The RNAi Revolution

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The RNAi revolution

Carl D. Novina and Phillip A. Sharp

The term RNAi — short for RNA interference — crops up again and again
in biology research these days. This is in part because of its power as a
laboratory tool, and in part because it is a widespread natural phenomenon.

rguably the most important advance
in biology in decades has been the A class of double-stranded RNAs of 21–22 nucleotides in length,
discovery that RNA molecules can generated from dsRNAs. siRNAs silence genes by promoting the
Short interfering RNAs cleavage of mRNAs with exactly complementary sequences, or
regulate the expression of genes. For years, (siRNAs) recruiting inhibitory proteins to, or directing the modification of, DNAs
RNAs were thought to have just two broad with exactly complementary sequences.
functions in cells. Single-stranded messen-
ger RNAs (mRNAs) are vital intermediaries A class of 19–25-nucleotide, single-stranded RNAs that are encoded
MicroRNAs in the genomes of most multicellular organisms studied. Some are
in gene expression, transmitting informa-
(miRNAs) evolutionarily conserved and are developmentally regulated. They
tion between DNA and protein. Ribosomal silence certain cellular genes at the stage of protein synthesis.
and transfer RNAs have structural, catalytic
and information-decoding roles in the A newly discovered class of short, 20–22-nucleotide RNAs that are
process of protein synthesis. Tiny non-coding RNAs encoded in the genome of C. elegans. They are not evolutionarily
(tncRNAs) conserved, but some are developmentally regulated. Their function is
This picture became complicated in 1998, still unknown.
however, when Andrew Fire, Craig Mello
and colleagues1 announced their discovery of Small modulatory RNA A short, dsRNA, identified earlier this year in mice, that allows the
RNA interference (RNAi) — the silencing of (smRNA) expression of neuron-specific genes only in adult neurons.
gene expression by double-stranded RNA
molecules — in nematode worms. Since then Figure 1 The short story of gene silencing — the main characteristics of short RNAs.
it has become clear that RNAi is an extremely
useful experimental tool for learning what puzzling, but they were readily understood dsRNAs into siRNAs is called Dicer10. In the
genes do. Not only that, it is an evolutionarily when Fire and Mello’s work was published. next step in the process, the ‘sense’ strand of
ancient method of genome defence in many RNA viruses replicate through dsRNA inter- an siRNA — the strand that has exactly the
organisms. Research on the mechanistic mediates; multi-copy transgenes can produce same sequence as a target gene — is removed,
side has also proceeded at a staggering pace. low levels of dsRNAs as well.The results hinted leaving the ‘antisense’ strand, which is com-
Double-stranded RNA was originally found that RNAi, mediated through dsRNAs, is an plementary to the target gene, to function in
to silence genes by marking out their mRNA ancient process, which predates the evolu- gene silencing (Fig. 2). The antisense strand
intermediaries for destruction. But at least tionary divergence of plants and worms. guides a protein complex to the mRNA pro-
two more mechanisms have been uncovered: RNAi thus naturally functions, it is thought, duced from the target gene, destroying it.
blocking transcription (the synthesis of to silence viruses and rogue genetic elements Early studies of transgene silencing in
mRNAs from DNA) and inhibiting transla- that make dsRNA intermediates — types of plants indicated that an RNAi-type process
tion (the synthesis of proteins from mRNAs). RNA not usually produced by cells. also works at the level of transcription (in a
And this is surely not the end of the story. process called transcriptional gene silenc-
Mechanisms ing; reviewed in ref. 11). Further studies
Discovery So how does this silencing process work? An showed that both strands of a transgene are
Like many significant advances, the discov- early step in determining the mechanism was probably transcribed (rather than just one
ery of RNAi was technically simple: injecting the observation that plants that were silencing strand,as is the case for typical genes),gener-
double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) into the genes in an RNAi-related process (dubbed ating a dsRNA rather than a single-stranded
worm Caenorhabditis elegans resulted in the post-transcriptional gene silencing) pro- mRNA. The dsRNA is then processed into
silencing of a gene whose sequence was duced short RNAs, some 20–25 nucleotides siRNA, which somehow initiates transcrip-
complementary to that of the dsRNAs1. All long, that matched the gene being silenced5. tional silencing (Box 1). Simply put, this
discoveries have precedents, however, and These RNAs are much shorter than typical seems to involve the reversible addition of
RNAi was no exception. In the late 1980s and mRNAs and ribosomal RNAs, perhaps chemical groups to nuclear DNA and the
early 1990s, plant biologists working with explaining why this fundamental process proteins that package it as dictated by the
petunias were surprised to find that intro- remained undiscovered until recently. sequence of the dsRNA11.
