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Facilities Management Report to the Board of Trustees

August and September 2010

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

• All preventive maintenance was completed for the month of August.

• Touch up painting was completed in several areas on the fourth floor
• Ceiling tile replacement was completed in hallways and stair landings
throughout the building.
• Electricians are working to replace lighting in various areas of the third floor.
• Steam traps and coils are being prepared for the heating season.
• New thermostats were installed in several office areas on the fourth floor.
• Other plumbing and engineering services were preformed throughout

Neighborhood Libraries

• DCPL painters completed work at Lamond Riggs and Capitol View that
included painting as well as some ceiling tile work.
• DCPL’s locksmith/carpenter completed new locks installation at Anacostia.
• The landscape team continued to work on all neighborhood libraries that are
not covered by staff custodians.
• All neighborhood libraries have been inspected and will be ready for heating
season by October 15, 2010.
• DCPL’s mailroom staff has collected all weeded books for the month of
• A new air handler for the 2nd floor at Cleveland Park has been installed and
all repair work to the boiler room has been completed including new exterior
• Chevy Chase had new controls placed on the hot water pump; a leak was
repaired in the boiler room; and the gas line was capped in the kitchen area.
• Palisades had a new hot water heater installed and a leak repaired in the air
handler unit.

Miscellaneous Items

• Energy Stimulus funding preparation has been completed and our

contracting and procurement division is in the process of awarding new
contracts for the projects.
• DCPL’s participation in the Way-To-Work Initiative funded by DOES ended
on September 3, 2010. We will miss the help we received from the three
participants in the program.
• Collections for the western route of our mailroom delivery staff has grown so
large that a bigger truck is now being used on several days of the week
because the smaller van can not handle the load.

Document #9C
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
September 22, 2010

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