2 GHz
TM21 19.8 GHz
Microwave Engineering Lecture No 5

• To understand power transmission we need to understand some basic parameters of

transmission line
• Propagation constant
• Phase constant
• Attenuation constant
• Wavelength number
Microwave Engineering Lecture No 5

• Derivation of propagation constant from the transmission line model

Microwave Engineering Lecture No 5

• Characteristic of these waves are governed by propagation constant

• Propagation constant is complex quantity due to L and C
• The propagation constant is separated into two components that have very different effects on
– The real part is attenuation constant
– Denoted by lower case Greek alpha α
– Attenuate the signal’s amplitude, units Nepers/meter
– The imaginary component of propagation constant is called as Phase constant β
– It determines the sinusoidal amplitude/phase of the signal along transmission line
– Physics tell us that whenever phase change to 2pi, it completes the cycle which is = λ
• λ=2π
– Since there are 2π radians in a wavelength, therefore the relationship between wavelength
and phase constant β = 2 π/λ
– Line parameters (R, G, L, C and ω) is the function of β
– Propagation phase constant is often confused with wavenumber
– Wavenumber is a spatial equilant to frequency in travelling plane wave
• Phase constant refers to transmission line
• Wavenumber refers to a plane wave

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