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Elaboration of Methodology and Action Plan for EU

Biodiversity Protection Standards Scientific Coordination


HD WG members: Ms. Senka Barudanović, Ms. Vildana Đonko and Mr. Vladimir

Sarajevo, October 2007.


As a part of Balkan Peninsula, BiH is characterized by outstanding heterogeneity that

is reflected through geomorphological, hydrological, climatic and biological diversity.
Flora, fauna and fungi of BiH are amongst the most diverse in Europe, and high
percentages of endemic and relict species emphasize its significance on the global
level of biological diversity.
In the centers of endemism development, processes of the new species evolvement
are still being in progress. The factors that made these processes happening in BiH
for millions of years are:

o diversity of terrestrial habitats as: presence of the different types and different
oldness of rocks, diversity of soil types, diverse and unique forms of relief,
and diversity of climate conditions
o diversity of water habitats as: dense and diverse hydrological network
(mountain lakes, springs, mountain creeks, brooks, rivers, underground
rivers, streams and lakes, bogs, mires, fens, spas and sea).
o long-term processes of anthropogenesis,
o diverse processes of ethno genesis.

Although BiH geographically covers small area, it is consisted of the system of

globally valuable habitats, whose conservation is necessary due to halting
biodiversity loss until 2010.
Specific feature of BiH are numerous river canyons and gorges (Canyons of river
Una, Neretva, Drina, Tara, Vrbas and canyons and gorges of upper stream
tributaries of Bosna and others, as well as very interesting canyon of river Ugar
among Vlašić, Čemernica and Manjača mountains).
Underneath the highest peaks of BiH mountains, in the cirque areas, there are
development centers of glacial flora and fauna, as particular proofs of postglacial
processes on Balkan Peninsula. Over 450 species and subspecies of vascular plants
are characterized by certain degree of endemism, what makes flora of BiH one of the
most unique and distinctive in Europe.
Remarkable diversity of insects (especially water insects), diversity of Ichthyofauna
and mamals makes the BiH fauna recognizable in European scale, while some
groups (cave organisms and underground water fishes and amphibians) are
important in the world scale.
However processes of managing bio and geodiversity of BiH do not satisfy the needs
of the present world tendencies and movements. Though relevant laws (Law on
nature protection in FBiH and Law on nature protection in RS) basically rely on
Habits directive and Birds directive, the implementation of those laws in institutional
and social framework is not satisfactory. The lack of institutions, mechanisms and
human capacities is obvious, and problem of intersectoral disconnectedness and
fragmentation at the and results with degradation of important habitat types, and
vanishing of species populations which are, as endangered, already on the lists of
mentioned Directives and other documents of relevant international legislative.
Particularly important disadvantage is very slow establishment of relevant databases,
as well as systems for data processing.

1 Collection of information

1.1 Relevant national institutions and experts that could contribute by

providing input or information

Table 1. Relevant National institutions

Institution City Contact
+387 (0) 33 649 196,
Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo Sarajevo
+387 (0) 33 250 510
Land Museum of BiH Sarajevo +387 (0) 33 668 027
Faculty of Forestry, University of
Sarajevo +387 (0) 33 614 003
Center for ecology and natural resources Sarajevo +387 (0) 33 649 196
Hydro Engineering Institute, Sarajevo Sarajevo +387 (0) 33 212 466
Hydro Meteorological Institute of FBiH Sarajevo +387 (0) 33 276 700
Federal bureau for land surveying Sarajevo +387 (0) 33 472 469
The agricultural institute of RS +387 (0) 51 303 112
Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Banja
+387 (0) 51 464 628
Luka Luka
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Banja
+387 (0) 51 312 390
Luka Luka
Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Banja
+387 (0) 51 319 142
Banja Luka Luka
Museum of RS +387 (0) 51 215 973
Institute for cultural, historical and natural Banja
+387 (0) 51 215 474
heritage of RS Luka
The Institute for Urbanism of the Republic Banja
+387 (0) 51 216 614
of Srpska Luka
+387 (0) 51 789 456
Hydro Meteorological Institute of RS Luka
Faculty of Civil engineering, University of +387 (0) 36 355 011,
Mostar +387 (0) 36 355 000
Faculty of Civil engineering, University +387 (0) 36 570 730,
Džemal Bijedić, Mostar +387 (0) 36 570 032
Agrarian Mediterranean institute of
Mostar +387 (0) 36 314 393
Federation BiH
Faculty of agronomy, University of Mostar Mostar +387 (0) 36 325 015
Faculty of Science and Education,
Mostar +387 (0) 36 355 458
University of Mostar

Table 2. Relevant experts that could contribute by providing input or information

Field of
Name expertise Institution Contact
PhD Sulejman Faculty of Science, University of 033/649-
Redžić Phytocoenology Sarajevo 196
PhD Dubravka Faculty of Science, University of 061/173-
Šoljan Botany Sarajevo 240

Field of
Name expertise Institution Contact
Faculty of Science, University of 033/250-
PhD Rifat Škrijelj Ichtyology Sarajevo 445
PhD Senka Faculty of Science, University of 033/250-
Barudanović Conservation Sarajevo 489
PhD Sadbera Faculty of Science, University of 033/250-
Trožić- Borovac Hydrology Sarajevo 454
Faculty of Science, University of 033/250-
PhD Suvad Lelo Zoology Sarajevo 453
BSc Sabaheta 061/534-
Abadžić Botany Land Museum of B&H, Sarajevo 306
MSc Dražen 033 453
Kotrošan Ornithology Land Museum of B&H, Sarajevo 158
PhD Jakov Pehar Agriculture Agricultural institute, Mostar 393
+387 (0)
PhD Milenko Faculty of Science, University of 51 319
Radević Zoology Banja Luka 142
PhD Nada Faculty of Forestry, University of 051/464-
Šumatić Botany Banja Luka 628
PhD Ljiljana
Topalić- Faculty of Technology,
Trivunović Botany University of Banja Luka
BSc Stjepan +387 36
Matić Zoology Nature Park Hutovo Blato 814 716
BSc Sabina Faculty of Science, University of 033/649-
Trakić Phytocoenology Sarajevo 196
+387 (0)
PhD Dubravka Faculty of Science and 36 355
Hafner Lower plants Education, University of Mostar 458
MSc Jugoslav Faculty of Forestry, University of 051/464-
Brujić Phytocoenology Banja Luka 628
PhD Čedomil Šilić Flora expert Retired Searching
+387 (0)
51 215
MSc Brane Gašić Ornithology Museum of RS, Banja Luka 973
MSc Boris Physical 065/926-
Marković planning “Projekt” a.d., Banja Luka 008
BSc Vladimir Faculty of Forestry, University of 065/692-
Stupar Phytocoenology Banja Luka 006
+387 (0)
PhD Mihajlo Faculty of Agronomy, University 51 312
Marković Pedology of Banja Luka 390
MSc Zoran Faculty of Forestry, University of 051/464-
Stanivuković Entomology Banja Luka 628
MSc Tihomir Institute for Agriculture, Banja +387 51
Predić Agroecology Luka 321 490

1.2 Relevant scientific publications1

Literature is available mainly in national and University libraries in Sarajevo, Mostar

and Banja Luka, as well as in libraries of Land Museum of BiH and Museum of RS.
There are also a great number of herbarium collections and analogue maps available
in these institutions.
Digital maps as well as satellite images of terrain are mainly property of institutions
which perform land surveying.


