Business Plan For Acts 2 4

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Jirón San José 230,

Urbanización San Carlos

Huancayo Peru
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................... 3

Business Description and Vision ............................................................... 4

Definition of the Market ............................................................................ 5

Products and Services ................................................................................ 6

Organization and Management ................................................................ 7

Marketing and Sales .................................................................................. 8

Financial Management .............................................................................. 9

Appendices ................................................................................................11

Executive Summary
High in the Andes Mountains of central Peru one finds the agriculture rich Mantaro Valley, the
breadbasket of Peru. On the southern end of this valley lies the city of Huancayo. With a
population of more than 500,000 people (rising to closer to one million if the surrounding
communities are included in the number), the region has a lot to offer to Peru and the world. It is
a city of contrasts with traditional markets a few blocks away from a modern mall offering 3D
movies and modern conveniences. The city boasts a number of quality universities but illiteracy
is still an issue for many. The Peruvian people are very proud of their culture, their heritage,
their country. They want to offer the best they can to the world, and many realize that they
cannot do this without fluency in the English language.

Acts 2.4 English Language Institute is an outreach program of the missionaries serving in Peru
with The Mission Society and La Fraternidad Misionera. Its purpose is two-fold: 1) to provide
quality English language instruction in a positive and encouraging Christ centered environment,
and 2) to raise funds to support further community improvement projects within the valley and
beyond. The classes will be taught by qualified and motivated teachers. Many of them will be
volunteers who speak English as their native language. A few of them will be paid Peruvian
nationals with the ability to teach English grammar in a way that lets their compatriots enjoy the
process of learning.

Because of the status of the missionaries’ visas to be in the country of Peru, they cannot earn
money from Peruvian sources. Therefore, Acts 2.4 English Language Institute is a not-for-profit
agency providing a service for a fee to the Peruvian people. One hundred percent of the profits
will be reinvested in projects and ministries through the awarding of grants and loans and
overseen by a board of Peruvian nationals who know best the needs of their own communities.

Business Description and Vision
The mission of Acts 2.4 is to provide an excellent quality English Language Instruction taught in
a encouraging Christ centered environment.

By the year 2015, our vision is to be the premier English Language Institute in the Mantaro
Valley known for our quest for excellence not only in the language ability demonstrated by our
students but also in the quality of life for which they are striving to honor God. With the number
of students, our vision is to reinvest approximately S/. 300,000 (currently about $100,000)
annually back into the community for ministry and community improvement projects led by
Peruvian nationals.


1. Provide quality instruction by qualified and motivated teachers in a positive and encouraging
Christ centered environment.
2. Prepare students fluent in the English language with strong abilities in reading, writing,
listening and speaking the language.
3. Graduate students adequately prepared to meet their educational goals.
4. Provide a solid Christ centered foundation for the students and staff.
5. Be a model of Christ centered life and stewardship.
6. Reinvest 100% of our profits back into the community through a grant and loan program
overseen by Peruvian Nationals.


There have been missionaries with The Mission Society living in Peru since the mid-1990s.
Much good work has been accomplished in the intervening years, but much more is to be done.
Our goal as an agency is to prepare and equip the Peruvian Nationals to carry on the work on
their own. Thousands of people have already received training, but there are many more to be
trained. The problem has always been the funding of these ministries. Because of the status of
the visas on which the missionaries are allowed to work in Peru, they cannot earn money from
Peruvian sources. However, the umbrella ministry under which they have received their visas,
La Fraternidad Misionera, can, provided all the money is spent within the year.

There is a strong desire among Peruvian nationals living in the Andean city of Huancayo and the
Mantaro Valley to learn the English language, and there are a number language institutes
offering English instruction. However, most of these are taught by Peruvian nationals whose
native language is Spanish or Quechua. Grammar is taught well. Pronunciation is not.

In 2009, the McEuen family arrived in Huancayo. Having taught German to elementary school
aged through adult students for a number of years and English encounter classes, Ash and Audra
were well equipped to take over the lead in further exploration of opening an English language
institute to provide for the language needs of Peruvian nationals in a positive and encouraging
Christ centered environment.

