FSA Student Life: The Moon Festival

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FSA Student Life

September 2010

National Tsing Hua University

The Moon Festival

The Moon Festival is full of legendary watching the moon at the same
stories. Legend says that Chang Er time so it seems that they are
flew to the moon, where she has together at that hour. A great
The Chinese Moon Festival is on the
lived ever since. You might see her amount of poems have been de-
15th of the 8th lunar month. It's also
known as the Mid-autumn Festival. This dancing on the moon during the voted to this romantic festival. We
year the Mid-autumn Festival is cele- Moon Festival. The Moon Festival is hope the Moon Festival will bring
also an occasion for family reunions. you happiness this year!
brated on September 22nd, this day
there will be no classes.

When the full moon rises, families get

Please remember: together to watch the full moon, eat
moon cakes, and sing moon poems.
With the full moon, the legends, the
 Add/Drop courses & family and the poems, you can't help
thinking that this is really a perfect
off campus course world. That is why the Chinese are so
selection 9/12-9/29 fond of the Moon Festival.

 Classes begins 9/13

 Moon festival 9/22 The Moon Festival is also a romantic

No class The moon cake is the food for the
one. A perfect night for the festival is
Chinese culture is deeply embedded in Moon Festival. The Chinese eat the
if it is a quiet night without a silk of
traditional festivals. Just like Christmas moon cake at night with the full
cloud and with a little mild breeze
 Teacher’s Day 9/28 and Thanksgiving in Western cultures,
from the sea. Lovers spend such a moon in the sky.
the Moon Festival is one of the most
No class important traditional events for the
romantic night together tasting the
delicious moon cake with some wine
Chinese people.
while watching the full moon. Even
 Double– Ten Day for a couple who can't be together,
10/10 they can still enjoy the night by
No class


September Activities One-by-one Mandarin Teaching

Pro. FANG, SHENG-PING at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature
has a class named “Reading , Writing and Cognition” this fall semester. It offers free Mandarin
Activity Date Place teaching to 10 foreign students in the campus. From your pattern of learning, they will do some
research. No matter you are with or without the basic Mandarin ability you will be welcome by
Orientation for Inter- 6 Auditorium them. If you are interested in joining, please contact Ms. Yu-Hsin Tan at the following e-mail
national Students address: s901021226@gmail.com
Club Exhibitions 15 Shui-Mu
Foreign Students Spoken Chinese Contest
Welcome Party 24 Int, Student
The National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall held the ”Foreign Students Spoken Chinese Contest”
Act. Center on December 11th. Please check the attached file for details. If you are interested in it, please go
to the Office of Division of General Student Affairs to get the registration form.

Youth Travel in Taiwan Program

The National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan has a “Youth Travel in Taiwan” program for for-
eign students in the college. They encourage you to form a team of around 20 people and visit
one of the 40 recommended scenic spots. They will sponsor your trip if you apply and are ac-
cepted by them. The highest amount is NTD$30,000. You can visit the following website for fur-
ther information: http://tour.youthtravel.tw/travel2009/main.php
FSA Student Life Page 2

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 own articles, or include a

words. calendar of upcoming events
or a special offer that pro-
One benefit of using your
motes a new product.
newsletter as a promotional
tool is that you can reuse You can also research articles
content from other marketing or find “filler” articles by ac-
materials, such as press re- cessing the World Wide Web.
leases, market studies, and You can write about a variety
reports. of topics but try to keep your
articles short.
While your main goal of dis-
tributing a newsletter might Much of the content you put
be to sell your product or in your newsletter can also be
Caption describing service, the key to a success- used for your Web site. Micro-
picture or graphic. ful newsletter is making it soft Publisher offers a simple
useful to your readers. way to convert your newslet-
ter to a Web publication. So,
A great way to add useful
when you’re finished writing
content to your newsletter is
your newsletter, convert it to
to develop and write your
a Web site and post it.