ducing numerous copies of a gene that codes At around the same time,the biochemical As might be expected, there are nuances in
for deep purple flowers led, not as expected, reactions of RNAi were reconstituted in vitro the process of RNAi. For instance, in some
to an even darker purple hue, but rather to using fruitfly extracts6,7. These studies organisms, gene silencing by RNAi requires
plants with white or patchy flowers2,3. Some- revealed that the long dsRNAs were diced up the activity of an RNA-dependent RNA poly-
how, the introduced genes (the ‘transgenes’) into short RNAs with a specific structure: merase (RdRP), which uses the antisense
had silenced both themselves and the plants’ two 21-nucleotide strands of RNA in a strand of an siRNA as a primer with which
own ‘purple-flower’ genes. Similarly, when staggered duplex, with 19 nucleotides of to make more dsRNAs, thereby amplifying
plants were infected with an RNA virus that dsRNA and two unpaired nucleotides at the the process (Fig. 2). In plants, this amplifica-
had been genetically engineered to contain ends8. This species was dubbed a short inter- tion enables RNAi-mediated gene silencing
fragments of a plant gene, the plant’s gene fering RNA (siRNA; Fig. 1), and synthetic to spread throughout non-reproductive
itself became silenced4. versions were shown to silence genes9. (somatic) tissues, by cell-to-cell transfer of
At the time these observations were The enzyme responsible for cleaving dsRNAs — generating widespread resistance
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to viral infections. Amplification is not, how-
ever, thought to occur in vertebrates or fruit-
flies, as genes for a RdRP have not been found Dicer
in these organisms.
Short interfering RNAs may have a general Worms and
role in the silencing of transposable elements RISC plants
(‘jumping genes’), repetitive genes (including
transgenes) and viruses. About half of the RdRP Amplification
sequences in the human genome,for instance, Sense strand
were generated by duplication and insertion degradation
of transposons — parasitic elements that
create ‘junk’ DNA. Silencing of these mobile
elements is crucial for the stability of the
genome, and RNAi-related processes involv-
ing the generation of short RNAs are essential
to this silencing process in many organisms. ?
For example, worms with mutations in Dicer
genes of the RNAi pathway are unable to
silence transposons in germline tissues (those Fruitflies and
that produce eggs and sperm)12,13. Similarly,
plants with mutations in subsets of RNAi-
pathway genes show defects in the silencing
of specific mobile genetic elements14.
The same process could also limit the
degree to which a gene can be expressed in Target Target
certain tissues. For example, fruitflies show mRNA mRNA
‘dosage-dependent’ gene silencing in a
process related to RNAi15. Here, more gene
copies result in higher gene expression — but
only up to a point,beyond which gene expres-
sion is reduced. In this and similar cases, the
proteins that package DNA within cells are
modified to suppress transcription. Similarly,
in fission yeast, siRNAs directly silence the mRNA degradation mRNA degradation
expression of repetitive transposable ele-
ments at the level of transcription16. Intrigu- Figure 2 Short interfering RNAs — post-transcriptional gene silencing. RNAi is triggered when a cell
ingly, this silencing can spread to nearby encounters a long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), which might be produced from an introduced
regions,repressing gene regions that are adja- transgene, a viral intruder or a rogue genetic element. An enzyme called Dicer cleaves the long dsRNA
cent to the transposable elements (Box 1). into siRNAs. An RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) then distinguishes between the different
strands of the siRNA. The sense strand (blue) is degraded. The antisense strand (yellow) is used to
MicroRNAs target genes for silencing, and has one of several fates depending upon the organism. In fruitflies and
The existence of siRNAs produced in mammals, the antisense strand is incorporated directly into RISC to target a complementary mRNA
response to experimentally introduced long (green) for destruction. In the absence of siRNAs, the RISC lacks sequence-specific mRNA-binding
dsRNAs and transgenes prompted a search properties. But when bound to the antisense strand, the now activated RISC can participate in
for short RNAs that are actually encoded repeated cycles of degradation of specific mRNAs, such that no protein is made — effectively silencing
by genes in the host genome. Researchers the gene from which the mRNAs are produced. In worms and plants, the antisense strand of the siRNA
embarked on the process of purifying short might first be used in an amplification process. The antisense strand, bound by an RNA-dependent
RNAs (of 19–25 nucleotides) from several RNA polymerase (RdRP) enzyme, can pair up with a complementary mRNA (green) and act as a start
animal species, and were surprised to find, point for the synthesis of a new long dsRNA. Dicer is then required to generate new siRNAs (red),
not siRNAs, but a new class of short RNAs, which are specific to different sequences on the same mRNA. Again, the target mRNA is destroyed.