Definition of the Market
There are currently a number of English language institutes in and around the city of Huancayo.
All of the state schools and the vast majority of the private schools teach English as a second
language. All of the language institutes are small with one exception: Instituto Cultural Peruano
Norteamericano (ICPNA). ICPNA is a quality institution providing a quality language

In all probability ICPNA will continue to be a strong force in English education in the region.
Nevertheless, Acts 2.4 will present a strong presence as well, providing quality education taught
by native speakers of English in the conversation courses and Peruvians in the grammar classes.


There is a critical need in the community concerning classes in the English: Conversation
classes taught by native speakers of the English Language.

The primary audience we hope to reach are young men and women ages 17 through 30 (although
all adults are welcome to participate in the classes). This age is generally referred to as los
jovenes (the youth) and is an awkward time of transition for many. Many of them still live at
home and are either studying in the university or working fulltime. They still answer to their
parents and are little trusted within the community at large. Many of them want to better
themselves and see knowledge of English as a vital skill in the 21 st century. Because they are
still young, many of them do not have a lot of extra spending money to pay for expensive classes
or hire a private tutor.

Currently: Because there are only two of us at the moment willing to teach English as a foreign
language here in Peru, we have a very small share of the market. Acts 2.4 has not yet officially
opened, but we are building a base through English Outreach classes (2 hours a week during
seven week sessions designed to practice English with native English speakers). Many of the
students are persistently asking for more instruction and when opportunities such as translation
classes or conversation classes are offered, they jump at the chance.

Anticipated: Because we want all our conversation teachers to be native speakers of the
language and because it is hoped that the majority of them will be volunteers (interns being paid
by donors from the United States, Canada or Europe for a period of 3 months to three years), we
want to keep the school to a maximum (after five years of development) of 200 students per

Products and Services
Two types of classes will be offered: grammar and conversation. The purpose of the grammar
classes is to teach a solid foundation of English grammar. These classes will be taught by
Peruvian nationals who are experts in the field and who have a natural cultural understanding of
the best means for Peruvians to learn grammar. Conversation classes will be taught at three
levels (beginning, intermediate and advanced) taught by native speakers of the language with the
purpose of individually helping the students use correct grammar and pronunciation. Advanced
students have a choice of taking a general conversation class or a more specialized class in


At present these classes will not be certified by the UGEL (the Peruvian government board of
education), but students will receive a certificate from La Fraternidad Misionera and will be
adequately prepared to take and pass standard English language proficiency exams.


The following is a general plan of expansion for the Acts 2.4 English Language Institute. The
actual classes are approximate and may be changed according to student enrollment. We are
beginning with intermediate and advanced students because that is where a number of our
current exploratory students are with their language ability. Student numbers are per month with
the expectation and hope that they will continue on throughout the year.

Beginning Intermediate Advanced Total Teacher

Grammar Conversation Conversation Conversation Translation Classes Needs Students
Year 2 Eng L1
0 0 2 1 1 4 0 Peruvian
Year 2 English L1
2 1 3 1 1 8 1 Peruvian
Year 4 English L1
4 2 3 1 2 12 2 Peruvian
Year 4 English L1
5 3 4 2 2 16 2 Peruvian
Year 7 English L1
5 5 5 3 2 20 2 Peruvian

Organization and Management

Jesus Christ
La Fraternidad Misionera – The Mission Society
Acts 2.4 Board
Ash McEuen, director
Paid Staff ----- Permanent Volunteers ----- Intern Volunteers
Peruvian Grammar Teacher Career Missionary Conversation Teacher
Peruvian Grammar Teacher Career Missionary Conversation Teacher
Accountant Conversation Teacher
Conversation Teacher
Conversation Teacher
Conversation Teacher

Boxes with solid lines are positions already in place. Those with dashed lines are in our future
plans of expansion.

Acts 2.4 is a partnership with La Fraternidad Misionera located in the city of Huancayo, Peru.


A lawyer for La Fraternidad Misionera is currently looking into the licenses and permits needed
to officially open the doors of Acts 2.4.


