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• It is understood from the study only half of the respondents (57%) have said
that the company is providing effective training to do work in the organisation.
It is suggested that the company needs to take certain steps to provide training
on leadership qualities, management skills, team dynamics for improving the
commitment of the employees toward the success of the organisation.

• The study reveals that only 58% of the employees have agreed that their
bosses encourages two-way communication. It indicates that the
communication system is not effective in the organisation. It suggests that the
company needs to implement two-way communication for all the employees
for better commitment toward the organisational objectives.

• It is clear from the study that 45% of the respondents have said that the ethical
standards of the work established by the company are not equal for all the
employees. It has given a clear picture that the company must establish equal
ethical standards in the work place for increasing the morale of the employee.

• 42% of the respondents have responded that they are not satisfied with the
compensation provided by the company. In other words, they are not paid fair
compensation by the company. It suggests the company provide
compensation fairly for the efforts contributed by the employees because the
only one factor that financially motivates the employee is the fair



From the study, it is concluded that the level of commitment or the level of
involvement, an employee has towards organisational objectives was observed to be
satisfactory. Most of the employees ( 80%) are working as a team for accomplishing
objectives of the organisation because they have felt that there is someone who
encourages the employees at the work always. Nearly 74% of the employees have
agreed that they have career growth in the company. It is also obvious from the study
that majority of the employees ( nearly 85% ) have stated that there is a conducive
work atmosphere that promotes them to engage more in their work. It is also
concluded that employees were not paid fair compensation by the company and the
42% of the employees have recorded that their bosses don’t encourage two-way
communication in the company.


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