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Dialog Moderator Seminar

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this seminar on Cold
Storage Treatment on the Chrysanthemum morifolium ramat
cuttings before rooting.
By Melliani Natalia
First of all, I would like say thanks to
1. Ir. Sitawati, MS.
2. Ir. Sukindar, MP.
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatik Wardiati, MS. thank you for your attendance
4. And, the audience who comes and join with us in this seminar
Before starting the topic, I would like to inform to you that this seminar
devided on 4 seccsion, which are first seccsion is opening and
presentation comes from Miss Melliani Natalia
Second seccsion is discussion
Then, third secsion is evaluation
And the last is closing
Now, so as to start this seminar, I would like to invite Miss Melliani Natalia
to present his proposal. For Miss Melliani the time is all yours.

Ladies and gentlemen that was the first seccsion on this seminar. Now, we
are going to the second seccsion which is discussion. For the first, allow
me to invite Mr Deddy Praditya Saputra to give advice, question and
For Mr Deddy the time is yours

Thanks to Mr Deddy
Ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to the next seccsion about the
discussion too. As the time is limited we can only respond to 2 question or
comment. For the questioner, please raise your hand and mention your
Ladies and gentlemen that was the second seccsion on this seminar. We
have now come to the third seccsion, which is evaluation. First evaluation
from Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatik Wardiati, MS.
For Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatik Wardiati, MS. the time is yours.
Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatik Wardiati, MS.
Then, the second evaluation from Ir. Sukindar, MP.
for Ir. Sukindar, MP. the time is yours.

Thanks to Ir. Sukindar, MP.

Then, the third evaluation from Ir. Sitawati, MS.
for Ir. Sitawati, MS. the time is yours.

Thanks to Ir. Sitawati, MS.

Ladies and gentlemen that the ends this seminar on Cold Storage
Treatment on the Chrysanthemum morifolium ramat cuttings
before rooting.
by Melliani Natalia

We do hope that the information we have shared would be very useful

feedback to us all
I am Heny Novitasari, thank you for your attention in this seminar.

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