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HAAGA-HELIA Topic plan

Multicultural teamwork 19.9.2010

Timi Kohonen, Jurgen Suls,
Markus Aro, Pauli Isaksson,
Juhani Hynynen

Topic plan

The company we have chosen is Accenture. It is one of the leading management consulting
and technology outsourcing companies in the world. They also say it is the largest consulting
firms in the world and a global player within the technology consulting industry. Accenture
has offices in more than 50 countries with a total of 177,000 employees.

The reason why we chose this firm is, because it is active in many countries around the
world. As a result there are a lot of people from different cultures working together in the
same departments, offices and projects.

Another reason is because it is active in IT and everyone from our projectgroup is studying in
IT. So there is a possibility that some members of our group will work there in the (near)

The last part that influenced our decision is because a family member of Markus Aro is
working in Accenture. She will be our contactperson to gain more information about the

The topic we will be researching is how people from different cultures can work together in a
multicultural company. How do they solve problems because of different languages, ideas,
dispositions, ... We will also look into how this multicultural aspect affects the working
environment in the firm of Helsinki.

Because our projectgroup exists of people from different nationalities we can make sure that
elements are researched from different cultural viewpoint.

Our main themes will be:

 culture and values

 business customs and etiquette
 geography and climate as they relate to business
 technology and infrastructure
 communication and culture

Our research methods and sources are:

1. Web sources:
a. Wikipedia
b. Accenture homepage
c. Accenture Finland homepage
e. ...
2. Interviews
a. Interview with name

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