• BirdLife International, 2004: Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and

conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series
No.12), Cembridge.
• DROCIĆ, N. 2005: Prilog poznavanju faune ptica srednje Bosne. Bilten Mreže
posmatrača ptica u Bosni i Hercegovini, 1(1): 18-25.
• GAŠIĆ, B., 2001: Rezultati novih istraživanja faune ptica Republike Srpske.
Ciconia, 10: 108-127.
• GAŠIĆ, B., 2004: Istraživanja ornitofaune u nacionalnom parku Sutjeska,
2001. godine. Glasnik Udruženja muzejskih radnika Republike Srpske 2: 155-
• GAŠIĆ, B. 2005: Prvi rezultati novijih istraživanja faune ptica na planini Lisini
kod Mrkonjić Grada. Bilten Mreže posmatrača ptica u Bosni i Hercegovini,
1(1): 3-11.
• GRUBAČ, B., GAŠIĆ, B., 2001: Savremeni podaci o fauni ptica istočne
Hercegovine i susednih područja (Bosna i Hercegovina). Ciconia, 13: 59-76.
• KOTROŠAN, D., 2004: Dvogodišnja studija ptica u vinogradu "Željuša"
(Bosna i Hercegovina). Ciconia 13: 49-58.
• KOTROŠAN, D., 2005: Sistematski prijegled ptica Bosne i Hercegovine.
Unutar: S. Lelo (urednik), Fauna Bosne i Hercegovine – Biosistematski
prijegledi. Interno izdanje Udruženja za inventarizaciju i zaštitu životinja, Ilijaš,
Kanton Sarajevo.
• KOTROŠAN, D., 2005: Ekološka diferencijacija faune ptica hercegovačkog
vinograda "Željuša". Radovi poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu,
50(55/2): 5-17.
• KOTROŠAN, D., PAPES, M. 2000: Popis ptica Bosne i Hercegovine.
• KOTROŠAN, D., OBRATIL, S., GAŠIĆ, B., 2005: Prvi rezultati savremenih
istraživanja ornitofaune srednjebosanske planine Ozren. I Simpozij biologa
Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, knjiga sažetaka, pp: 13-14.
• KOTROŠAN, D., MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., HABUL, A., 2004: Ornithology and
bird protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina: situation and perspectives.
Acrocephalus, 25(122): 149-152.
• MATVEJEV, S., VASIĆ, V., 1973: Aves, Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae, IV/3
• MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 2005: Troprsti djetlić (Picoides tridactylus) na Zvijezdi.
Bilten Mreže posmatrača ptica u Bosni i Hercegovini, 1(1): 47-48.
• MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 2005: Dva opažanja pupavca (Upupa epops) u 2005.
godini, Bilten Mreže posmatrača ptica u Bosni i Hercegovini, 1(1): 49-50.
• OBRATIL, S., 1974: Ornitofauna ribnjaka Bardača kod Srbca. GZM BiH (PN)
NS 11-12: 153-193.
• OBRATIL, S., 1978: Gniježđenje vranca velikog - Phalacrocorax carbo (L.,
1758) u Bosni i Hercegovini. GZM BiH (PN) NS 18: 343-347.

Publications relevant for Neretva river catchment are given in bold

• OBRATIL, S., 1980: Avifauna Bosne i Hercegovine. Naučni skup "Problemi
inventarizacije životinjskog svijeta Bosne i Hercegovine", ANU BiH knj. 47,
Odjeljenje za prirodnih nauka knj. 8: 131-144.
• OBRATIL, S., 1983: Struktura i dinamika populacija ptica (Aves) nekih
ekosistema na planini Vranici. GZM BiH (PN) NS 22: 95-114.
• OBRATIL, S., 1983: Avifauna sjeverne Bosne. GZM BiH (PN) NS 22: 115-
• OBRATIL, S., 1984: Naselja ptica (Aves) u kopnenim biocenozama kraških
polja Hercegovine. GZM BiH (PN) NS 23: 147-184.
• OBRATIL, S., 1984: Gniježđenje vranca velikog , Phalacrocorax carbo (L.) na
Hutovu blatu. GZM BiH (PN) NS 23: 185-189.
• OBRATIL, S., 1985: Ornitofauna Hutovog blata do izgradnje akumulacionog
jezera PHE “Čapljina”. GZM BiH (PN) NS 24: 175-209.
• OBRATIL, S., 1987: Naselja ptica (Aves) u životnim zajednicama na trajnim
plohama nacionalnog parka "Sutjeska". Godiš. biol. instit., 40: 73-87.
• OBRATIL, S. , MATVEJEV, S., 1989: Predlog “Crvene liste” ugroženih ptica
SR Bosne i Hercegovine. Naše starine, 18-19:227-235.
• OBRATIL, S., 1992: Prilog poznavanju avifaune Buškog jezera (Bosna) i užeg
priobalnog područja. GZM BiH (PN) NS 30, 155-168.
• OBRATIL, S., 1996: Prva istraživanja ornitofaune Hutova blata poslije
izgradnje akumulacionog jezera PHE "Čapljina". GZM BiH (PN) NS 31: 403-
• OBRATIL, S., 2000: Istraživanja faune ptica na Hutovu blatu u periodu
siječanj – prosinac 2000 god. Nepublikovan izvještaj za projekat “Nova
politika gospodarenja močvarom Hutovo blato”.
• OBRATIL, S., 2005: Ptice parka Blidinje i bližeg okruženja. Prvi međunarodni
znanstveni simpozij Blidinje 2005. Zbornik radova, pp: 271-292.
• RUCNER, D., OBRATIL, S., 1973: Prilog poznavanju avifaune planinskog
područja Maglića, Volujka i Zelengore. Larus 25: 61-94.


• HADŽISELIMOVIĆ, R., HAMZIĆ, A., 1999: Biodiverzitet i biogeografija riba

Bosne i Hercegovine. Soroš fondacija – Fond Otvoreno društvo Bosne i
Hercegovine, Sarajevo.
• SOFRADŽIJA, A., 1999: Slatkovodne ribe i kolouste Bosne i Hercegovine.
Svjetlost, Sarajevo (u štampi).
• STEINDACHNER, F., 1882: Salmo (Trutta) obtusirostris var. oxyrhynchus.
Ichthyologische Beitrage (XII), Sitzungsberichte der k., Akad. Der
Wissenschaften, 86: 1.
• ŠKRIJELJ, R., 2002: Populacije riba neretvanskih jezera: ihtiološka
monografija. Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Sarajevo.
• ŠOLJAN, T., 1980: Morska fauna Bosne i Hercegovine. U: Savjetovanje
Problemi inventarizacije životinjskog svijeta Bosne i Hercegovine: stanje i
perspektive. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Sarajevo, 1980, Posebna izdanja,
knj. XLVII, Odjeljenje prirodnih i matematičkih nauka, knj. 8, 21-31.
• VUKOVIĆ, T., 1977: Ribe Bosne i Hercegovine. Svjetlost, sarajevo.
• VUKOVIĆ, T., 1980: Fauna slatkovodnih riba Bosne i Hercegovine.
Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, 115-120,
Posebna izdanja ANU BiH, knjiga 47, Odjeljenje prirodnih i matematičkih
nauka, knjiga 8.

• VUKOVIĆ, T., IVANOVIĆ, B., 1971: Slatkovodne ribe Jugoslavije. Zemaljski
muzej Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo.


