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Drew Ellis

The Neo-Tech Cure

Obsoletes psychotherapies as it cures emotional problems, co-
dependency, lying, procrastination, neurosis, alcoholism, and drug

Copyright © 1997 Zon Association

This Pocket Therapist booklet is excerpted and edited from the 160-page book Neo-Tech Cures
Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Neurosis.
The Neo-Tech Cure is based on fully integrated honesty and is grounded in the inescapable fact that
each individual is responsible for his or her own life and actions. As such, Neo-Tech provides each
individual with the power to eliminate problems in any area of life. The power of Neo-Tech comes
from self-Discipline, self-Thought, and self-Control -- the DTC technique.

Freud or Fraud
Many research studies document the effects, both positive and negative, of psychotherapy. Yet, those
studies are not included in the curricula of most universities, colleges, or private training centers -- the
institutions that teach and certify therapists. Why? And, if the trained "experts" are not aware of these
studies, how can we expect the consumer -- the person in need of help, to know of the effectiveness and
risks of such psychological manipulations?

There are essentially two approaches to psychotherapy. One is behavior therapy and the other has been
labeled "talk therapy". The label "talk therapy" is used because the phrase describes both the process
and mechanism. No matter what specific treatment modality is used, i.e., Gestalt, group, family,
psychoanalysis, hypnosis, or any other specialty, the phrase "talk therapy" is accurate.

Behavior therapy is treatment based on learning theory derived from the work of men such as Pavlov,
which holds that emotions, like anxiety, can be learned, and further, what can be learned can be
unlearned. Behavior therapy methods are practical and involve common sense procedures such as
exposing people gradually, step by step, to feared situations so that the fear can eventually be
overcome. Such techniques have been proven successful in the treatment of conditions such as phobias
and obsessive-compulsive illnesses.
The balance of this booklet pertains to "talk therapies".

Mental disorders are claimed to affect about 18 percent of the approximately 220 million Americans.
Of these, it is estimated that 25 percent need the attention of a psychiatrist. ...Can it be true that 40
million Americans have a mental disorder and that 10 million "need" a psychiatrist? This author doubts
it. As a result of such statistics and sentiments, there has been an explosion in the number of mental
health workers over the last twenty years. Indeed, the fields of mental health and social work have
experienced quantum growth compared to all other college programs.

Burden of Proof
All areas of science are charged with the burden of proving their efficacy. However, there is an
appalling lack of such "proof" in the science of psychological therapy. Most studies show a success rate
of about 70% to be the norm for any branch of "talk therapy". However, studies also document that
patients receiving no treatment at all, have a cure rate of about 60% to 65%. Indeed, such findings led
to the identification of spontaneous remission -- people healing on their own, without therapy. ...If
people, on their own, spontaneously heal at a rate of 65%, then the 70% success rate for trained
"experts" is monumentally unimpressive, and certainly nothing to pay large amounts of money for.

Negative Effects of Therapy

Most people never consider the possibility of negative effects being caused by psychotherapy. When
one visits a psychotherapist, is that person ever warned of possible negative effects? Is there such a

In one study conducted by Vanderbuilt University, letters trying to determine the potential for negative
effects of therapy were sent to practitioners in the field. Of the letters mailed, over 53% did not
respond! Why? Were they ashamed? Were they too busy practicing techniques that might be harmful?
Of those who responded, the overwhelming majority stated there were definite negative effects from
psychotherapy. From the response of those practicing therapists it was concluded that from 3 to 6
percent of patients were made worse by psychotherapy. By "worse" it was meant there was a lasting
deterioration directly attributable to therapy. And, since these percentages were derived from the
"therapists" own figures, how much should they be increased to arrive at a more honest, accurate

In a Buckley University study, ninety-seven psychotherapists who had themselves undergone some
form of psychotherapy were investigated. Naturally, this group reported widespread positive effects
from their therapy. But, 21 percent admitted their treatment had also caused them harm, citing such
factors as bad effects on their marriage, destructive "acting out" and withdrawal from the ordinary
world. Another researcher, Lieverman, studied the effects of encounter groups and found the experience
to be harmful to 7.5% of the people studied.

Today, a highly popular and commercialized form of treatment is hypnosis. Yet, hypnosis can be
detrimental as the subject is given commands that go directly into the nonjudging, subconscious portion
of the mind. Listening to hypnotic suggestions or subliminal messages is supposed to help one improve
in sports, lose weight, overcome phobias, stop drinking, stop taking drugs, build character, find a love
partner, and cure many other personal problems -- all with no effort or integration. One is to merely
listen to the hypnotist or insert the cassette into a tape player to have all these problems disappear. All
this with no effort, concentration, or self-responsibility. But consider, have any specific skills been
learned? Probably not, consequently probably no genuine, positive, long-term results have been
achieved.[ 1 ]

This brief orientation is not intended to discredit or refute those severe cases of mental disorders where
genuine professional, medical, and institutional care may be required. A few examples of such
disorders are: Schizophrenia, manic-depressive illnesses, some depressive illnesses, clinical anxiety,
obsessive-compulsive disorders, and eating disorders.

The Neo-Tech Cure

The vast majority of psychological problems are merely the normal and natural challenges of dealing
with life. Through worldwide and individual philosophical errors, people grasp at the idea of having
others solve their problems for them. The rapidly growing field of psychotherapy is a testament to
people today seeking an easy, low-effort route of solving life's problems. ...Such people pay others to
do the work for them. But, that is a contradiction of reality, for no one can solve another persons
problems -- change comes only from within and through sustained discipline, thought, and effort

The Buck Stops Here

The decision to take control of your life must be made by you alone. No person, group, or "higher
power" can exert the discipline, thought, and control needed to make you stop being lonely, stop being
hurt, stop being depressed, stop being dependent, stop drinking, stop taking drugs, or change your
behaviors. No one but you can make the mental integrations nor exert the daily effort required to direct
your life to health, happiness, prosperity, and love. Such values come only from dumping personal
mysticism and developing life-enhancing behaviors and sustained value production.