Ash McEuen was born in 1970 and grew up in central Oregon and on a ranch in southeastern
Montana. From an early age, he has been interested in languages and culture, and when the first
opportunity arrived for him to learn a second language, he jumped at the chance. The language
was German (the only one offered at his high school at the time). He later attended the Instituto
für Deutsche Studien in Bemidji, Minnesota (a part of Concordia College in Morehead,
Minnesota). He graduated four years later from Eastern Montana College in Billings with a
Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) degree in German (major) and English (minor). Ash
taught German and English for number of years in public schools in Montana and Georgia.
After teaching, he followed God´s calling into the ordained ministry in the United Methodist
Church, serving two churches in north Georgia. The next call from God was into full time cross
cultural work to Peru. After 13 months at language school in Costa Rica, he and his family
moved to the city of Huancayo in the central Andes of Peru. He lives there with his wife Audra
and their four children.
Marketing and Sales Strategy
Because of the logistical need to limit the size of Acts 2.4 and the enrollment of students, future
students will be drawn from two sources: 1) the students enrolled in the exploratory English
Outreach classes, and 2) word of mouth referrals from current students.

Classes for Acts 2.4 will be taught in a central location in either the city of Huancayo or El
Tambo. English Outreach classes will be taken out into the surrounded in the small

Costs for classes are as follows:
English Outreach (7 week session)............................................................... S/. 10

Acts 2.4 Classes (2 months – 4 sessions per week for 7 weeks)

Grammar ........................................................................................ S/. 300
Basic conversation ......................................................................... S/. 300
Intermediate conversation .............................................................. S/. 300
Advanced conversation .................................................................. S/. 300

Books (1 time purchase)

Grammar .......................................................................................... S/. 10
English Phonics ............................................................................... S/. 10

Financial Management
First Year –
40 students per month meeting in 4 classes (10 students each) four days a week.
Charge S/. 150 per month
o S/. 150 fee x 40 students = S/. 6000 per month
o S/. 6000 per month x 12 months = S/. 72,000 per year
o Rent of space: S/. 300 per month (S/. 3,600 per year)
o Utilities: S/. 100 per month (S/. 1,200 per year)
o Materials: S/. 100 per student per year (S/. 4000 per year)
o Teachers are volunteers (2 teachers teaching 2 classes each)
o Total expenses for the year: S/. 8,800
Total ―profit‖ for first year: S/. 72,000 – S/. 8,800 = S/. 63,200
Total reinvested into the community in and around the Valle Mantaro: S/. 63,200
o This will be dispersed in the form of grants and loans to various projects and programs
within the community seeking assistance.

Second Year –
80 students per month meeting in 8 classes (10 students each) four days a week.
Charge S/. 150 per month
o S/. 150 fee x 80 students = S/. 12,000 per month
o S/. 12,000 per month x 12 months = S/. 144,000 per year
o Rent of space: S/. 1000 per month (S/. 12,000 per year)
o Utilities: S/. 300 per month (S/. 3600 per year)
o Materials: S/. 100 per student per year (S/. 8000)
o Teachers (2 Native English teachers and one Peruvian teacher
 Native speakers are volunteer
 Peruvian teacher of grammar (S/. 400 month or S/. 4800 per year)
o Total expenses for the year: S/. 28,400
Total ―profit‖ for the second year: S/. 144,000 – S/. 28,400 = S/. 115,600
Total reinvested into the community in and around the Valle Mantaro: S/. 115,600

Third Year –
120 students per month meeting in 12 classes (10 students each) four days a week.
Charge S/. 150 per month
o S/. 150 fee x 120 students = S/. 18,000 per month
o S/. 18,000 per month x 12 months = S/. 216,000
o Rent of space: S/. 1000 per month (S/. 12,000 per year)
o Utilities: S/. 300 per month (S/. 3600 per year)
o Materials: S/. 100 per student per year (S/. 12,000)

o Teachers (4 Native English teachers and two Peruvian teachers
 Native speakers are volunteer
 Two Peruvian teachers of grammar (S/. 800 month for both or S/. 9600 per year)
o Total expenses for the year: S/. 37,200
Total ―profit‖ for third year: S/. 216,000 – S/. 37,200 = S/. 178,800
Total reinvested into the community in and around the Valle Mantaro: S/. 178,800

