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Major functions:-
 Inform:
 Entertain: Classic Indian Advertisements\cOCA
cOLA\coca cola.2.mpg
 Remind:
 Reassure:
 Add value:
How advertising works?
 Gets planned and brought into existence
 Reproduced and delivered and exposed to people
 Received and assimilated
 Affects ideas, intentions and attitudes
 Affects buying and buying process
 Responds to time (situation and repeated exposure)
 Affects trade effort and supply
 Affect product consumption
 Changes sales and profits
 Changes the market (size, quality mix, intensity of competition, trade
relations, consumerism etc.)
Types of advertising
 Industrial Advertising
 Institutional advertising
 Product advertising
 Cooperative advertising
 Direct and indirect advertising
 Retail advertising
 Manufacturer’s advertising
Role of advertising
Phillip Kotler refers to the following situations where advertising is
likely to make greater contribution.
 When buyers awareness is minimal
 When industry sales are rising rather than remaining stable or
 When the product has the features normally not observable to the
buyer.Classic Indian Advertisements\TITAN
 When the opportunities for product differentiation are strong
 When primary instead of secondary motives can be tapped.
Role of advertising-Limitations
According to Richard H. Stansfield advertising can not do the
 Sell a bad product twice
 Sell an overpriced or otherwise non competitive product
 Sell a poorly distributed product
 Sell a seasonal product out of season
 sell product to persons having no use for them
 Work overnight
 Do the selling job alone
Advertising Management
Basic decision areas in advertising are
 Setting advertising objectives
 Determining advertising budgets
 Developing advertisement copy and message
 Selecting and scheduling media
 Measuring advertising effectiveness
Advertising Campaign : Q & A
Source: Charles Ramond, Advertising Research; The state of the art
To make this decision One must choose a Using

What to say Theme, Copy platform Concept tests positioning

To whom Target audience Market segmentation
How to say it Copy commercial Copy research,
execution Commercial test
Frequency of exposure Studies of repetition
How often

Where Media Plan Media research modes

How much to spend Budget level Sales analysis,

Marketing models
Setting advertising objectives
Russel H. Colley, DAGMAR – defining –advertising- goals for- measured
-advertising -results.
Colley distinguished 52 advertising goals that might be used in connection with a
single advertisement, a year’s campaign for a product or a company’s entire
advertising philosophy. Some are ;
•Announce a special reason for buying now (Price, premium etc)Classic Indian
Advertisements\TIMES OF INDIA\TimesofIndia_119388_HE.mpg
•Build familiarity & easy recognition of the package or trade mark
•Persuade prospect to visit a show room
•Build up morale of the company’s sales force:Classic Indian
•Correct false impression, misinformation and other obstacles to sales:Classic
Indian Advertisements\cOCA cOLA\coca ad.mpg Coca Cola ad)

Advertising Objectives:
•Inform-Aware –Create brand knowledge-Reinforce positive attitude-
precipitate buying action-Increase sales-Build up an image
Developing advertising copy
and message
 David Ogilvy; ‘what you say is more important than what you
 William Bernbach: ‘How you say is as important as what you
 Rooser reeves; The Unique Selling proposition (USP)- Three
guide lines for developing USP are : (SONATA AD)
1.The proposition must involve a specific product benefit
2.The proposition must be unique
3.The proposition must sell
 Leo Burnett: The common touch or ‘the inherent drama’ (TOI-
Hockey ad)
1.Straightforwardness without being flatfooted
2.Warm without being mawkish
Selecting and scheduling media

 Which media (Press, Outdoor,radio,TV,cinema,Internet)

 When & how often advertisement should be placed in
selected media
Media Selection:
 Reach
 Frequency
 Gross Rating Point (GRP)-Reach x no of times
(35 % of people are reached 4 times a week by a given
medium, GRP is 35 x 4 =140)
 Comparative costs
 Advertisement scheduling
Measuring advertising effectiveness

Pre testing methods

 Direct Rating (Specialists to rank the ads-
attractiveness, liking, theme,slogan etc)
 Portfolio Test-Recall of ad & contents
 Testing Physiological Reactions (Pupil dilation,
Heart beat on seeing an ad)
Post Testing methods
 Recognition Tests (% of readers-Noted, Associated
seen & read a part of ad and Who read more than
50% ad)
 Recall Test (Extent of recall)
Coordinating with
advertising agency
70% large sized Indian companies
hired the services of Ad agencies.
-A Research Finding

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