• BJEDOV, V., KOTROŠAN, D., 2000: Popis sisara u Bosni i Hercegovini.

fauna Bosne i Hercegovine, Sisari-Mammalia. Veterinaria, 49: 453-463.
• ĐULIĆ, B., MIRIĆ, D., 1967: Catalogus faune Jugoslaviae, IV/4 Mammalia.
Cons. Acad. Sci. et. Art. RSFY.
J.B., VOHRALIK, V., ZIMA, J., 1999: The Atlas of European Mammals. T & J
Poiser, London.
• KOTROŠAN, D, 2005: Istorijski pregled pročavanja faune Bosne i
Hercegovine u 19. i 20. vijeku. Unutar: S. Lelo (urednik), Fauna Bosne i
Hercegovine – Biosistematski prijegledi. Interno izdanje Udruženja za
inventarizaciju i zaštitu životinja, Ilijaš, Kanton Sarajevo.
• LELO, S., 2005: Sistematski prijegled sisara Bosne i Hercegovine. Unutar: S.
Lelo (urednik), Fauna Bosne i Hercegovine – Biosistematski prijegledi. Interno
izdanje Udruženja za inventarizaciju i zaštitu životinja, Ilijaš, Kanton Sarajevo.
• SOFRADŽIJA, A., MUZAFEROVIĆ, Š., 1999: Biodiverzitet sisara Bosne i
Hercegovine (katalog). Soroš Fondacija - Fonda Otvoreno društvo Bosne i
Hercegovine, Sarajevo.

Other groups of animals

• APFELBECK, V., 1896: Karakteristike faune beskičmenjaka u Bosni i

Hercegovini, GZM, Sarajevo.
• BRELIH, S., DŽUKIĆ, G., 1974: Reptilia, Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae, IV/2.
• ĆURČIĆ, B., 1974: Arachnoidea, Pseudoscorpiones, Catalogus faunae
Jugoslaviae, III/3.
• MIKŠIĆ, R., 1962: Scarabaeidae Jugoslavije, I i III dio, Građa Naučnog
društva BiH, 1958, knj. VI, 1965, knj. XXV i II dio, Posebna izdanja SANU,
• MIKŠIĆ, R., 1971: Katalog der Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) Jugoslawiens,
• MIKŠIĆ, S.1983: Fauna kraškog područja: U: Socijalistička Republika Bosna i
Hercegovina, separat iz II izdanja Enciklopedija Jugoslavije (ed. Filipović, M.,
Benac, A.), str. 46. Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb.
• MIKŠIĆ, S., 1967: Fauna Orthoptera Bosne i Hercegovine , I, Tettigonioidea,
GZM, Sarajevo.
• PRETNER, E., 1968: Coleoptera, Catopidae, Bathysciinae, Catalogus faunae
Jugoslaviae, III/6.
• RADOVANOVIĆ, M., 1951: Vodozemci i gmizavci naše zemlje. Naučna
knjiga, Beograd.

Flora and vegetation2

• ADAMOVIĆ, L. 1907. Pflanzengeographische tellung und Gliederung der

Balkanhalbinsel. Aus der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen hof – und Staatsdruckerel,
Wien, 91 pgs. + 3 pflancengeographishen Karten.
• BATINICA, D. (1950): Planinski pašnjaci biljne zajednice "Nardetum strictae".
Godišnjak Biološkog instituta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, III, Fasc. 1-2, 93-114.
• BECK-MANNAGETTA, G., 1886-1898: Flora von Sudbosnien und der
angrenzenden Hercegovina. Ann. Naturh. Mus. 1,2,4,5,6,10,13, Wien.
• BECK-MANNAGETTA, G. 1888. Die alpine Vegetation der sudbosnisch –
herecgovinischen Hochgebirge. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien.
• BECK-MANNAGETTA, G., 1901: Die Vegetationsverhältnisse der illyrischen
Länder. Verl. von W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
• BECK-MANNAGETTA, G. 1903: Flora Bosne, Hercegovine i Novopazarskog
Sandžaka, Gymnospermae i Monocotyledones, I dio Državna štamparija,
• BECK-MANNAGETTA, G., 1916: Flora Bosne, Hercegovine i
Novopazarskog Sandžaka, II , Sarajevo.
• BECK-MANNAGETTA, G., 1927: Flora Bosne i Hercegovine i oblasti Novog
Pazara, III -Horipetalae. Beograd – Sarajevo.
• BECK, G. M. & MALY, K., 1950: Flora Bosnae et Hercegovinae, IV
Sympetalae, pars I, 1-72, Svjetlost, Sarajevo.
• BECK, G. M, MALY, K. & Ž. BJELČIĆ, 1967: Flora Bosnae et Hercegovinae,
IV Sympetalae, 2, Zemaljski muzej BiH, Sarajevo.
• BECK, G., MALY, K. et BJELČIĆ, Ž., 1974: Flora Bosne i Hercegovine IV –
Sympetalae 3. Sarajevo.
• BECK, G., MALY, K. et BJELČIĆ, Ž., 1983: Flora Bosne i Hercegovine IV –
Sympetalae 4. Sarajevo.
• BEUS, V. 1997: Fitocenologija, Sarajevo
• BEUS, V., VOJNIKOVIĆ, S.: (2006): “Zaštićena i specifična područja šuma i
šumskih zemljišta u Bosni i Hercegovini – teritorij F BiH” – PROJEKAT/
Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu.
• BJELČIĆ, Ž., 1987: Endemi u biljnom svijetu Bosne i Hercegovine i problem
zaštite. ANUBiH, posebna izdanja, knjiga LXXXII, Odjeljenje prirodnih i
matematičkih nauka, knjiga 14: 95-102, naučni skup “Zaštita endema u živom
svijetu Jugoslavije”, Sarajevo.
• BJELČIĆ, Ž. & ŠILIĆ, Č.: 1971: Karakteristične cvjetnice za hercegovački
endemni centar pl. Prenj, Čvrsnica i Čabulja. Glas. Zem. Muz. Bosne i Herc.,
(NS) (PN), 10: 39-57. Sarajevo.
• BLAGOJEVIĆ, S.(1976): Prilog poznavanju cijanoficeja (Cyanophyceae)
krških izvorišta.Acta Bot.Croat. 35,207-215.
• BLAGOJEVIĆ, S.(1976): Prilog poznavanju algi krških izvorišta u Bosni i
Hercegovini. I. Chrysophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Bacillariophyceae.
Godišnjak Univ.u Sarajevu. 29, 5-21.
• BLAGOJEVIĆ, S.(1979): Prilog poznavanju algi krških izvorišta u Bosni i
Hercegovini. II Kloroficeje (Chlorophyceae). Acta Bot.Croat. 38,125-132.
D.(1986).Neke hidrobiološke karakteristike akumulacionih jezera na Neretvi i
Trebišnjici. Prirodno – Matematički fakultet .Univerzitet u Sarajevu

