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GENERAL GUIDELINES 4.Only high school candidates for graduation inthe current school year are qual- ‘ied to apply directly forthe University of Santo Tomas Entrance Test (USTET) 2. The folowing applicants must submit the required documents and secure clear- ance from the UST Registrars Office before they apply for USTET: ' Applicants who took and passed the Philippine Educational Placement ‘est (PEPT) and Non formal Education and Accreditation Test (NFEABE): Sulbmssin of he cerifeaton for passing is required », Applicants who are graduates of previous school years: ‘Submission of orginal high schoo! eredentats are requis © Applicants who are candidates for graduation of foreign schools: ‘Submission of academic records, Allen Certfeata of Registration (ACR) ang Photocopy ofthe passport are requires. Flpina eltzens who are graduates of foreign schools are required to sub her academic records ana photocopy of passport 4. Applicants who carry an alien passport but are graduates of local schools: ‘Submision of academic records and Allen Certificate of Registration (ACR) applicants with incomplete requirements wil not be entertained, ‘APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applicants of the University of Santo Tomas Entrance Test (USTET) for colege are required to: 1. Fillout an application form issued by OFAD or provided by (Online Application (wwaw.ust edu ph) 2.To be submitted together with the application form are the following ‘Clear photocopy of bith certificate b Cerificate of Candidate for Graduation tobe signed by the School Principal’School Registrar «. Two (2) 2" x2" recent identical pitures with printed name and signature at the back and 4. Payment of application fee Avoca mtb cesta rare tng dt, won eben Appeaton to of igh echo! candies for graduation belonging tothe tops of tn tach (eased onthe tr your rt grading pari) may bs red upon preseraden oft eointon fore igh choc eed nacatng te ecaaemie soncing Applicant No OR Ne. Reference No, APP eaE or “Please use ballpen and wit ln block ettrs only Rae ‘Ruiay Nave (eo Tees) Gender ven Nae ‘anaine Number Date fre Ratonaiy Felgen TR ean Maing RISE ® ia OT High SSS Dora awa) oat oT SETA "Raa HGR SOT Cone aT =r Raa TVPS TOS PIE PVRS, SET ‘PROGRAM PREFERENCES Coleg Fasaty ine ana Presta ‘Coogee hatte and Progam a Encoser_—— REPRESENTATIVE Signatie over Protea Name INFORMATION SURVEY ‘Note: Any misrepresentabon of information writen on this form, or any vitaton of the instructions given above shall bea ground for foretue of ght to enrol, debarment inthe succeeding semester it ciscovered in the current semester. “APPLICANTS SIGNATURE ‘Ae there family members who are graduates of UST? Name Reationstp) Collepetch) How did you lar about UST? ties (Tv, Newspaper, Reto) Teachers CFamy [seret Career cremations Couidance counselors Ci Fends others (Pease Spesty) Contact No ‘Are you a school varsity player? tyes, uta chack on your spot Cleasketwat Swimming Tennis CVeteyba! Taekwondo Table Tennis Soccer vido Badminton (chess athletes cheerdancing Csoteal Fencing others (Please speci) SS Ta ay be PaaS TepToaeea

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