The Neo-Tech Cure is based on the following two fundamental definitions:

Neo-Tech is a noun or adjective meaning fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty)
allows the guiltless creation of earned power, prosperity, health, happiness, and romantic love.
Mysticism is any attempt to deny, evade, or alter reality. Mysticism causes problems where problems
need not exist.

The Goal
The goal and purpose of life is to be happy. To achieve this goal, one must reject all forms of
mysticism. Without the identification and eradication of personal mysticism, one will always seek the
problem-causing, emotionally fueled path of least resistance. Each person must remove the only
disease of the conscious mind -- mysticism[ 2 ]. The route to curing and healing the mind is sustained
discipline, thought, and control (DTC). One of the best exercises for curing mysticism, a diseased
mind, is hard and deep concentration. Indeed, hard, sustained, conscious thought is the exercise of the
mind. With time and practice, the mind's integrating powers begin to grow.[ 3 ] And once the
integration blockers of mysticism are removed, the world opens up to a life of magnificent happiness,
romantic love, and prosperity. As you begin to systematically identify and remove your own mysticism,
you will find the need or craving for escape, rationalizing, neurosis, alcohol, or drugs, will end. You
will look at life from a wide-scope, fully honest perspective, and you will simply leave behind
mystical, impotent, immature, silly behaviors.

You will find through Neo-Tech that natural highs begin flooding your mind as you begin to use your
mind as it was meant by nature to be used. By using your own thoughts and DTC you increase your
problem solving ability. You will begin to integrate reality rather than avoid or create reality. You alone
are responsible for this new and ever-increasing power. As you grow in this process, this may be your
first experience of real, honest, and genuine power: power earned through self-controlled and self-
directed actions. As you continue to remove personal mysticism, the emotion of happiness will increase
in intensity and duration. Indeed, the natural highs of self-control and happiness can reach an almost
continuous state.
No longer will happy emotions simply dissipate to eventually become empty memories. With
mysticism removed, positive and negative emotions become integrated with past and future actions.
This creates a happiness account -- metaphorically similar to a bank account. Thus, at any given
moment you can draw from your happiness account to privately experience the emotions and values
you have earned. Even when life situations bring tremendous pressure and pain you can draw on that
happiness account to experience your earned character and values in their full context.

Self-responsibility, honesty, and effort are the keys to harnessing vast power, genuine control, and
limitless happiness. You are, once you pass this step, well on your way to the fountainhead of human
life. You are beginning to enter the healthy, dynamic world of competitive value production. You are on
your way to a rich and rewarding life.
One of the most fundamental Neo-Tech integrations links time to life. The wasting of time is the
wasting of life. The more one moves toward lazy, dishonest, mystical actions, the less important time
becomes. By contrast, the more one moves toward productive, honest Neo-Tech actions, the more
important time becomes. As you begin to appreciate the value of time, the emotions you experience
will be radically intensified.

Other People
With the Neo-Tech approach you will not need others for help in solving problems[ 4 ]. For, no matter
how well intentioned, other people usually hinder your progress as they diminish self-responsibility and
independent, integrated thinking. The fight against your personal problems, neurosis, drinking, drug
use, is a fight against personal mysticism. The fight to eliminate such problems is, deep down, a fight
against your own faulty-thinking processes, rationalizations, mind-created realities, self-dishonesty, and
laziness (mysticism). No one can solve your problems for you. You must identify and integrate the
problem with Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty). Only then will you realize the incredible healing
power of your own mind.
You have made some bad, unintegrated judgments and decisions -- decisions that were not conducive
to long-range competency, self-esteem, health, happiness, love, and prosperity. Now, based on a good-
for-me/bad-for-me evaluation method[ 5 ], you realize that mysticism/rationalizing/drinking/drugs have
caused your problems and pain. Through self-dishonesty and laziness you have created problems out of
thin air, you have created problems where they did not need to exist. Creating problems where none
need exist is the essence of all mysticism. By nature, dishonesty (mysticism) will always damage or
destroy values.
One must pay for all errors in judgment even if they are innocent errors. You can never blame another
person or situation for your problems. For, no matter what obstacles or life challenges come your way,
a healthy integrating mind can always turn a negative into a positive. You alone are responsible for
your life. And this includes what goes into and what comes out of your mouth, including words[ 6 ].
You alone must assume full responsibility for your mouth, your decisions, and your actions. Using
Neo-Tech, you begin to realize that you do have the power to control and direct your life.

People You Wish to Associate With

It is important to recognize that other people -- no matter how much you desire their friendship or love,
can continue their lives with or without you. Once you realize this, you will realize how important it is
to fairly exchange values with such people. For without value exchange there can be no honest
friendship, love, or business contacts. In a value-based relationship, the only thing that matters is
honesty and the continual exchange of values.

