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Gujarati Dalit Poetry

Bipin Gohel ( 1927 - )

(Bipin Gohel is the oldest living Gujarati Dalit poet. Although he started writing
poetry at a young age, the Gujarati literary establishment had no space for a young Dalit
poet. His first poems were published when he was in his late forties. He was an attender
at St.Peter’s school in Mazagaon, Mumbai for forty years till he retired. He still lives in
Mumbai. Bipin Gohel has published two collections of poems, Bhoonsata Maanasne
Ghoontoon Choon [To the Fading Man I Sing, 1993] and Ughaad Jevo Ughadtho
Maanas [Like the Clear Sky Awakens Man, 2000].)

After the Renaming Games

Bombay to Mumbai,
Victoria to Chatrapati Shivaji
The name of the game is renaming.
But those who know
There is nothing in a name
For the hands that turn
Empty bowls into sumptuous feasts;
Gutters into gushing fountains;
Footpaths into homes.

Sweet Moments

The train stopped with a quick whistle.

The drowsy hawkers came to life again.
Women with basketfuls of Sapota
Sold in peaked paper caps.
I always go for Sapotas,
Cloyingly sweet,
Melting in the mouth.
Most fruits you get on trains,
For that matter,
Never leave a bitter taste in the mouth
Like people.

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