Only publications relevant for Neretva river catchment were given

• BRAUN-BLANQUET, J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie. Springer Verlag, Wien -
New York.
• BRENNAN, S., WITHGOTT, J. (2005): Biodiversity and Conservation Biology.
(In: Environment; The Science behind the Stories. Pearson, Bewamin
Cummings, San Francisco.
• DOKO, A. (2005 ): Epifite Hutova Blata. Diplomski rad. Sveučilište u Mostaru.
• DZWONKO, Z. & LOSTER, S. 2000. Syntaxonomy and phytogeographical
differentiation of the Fagus woods in the Southwest Balkan Peninsula.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 11.5
• ELLENBERG, H. 1986. Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in
oekologischer Sicht. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
• FIALA, F. 1889. Studije o nekojim biljevnim odnošajima u posjednutim
zemljama. Glasnik. Zem. muzeja BiH, 85-88.
• FORMANEK, E., 1888: Beitrag zur Flora von Bosnien und der Hercegovina.
Österr. Bot. Zeitschr. 38: 419-423.
• FUKAREK, P., 1957: Fitocenološka raspodjela bosanskog i hercegovačkog
krša, Zbornik "Krš BiH" Split, br.3, str. 139-143.
• FUKAREK, P., 1958: Prilog poznavanju granica krša u BiH, Geografski
pregled Sarajevo, br.2, str. 11-18
• FUKAREK, P., 1962: Granice raširenja izrazitih flornih elemenata u vegetaciji
Hercegovine, G.P. Sarajevo, str 73-76.
• FUKAREK, P., 1962: Modro lasinje – Moltkea petraea (Trat.) Gris. rijetki
endemni grmić našeg hercegovačkog i crnogorskog krša i njegova zaštita.
Naše starine, 8: 205-209, Sarajevo.
• FUKAREK, P., 1962: Pionirska vegetacija točila u brdskom pojasu dinarskih
planina i njena zaštita, Naše starine Sarajevo, br. 8, str. 199-204.
• FUKAREK, P., 1966: Zajednice endemne Munike na planini Prenju u
Hercegovini. Acta Bot. Croat., 25:61-63, Zagreb.
• FUKAREK, P., 1970: Fitocenološka istraživanja i kartiranje šumskih i
šibljačkih zajednica na hercegovačkim planinama: Orjen, Prejn i Čvrsnica,
zbornik radova ANUBIH, Sarajevo, br. 11, str. 175-229.
• FUKAREK, P., 1971: Šume borova na jugoalvenskom kršu, Separat JAZU,
• FUKAREK, P., 1979: Šumske biljne zajednice Jugoslavije. Zbornik radova II
kongresa ekologa Jugoslavije, knjiga I, 55-69, Zadar-Plitvice.
• GRUPA AUTORA, 1975: Hercegovački razvojni endemni centar u sklopu
planina Prenj, Čvrsnica, Čabulja i Velež. Elaborat Zemaljskog muzeja BiH
(Prirodnjačko odjeljenje), Sarajevo.
• HAYEK, A. 1924-1933. Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae.Band I,
II,III,Berlin-Dahlem - Berlin.
• HORVAT, I., 1933: Istraživanje vegetacije hercegovačkih i crnogorskih
planina, Ljetop. Jugosl. akd., 46:110-113, Zagreb.
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šumskim ekosistemima Nacionalnih parkova i drugih zaštićenih područja,
Jahorina, Zbornik radova 501-515.

Other related documents, publications and data sources

• 2005/a: A data overview of the network of Special Protected Areas in EU25. A

working paper from the European Topic Center on Biological Diversity,
• ECNC- European centre for nature conservation, 2006: Indicative map of the
Pan-European ecological network in south-eastern Europe.
• European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2007: Indicative Map of
Biogeographical Regions EUR 15 + 12.
• NEAP 2003: Akcioni plan za zaštitu okoliša BiH, Sarajevo.
• Institute for land surveying, Sarajevo - Corine land cover map of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 1:100 000, 2000

• (1992): Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of
Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora. Official Journal of the
European Communities, No. L 206, European Commission, Environment DG.
• UNEP, 1992. Convention on Biological Diversity. United Nations Environment
Programme. Nairobi. Kenya
• EEA. 2005. EUNIS – European Nature Information System. Habitat
Classification. European Topic Centre for Nature Protection and Biodiversity.
• Šumsko privredne karte, 1:25000.
• Vlada Republike Srpske, Ministarstvo urbanizam, građevinarstva prostornog
planiranja i ekologije, Prostorni plan RS do 2015
• Zakon o zaštiti prirode RS, Službeni glasnik RS, 50/2002.
• Pravilnik o načinu uspostavljanja i upravljanja informativnim sistemom za
zaštitu prirode i sistemu praćenja, Službeni glasnik RS, 85/2005
• Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine RS, Službeni glasnik RS, 53/2002 i 109/2005
• Zakon o nacionalnim parkovima RS, Službeni glasnik RS, 21/1996
• Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama zakona o nacionalnim parkovima RS,
Službeni glasnik RS, 74/2005
• Zakon o šumama RS, Službeni glasnik RS, 66/2003
• Zakon o lovstvu RS, Službeni glasnik RS, 4/2002
• Zakon o uređenju prostora RS, Službeni glasnik RS, 84/2002
• Zakon o šumama FBiH, Službene novine FBiH, 20/2002
• Zakon o zaštiti prirode FBiH, Službene novine FBiH, 33/2003
• Zakon o zaštiti okoliša FBiH, Službene novine FBiH, 33/2003
• Zakon o fondu za zaštitu okoliša FBiH, Službene novine FBiH, 33/2003
• World Database on Protected Areas, 2005, United Nations Environment
Programme, World Conservation monitoring Centre, IUCN World Commission
on Protected areas.
• European commission DG environment, 2003: Interpretation Manual of
European Union habitats

1.3 Relevant national projects and studies:

• National Strategy for Protection of Biological and Landscape Diversity

of BiH,
• Proposal of Network of Protected Areas of RS, Faculty of forestry, Banja
• CDDA base – National common data base of designated areas, CDDA
• Project of Establishment of the National Clearing House Mechanism,
• Project of Establishment of National Park Igman – Bjelašnica,
• List of plants for the Red Book of BiH, Šilić Č, Glas. Zem. Muz. Bosne.
Herceg. (PN) (NS), sv.31: 1992-1995: 323-367. Sarajevo.
• National diagnostical analysis of mediterranean region of BiH,
Hydroenginering Institute, Sarajevo
• Project “Gornji horizonti“ – regulation of water regime at the Trebišnjica
catchment area, Public Enterprise „Elektroprivreda RS“
• Physical Plan for RS, RS Government, Ministry of urbanism, construction,
communal issues and ecology of RS, Institute for urbanism of RS.
• Physical Plan for FBiH (under development).

1.4 Relevant international processes that can be relevant to the process in

• Emerald network project BiH - project had an objective to recognize Areas of

Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) on the territory of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and to develop limited database containing both abiotic and
biotic parameters for the chosen sites. Total of 28 areas were identified with
coverage of 114 120 ha. GIS database was not established.
• WWF - Protected Areas For a Living Planet - Dinaric Arc Ecoregion-Factsheet
on WWF’s Protected Areas for a Living Planet Dinaric Arc Ecoregion Project,
which aims to help governments from the ecoregion achieve the 2012/2012
targets of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas - an historic
commitment by 190 governments to create a global network of
comprehensive, well-managed, and representative terrestrial and marine
protected areas.
• Neretva and Trebišnjica River Basin Management Project - the objective of
the project is to improve the effectiveness of institutions for the regulation,
control and management of water resources within the NTRB. The project
objective and activities are fully consistent with the European Union (EU)
Water Framework Directive (WFD) . The project will have substantial benefits
with a direct impact on the populations of the Project area (300,000) -
Croatian Ministry of Environment, FB&H Ministry of Environment and RS
Ministry of Environment
• LIFE-Third Countries project “ Development of a new management policy for
the Hutovo Blato wetlands, Bosnia-Herzegovina”. Comprehensive scientific
research on biodiversity of Hutovo blato was realised through two years
• The Study on Sustainable Development through Eco-tourism in Bosnia and
Hezegovina - In 2004 year, IURS took part at international project -The Study
on Sustainable Development through Eco-tourism in Bosnia and Hezegovina.
Within this project, it had been worked on preparation of digital models of
terrains, ecology maps and the outline of potential tourist destinations with
resources. Study area included the region of mountain Velež and catchment
of river Plive.
• Lower Neretva valley transboundary wetland – RAMSAR - the project's
specific objectives were 1) to provide the most comprehensive inventory data
base for the Lower Neretva Valley using the new MedWet Database 2000; 2)
to prepare a project aiming at elaboration of a comprehensive transboundary
management plan for both Ramsar sites; and 3) to involve local communities
in the process of wetland evaluation, planning and decision making.
• WWF’s Living Neretva project - This project aims to use EU standards to
support the administrative bodies responsible for water and natural resources
management of the Neretva basin in BiH. The project will set the ground for
both mapping biodiversity values and hotspots in the Neretva basin in
accordance with the Habitat Directive, and promoting the equitable use of
water resources according to the Water Framework Directive.