For many, this is a crucial step in self-control, happiness, and love. Each individual must make the
decision to eliminate those people who impede their growth and who do not base their friendship or
love on the exchange of values. As one specific, drinkers and drug users frequently build a cadre of co-
alcoholics, drinking partners, or drug users. To eliminate these people may be difficult if they are
people who, by traditional standards and habits, one is supposed to love and value, i.e., mother, father,
brother, sister, spouse, lover, close friends. Yet, if such people have few or no values to exchange, then
you have no reason to continue the relationship. ...You do not live your life for them. You live your life
for yourself. Do not get fooled by the mystical trap of obligation. Also, do not get fooled by traditional
lifestyles or habits that are erroneously idealized and popularized as fun and exciting[ 7 ]. Such
lifestyles and habits can be traps that dupe people into believing that happiness and excitement come
from external sources such as partying, socializing, sports, or obligatory family events as opposed to
building a genuine base of self-esteem and happiness through honesty, value production, and the
exchange of values with those people who are genuinely important to you.
As you elevate the value of your life, you open the door to new friendships, love relationships, and
career associates. Human beings are social animals, thus, value-based relationships add greatly to
happiness. This, in turn, further fuels your drive for happiness, love, and prosperity.

Character Development
Following traditional psychological therapy, you are duped into believing that some mystical, external
authority will deliver you from your self-made problems. This will not happen. The traditional
approach allows rationalizations and mind-created realities (mysticism) to justify lack of character
development. Many traditional therapists, especially alcohol counselors, blame problems on "defect-of-
character". But, this is a mystical concept designed to avoid self-responsibility, for all character traits
are self-developed[ 8 ]. Character or lack of character is a result of the net decisions and behaviors of
one's entire life -- no matter if those decisions were life-enhancing or life-destroying. Character cannot
be defective. You can develop poor character or good character. But the concept of "defect-of-
character" subtly implies that the defect is not your fault -- it implies the defect was introduced by birth,
by accident, or by someone or something other than yourself and your behaviors.

Most traditional therapeutic approaches contradict reality. They claim an outside person, therapist, or
power will come and remove problems or your "defects" of character. By following the traditional
approach you talk, wait, hope, and pray for something other than yourself to solve your problems and
build your character. Due to self-dishonesty and laziness, reinforced by a history of defaulting, you
have probably avoided many of the efforts of life. Because of this avoidance, you have not built the
desired character nor experienced growing happiness.
You now have a choice: change your behavior or continue to default in this and other areas of life.
However, reality always asserts itself. Defaulting on the crucial area of character development
eventually leads to low self-esteem, stagnation, poverty, loneliness, and unhappiness. Yet, as character
is self-made, it can be developed at any time through sustained effort. Using the Neo-Tech approach,
you take action. You do not avoid those things that are difficult, complex, unpleasant, or require
sustained DTC -- Discipline, Thought, and Control. You learn to make decisions based on reality, fully
integrated honesty, and long-range planning. You build character.

Because character is earned through self-effort, it is a crucial ingredient of self-esteem, happiness,

romantic love, and even prosperity. The nonvalue or limited value of things void of effort contribute
very little to life. For example, consider how the effortlessness of being born attractive has little value
compared to the high-effort trait of honesty or of creating life-enhancing values for mankind. Being
honest and creating life-enhancing values requires sustained effort, integrated thinking, and DTC. Thus,
it is logical, just, and natural that such self-developed traits bring more self-esteem, pride, happiness,
and love than the no-effort coincidence of being born attractive. Similarly, the low-effort "external
authority" (therapist, God, or government) approach to solving problems earns less self-esteem,
happiness, and control than does the high-effort, self-responsibility, Neo-Tech approach.

Following traditional psychological treatment approaches leads people to believe they are powerless to
correct life problems, pains, sorrows, unhappiness. Through such approaches, the solution becomes a
therapist, counselor, group, or some unknowable higher power. This myth is devastating to the
conscious mind. For it contradicts reality -- it denies individual knowledge and power which in turn
makes life unknowable and uncontrollable. With such misinformation, is it any wonder the mind turns
off and stops integrating, stops trying to understand the world, stops trying to direct life to happiness
and values? Indeed, sustained contradictions or denials of reality severely damage the conscious mind.

By following traditional psychological therapy, people think that some external power or authority is
guiding them when in reality they guide themselves. Through that myth people are robbed of the
genuine happiness earned through consciously and competently solving their own problems and
directing their own lives to values. The Neo-Tech approach puts each individual in control. Through
that control and self-built character, a person is capable of capturing the happiness, love, and prosperity
that arises from total self-responsibility and from producing values for others and society.

Feelings, Whims, and Wishes

It is easy to "think" about what we want or need to do, but it is difficult to do it. In day-to-day life, there
seems to be a dichotomy between thoughts and behaviors, a dichotomy is also experienced between
thoughts and feelings. When such a split arises, a person usually has a thought or a series of thoughts
about a certain action -- to be honest, to work, to exercise, to diet, to drink, to stop being powerless --
but simultaneously there are subtle feelings, desires, or wishes for the opposite. Each such instance is
the exact moment when one must confront personal mysticism[ 9 ]. That time of internal dialogue
becomes the precise moment for self-honesty, self-discipline, and self-control (DTC). It is then and
there that the choice is made to either act on consciousness (to act as objectively determined best), or
feelings[ 10 ] (to default to laziness, rationalizations, and mysticism). However, the human organism
cannot survive by acting on feelings alone, for the human organism has no means to validate feelings or
emotions. Indeed, emotions are frequently and easily generated from nonintegrated or inaccurate
premises. Emotions can be generated from food cravings, laziness, escapisms, alcohol, drugs, and
endless other sources. The feelings themselves are real but they stem from whims, wishes, invalid
assumptions, or a mind-created reality (rationalization).

Emotions are spontaneous; they do not integrate. Emotions are not designed to direct life; they are
designed to be the rewards of life. A temptation to act solely on emotions is a temptation to act
automatically, to relieve the mind of the effort of being conscious and the effort of being honest. To
automatically and continually act on emotions reduces conscious beings to the same level as
automatically reacting, stimulus/response animals.

