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An Exploratory study of consumer perception.

{For the partial fulfillment of PGDM program}




Mr. Somil Mishra

Vikas Pandey
(Faculty- GHS-IMR)
Roll no- 1123


Banking as a business can be divided into five broad types:

1. Retail
2. Domestic wholesale
3. International Wholesale
4. Investment
5. Trust

Of all these types, retail and investment banking are most affected by online
technological innovations and are the ones that stand to profit most from e-commerce.

Role of e-commerce in banking is multifaceted – impacted by:

1. Changes in technology.
2. Rapid deregularization of many parts of finance.
3. Emergence of new banking institutions.
4. Basic economic restructuring.

E-Banking offers an inexpensive alternative to branching to expand a bank’s customer

base, and many banks are using e-banking to increase services to their customers.
Many banks have started websites on the Internet and many plan to offer banking
services over the Internet.

Smart Cards and other forms of electronic cash could be the key to consumer
acceptance of home banking, eventually allowing banks to reduce the number of their
physical branches.

Four major categories of home banking are:

1.Proprietary bank dial-up services.

A home banking service in combination with a Computer and Modem lets the bank
become and electronic gateway to consumer’s accounts, enabling them to transfer
funds or pay bills directly to creditor’s accounts.

2.Off-the-shelf home finance Software:

This category is a key player in making relationships between current customers and
helping banks gain new customers. Example: Microsoft’s Money and Bank of America’s
MECA Software.

3.Online Service Based Banking:

This category allows banks to setup retail branches or subscriber based online services
such as Prodigy, CompuServe and America Online.

4.WWW Based Banking;

This allows banks to bypass subscriber based online services and reach the customer’s
browser directly through worldwide web. Advantage of this model is its flexibility to adapt
to new online transaction processing models facilitated by e-commerce and elimination of
the constricting intermediary.

Each research to start needs an objective that implies, as to why a particular research
is being conducted and what is its aim?

Similarly our research also has following objectives:


The objective of the study are frames :

1. To examine the customers’ perceived level of service quality among the sample banks.

2. To trace out the customers’ desired level of service quality among the sample banks.

3. To estimate the service quality gap.


• To find customers satisfaction in e-banking services in comparison with the brick

and mortar banks.

• To find out effectiveness of upcoming new banking formats in India.

This section of the project emphasizes on the procedures used to accomplish the
project. To accomplish the project some data have been collected and then the
research has been carried out on that data. The details of the research methodology
used are described below:-

Data Source:- The data collected is basically of two types:-

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data

Primary data:- Primary data means those raw data or data structures that are
collected “first hand” and have not had any previous meaningful interpretation. It is the
data originated by the researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at

For my Final Research Project report, I will collect the primary data through survey
method. The survey method was used to elicit information from respondents which will
include both the retail customers as well as bankers.

The structured data collection method will be used in which a formal questionnaire will
be prepared and then the questions were asked in a predefined manner. In the
questionnaire most questions are Fixed-alternative questions that require the
respondent to select from a set a predetermined set of response.

There are also a few subjective questions so as to get a deeper understanding about
the respondent’s views and thoughts.

Secondary Data:- The data that has already been collected for purpose other than
the problem at hand is secondary data.

The various secondary data sources which I may use for my Final Research Project are
as follows:-

1. External Sources: Among the external sources various published sources

such as the guides and directories on Banking industry will be used extensively.
Internet will be the major tool of importance to me in providing a deeper
understanding of the topic and also provided valuable information for the
successful completion of the project.

(ii) Research Approach

A research approach lays the foundation for conducting the project. For my topic,
EXPLORATORY RESEARCH approach would have been the best suitable option.
Hence i have used exploratory research design. Exploratory research design is used to
provision of insights into and comprehension of the problem situation confronting the

Exploratory research is used for the following purpose:

• Formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely.

• Identify alternative courses of action.

• Develop hypothesis.

• Isolate key variables and relationships for further examination.

• Gain insights for developing an approach to the problem.

• Establish priorities for further research.

Exploratory research has been used for the following reasons-

• The problem needed to be defining more precisely.

• Identify relevant courses of action.

• Or gain additional insights before an approach can be developed.

• The sample size is small.

• Qualitative research has been conducted.

(iii) Sampling Plan

The objective of most marketing research project is to obtain information about the
characteristics or parameters of a population, same holds true for my project in which I
have to obtain information from bankers and customers of banking sector. Thus, a
sampling plan has been made.
A sample is a subgroup of the population selected for participation in the study.
The sampling design process involved the following steps which are shown below:-

1. Target Population: - The target population is the collection of elements or

elements or objects that possess the information sought by the researcher and
about which inferences are to be made. The target population for my project is
defined as follows:

a) Sampling Units: bankers and Customers of banking sectors

b) Extent: Kanpur

c) Time: 2009.

2. Sampling Frame: - A sampling frame is a representation of the elements of the

target population. It consists of a list or set of directions for identifying the target

The sampling frame used is the customer of banking sector.

3. Sampling Technique: - The sampling technique used is non-probability


4. Sample size:- Small sample size has been used because of time constraint.
Sample size used is 50-100.

Survey method is used for obtaining information based on the questioning of

respondents. The respondents were contacted mainly through following

1. Personal Interviewing

2. Mail Interviewing

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