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 This refers to the sum total of all the
conditions and elements that make up the
surroundings and influence the health
and health practices of clients

 The environment with which the client

lives and works either promote and
maintain health or increase the likelihood
of illness or even death

 -the genetic transmission of traits from parents to
offspring; genetically determined
 Social and cultural variables influence a client’s health practices, the
dynamics of health care, and the client care provider relationship.
 1. Practices
- a customary action usually done to maintain or promote health
like use of anting-anting and lucky charms.
 2. Beliefs
- a state or habit of mind wherein a group of people place into
something or a person.

 Relating the representation of non-physical traits, such as values,

beliefs, attitudes, and customs shared by a group of people and
passed from one generation to the next.
 Educational background also greatly influences health.

 Socio-economic- refers to the production activities,

distribution, and consumption of goods of an individual.

 Economic- refers to the production, distribution, and

consumption of goods and services and how these
affects health and development. A study of this factor
leads one to look into economic factor influence on
how, and at what point, the client enters the health care
 Political- involves one’s leadership, how he/she
rules, manages and how other people concerned are
followed to actively participate in the discussion-
making process.related concepts:

 Political will-determination to pursue to do

something that is in the interest of the majority.

 Empowerment- the ability of a person to do

something; it involves creating at the circumstances
where people can use their faculties and abilities at
the maximum level in the pursuit of common goals.
 Safety- the condition of being free from harm,
injury or loss
› Protection from exploitative working conditions
› Expanding access to social security

 Oppression- unjust or cruel exercise of authority

or power

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