dubbed microRNAs (miRNAs; Fig.1).
MicroRNAs are abundant,single-stranded and their encoding genes seem to make from siRNAs, in that transcription is not
RNAs, varying from a few thousand to 40,000 up 0.5–1% of the predicted genes in these impeded and mRNAs are not destroyed.
molecules per cell17. They are encoded in the organisms — 200–255 in humans, for Another crucial difference is that siRNAs gen-
genome, but, unlike mRNAs, do not repre- instance18. So far, some 175 of these human erally target the genes or genetic elements
sent a step towards the production of a pro- miRNA genes have been confirmed by from which they originated,whereas miRNAs
tein. Instead, they regulate the expression of biochemical analysis19. regulate separate genes — perhaps hundreds
mRNAs.They are thought to be formed from On the basis of a model established from or more per miRNA.Furthermore,the degree
‘hairpin’ RNAs — RNAs that are effectively studies of nematode development, miRNAs of translational inhibition by miRNAs is
double-stranded by virtue of the fact that in mature animals are thought to regulate the thought to depend on how many of these
they are self-complementary and fold over in expression of distinct genes by base-pairing molecules are bound to the target mRNA.
the middle. Like siRNAs, miRNAs are with partially complementary sequences in Typically, such an mRNA contains many
produced by the cleavage of dsRNAs by mRNAs and simply inhibiting their transla- binding sites at one end (the 3-untranslated
Dicer and related activities. They have been tion into proteins (Fig. 3). They therefore region), and several different miRNAs can
found in all multicellular organisms studied, work by a somewhat different mechanism target the same 3region.
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So what sort of biological processes do
miRNAs regulate? In worms, the two found-
ing members of the miRNA class of genes —
Box 1Transcriptional gene silencing
lin-4 and let-7 — determine transitions One mechanism of action of
between larval stages in post-embryonic siRNAs involves silencing gene
development20,21. In plants, miRNAs also transcription. This occurs
control crucial developmental transitions, through its effects on chromatin,
and in flies they control cell division and cell the compact form of DNA, in
death (reviewed in ref. 22). Human miRNAs which DNA is wrapped around
were identified only a short time ago, and complexes of histone proteins.
little is known about their function. As Long dsRNAs of similar Transcription from opposing
miRNAs are evolutionarily conserved, how- sequence to genomic DNA might regulatory regions (promoters)

ever, there can be little doubt about their be produced in flies and dsRNA
importance in human physiology. mammals by symmetrical
It can be difficult to identify the precise transcription from opposing Ago1
mRNA targets of miRNAs; computational promoters; this often occurs Dicer
approaches to the problem are complicated by when many copies of transgenes RNA template?
the imperfect base-pairing between the two. or other repeated sequences are Amplification Clr4
Several studies have used rules inferred from present, and in plants and by RdRP Swi6/HP1 and
known examples of miRNA–mRNA pairing, worms through the activity of an
combined with a requirement for evolution- RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
ary conservation, to predict possible targets. (RdRP; see Fig. 1).
One such study predicted an average of In plants, worms and flies,
around five target mRNAs per miRNA23. siRNAs produced from these Swi6/HP1 Swi6/HP1

Given that there are some 200 human dsRNAs can direct the Cohesin Cohesin

miRNAs18,it seems likely that several thousand formation of silenced DNA

human mRNAs could be targeted. regions. As described in Fig. 1,
the sense strand of the siRNA is DNA methylation?
