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Europe in the Medieval times

Feudalism in Europe

Ronit Patil
Varun Panicker
Kshitij N
• Roman Empire disintegrated
• New economic and social structure came into
existence called feudalism (Latin word-fief)
• During the early medieval period European rulers
needed support of powerful warriors to protect their
• A contract between the ruler and the warrior .
• In exchange of land the vassal provide the king with a
certain number of knights They were called vassals.
• {Vassals means ……}
Lords and their duties
• Lords lived in manors
who were responsible

 Protecting the serfs

 Maintaining law
and order
 Dispensing justice Emperor Charlemagne
• The feudal system
protected the people from
judicial system

Feudal lords
maintained their own armies
maintained law and order
imposed taxes on the
acted as judges
• Serfs were the landless peasants bounded
by the land and the owned by the vassal.
• Serfs had to take permission in case of
change of job.
• If the land was sold the serfs get attached
to the new land owners.
Decline of feudalism
The vassals became
powerful local rulers.
Leading to exploitation
and oppression
This led to decline of
feudalism took place in
the 15th century AD.
The most important
cause of the decline were
the Crusaders or the holy
Coins of the Medieval period

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