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How to recover Windows 7 password without a password reset disk?

As we know, Windows 7 allows us to create a password reset disk in case that we lost the Win 7
logon password. When we lose the password on Windows 7, we can reset a new Windows 7
password with the created disk. So it is no need for us to worry about forgetting Windows 7
password. But the fact is that many PC users forget to create a password reset disk and how to
recover Windows 7 password is still an annoying problem for many Windows 7 users. I met
many internet questions on how to recover Windows 7 password?

Q1: How to recover your windows 7 password?

My dad changed my admin password and can’t remember it now, and he just so happened to
not create a reset disk. Is there any way to change the admin password through guest, or any
other manner without the password?

Q2: How can I recover my Windows 7 password?

I made a password that I can't remember at all. I hadn't made a password reset disk and there
are no other users on my laptop. I don't really want to have to spend any money either. What
can I do?

Q3: How do you recover your computer password on windows 7?

On my laptop, I have windows 7 and when I turn it on it comes up with all the users on my
laptop. I have forgotten my password to get into my whole account, and I don't know how to
recover it? Anyone know? (I'm typing this on my friend's computer)

Windows 7 Password Recovery Solution One:

If you’ve forgot Windows 7 password but still can log on Windows with other user names that
have administrative privileges, you may follow the instructions below to reset Windows 7

Right click the computer icon on your desktop to select Manage, and click Local Users and
Groups. Unfold Users folder, and then right click Administrator to select Set password. Click
Proceed in the menu comes up. And then a dialog will pop up and you can enter a New Password
and confirm it at that time. Your administrator password is successfully reset.

Note: Guest account may help to log onto Windows 7, but it has no privilege for you to recover
Windows 7 administrator password.
Windows 7 Password Recovery Solution Two:
If you forgot all your Windows 7 passwords and failed to log onto Windows, there is no other
way but to reinstall computer or to use Windows password recovery software to reset windows
7 password and log onto computer again. It is the last choice to reinstall computer when you
forget Windows password as it result in data loss. So it is better to choose reliable Windows
password recovery software. Although these applications cost some bucks, but no data will lost
after password recovery with Windows password recovery. And it just cost you a few minutes to
recover Windows 7 password.

Windows Password Reset is reliable Windows password recovery software which allows you to
recover lost Windows administrator password, user password and domain administrator
password on all popular Windows OS like Win 7/Vista/XP/Server 2008/2003. By burning a
bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive with it, you can easily recover your Windows password.
Following are the steps to recover Windows 7 password.

Step 1: Download and install Windows Password Reset in any available computer.
Step 2: Burn a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive with this Windows recovery software
Step 3: Set your locked computer to boot from CD ROM or USB.
Step 4: Remove Windows 7 password with the burned CD/DVD or USB flash drive.
Step 5: Log on your computer without password and reset your Windows 7 administrator

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