Common ground degraded; the antisense strand Histone
Not all miRNAs work by binding with imper- is used to recruit proteins that Transcription Methylation
fect complementarity to mRNAs and pre- inhibit transcription. The
venting their translation.When miRNAs were antisense strand identifies the
first cloned from plants,it was recognized that correct position along the DNA RNA-induced initiation of The methylated histones
many show perfect or near-perfect comple- sequence, by base-pairing transcriptional gene silencing promote the recruitment of
mentarity to cellular mRNAs, implying that either with DNA or with newly (RITS) complex30, to distinguish proteins that can spread the
these mRNAs might instead be targeted for forming mRNA transcripts. the antisense strand from the silencing state16. In the fully
degradation in an siRNA mode of action.This The details are best sense strand. This strand helps repressed state of chromatin,
was indeed shown to be the case. Many of the understood in fission yeast. to recruit an enzyme that adds the DNA may also be methylated
plant mRNAs that are regulated by miRNA- Here, the Ago1 protein acts in methyl groups to histone protein by processes requiring siRNA,
directed cleavage encode gene-transcription the RNA-induced silencing H3, forming heterochromatin, although this has only been
factors that are important in plant develop- complex (RISC), or in an the silenced form of chromatin. seen in plants.
ment (reviewed in ref. 22). Recently, a con-
served miRNA has been found in mammals
which directs the cleavage of a target mRNA explain why siRNAs do not often inadvertently either gene do not accumulate siRNAs,and do
and, as in plants, regulates the expression of a and potently silence mRNAs. Statistically, any not undergo DNA fragmentation.
transcription factor that is important for 21-nucleotide RNA could partially base-pair Another class of short, 20–22-nucleotide
normal development24. Therefore, miRNA with many mRNAs through continuous RNAs in C. elegans was described last
activities probably indirectly control the sequences of six to eight base pairs. But if year27 (Fig. 1). These tiny non-coding RNAs
expression of vast numbers of genes. translational silencing requires that many (tncRNAs) do not have highly complemen-
Could siRNAs also work like miRNAs — short RNAs bind the mRNA, the miRNA tary sequences nearby in the genome, and
inhibiting translation rather than targeting mode could be as specific as the siRNA mode. so may not be processed from hairpins,
mRNAs for destruction? Our research with although most tncRNAs seems to be pro-
mammalian cells, using chemically synthe- Broadening the scope duced by Dicer. Unlike many miRNAs, the
sized siRNAs that were partially comple- Over the past couple of years, yet more sequences of tncRNAs are not commonly
mentary to numerous target sites in a mechanisms of action of short RNAs have conserved among related species. Although
‘reporter’ gene, showed that the siRNAs been discovered — and potential new classes their functions are unknown, many are
indeed inhibited the expression of the of such RNAs have been revealed. For complementary to mRNAs and might target
reporter at the stage of protein synthesis25. instance, in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermo- them for degradation.
The major distinction, as noted above, is that phila, certain siRNAs are thought to specify Finally, earlier this year, a short, non-
siRNAs usually silence a target mRNA effi- sites in the organism’s DNA that allow protein-coding, 20-nucleotide dsRNA, called
ciently (through degradation) if the mRNA it to fragment26. The exact mechanism is a small modulatory RNA (smRNA), was iso-
contains a single site that is almost exactly unknown,but the discovery supports the con- lated from neural stem cells in the hippocam-
complementary to the short RNA. In con- tention that siRNAs can specifically recognize pus of adult mice28. This dsRNA has the same
trast, the miRNA mode of action requires DNA sequences. DNA fragmentation in this sequence as a 21–23-nucleotide stretch of
that the mRNA contains numerous partially process requires two genes whose relatives DNA called the neuron-restrictive silencer ele-
complementary binding sites, which func- have been implicated in RNAi and related ment. This is evolutionarily conserved in ver-
tion synergistically. These observations may processes in other species. Ciliates lacking tebrates and is bound by a regulatory protein
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Pri-miRNA Pre-miRNA Mature miRNA What biological phenomena might arise
from RNAi-based gene regulation? In theory,
Cellular gene any 21–22-nucleotide sequence in the
Drosha Dicer genome could be converted into a potential
regulatory factor by transcription into
miRNP dsRNA. Consider the following series of
events: first, a mutation generates an inverted
duplication of a genomic sequence; second,
transcription produces a hairpin RNA; and
Exactly Partially third, Dicer produces an siRNA or miRNA.