Conscious beings, by nature, are not designed to act automatically on feelings, whims, or wishes. This
is a major key to emotional stability and lifetime happiness. For, feelings, whims, wishes, will try to
seduce you into defaulting, seduce you into blaming, seduce you into laziness, seduce you into lies,
seduce you into drinking or drug use. Feelings are mysticism's prime tools for controlling you and
protecting itself. When honestly explored, it will be discovered there is a fine line between feelings,
rationalizations, and mind-created realities. Yet, it is important to remember that many feelings and
emotions are spontaneous -- they just happen[ 11 ]. Since individual, moment-to-moment feelings and
emotions are spontaneous, they are not subject to right or wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral
judgments. However, every single action is subject to such judgments.

The temptation to default on life responsibilities, to lie, to escape, to drink, to take drugs, will always
be shrouded in feelings, emotions, rationalizations, and self-lies. One must exert great discipline,
thought, and control (DTC) to direct actions. These actions, with time, will direct feelings. This is how
one develops genuine self-control and self-esteem versus being controlled by fleeting feelings, whims,
and wishes. Over the long term, it is objectively honest actions that create the positive emotions of life:
pride, joy, pleasure, love, happiness. Just as it is objectively dishonest actions that create the negative
emotions of life: sorrow, pain, fear, loneliness, unhappiness. Acting on emotions or feelings can provide
a short-term, temporary sense of escape, satisfaction, and false happiness. But, once the behavior is
finished, once the indulgence, the default, the drinking, or drug use has stopped, then the negative
feelings return. For problems have not been solved. Unless this pattern is interrupted, thoughts and
behaviors will always turn from integrating and problem solving to dishonesty, laziness, emotionally
escaping, drinking, or getting high. All integrations toward honest values and dealing with reality are
replaced by feelings, whims, wishes, lies, and rationalizations. The longer this default pattern is
allowed to exist, the more damage is done to the body, to the mind, and to the emotional capacity for
joy, love, and happiness.

Neo-Tech integrates reality and captures life-long values by having actions beget feelings. ...Neo-Tech
integrates the mind.

Mysticism fabricates reality and destroys life-long values by have feelings beget actions. ...Mysticism
disintegrates the mind.[ 12 ]

Having actions beget emotions is like putting money in the bank. First you must work to earn the
money, then you put the money in the bank. First you must control and direct actions, then you earn the
positive rewards and emotions. And, just like the bank, the more discipline you exert to save, the more
interest and money you have to draw from; the more discipline you exert to control and direct
behaviors, the more joy and happiness you have to draw from.

Shining The Neo-Tech Spotlight on Alcohol Use

Are You An Alcoholic?
Traditional treatment approaches spend much time defining what an alcoholic is and what type of
behaviors, drinking patterns, metabolism, or heredity identify if one is an alcoholic. But such activities
are pointless and designed to gain credibility, unearned power, and unearned livelihoods. Simply put,
there is no net value in any form of frequent or heavy drinking. To ruminate over exactly when physical
or psychological addiction begins is meaningless and dishonest. Such activities are used to bolster egos
and foster the livelihoods of the entire profession of counselors, therapists, researchers, and government
"experts". That intellectual and academic struggle to define exactly what constitutes alcoholism allows
each individual to rationalize any drinking behavior that falls short of that "official" designation. The
labeling of "alcoholic" by external authorities removes self-responsibility and provides a plethora of a-
points needed to rationalize the facade of the-point. For the only the-point is self-honesty. There is no
value in any form of frequent or heavy[ 13 ] drinking. Indeed, the disvalue of drinking, drug use, and
self-indulging neurosis surfaces long before physical or psychological signs manifest themselves. It
does not matter if you are physically addicted to alcohol or not[ 14 ]. Indeed, you know right now if
you drink too frequently and or heavily. And this is the-point for your future sobriety and happiness.
For there is only one valid the-point: complete and total self-honesty. There is no compromise to
honesty. You are either honest or dishonest. In any given action or thought you cannot be partially
honest or almost honest -- you are either honest or dishonest. And it is right here and right now that the
self-dishonesty and the self-lies must end. The denial must end. For when fully honest with yourself,
your drinking behavior becomes clearly and irrefutably obvious. No one needs to tell you or define for
you what constitutes alcoholism[ 15 ]. The only thing that is needed is self-honesty.
Are you addicted to drugs or tobacco? Is it impossible for you to maintain an exercise or diet program?
Are you compulsive? Do you procrastinate? Are you neurotic? Such labels and excuses are invalid. The
only valid point is self-honesty, for self-honesty is the-point.

Diet and Exercise

An area that will have a major impact on your feelings and emotions is exercise and diet. A regular
exercise program will greatly enhance your energy, happiness, health, and attitude. One of the best
guides for physical fitness is Dr. Kenneth Cooper's book Aerobics, published by Bantam Books.
Likewise, diet will have profound effects on your mood, health, and attitude. Being an alcoholic, drug
user, or simply following today's typical high sugar, high carbohydrate diet, most people suffer, to at
least some degree, from hypoglycemia. Through years of alcohol and sugar consumption most people
have altered their body's metabolism and ability to control blood sugar level. Blood sugar level is
greatly responsible for cravings, desires, and the need to drink; it may also be responsible for triggering
anxiety and nervousness that lead to other areas of default or unintegrated actions. Alcoholics must be
especially careful to avoid switching from an addiction to alcohol to an addiction to sugar, caffeine, or
carbohydrates. Go to any AA meeting, or traditional alcohol treatment program; you will see people
excessively, compulsively drinking coffee with mega doses of sugar. Or, watch an alcoholic fresh off
the street -- he quickly grabs for the sugar. He will even eat it straight from the wrapper. Initially, as
blood sugar swings up and down so will desires for alcohol, drugs, and escape[ 16 ]. That biological
condition will manifest itself as feelings and cravings, which if allowed to direct behavior, will lead to
default, rationalizations, self-lies, and mind-created realities.