Fourth Year –
200 students per month meeting in 20 classes (10 students each) four days a week.
Charge S/. 150 per month
o S/. 150 fee x 200 students = S/. 24,000 per month
o S/. 18,000 per month x 12 months = S/. 288,000
o Rent of space: S/. 1000 per month (S/. 12,000 per year)
o Utilities: S/. 300 per month (S/. 3600 per year)
o Materials: S/. 100 per student per year (S/. 16,000)
o Teachers (6 Native English teachers and two Peruvian teachers
 Native speakers are volunteer
 Two Peruvian teachers of grammar (S/. 800 month for both or S/. 9600 per year)
o Total expenses for the year: S/. 41,200
Total ―profit‖ for third year: S/. 288,000 – S/. 41,200 = S/. 246,800
Total reinvested into the community in and around the Valle Mantaro: S/. 246,800

Fifth Year –
160 students per month meeting in 16 classes (10 students each) four days a week.
Charge S/. 150 per month
o S/. 150 fee x 200 students = S/. 30,000 per month
o S/. 18,000 per month x 12 months = S/. 360,000
o Rent of space: S/. 2000 per month (S/. 24,000 per year)
o Utilities: S/. 600 per month (S/. 7,200 per year)
o Materials: S/. 100 per student per year (S/. 20,000)
o Teachers (8 Native English teachers and two Peruvian teachers
 Native speakers are volunteer
 Two Peruvian teachers of grammar (S/. 800 month for both or S/. 9600 per year)
o Total expenses for the year: S/. 60,800
Total ―profit‖ for third year: S/. 360,000 – S/. 60,800 = 299,200
Total reinvested into the community in and around the Valle Mantaro: S/. 299,200

COMPANY BROCHURES............................................................................................................. A

RESUME OF ASH MCEUEN........................................................................................................ B

LIST OF BUSINESS EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. C


Who: Native speakers of English of any age willing to work in a Christ Centered Environment
What: Teach English as a missionary intern in The Acts 2.4 English Language Institute
When: Anytime during the year for anywhere from 3 months to 2 years
Where: Huancayo, Peru (high in the Andes Mountains)
How: Working through language experiences (classes) with students by speaking English and sharing the love
of God with them
Why: Peruvians know that although Spanish is a beautiful and important language, the ability to speak and use
the English language along with their Spanish will open up many doors to their future. Although there
are a number of English language schools in Huancayo, very few (if any) use native speakers of English
as their teachers. Also, very few (if any) share with their students the love of God.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I have to be a certified teacher?

No. The only requirement is that you are a fluent, native speaker of the language. We are currently developing the
curriculum and lessons to follow. If you have experience in this area, you are more than welcome to help us in this
as well.

I speak English, but do I also have to speak Spanish?

No. It is important that during the class periods, the students hear and are forced to interpret English spoken by
native speakers as much as possible. Although it is difficult, and at time frustrating, complex concepts of grammar
and the language can be learned in the second (or third) language. During your free time you will have
opportunities (and are encouraged) to interact with the Peruvians in the community. At these times, some basic
Spanish will be helpful. Also, being surrounded by Spanish, you will learn some of the language.

What is the philosophy of Education of Acts 2.4 English Language Institute?

Our philosophy of teaching foreign languages has been gleaned from 22 years of teaching together and many years
teaching German to people from preschool through adulthood. Learning a language is best done when the entire
body is involved (think, Physical Education and Health instead of Science and Geography). Creating a language
rich environment is important, as is recreating as much as possible the environment in which we learned our first
language. A positive, encouraging classroom is vital. Encouraging the students to speak and use the language orally
before using the written word is also very important for their long term success.

How old are the students?

Students range in age from preschool through adults. Many teenagers and young adults (or their parents) have a
strong desire to learn English, so many of the students fall within this age group (age 17 to 30).

How old do I need to be?

Your age is much less important than your positive attitude, dynamic personality, and willingness to serve Christ in
a cross-cultural setting. We are looking for young adults, college students, pastors on sabbatical, teachers on a long
break, retirees, adults in transition—to mention just a few of the possibilities—to share the love of God through the
teaching of English.