1.5 Legislative framework

Pursuant to the provisions of the Dayton Peace Accord, environmental

management is the responsibility of the entities, and in the FBiH some competences
are even devolved to the cantons. Nature protection is under the jurisdiction of
Ministry for urbanism, construction, communal issues and ecology in RS, and
Ministry of environment and tourism in FBiH. This subject is treated through several
legal acts in both entities (Law on nature protection, Law on environmental protection
and Law on physical planning, Law on forests). Those acts indicate that there should
be a Strategy for nature protection on entity level. Strategy should determine tasks
and policy for protection of natural and biological diversity, and ensure the
establishing of information system for monitoring and nature protection. Strategies
should comply with inter-entity program of nature protection. On the municipality level
there are plans for nature protection that must comply with this act.
Those ministries are responsible for establishing the Red book. Maintenance
of species in Red book as well as their natural habitats should be accomplished
through announcements of protected areas, and their incorporation in “protected
areas in Europe”.
“Protected area” is a part of the land that is designated for the protection and
maintenance of biological diversity, of natural and cultural resources.
Protected areas are:
• natural protected areas, designated for science purpose or for wilderness
protection; they include:
• area of land with extraordinary or representative ecosystems, geological
or physiological characteristics and species, which use is mainly
scientific and for environment monitoring purpose.
• unchanged or slightly changed large area of land that sustained its
natural characteristics and influence, without significant habitat,
established in order to preserve natural conditions
• area of land exposed to active interventions of management in order to
preserve habitats and specific species needs;
• national parks, natural inland and/or shoreline area designated for:
• protection of ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present
or future generations.
• excluding exploitations and visits that can cause changes and
degradation of nature.
• insuring the baselines for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational
and visitors purposes;
• natural monuments, are areas with one or more specific natural/cultural
characteristics with extraordinary or unique value because of its natural,
representative or aesthetic attributes or cultural importance;
• protected landscapes are areas of land or shoreline developed by
interaction of nature and man with extraordinary aesthetic, ecological and/or
cultural values, and often with high value of biological diversity.

Proposal for designation of protected areas of all categories is given by

Ministry for urbanism, construction, communal issues and ecology in RS. In FBiH
proposal for designation of Natural protected area and National park is given by
Federal Ministry of environment. Proposals for designation of protected areas and
natural monuments are given by Cantonal Ministry.

Proposal for designation of protected areas that are in the area of both
entities are given by Federal Ministry of environment and Ministry for urbanism,
construction, communal issues and ecology of RS.
RS entity government is in charge for adoption of measures for management
of all categories of protected areas. In FBiH is the same situation as with Protected
areas designation.
Financing funds are ensured through state budget and Environment
protection fund.
Possible areas can be designated for Natura 2000 throughout special act of
Government of RS and FBiH (article 37 of Low on nature protection of RS, and article
33 of Low on nature protection of FBiH). Sites that can be designated are National
parks, protected natural areas, natural monuments if there are species or habitats of
common interest by international criteria. Any plan or project which is likely to affect
the natural values of a site shall be subject to appropriate assessment of its
implications for the site.
However the only document where Natura 2000 and other international
instruments of nature protection are mentioned is Law on Nature protection. There is
no mentioning of those issues in other relevant documents such as Law on Forests,
Law on Hunting, Law on Physical planning and others. Entity legislatives are rather
confused concerning this matter and concrete definitions differ from law to law.

1.6 Biogeographical Regions

According to “Indicative Map of Biogeographical Regions EUR 15 + 12”

(European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2007) there are three biogeographical
regions present in BiH:
• Continental, in the northern part of the country, with lowlands and hills and
with high influence of Pannonic plane. Climate is continental with hot
summers and cold winters. It is mainly sessile oak-hornbeam forests region.
• Mediterranean, in the southern part of the country. With hot summers and
mild winters, this is area with the highest annual rainfall in Europe (over
5000mm). Majority of rain falls in winter season. Land is mainly calcareous
and dry (Dinaric carst) with lots of underground water flows, caves etc. Main
vegetation is submediterranean with downy oak forests and scrubs with dry
calcareous grassland.
• Alpine, covers the central part of BiH with high mountains of Dinaric range
(up to 2368 m). Climate is hard with mild summers and very cold and long
winters. There is a very high precipitation during the year. Main vegetation is
high forests of beech, fir and spruce, and at the high altitudes alpine

This map generally matches with the actual biogeographical zoning of BiH, but there
are obviously slight divergences of region borders according to “Biogeographical
VUKOREP, I. 1983, Šumarski fakultet, Sarajevo).

Map 1. Biogeographical regions in BiH

Map 2. Biogeographical regions in Neretva river basin

1.7 Habitats of Annex I of the HD, and species of Annex II, IV and V of the
HD from wich there is evidence of presence in BiH

Table 3. Habitats of Annex I of Habitats directive which are present in BiH

Habitats of Annex I of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list Biogeographical regions
Conti Mediter
Code Code description nental ranean
Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with
vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the X X X
3130 Isoëto-Nanojuncetea
Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic
3140 vegetation of Chara spp.
Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or
3150 Hydrocharition - type vegetation
3160 Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds X X
3180 * Turloughs X X
Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along
3220 their banks
Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Salix
3240 elaeagnos
Water courses of plain to montane levels with the
Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion X X X
3260 vegetation
Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri
3270 p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation
Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with
Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of X
3280 Salix and Populus alba
Intermittently flowing Mediterranean rivers of the
3290 Paspalo-Agrostidion
4060 Alpine and Boreal heaths X
* Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron
4070 hirsutum (Mugo-Rhododendretum hirsuti)
Stable xerothermophilous formations with Buxus
5110 sempervirens on rock slopes (Berberidion p.p.)
Juniperus communis formations on heaths or
5130 calcareous grasslands
5210 Arborescent matorral with Juniperus spp. X
* Rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands of
6110 the Alysso-Sedion albi
6150 Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands X
6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands X
Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on
calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (* X X X
6210 important orchid sites)
* Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals of the
6220 Thero-Brachypodietea

SR-scientific reserve-it should be investigated.

