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The first film which I watch was knowing and it was a great film. The plane crash is the most amazing
part in the film. I wasn't able to close my mouth. I had to go back and watch it again it was
spectacular plus the train crash great too. The strange people in the darkness also known as the
whisper people in the film really do create the suspense. The beginning was very interesting and
once you see the numbers you feel so into the film. All of it was absolutely outstanding, until you
come to the point when you find out that they are aliens, well that is ok but the ending was terrible
and really disappointing. I was really looking forward to the ending because everything else had
been just great. These aliens seemed to be so advanced with there technology, why could they save
everybody on earth or stop the sun's flare from destroying the earth? Just because these kids can
hear some voices in their heads. And seeing them not leting the dad go with him was really

The second film which I watched this summer was avatar. Even though I watched this film very late it
was still very entetaining. It was a film where everyone played their part well. mr. Cameron in the
movie did a very good job, the flora scenes were great along with exotics animals. The story line was
basically, good vs. evil and of course to make allot of money they need something interesting and

waving flag by Knaan I choose this song because not only did this song represent the world cup this
also talked about the dreams people wish for and encourages more people not to hide there
countries from the world and to be proud of waving there flag.

Not afraid: by Eminem The reason why I like this song is because Eminem just seems to know what
to say and what is going on in my head and for that he is one of my favourite rappers .
TV programmes

The world cup: I am a big football fan and I really enjoyed watching the world cup this summer and I
miss it for that reason. What made it more enjoyable was that it was held in South Africa, this made
the world cup into a festival and fun.

24: It is one of the best Tv series which I have ever seen because once you have finished watching
one episode then you cant wait for the next to come out. At times I was at the edge of my sit
watching season 8 this summer.

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