Where will I live?
You will live in the home of a Peruvian family who follows Christ. They will become your Peruvian family and
will help you to learn some Spanish, provide meals for you, help you adapt to the culture. In turn, you will be a
Christian witness and presence in their home, be a good steward and witness of your own culture, and help them
with their English (if they wish).

How much will I get paid for teaching English?

The Acts 2.4 English Language Institute is a non-profit organization. As such, you will be volunteering your time
and skills for the period of time you are in Peru.

If I don´t get paid, how will I support myself while in Peru?

Because you will be here on either a tourist or a religious visa (depending on your length of stay), you will not be
allowed under Peruvian law to earn money while here. For that reason, you will have to raise support to cover your
costs before leaving the United States. We can give you ideas on how to raise this support, if you would like.

Okay, bottom line… How much will this cost?

That depends on the economy. Your costs will include your transportation to and from your home to Peru, the cost
of room and board with the Peruvian family, and any extra expenses you will incur during your free time. If you
choose to pursue this ministry opportunity, we will send you a more detailed budget.

Is there anything else I should know?

Honestly, there are a number of things that will learn and need to know before coming. Those things change
depending on your personality and experience. There are a few things to remember, though.

1. Being a missionary is something that God calls a person to do. Be sure to pray about this opportunity and
see if it is something God wants you to do (and not just something you want to do).
2. We ask that you give at least three months of your life to this ministry. This will give you the time you
need to start building relationships of trust and love with those around you.
3. There is some training that you will have to complete before coming to Peru. This training is not optional
and is very important for your success in the Peruvian culture. It will be provided online by those of us
here in Peru and by The Mission Society office.

For more information and answers to your particular questions, please contact us. We are looking forward to
hearing from you.

Ash McEuen, Missionaries to Peru

Coordinator for Acts 2.4 English Language Institute
USA phone: 678.701.3757


Ashley “Ash” W. McEuen

Jirón San José 230, Urbanización San Carlos, Huancayo, Perú  51.64.215327 


Instituto de la Lengua Española (San José, Costa Rica), Certificate in Spanish Language,
August 2009
Candler School of Theology (Emory University), M.Div. in Theology, May 2002
Eastern Montana College, BSED in German/English, May 1993
Das Institut für Deutsche Studien (Concordia College), Certificate in German Language,
May, 1989

Positions Held

Cross Cultural Witness

The Mission Society – Present

 Work on children´s literacy by bringing books in a mobile library to the children in the small
communities in the Mantaro Valley of Peru. Work on opening a children´s library in the city
and eventually in the surrounding communities.
 Teach English to Peruvian nationals. Create material and curriculum.
 Pastoral and laity training in local churches throughout the city and surrounding region of Peru.
Create material and curriculum.
The North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church – 1999-present

 Led congregations in North Georgia through vision casting, leadership, worship, and study.
 Served on various committees in the conference including the Disaster Response
 Appointed by the bishop to serve as a cross cultural witness to Peru with The Mission Society.

Educator, German and Classroom

Fairyland Elementary School, Walker County Schools, Georgia – 1994-1999

 Taught German to students in Kindergarten through the fifth grade. Created and designed
curriculum and classroom environment.
 Taught fifth and sixth grade regular classroom with an emphasis in the humanities and math
and reading for lower achieving students.

Related Professional Training and Experience

 Community Emergency Response (CERT) in Cherokee County, Georgia.

 Served on the Disaster Response Committee in the North Georgia Annual Conference of the
United Methodist Church
 Served as Chaplain for two trimesters at El Instituto de la Lengua Española in San José, Costa
 TESOL Expert Certification through the American TESOL Institute

Computer and Research Skills

 Comfortable in PC environments.
 Work with Microsoft Word, Movie Maker, Excel and PowerPoint.


 English, native language

 German, fluent
 Spanish, fluent
 American Sign Language, intermediate


 2 work tables for classrooms

 16 stools for the tables
 White board for the classroom
 Supplies for teaching English Outreach Cycle 1 and English Outreach Cycle 2
 Realia for teaching Acts 2.4 classes
 Rented location for classes
 Stereo
 Television and DVD player


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