Habitats of Annex I of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list Biogeographical regions
Conti Mediter
Code Code description nental ranean
* Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on silicious
substrates in mountain areas (and submountain X X
6230 areas in Continental Europe)
Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands
62A0 (Scorzoneratalia villosae)
Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-
6410 laden soils (Molinion caeruleae)
Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains
6430 and of the montane to alpine levels
Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis,
6510 Sanguisorba officinalis)
6520 Mountain hay meadows X
7110 * Active raised bogs X X X
*Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species
7210 of the Caricion davallianae
7220 * Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion) X X X
7230 Alkaline fens X X X
Siliceous scree of the montane to snow levels
8110 (Androsacetalia alpinae and Galeopsietalia ladani)
Calcareous and calcshist screes of the montane to
8120 alpine levels (Thlaspietea rotundifolii)
* Medio-European calcareous scree of hill and
8160 montane levels
Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic
8210 vegetation
8220 Siliceous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation X
Siliceous rock with pioneer vegetation of the Sedo-
8230 Scleranthion or of the Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii
8240 * Limestone pavements X X X
8310 Caves not open to the public X X X
9110 Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests X X
Atlantic acidophilous beech forests with Ilex and
sometimes also Taxus in the shrublayer (Quercion X X
9120 robori-petraeae or Ilici-Fagenion)
9130 Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests X X
Medio-European subalpine beech woods with Acer
9140 and Rumex arifolius
Medio-European limestone beech forests of the
9150 Cephalanthero-Fagion
Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak or oak-
9160 hornbeam forests of the Carpinion betuli
9170 Galio-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests X
9180 * Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines X
91B0 Thermophilous Fraxinus angustifolia woods X

Habitats of Annex I of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list Biogeographical regions
Conti Mediter
Code Code description nental ranean
* Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus
excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion X X
91E0 albae)
Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus
laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior or
Fraxinus angustifolia, along the great rivers
91F0 (Ulmenion minoris)
* Pannonic woods with Quercus petraea and
91G0 Carpinus betulus
91H0 * Pannonian woods with Quercus pubescens X
91K0 Illyrian Fagus sylvatica forests (Aremonio-Fagion) X X
91L0 Illyrian oak-hornbeam forests (Erythronio-carpinion) X X
91M0 Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak –sessile oak forests X
Dinaric dolomite Scots pine forests (Genisto
91R0 januensis-Pinetum)
9250 Quercus trojana woods X
9260 Castanea sativa woods X X
9280 Quercus frainetto woods X X X
92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries X X X
9340 Quercus ilex and Quercus rotundifolia forests X
Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine
9410 levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea)
* (Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests with endemic
9530 black pines
95A0 High oro-Mediterranean pine forests X X

Sixty-four Annex I habitat types are present in BiH, 15 of which are priority. The
distribution by biogeographical regions is: Alpine region 50 (11 priority), Continental
38 (9 priority), Mediterranean 32 (9 priority).

Table 4. Species of Annexes II, III and IV which are present in BiH
Species of Annex II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list By Annexes regions
e in Cont
Alpi terra
Neretva inen
ne nea
river tal
AL n
N catchm CO
o. Scientific name Group ent II IV V
1 Rhinolophus euryale Mammals X X X X X
Mammals X X X X X
2 ferrumequinum
Mammals X X X X X
3 hipposideros
4 Rhinolophus mehelyi Mammals X X X X
Mammals X X X X
5 barbastellus
Mammals X X X X X
6 schreibersi
7 Myotis bechsteini Mammals X X X X
8 Myotis capaccinii Mammals X X X X X
9 Myotis emarginatus Mammals X X X X X
10 Canis lupus * Mammals X X X X X X
11 Ursus arctos * Mammals X X X X X X
12 Lutra lutra Mammals X X X X X X
13 Martes martes Mammals X X X X X
14 Mustela putorius Mammals X X X X X
15 Lynx lynx Mammals X X X
16 Felis silvestris Mammals X X X X X
Rupicapra rupicapra
Mammals X X X
17 balcanica
18 Testudo hermanni Reptiles X X X X
19 Emys orbicularis Reptiles X X X X X X
20 Lacerta agilis Reptiles X X X X X
21 Lacerta viridis Reptiles X X X X X
22 Podarcis muralis Reptiles X X X X X
23 Ophisaurus apodus Reptiles X X X
24 Elaphe situla Reptiles X X X X
Reptiles X X X X
25 quatuorlineata
26 Elaphe longissima Reptiles X X X X X
27 Coluber jugularis Reptiles X X X
28 Coluber najadum Reptiles X X X
29 Coronella austriaca Reptiles X X X X
30 Natrix tessellata Reptiles X X X X X
31 Telescopus falax Reptiles X X X
32 Vipera ursinii Reptiles X X X
33 Vipera amodites Reptiles X X X X X
34 Triturus carnifex Amphibians X X X X X

Species of Annex II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list By Annexes regions
e in Cont
Alpi terra
Neretva inen
ne nea
river tal
AL n
N catchm CO
o. Scientific name Group ent II IV V
35 Triturus dobrogicus Amphibians X X
36 Salamandra atra Amphibians X X X
37 Proteus anguinus * Amphibians X X X X X
38 Bombina bombina Amphibians X X X
39 Bombina variegata Amphibians X X X X X X
40 Rana dalmatina Amphibians MD X MD
41 Rana graeca Amphibians X X X X X
42 Rana latastei Amphibians MD X MD
43 Rana lessonae Amphibians MD X MD
44 Rana esculenta Amphibians MD X MD
45 Rana ridibunda Amphibians X X X X X
46 Rana temporaria Amphibians MD X MD
47 Bufo viridis Amphibians X X X X X
48 Hyla arborea Amphibians X X X X X
Fish X X
49 danfordi (o)
Fish X X X
50 zanandreai (V)
Petromyzon marinus
Fish MD X MD
51 (o)
52 Lampetra fluviatilis Fish MD X MD
53 Acipenser naccarii * Fish MD X MD
54 Acipenser sturio * Fish X X X X
55 Alosa fallax nilotica Fish MD X MD
Hucho hucho (natural
Fish X X X X
56 populations) V
Salmo marmoratus
Fish X X X X
57 (o)
58 Thymallus thymallus Fish X X X X X
59 Umbra krameri (o) Fish X X X
60 Alburnus albidus (o) Fish X X X
61 Aspius aspius (V) Fish X X X
Barbus meridionalis
Fish X X X
62 (V)
Fish X X X
63 chalcoides(o)
Gobio albipinnatus
Fish X X X
64 (o)
65 Gobio kessleri (o) Fish X X X
Gobio uranoscopus
Fish X X X
66 (o)
Fish X X X
67 adspersus (o)

Species of Annex II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list By Annexes regions
e in Cont
Alpi terra
Neretva inen
ne nea
river tal
AL n
N catchm CO
o. Scientific name Group ent II IV V
Fish X X
68 alepidotus (o)
Phoxinellus ghetaldi
Fish X X X
69 (o)
Fish X X X
70 metohiensis(o)
Fish X X X
71 pstrossi(o)
Rhodeus sericeus
Fish X X X
72 amarus (o)
Rutilus pigus virgo
Fish X X X
73 (V)
74 Cobitis elongata (o) Fish X X
75 Misgurnus fossilis (o) Fish X X
Sabanejewia aurata
Fish X X
76 (o)
Aphanius fasciatus
Fish X X X
77 (o)
Fish X X
78 schraetzer
79 Zingel streber (o) Fish X X
80 Zingel zingel (V) Fish X X
Fish X X X
81 panizzae (o)
Fish X X X
82 canestrini (o)
83 Cottus gobio (o) Fish X X X
84 Helix pomatia s
Lithophaga Invertebrate
85 lithophaga s
86 Pinna nobilis s
87 Congeria kusceri s
88 Astacus astacus s
Austropotamobius Invertebrate
89 torrentium* s
Bolbelasmus Invertebrate
90 unicornis s
91 Buprestis splendens s