By not allowing cravings, impulses, or feelings to direct your actions, you gain a major advantage in
recovery and in directing your life to values. As you are beginning to control your life and health, this
is the perfect time to eliminate other forms of personal mysticism or addiction such as sugar, caffeine,
chocolate, cigarettes, overeating, or television. The best way to eliminate any addiction is to simply
stop. Stop immediately, completely, irrevocably, and without any crutches.

An Escalating Error
Any approach that bypasses the integrating capacity of the mind, diminishes the mind's ability to solve
problems. ...Such a mind does not integrate reality, it tries to fabricate reality.
The more you diminish your ability to integrate in one area of life, the more you lose the ability to
integrate in other areas of life as well. With this seductive process, it becomes easier and more tempting
to default to the mysticisms of laziness, dishonesty, and external authorities -- it is easy and effortless to
allow someone else to direct your life, to solve your problems, and to answer your questions. Soon, you
become doped-up on low-effort, dishonest notions, and whimsical feelings. You are then spiraling
down in values, and the momentum tends to keep pushing you in that down direction[ 17 ].

Following the Neo-Tech approach, you integrate reality. Once you honestly look deep within your mind
and soul, you find your problems are based on mysticism[ 18 ]. Now, the true power of Neo-Tech
comes to you. For, with the Neo-Tech approach you begin identifying mysticism in all areas of life.
There is no limit to what you, the individual with a mysticism-free, integrating mind, can accomplish.
Armed with integrated honesty you dump years of laziness, default, neurosis, drinking, drug use. You
swiftly move into the world of value production -- the sunlit world of self-esteem, happiness, love, and
prosperity. In this productive world, you no longer experience unearned guilt, for you are living life as
designed by nature. ...You are following the nature of the conscious-integrating mind to be honest, to
produce values, to be happy.

With the Neo-Tech approach, you easily spot people who may harm or hinder your productivity and
happiness. The Neo-Tech approach allows you to integrate their actions and see them for who and what
they really are. You realize that no external authority exists to help you achieve prosperity, happiness,
or sobriety. You realize you alone have that power and you have that power in plenty by using Neo-
Tech (fully integrated honesty).

Value Production: Jobs, Careers, Businesses

Most people do not integrate their work with their life. Many people despise their work, they cannot
wait for the weekend, and they dread the arrival of Monday. Because of the white-collar hoax[ 19 ],
most people today get their sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and identity from what they do in their
spare time versus what they do in their career while producing values. This sad and unfortunate
limitation encourages the default to laziness and dishonesty, which in turn frequently leads to alcohol,
drug use, neurosis. Such people nonthinkingly turn to external sources such as alcohol, drugs, happy
hour, parties, spectator sports, and hobbies in order to get short "one-shot" blasts of self-esteem, joy,
pleasure, and happiness. But these one-shot blasts are unintegrated so they do not last, they do not
contribute to one's net happiness -- one's happiness bank account. Still, in order to feel "good", or to
feel "happy", people are driven to continually seek one-shot blasts. This usually leads to a life of
wasted, superfluous activities, alcohol and drug use, poor health, and very limited genuine self-esteem
and happiness. For indeed, how much honest self-esteem can be earned from one-shot blasts? How
much genuine pride and self-esteem can be earned by being the world's best sports fan? Or by being the
best television watcher? Or by being the best drinker? One need only take the activity to its maximum
achievement-capacity conclusion to see its honest value. It then becomes obvious, for example, that
being the best at watching television, or the best sports fan, or the best drinker is of little or no value.
However, being the best in one's career will lead to great values for self and society.

All genuine happiness is derived through the creation of values. To not continually build and exchange
values is to default to the lazy, self-lie norms promoted by today's upside-down world. Defaulting in the
areas of value creation and self-honesty closes the door to all future growth. It is crucial to begin
orienting your life around the creation of values as opposed to trying to find happiness from external
sources. Your happiness must develop and grow from within yourself.

The Bigger Picture

Take the one year challenge[ 20 ]. Set a one year goal to achieve something meaningful in your life -- a
new job, promotion, career, product, or start your own business. Focus on elevating the values you
produce for self and others[ 21 ]. Make the elimination of sorrow, pain, regret, loneliness, drinking or
drugs mandatory but secondary to achieving your value-oriented productivity goal. Then you will
quickly gain the bigger picture and focus of life. For you will be moving towards something that is real
and lasting. By this focus and action you will create the emotional[ 22 ] integrations and rewards
needed to propel you toward your goal and away from default on life responsibilities. For indeed, the
purpose is far more than to simply get by on a day-by-day basis. The purpose is to experience a rich,
happy, and rewarding life. You need to be honestly and genuinely happy. You need to do something
meaningful with your life. If you are an alcoholic, to stop drinking is the first step -- it is not the final
goal. You need to change the basic orientation and process of your life[ 23 ]. Once integrated with Neo-
Tech, and what a value is, you will discover that producing ever increasing values for yourself and
others will provide the emotional fuel to drive you to ever growing prosperity, love, and happiness.

