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Physics Terms

Simple explanations for basic terms

A machine is something which makes work easier.

Work is a force exerted over a distance.

A force is a push or a pull that changes the shape or motion of an object.

Some types of forces are gravity, thrust, friction, tension, magnetism and spring.

Energy is the ability to do work.

Energy can be kinetic (moving, being used) or potential (stored, waiting).

Energy is transferred from one form to another.

Some forms of energy are heat, light, sound, chemical, and electrical.

Energy sources include fossil fuels, nuclear energy, hydro-electricity and solar.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

1. Objects have inertia – a tendency to keep going the way it is going. If an object
is still, it will stay still unless it is pushed or pulled. If an object is moving, it will
keep going in the same direction unless it is pushed or pulled.

2. The harder the push or pull the faster the object will move. Heavier ojects need
more force to make them move.

3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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