Species of Annex II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list By Annexes regions
e in Cont
Alpi terra
Neretva inen
ne nea
river tal
AL n
N catchm CO
o. Scientific name Group ent II IV V
92 Cerambyx cerdo s
Graphoderus Invertebrate
93 bilineatus s
94 Lucanus cervus s
95 Morimus funereus s
Osmoderma eremita Invertebrate
96 * s
97 Rosalia alpina * s
Callimorpha Invertebrate
98 quadripunctaria (o) * s
Euphydryas aurinia Invertebrate
99 (o) s
10 Invertebrate
0 Hypodryas maturna s
10 Invertebrate
1 Leptidea morsei s
10 Invertebrate
2 Lycaena dispar s
10 Nymphalis vaualbum Invertebrate
3 * s
10 Invertebrate
4 Parnassius apolo s
10 Invertebrate
5 Zerynthia polyxena s
Plants X X X X X
6 Sphagnum L. spp
10 Asplenium
Plants X X X
7 adulterinum Milde (R)
10 Botrychium simplex
Plants X MD
8 Hitchc. (V)
10 Marsilea quadrifolia
Plants X MD MD
9 L. (V)
Plants X X X
0 Lycopodium spp.
11 Echium russicum
Plants X X
1 J.F.Gemlin
Adenophora lilifolia
11 (L.) Ledeb. ex A. DC. Plants X X X
2 (V)

Species of Annex II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive in BiH
Reference list By Annexes regions
e in Cont
Alpi terra
Neretva inen
ne nea
river tal
AL n
N catchm CO
o. Scientific name Group ent II IV V
11 Cerastium dinaricum
Plants X X X
3 G. Beck et Szysz. (V)
11 Thlaspi jankae A.
Plants X X
4 Kern. (R)
11 Aquilegia kitaibelii
Plants X X
5 Schott (E)
11 Pulsatilla grandis
Plants X X X
6 Wenderoth (R)
Plants X X
7 Arnica montana L.
11 Eryngium alpinum L.
Plants X X
8 (V)
Plants X X
9 Gentiana lutea L
12 Gladiolus palustris
Plants X X X
0 Gaud. (V)
12 Scilla litardierei
Plants X X
1 Breistr. (V)
Plants X X X X
2 Ruscus aculeatus L.
Plants X X X X X
3 Galanthus nivalis L.
12 Cypripedium
Plants X X X X
4 calceolus L. (E)
Liparis loeselii (L.)
Rich. (Syn.:
Plants X X MD
12 Pseudorchis loeselii
5 (L.) S.F.Gray) (Ex)

Table 5. Number of species by species groups
nce in Cont Medit
Groups of ence Ann Annex Annex Alpi
Neret Priority inen errane
species in ex II IV V ne
va tal an
Mammals 17 14 14 2 4 2 17 15 15
Reptiles 16 16 5 0 15 0 8 8 15
Amphibians 15 13 5 1 11 3 9 6 12
Fish 35 18 33 2 1 3 11 17 19
s 22 18 15 5 15 2 18 15 16
Plants 20 9 14 0 0 6 17 6 6
TOTAL 125 88 86 10 46 16 80 67 83

Table 6. Species of Annex II of HD by biogeographical regions, priority status and

species group (species relevant for Natura2000)
Groups of Prior Alpin Prior Contine Priorit Mediterrane Priorit
Annex II
species ity e ity ntal y an y
Mammals 14 2 14 2 12 2 12 2
Reptiles 5 0 2 0 1 0 4 0
Amphibians 5 1 4 1 2 0 3 1
Fish 33 2 10 0 16 0 17 2
s 15 5 14 5 12 2 10 2
Plants 14 0 12 0 2 0 3 0
TOTAL 86 10 56 8 45 4 49 7

1.8 Existing capacities and facilities

GIS facilities were established in:

• The Institute for Urbanism of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, digital maps
of land use in RS
• Cantonal Institute for Urbanism, Sarajevo
• Institute for land surveying, Sarajevo - Corine land cover map of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 1:100 000, 2000
• Agro-pedology Institute, Sarajevo
• Municipality offices for spatial planning in Mostar and Trebinje
• Hydro Engineering Institute, Sarajevo, water management maps
• Public enterprise “BH Šume”- digital forestry maps (under development)
• Public Enterprise for forestry of RS “Šume RS”- digital forestry maps (under
• Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka – forestry maps (under
development), GIS database of network of protection areas - BUCALO, V. et
al., 2006: Projekat mreže zaštićenih objekata prirode (fazni izvještaj za 2006.
godinu), Šumarski fakultet u Banjoj Luci., GIS database of habitat types and
endangered plant species of RS (under development).

• Faculty of Agronomy, University of Banja Luka
• Institute for Agriculture, Banja Luka – FAO land use maps 1:200000, ECNC
• Institute for Agriculture, Sarajevo – FAO agriculture maps
• Institute for Agriculture, Mostar – FAO agriculture maps
• State office for land surveying, Banja Luka – Development of digital
topographic maps, 1:25000 – JICA (under development)
• Public enterprise for water management “Sava”, Sarajevo - water
management maps
• Public Enterprise “Vodno područje slivova Jadranskog mora”, Mostar - water
management maps
• Public enterprise for water management of RS “Vode RS” - water
management maps
• Institute for water management of RS, Bjeljina – Water management maps
• “Projekt” a.d., Banja Luka
• “Gisdata” Sarajevo, DEM 1:25000
• “Geocentar” Banja Luka
• “Infomap” Novi Grad

Other relevant layers that could be found are: hydrology, geology, pedology,
climatology, but all in low scale, or they are limited to local areas.

2 Identification of stakeholders

2.1 Responsible authorities in the different levels, and their roles and
responsibilities in the process

Authorities at the state level

• Ministry of foreign affairs – negotiation of international agreements

tel: +387 33 281-125, 281-126, 281-289,

fax: +387 33 281-335
web site:

• Directorate for European integrations – coordination of integration

processes of BiH to EU

Tel: +387 33 264-330,

Fax: +387 33 220-157
web site:

Entity level

• Ministry of urbanism, construction, communal issues and ecology of RS
- responsible for the application of environmental protection strategy, physical
planning, monitoring natural resources.

tel: +381 51 348-600, 348-611

faks: +381 51 316-174

• Ministry of education and culture of RS – Responsible for National parks


tel: 051/331-422
faks: 051/331-423
• Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of RS –
responsible for managing of natural resources

Bijeljina office
Tel: 055/209-412
Faks: 055/210-353

Banja Luka office

T el: 051/331-634
Faks: 051/331-631

• Ministry of Science and Technology of RS – responsible for development

of scientific, technical and other resources

tel: 051/331-542
faks: 051/331-548


• Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of FBiH -

responsible for managing of forest, agricultural and water resources,
sustainable development and integral protection of forest ecosystems.