Happiness comes from being in control and solving problems. To be a success in life you must learn to
solve problems. All life challenges are only temporary problems to be solved. Solving problems as they
arise is, in reality, the easiest way to live. For every problem solved strengthens the conscious mind and
builds self-esteem. The more problems you solve the happier you will be. And every default on
problem solving such as laziness, dishonesty, neurosis, drinking, drug use; or seeking external
authorities -- friends, family, spouse, counselors, therapists, priests, governments -- to solve problems
for you, makes life harder and more complex. For then, skills are not developed, knowledge is not
increased, and self-esteem is not earned. Indeed, exerting self-honesty and self-effort in solving life
problems and challenges is the only way to experience forever growing prosperity, excitement, self-
esteem, love, and happiness.

In a Neo-Tech world there is no dichotomy between thoughts and actions. The only reason there is a
dichotomy between thoughts and actions in today's world is because of mysticism. Through mysticism,
the human mind has learned laziness and dishonesty. All dishonesty ultimately means self-dishonesty.
Each individual has access to the most powerful and potent entity in existence -- consciousness.
Consciousness is the only thing in existence that can change or alter the course of life, nature, and
existence itself. Everything else simply reacts: from animals, to gravity, to chemicals, to molecules, to
atoms, to galaxies -- everything. It is only consciousness that has volition. It is consciousness that
directs life and creates magnificent values such as food production, housing, electricity, cars, planes,
rockets, jobs, and money. Consciousness indeed has the power to solve life problems. To control and
direct conscious thought means to control and direct life. Conscious power is self-created through time,
effort, discipline, thought, and control. There need be no dichotomy between thought and behavior. Any
dichotomy that exists is the result of personal mysticism -- a dishonest, mind-created reality that
rationalizes dishonesty, laziness, and the path of least resistance.

Take the one year Neo-Tech challenge. Go all out. Give 100%. Give everything you have. Gain control
of the most powerful entity in existence -- your own conscious mind. Just do it. Live life the way it was
meant to be lived. Do this for one year and see where it gets you. It is 100% guaranteed that if you do
this you will be sober, happy, and directing your life to forever growing prosperity, excitement,
romantic love, and happiness. Take this Neo-Tech challenge. You have nothing to lose but hangovers,
drug stupors, and neurotic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You have everything to gain. And if you
"fall off the wagon", then get right back on. Do not indulge yourself. For if you do, it will be a week, a
month, six months, a year, five years, a lifetime of default, rationalizing, drinking, drug use -- a lifetime
wasted because you "fell off the wagon" and indulged yourself with lies and mind-created realities.
And the exact same thing is true for procrastination. Procrastination is nothing but self-dishonesty and
laziness. Procrastination delays, limits, and stops your success, achievement, and happiness. Indeed, the
buck stops with you. The lies stop with you. The denial stops with you. The procrastination stops with
you. No one can do this for you. No one can do this but you. The only route available is self-honesty,
self-effort, self-control, and self-power.

A Growing Value
All self-developed skills grow with time and use. With Neo-Tech, every person can capture a life of
productive value creation to earn ever increasing prosperity, happiness, and love.
The Neo-Tech approach is the opposite of talk therapies. The individual can never be dependent on nor
get addicted to Neo-Tech as there is nothing to get addicted to. Each individual has the power to
eliminate any type of personal problem or addiction. The power of Neo-Tech builds from a base of
honesty, self-esteem, self-responsibility, competency, and love of life.

Armed with Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) and DTC, each individual captures ever increasing
prosperity, happiness, and love.

"I can't convey the optimism and confidence this knowledge has instilled in me. I know that no problem
is beyond my ability to solve given the time, knowledge, and ability I, with human consciousness,
possess. Indeed, great times are ahead." J.B. CO
"Thank you for showing me the way to freedom from sugar, caffeine, cigarettes, and alcohol. Thank you
for giving me the strength to achieve freedom from the cocaine, marijuana, LSD and other drugs I have
used constantly to hid behind for over thirteen years. I am off the path of self-destruction and the
search for mystical answers, and onto the path to life, health, happiness, and prosperity". W.S.,
"Neo-Tech saved my marriage." W.P., WY
"After reading Neo-Tech, I achieved the following: an increase in personality, confidence, and security.
I do not believe in any more authorities. I am done with wine, smoke, and drugs. As a result, I am
absolutely healthy physically and mentally". R.A.M., MN
"I will use Neo-Tech everyday of my life. It has brought me to a better understanding of myself and to
what life is all about. It has taught me that there is more to life than just partying and drugs, it's taught
me to have morals, values, and to be a productive person." G.G., CA
"Since I received Neo-Tech my life has changed considerably. I have doubled my income, my grades
have gone from about a 2.5 to a 4.0, my marriage has been rekindled and I have quit drugs completely.
All of these changes took place in less than a month!" M.A., AZ
"Neo-Tech revived my motivation. My career is once again on the move, I have gotten two raises and
the future looks great." S.G., UT
"Before Neo-Tech I was lazy and irresponsible. I smoked pot, drank alcohol, snorted crank, and lived
on coffee and soft drinks. I worked at a minimum wage job and was ready to flunk out of college.
Obviously my life was a mess! I was committing slow suicide. I quickly quit all drugs, doubled my
income, and for the first time in my life, I will finish an entire quarter of college without skipping a
single day of class. Also, my grades are now all A's and my boss tells me that I may soon be running
his business." M.M., NM
"Due to Neo-Tech, I am now fully responsible for everything that happens in my life! I do not place the
blame on others, or wait to be "discovered" by some "higher authority" who will recognize that I am
"special" and worthy of great unearned wealth and prosperity...NO, NO, NO!!!
Truth is friend, I am special! So are you! We are all special when we take the responsibility to
constantly live in the real world, to seize the opportunities available each day and ultimately realize the
unlimited power of our individual consciousness.
Pounce on Neo-Tech! Consume it! Purge yourself of internal and external mysticisms and prosper
forever!" P.T., CA


1. Neo-Tech Cures Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Neurosis; Gary Twitchell and Scott Long, Neo-Tech
2. The Neo-Tech Discovery; Frank R. Wallace, Neo-Tech Publishing.
3. Neo-Tech: Get Rich By 2001; Mark Hamilton, Neo-Tech Publishing.
4. The Myth of Neurosis: Overcoming the Illness Excuse; Garth Wood, Harper & Row.
5. The Path of Least Resistance; Robert Fritz, Ballantine Books.