complementary complementary These events would create a factor that could
regulate another gene at the level of mRNA
degradation, translation or, possibly, tran-
scription. This series of events seems more
mRNA degradation Translational inhibition
likely than that required to create new regu-
latory possibilities with sequence-specific
Figure 3 MicroRNAs — translational silencing. miRNAs are encoded in the genomes of all multicellular RNA- or DNA-binding proteins. Thus, we
organisms studied so far. They can be expressed either from an intergenic cluster, or from single genetic might expect more evolutionary variation in
regions. Both types fold into long hairpin RNAs called primary microRNAs (pri-miRNAs), which RNAs that control gene regulation than is
show imperfect internal sequence complementarity (the bulge represents a region where there is no observed in regulatory proteins.
complementarity). A nuclear enzyme, Drosha, cleaves pri-miRNAs into smaller, roughly 70-nucleotide RNAi-related processes could also be
hairpin RNAs termed precursor miRNAs (pre-miRNAs)31. These are exported from the nucleus to the important for surviving periods of stress.
cytoplasm, where another enzyme, Dicer, cleaves them into mature, single-stranded miRNAs, 21–22 For example, if an organism’s environment
nucleotides long. A mature miRNA is then assembled into a ribonucleoprotein (miRNP) complex. This changes radically, extensive alterations
complex most commonly binds to the 3'-untranslated sequences of particular mRNAs through partially might occur in the transcription of both
complementary sequences, and prevents the mRNAs from being translated into protein. Base-pairing strands of genomic DNA29. Large segments
with the 7–8 nucleotides near the 5' terminus of the miRNA is essential here. Numerous miRNP of the genome could thereby be ‘sampled’for
complexes bind to the 3'-untranslated sequences of mRNAs and cooperate for effective translational short RNA regulators that are advantageous
silencing through interactions (green arrow) that are still unclear. In a few cases, the miRNA is exactly for survival. At present, such events are all
or nearly exactly complementary to a site in an mRNA, and this results in cleavage and degradation conjecture — made possible by the discovery
similar to that observed with siRNAs (see Fig. 1). This has led to the proposal that siRNAs may function of the many roles of short RNAs in gene
by being recognized by the miRNP complex. There is genetic evidence in plants and worms, however, regulation and biology. ■
that different members of an extended family of proteins are required for the miRNA and siRNA Carl D. Novina and Phillip A. Sharp are at the
pathways — so in these organisms the two pathways may be distinct. Center for Cancer Research, and Phillip A. Sharp is
in the Department of Biology and the McGovern
that helps to prevent neuron-specific genes expressing dsRNA, and the target gene is Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
from being expressed in non-neuronal cells.In silenced! There are some 19,000 genes in Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.
neuronal cells, where the neuronal genes are worms, and libraries of 12,000 different e-mails:;
expressed,the smRNA interacts with the regu- dsRNAs have been used to screen this animal 1. Fire, A. et al. Nature 391, 806–811 (1998).
latory protein, and promotes gene expression for genes involved in complex phenomena 2. Napoli, C., Lemieux, C. & Jorgensen, R. Plant Cell 2, 279–289
and neuronal development. It is unclear such as obesity and ageing. Similarly, purified 3. van der Krol, A. R. et al. Plant Cell 2, 291–299 (1990).
exactly how smRNA acts,but it will be interest- long dsRNAs have been used to define the 4. Wassenegger, M. et al. Cell 76, 567–576 (1994).
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10. Bernstein, E. et al. Nature 409, 363–366 (2001). See also
laboratory tools yet. Classical genetic analysis extended to human cells in vitro. Human
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lating the underlying mutant genes. Typically, sess enough sequence complexity to specify 14. Xie, Z. et al. PLoS Biol. 2, E104 (2004).
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knocking out a specific gene to identify its genes to help determine their functions. 20. Lee, R. C., Feinbaum, R. L. & Ambros, V. Cell 75,
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function. But many of these approaches are Such screens have already identified gene 21. Reinhart, B. J. et al. Nature 403, 901–906 (2000).
laborious and expensive. In contrast, silencing activities in diseases such as cancer. Short 22. Bartel, D. P. Cell 116, 281–297 (2004).
genes with RNAi makes it possible to analyse RNAs might even be used to treat such 23. Lewis, B. P. et al. Cell 115, 787–798 (2003).
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many gene networks in mammals,and offers a diseases. A major obstacle to therapeutic 25. Doench, J. G. et al. Genes Dev. 17, 438–442 (2003).
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29. Causton, H. C. et al. Mol. Biol. Cell 12, 323–337 (2001).
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