Project Title: Project Start Date: Project Finish Date

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Project Title:

Project Start Date:

Project Finish Date:

Budget Information:

Project Manager:

Project Objectives:

3. 6 . I N I T I A L B U D G E T E S T I M AT E S

Based on the current analysis work completed, a budget estimate is being provided below. Since this
is still early in the project phase, this estimate is likely to change as requirements change. The following
table represents our best estimate for each item.

Table 1: Initial Budget Estimate

Item Description Cost

Design a new web site and develop
Web Site back-end architecture $60,000.00
Includes cost for necessary servers,
Hardware/Software* and desktop applications $40,000.00
The cost of analysis and design work $100,000.0
Analysis/Design work needed to complete project 0
Includes cost of physical and web site
security for accessing electronic
Security information $20,000.00
Integrate existing database systems
Database System with new web-enabled interface $50,000.00
Coding/Testing/Quality This cost includes the labor for coding, $200,000.0
Assurance testing and quality assurance work 0
This cost includes initial maintenance
costs for about 2 days for a total of 6
people (2 developers, 1 project
Initial Maintenance manager, 1 system architect, and 1 $100,000.0
Work** maintenance / support technician) 0
Total Cost   0

* Existing Corporate Business Informatics (CBI) hardware will be used to support TRIP.

** Additional (long term) maintenance responsibilities will be transferred to CBI, eliminating the
need for TFTS to maintain their own IT systems support infrastructure.
Initial Project Budget Estimate
The company currently has a basic network at headquarters and at each of the

individual sites. Each site has its own LAN, allowing for file sharing within the site.

However, the current GeoSepta infrastructure has been deemed as insufficient for on-

line, real-time IT assets assessment, software downloading, and the concurrent use by

multiple members at multiple sites. Also, the company has limited servers and will

need to be upgraded or added to handle the additional use and traffic and data storage


Table 3.6: Preliminary Cost Estimates for Hardware, Software, and Labor
Category Cost
Hardware $150,000
Upgraded server farm (at Corp.
Upgraded network
infrastructure at all sites,
including T1 lines, routers,
firewalls, etc.
Software costs $30,000
Rational Rose
Labor $75,000
Contracting staff (for analysis,
design, development, and
In-house technical staff (for
analysis, implementation,
deployment and training)
Support and maintenance $100,000 per year
Help Desk
Enhancements and fixes
Training and documentation
Total Year 1 $355,000
Initial time to complete (estimate in months)
 Time to initial implementation: 8 months

 Time to full implementation: 12 months

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