[ 1 ]There may be a few valid applications for hypnosis such as pain control for terminally ill patients
and certain phobias. The key is in finding a genuinely competent and ethical practitioner. The
overriding negative for the general application of hypnosis is the relinquishing of self-control and self-
[ 2 ]Mysticism is a rebellion against life, effort, and consciousness. Mysticism is placing emotions over
reality. Mysticism is the mind trying to fabricate reality. Mysticism is following external authorities
versus assuming total self-responsibility. Mysticism is following "higher powers" versus doing
independent, integrated thinking. Mysticism is the path of least resistance versus the path of effort and
[ 3 ]Recovery of independent thought is possible at almost any age through the nearly infinite self-
healing power of the human mind (this does not include cell death caused by alcohol or drugs),
especially when made mysticism-free through Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech cures mysticism.
[ 4 ]However, there is nothing wrong with confiding in a spouse, lover, relative, work associate, or
close friend. It can be valuable to share thoughts and feelings with someone you trust and respect.
However, no matter what such people say, it remains your responsibility for integrating the rightness or
wrongness of any decision and its actions. Similarly, it is solely your responsibility for implementing
and maintaining any decision.
[ 5 ]See Advantage 93, in The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 6 ]See Advantage 73, The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 7 ]In today's upside-down world, the norm is to seek happiness from external sources. The endless
drive for one-shot blasts of external fun, entertainment, and happiness is promoted by the high-
visibility media.
[ 8 ]Character is not a product of birth, heredity, spiritual endowment, upbringing, or social standing.
Personal character and power are created through conscious choices which manifest themselves in
actions and behaviors. As consciousness has volition, a person can develop any character trait he or she
chooses to possess.
[ 9 ]Such moments are indeed where all psychological and behavioral battles are fought. At these crisis
points it is helpful to remember the "one-day-at-a-time" concept. For, it is easier to hold out for a day
than for a year or for a lifetime. Indeed, the battle really breaks down to minutes and seconds. During
these crisis periods, the internal dialogue and motivation must be changed. If you continue to think
about the problem behavior, you will probably succumb. You need to interrupt that thought pattern and
focus on something else. You may try focusing on a personal goal and immediately dig into specific
plans, work, details. Or think about your job, spouse, family, anything that is value oriented. Immerse
your thoughts and actions in concrete detail. Another alternative, if available, is to exercise or do some
other physical activity to divert your thinking. The need is to change your thoughts and motivation
from defaulting to something real and productive.
A second crisis point can occur after gaining control of the initial crisis, that second crisis point is
impulse action. Say, for example, you have ended a romantic love relationship. Rationally, you know it
is best to not talk to the other person, yet all day long you have struggled with the desire to call. All day
you conquer and control your urge. Then, suddenly, nonthinkingly you pick up the phone and call --
just to say "hi". Such nonthinking impulse actions tend to follow internal crisis periods -- this is
mysticism's one last attempt at getting its way. You must force yourself to be fully conscious and exert
DTC to not act blindly or on impulses.
Consider psychology's most fundamental and proven law: you get more of what you reinforce. ...If you
act automatically or nonthinkingly, then automatic/nonthinking actions are reinforced. If you act
neurotic, petty, jealous, lazy, or lie, such behaviors are reinforced. However, if you exert self-control
and consciousness, then control and consciousness are reinforced. This simple law is a powerful key to
directing life and behaviors.
[ 10 ]Such feelings, however, quickly generate a series of rationalized thoughts, reasons, or mind-
created realities to justify themselves and the behavior. Mysticism is like a spoiled child trying to get
his way.
[ 11 ]However, long-term feelings and emotions are controllable and follow the law of cause and effect.
The cause is honesty and effort and the effect is happiness and joy. An individual's net happiness level
is a mirror reflection of that individual's net life choices of honesty and effort.
Emotions are the only way we experience happiness or pain. Genuine happiness is a signal that life is
being lived correctly. Painful emotions are warning signals that something is wrong.
[ 12 ]See The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 13 ]Frequent or heavy drinking need not to be further defined. To attempt to do so would lead to the
same academic type of debate as defining what constitutes alcoholism. The only the-point is self-
honesty. You know if you drink too frequently or heavily. And if you default, if you lie to yourself and
others under this open ended "frequently or heavily" clause, then you would also lie and default if the
wording said alcoholic. For the real issue is one of self-honesty.
Anytime you lie you ultimately harm yourself more than anyone else. For lies and laziness (mysticism)
will, by nature, always destroy values. Drinking and drugs negatively affect those around you: spouse,
family, friends, and work associates, but the ultimate damage and destruction is to yourself. For with
time this progressive disease (mysticism, exhibited through drinking, drugs, neurosis) will destroy all
the values you possess or wish to possess: pride, career, prosperity, family, love, happiness, and life
itself. The following quote, from the Neo-Tech Discovery, is printed with permission.
"Both the direct and indirect effects of alcohol and drug use are negative and harmful. Even in
moderate amounts, alcohol and drugs act on the mind to distort reality. Unnatural distortions of reality
are negative because consciousness requires an accurate perception of reality in order to make the
judgments needed for survival, high quality living, and long-range happiness.
"Initially, the damage from alcohol and drugs is subtle and so well rationalized that the user does not
allow him or herself to become aware of the psychological, intellectual, and physical damage that may
