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Elements of Fiction NAME:


Climax- Turning Point

Rising Action- Crisis- Character or situation

drama complicates the situation

Falling Action
Inciting incident-conflict introduced


Exposition: Introduce setting,

character, situation

Plot- The sequence of events in a story and their

relationship to one another. It sets up a problem or conflict.

Characters- People (or animals, etc.) who make something

happen in the story

Setting- Place and time of the story

Point of View- The eyes through which the story is told

First Person- “I” or “We”- narrator is involved in the story

Second Person- “You”- reader is involved in the story
Third Person- “She”, “he”, “they”-story told through
outside voice or narrator

Irony- When the unexpected thing happens, a twist ending,

or the opposite of literal meaning. Dramatic Irony- when the
audience or reader knows something that the character does

Theme- A generalization about the meaning of the story.

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