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Year 6 Term 1 Week 4 Spelling Homework Due: 24th Sept

Name: ______________________________________

Spelling Rule: Hard and Soft ‘g’. If the word has the vowel a, o or u after the letter ‘g’ it has the hard /g/ sound
where as a word that has the vowel e, i or y, after the letter ‘g’, it has the soft /j/ sound.

Task 1 - Can you put the spelling words in ALPHABETI-

Can you SAY these words? Which of these words have
CAL ORDER? Write neatly and separate each word by
the HARD ‘g’ sound? Which ones have the soft ‘g’ (/j/)
using comma.
Plunge Rigid ___________________________________
Dialogue Emergency ___________________________________
Disguise Intelligent
Grudge Guidance ___________________________________
Prestige Guilt ___________________________________
Judgment -----------
Knowledge Irreversible
Language Soluble ___________________________________
Regular Tributary ___________________________________
Irregular Precipitation
Clergy Condensation

Task 2 - Which of the spelling words is a verb? List them Task 4 - Scrabble Maths: Using the scrabble tiles shown
can you work out how many points each word would earn?
below and change them into PAST TENSE verbs.

Task 3 - Rhyming words: Can you find words that rhymes

Word Rhyming words

Task 4 - Find the synonym and antonym for the following _______________________________________________
Word synonym antonym
Plunge _______________________________________________
Guide (guidance) _______________________________________________

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