be occurring. Even a few alcoholic drinks can cause irreversible damage to a minute percentage of
brain cells by a dehydration effect that causes a sludging together of red blood cells. This sludging
tends to clog the blood capillaries and thus diminishes the amount of oxygen reaching those brain cells
fed by the minutest of these capillaries. Some of these oxygen-starved brain cells die each time this
dehydration or sludging effect occurs. Damaged or destroyed brain cells do not regenerate. Any single
occurrence of alcohol brain-cell damage is not readily noticeable or measurable. But the effect is
accumulative and at some point in life this process begins to have a measurable and noticeably negative
effect on the mind."
In spite of the damaging effects of alcohol and drugs, no rational or moral reason exists for government
to restrict, control, or forbid by force the sale or use of alcohol or any drug in any way whatsoever. No
person or government has the right to initiate or threaten force against any individual who is not
violating the individual property rights of others. Individuals have the basic right to do anything with
their lives they choose, including damaging themselves by using alcohol and drugs, just as they have
the right to damage themselves with tobacco, sugar, caffeine, religion, promiscuous sex, mysticism, and long as they do not initiate force or fraud against any other individual.
[ 14 ]With the exception of dealing with the short-term medical needs of physical withdrawal, addiction
is not an issue. Even this point is questionable. Stanton Peele, a well-respected researcher of addictions
shows the best way to stop an unwanted habit or addiction is to simply stop -- without any aids or
crutches. Stopping in this manner is best, even in the most severe case of physical and psychological
addiction. For example, Peele's studies showed that 95% of the soldiers who were addicted to heroin in
Vietnam were able to end their use when they returned to the United States. Furthermore, 85% of those
who were classified as seriously addicted were able to simply stop, cold turkey.
[ 15 ]Total abstinence may be required for most alcoholics.
[ 16 ]See The Neo-Tech Discovery for information on the CAS (Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar) Happiness
Diet. The elimination of caffeine, alcohol, and sugar adds greatly to individual happiness. The best
reference for a low-carbohydrate, fat-loss diet is Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution, published by Bantam
Books. Having a healthy, trim body greatly adds to self-esteem, happiness, and romantic love.
[ 17 ]If you turn the tide and begin spiraling up in values, then the momentum tends to keep pushing
you in that up direction. However, the energy and DTC to maintain an upward spiral is greater than the
low-effort or no-effort of spiraling down. That is why so many people fail. They give up or default on
effort and DTC. However, this is really only an illusion. For the easiest, indeed the only route to
abiding happiness, love, and prosperity is through effort and DTC. In the long run, a low-effort life of
spiraling down becomes very hard, unpleasant, and unhappy. For example, the low-effort life of a street
person is far harder and less happy than the high-effort life of a successful, loving, family person, and
Most people fall somewhere in between these two extremes. As such, they experience a corresponding
level of happiness. Most people exert enough effort as young adults to get "ok" or "good" jobs -- in the
middle ground. These jobs lead to houses, cars, and kids. However, twenty or thirty years later, most
find themselves in boring, stagnant careers and home lives. Why? They stopped exerting effort and
DTC. Their stagnation is a result of too many sitcoms, football games, happy hours, and other
diversions of integrated thinking -- diversions of the effort needed to direct their lives to ever increasing
values, excitement, happiness, and love.
[ 18 ]The mind trying to fabricate reality, the mind avoiding problem solving, thus, the mind creating
problems that did not need to exist.
[ 19 ]See Neo-Tech Get Rich By 2001, Neo-Publishing Company, for a complete description of the
white-collar hoax. The hoax that keeps people from advancing in careers and income.
[ 20 ]A one year challenge does not minimize or preclude the day-to-day struggles you will face. In
fact, potentially the most valid concept from the traditional treatment model is to take temptation and
sobriety "one day at a time." You must exert the DTC to deal with each and every urge to escape, to
drink, to take drugs, or to have any kind of default, no matter how frequently that urge is. But, focusing
on the bigger picture will help you move past this initial day-by-day threat as you have a bigger goal
and purpose.
[ 21 ]To fully capture the rewards of life you must develop a solid base of value production. For all
other life values stem from this. You must produce enough values to support yourself and build a
foundation for all the things you want out of life. To fully capture the rewards of life you must do
forward-essence-movement, integrated thinking. This is where you move the essence of a company,
business, or career forward. This is one of the greatest values and traits anyone can develop. However,
if you are in a work situation that does not allow you to do this forward-essence-movement, then you
may need to develop a new career or start your own business. No matter what, you need to break out of
the low-effort rut of the 9-to-5 worker. See Neo-Tech Get Rich By 2001 by Mark Hamilton for a full
description of the stagnation running rampant in American business today.
[ 22 ]Have your emotions and spark of life been deadened by failure, lost dreams, lost love, poverty,
stagnation, alcohol, drugs? No matter what your emotional condition, within you lies a child of the
past. That child is rich and alive with emotions. With Neo-Tech, you can rekindle the pure and
powerful emotions of that child. That child, with honest, innocent emotions is waiting to be your guide
to a life of excitement, prosperity, romantic love, and happiness.
[ 23 ]A caution with the one year goal. It is easy to start off with a strategy that is not realistic. Such a
strategy quickly becomes overwhelming. Self-disciplines are built one or two at a time, not ten at a
time. You may need to fully implement one discipline before undertaking another. However, each self-
discipline captured will speed the development of new self-disciplines.

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