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Stephen Cassidy is a Leader

in Saving San Leandro Hospital

Only one Mayoral Candidate has fought to keep our Hospital open
Safe, high-quality medical care is critical to
every community and even minutes count in
emergencies. The importance of keeping San
Leandro Hospital and its emergency room open
cannot be overstated. Our hospital closing
would result in delayed response times and
needless suffering to the people of San Leandro.
I’m an active member of the Coalition to
Save San Leandro Hospital, have written letters,
Op-Eds, and spoken at town hall and city
council meetings in support of San Leandro.

Eden Township Director Carole Rogers, RN
Roxann Lewis, RN
Dr. Doug Taylor DPM
Dr. Miles Adler, MD
My opponent Mayor Santos, in contrast, Lisa LaFave, R.N.
repeated Sutter’s arguments to close the See our website for more...
hospital. Councilmember Starosciak voted for a
resolution in support only after I publicly called
for it. Cassidy’s Letters &
With San Leandro Kaiser under construction, Op Eds
keeping San Leandro Hospital open gives us the Save San Leandro Ho
opportunity to make San Leandro into a hub for - Daily Review, 4/22/0 l
high quality medical care. Calls on Mayor, Coun
Oppose Closing Hosp cil to
As Mayor I will lead the way in fighting for ital ER - SL Times, 4/2
our medical care and in safeguarding the Hospital Closure’s Ne
on Health and the Ec gative Effects
quality-of-life services important to the people onomy - SL Times, 7/1
Keep San Leandro Ho 6/09
living in San Leandro today and tomorrow. spital Open - Daily Re
view, 7/17/09
Sutter Advances Fina
Over Resident’s Welf ncial In terests
are - SL Times, 10/22

A Leader with Solutions

Paid for by Cassidy for Mayor 2010, FPPC #1322168. Labor donated.

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