Inside Story Headline

“To catch the
This story can fit 100-150 comment upon new proce-
reader's words. dures or improvements to the
business. Sales figures or
attention, The subject matter that ap-
earnings will show how your
pears in newsletters is virtu-
business is growing.
place an ally endless. You can include
stories that focus on current Some newsletters include a
interesting technologies or innovations column that is updated every
in your field. issue, for instance, an advice
sentence or column, a book review, a
You may also want to note
letter from the president, or
quote from the business or economic trends,
an editorial. You can also
or make predictions for your
story here.” profile new employees or top
customers or clients.
customers or vendors.
If the newsletter is distrib-
uted internally, you might

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 Microsoft Publisher includes

words. thousands of clip art images
from which you can choose
Selecting pictures or graphics
and import into your newslet-
is an important part of add-
ter. There are also several
ing content to your newslet-
tools you can use to draw
shapes and symbols.
Caption describing picture Think about your article and
Once you have chosen an
or graphic. ask yourself if the picture
image, place it close to the
supports or enhances the
article. Be sure to place the
message you’re trying to
caption of the image near the
convey. Avoid selecting im-
ages that appear to be out of
September 2010 Page 3

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 own articles, or include a it.

words. calendar of upcoming events
or a special offer that pro-
One benefit of using your
motes a new product.
newsletter as a promotional
tool is that you can reuse You can also research articles
content from other marketing or find “filler” articles by ac-
materials, such as press re- cessing the World Wide Web.
leases, market studies, and You can write about a variety
reports. of topics but try to keep your
articles short.
While your main goal of dis-
tributing a newsletter might Much of the content you put
be to sell your product or in your newsletter can also Caption describing picture or
service, the key to a success- be used for your Web site. graphic.
ful newsletter is making it Microsoft Publisher offers a
useful to your readers. simple way to convert your
newsletter to a Web publica-
A great way to add useful
tion. So, when you’re finished
content to your newsletter is
writing your newsletter, con-
to develop and write your
vert it to a Web site and post

Inside Story Headline

“To catch the
This story can fit 100-150 comment upon new proce-
words. dures or improvements to reader's
the business. Sales figures or
The subject matter that ap- attention,
earnings will show how your
pears in newsletters is virtu-
business is growing.
ally endless. You can include place an
stories that focus on current Some newsletters include a
technologies or innovations column that is updated every interesting
in your field. issue, for instance, an advice
column, a book review, a sentence or
You may also want to note
letter from the president, or
business or economic trends, quote from the
an editorial. You can also
or make predictions for your
profile new employees or top story here.”
customers or clients.
customers or vendors.
If the newsletter is distrib-
uted internally, you might

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 Microsoft Publisher includes

words. thousands of clip art images
from which you can choose
Selecting pictures or graphics
and import into your newslet-
is an important part of add-
ter. There are also several
ing content to your newslet-
tools you can use to draw
shapes and symbols.
Think about your article and
Once you have chosen an
ask yourself if the picture
image, place it close to the
supports or enhances the
article. Be sure to place the Caption describing
message you’re trying to
caption of the image near the picture or graphic.
convey. Avoid selecting im-
ages that appear to be out of

This would be a good place to

Primary Business Address insert a short paragraph about
Your Address Line 2
your organization. It might in-
Your Address Line 3
Your Address Line 4 clude the purpose of the or-
Phone: 555-555-5555 ganization, its mission, found-
Fax: 555-555-5555 ing date, and a brief history.
E-mail: someone@example.com
You could also include a brief
list of the types of products,
services, or programs your or-
Your business tag line here.
ganization offers, the geo-
graphic area covered (for ex-
ample, western U.S. or Euro-
pean markets), and a profile of
the types of customers or
members served.
It would also be useful to in-
clude a contact name for read-
ers who want more information
about the organization.
We’re on the Web!

Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 A listing of names and titles their calendars for a regular
words. of managers in your organi- event, such as a breakfast
zation is a good way to give meeting for vendors every
If your newsletter is folded
your newsletter a personal third Tuesday of the month,
and mailed, this story will
touch. If your organization is or a biannual charity auction.
appear on the back. So, it’s a
small, you may want to list
good idea to make it easy to If space is available, this is a
the names of all employees.
read at a glance. good place to insert a clip art
If you have any prices of image or some other graphic.
A question and answer ses-
standard products or ser-
sion is a good way to quickly
vices, you can include a list-
capture the attention of read-
ing of those here. You may
ers. You can either compile
want to refer your readers to
questions that you’ve re-
any other forms of communi-
ceived since the last edition
cation that you’ve created for
or you can summarize some
Caption describing pic-
your organization.
generic questions that are
ture or graphic. frequently asked about your You can also use this space
organization. to remind readers to mark

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