Tel: +387 33 443-338

Fax: +387 33 663-659 i 206-638
web site:

• Ministry of Finance – responsible for environmental protection funds

Tel: +387 33 203 147;203-148

Fax: +387 33 203 152
web site:

• Ministry of Education and Science of FBiH - development of scientific
activity, coordination of scientific-researching activities, development of the
scientific-researching institutions, encouragement of fundamental applied
researches, development of investment technologies and human resources in
scientific-researching field,

Mostar office
Tel: +387 36 355-700
Fax: +387 36 355-742
Sarajevo office
Tel /fax: +387 33 276-380

• Ministry of environment and tourism of FBiH - environmental protection,

drafting environmental strategy and policy, overseeing the activities of the
cantonal ministries of environment

Tel: +387 33 562 870

Fax:+ 387 33 201 602

• Ministry for Physical planning of FBiH - planning and improvement of

space; policy of land utilization at the Federal level; drafting, enforcing and
applying the Physical Plan of the Federation BiH, directing a long-term
development in utilization of natural resources;

Tel /fax: + 387 33 473 124

Tel /fax: + 387 33 663 548
web site:

Inter-entity level
• Inter-entity environmental steering body – their task is to provide the
expert counseling to authority ministries, making of Red List for BiH,
coordination of inter-entity strategy for nature protection in BiH and making
the directions for coordination and cooperation in trans-boundary protected

Cantonal level (Hercegovačko-Neretvanski canton)

• Ministry of Constructions, Regional Planning and Environmental

Protection – responsible for cantonal level of protection

Municipality level


• Municipality of Konjic - ++387 (0)36 712 200

• Municipality of Jablanica - ++387 (0)36 751 300
• Municipality of Stolac - ++387 (0)36 853 103
• Municipality of Ljubuški - ++387 (0)39 833 420
• Municipality of Široki brijeg - ++387 (0)39 706 370

• City of Mostar - ++387 (0)36 500 637
• Municipality of Čapljina - ++387 (0)36 805 052
• Municipality of Čitluk - ++387 (0)36 640 120
• Municipality of Neum - ++387 (0)36 880 185


• Municipality of Trebinje - ++387 (0)59 260 123

• Municipality of Bileća - ++387 (0)59 372 233
• Municipality of Gacko - ++387 (0)59 464 433
• Municipality of Ljubinje - ++387 (0)59 621 250
• Municipality of Nevesinje - ++ 387 (0)59 601 611
• Municipality of Berkovići - ++ 387 (0)59 860 111
• Municipality of Kalinovik - ++387 (0)57 623 191

2.2 Related relevant administrative bodies

• Public Enterprise “Vodno područje slivova Jadranskog mora”

Tel: +387 36 397881

Fax: +387 36 397883
web site:

• Republic Water Agency of RS

Tel: +387 55 201 784,

fax: 211-517, 220-363
email: ; ;

• Public Enterprise “Elektroprivreda RS”

Tel: +387 59 277 101,

Faks: +387 59 277 120
web site:

• Public Enterprise “Elektroprivreda BiH”

Tel: +387 33 751 000

Tel/fax: +387 33 751 008
web site:

• Public Enterprise “Elektroprivreda” HZHB d.d.

tel. +387 36 310 847, 327 116

fax.+387 36 317 157

web site:

• Public Enterprise of Forestry „BH Šume“

Tel/fax: +387 33 668 249

• Public Enterprise of Forestry „Šume RS“

Tel : +387 57 405-303; +387 51 214-794

web site:

• Public Enterprise „Hercegbosanske Šume“

Tel: +387 34 274 801

• Public Enterprise Natural park „Hutovo blato“

tel./fax: +387 36 814 716, 814 715

web site:

• Public Enterprise Natural park „Blidinje“

tel/faks + 387 39 718 514

tel. + 387 39 718 515
web site:

2.3 Relevant stakeholders for the process other then governmental

• Urban and rural population of Neretva catchment area

• Land owners in Neretva catchment area
• Hunting association of BiH
• Sports fishing association of BiH
• Tourist community of HNK/Ž
• Farmers asotiations

2.4 Relevant stakeholders in the EU institutions

• European environment agency

• European Commission's Environment Directorate-General for Environment
• The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural
• Europe aid – Co-operation office
• DG Enlargement
• EC Delegation in Sarajevo

2.5 NGO’s that are relevant for the process

Table 7. Relevant NGO’s

Name of Contact
Adress Phone Field of activity
organization person
Udruženje za Omladinska
zaštitu okoline 4, 88400 036 728 470 Amir Variščić
„Zeleni-Neretva“ Konjic
Ornitološko Research and
Frašte 6/14, Dražen
društvo “Naše 033 453 158 protection of birds and
Sarajevo, Kotrošan
ptice” their habitats in BiH
put br.4; Environment
organizacija 059-260-542 Dusan Toholj
Trebinje protection
''Juznjacko plavo
Ekološka Udruga Tvrtka 5, Environment
036 313228 Dražan Rosić
«Bura» Mostar 88000 protection
Udruga prijatelja Ul. Gojka
prirode Šuška 36,
036 809040 Zdenka Jelčić protection and
«Močvara» 88300
Čapljina Čapljina
Muzeja, Environment
EKO Neretva 036/ 753-656 Zekija Begović
88420 protection
Kninska 1,
NVO Solidarnost Environment
Trebinje, 059/274-000 Dr Stanko Buha
za jug protection
Humanitarna Rudarska
org. „IZVOR“ 93, 88000 036/347 007 Sonja Karacic
EKOLOSKA MOSTAR 036 480 380 Damir Brljević
Podizanje nivoa
kvaliteta življenja
Ložiona bb,
Centar za razvoj Slobodan harmonizacijom
Trebinje, 059/260-375
Hercegovine Vulešević prirodnih resursa i
kapaciteta lokalne
zajednice i regiona
Ekoloska sekcija Stari Most
0038761683- Environment
Klub skakaca Mostar Elvis Redzic
445 protection
''Mostari'' 88000
Ekološka udruga Environment
Mostara, 063/349876 Lazo Rajič
Eko-Jasenica protection
Mjesni ured

Name of Contact
Adress Phone Field of activity
organization person
ArborMagna- Stepanovića
065/714143 Jugoslav Brujić Nature protection
Banjaluka 75a, Banja
Cara Lazara
Ekomreža BiH 24, Banja 051 433 142
Abetment of
Fondeko Sarajevo 033/ 211-354 Edin Abadžić
development and
quality of life
Moja Neretva Jablanica 036/ 325-018
Mostar 036/ 317-080 Milka Markota
“Lijepa Naša
Zarema Environment
Oaza Mostar 036/ 551-479
Obradović protection
Eko Jablanica Jablanica 036/ 753-656 Idriz Čilić
Providing assistance
for solving of
REC Sarajevo 033/ 209-130 Jasna Draganić

2.6 Other relevant stakeholders

• The Global Environment Facility (GEF), helps developing countries fund

projects and programs that protect the global environment -
• United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), supports the
development of projects in the environmental focal areas of biodiversity,
climate change, international waters, land degradation, persistent organic
Pollutants and ozone depletion – GEF Implementing agency -
• United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), their mission is to
provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment
by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their
quality of life without compromising that of future generations - GEF
Implementing agency -
• The World Bank, a vital source of financial and technical assistance to
developing countries around the world - GEF Implementing agency -
• Norway government - The Norwegian Government has stated that Norway
shall be a leading nation in environmental policy -
• Government & Aid Agency (GAA) Funding -
• DAI – development alternatives, inc. – their mission is to make a difference
in the world by helping societies and economies become more prosperous,
fairer and more just, safer, more stable, more efficient, and better governed -

3 Identification and selection of first set of possible pilot areas in the
Neretva river basin

Aiming to identify and select possible pilot areas to which European standards for
biodiversity protection would be applied, it is necessary to highlight:

1. This first selection of areas can not be done following strictly the criteria given in
the Annex III-stage 1 of the Habitats Directive;

2. Choosing the criteria for selection of the areas is conditioned by existing quality
and quantity of data for the given area, i.e. for Neretva river basin.

This is the result of the variety of circumstances:

• In despite of very large number of scientific papers that regard to flora, fauna,
habitats and ecosystems diversity at the Neretva river catchment area, BiH
does not posses enough information that can be used in appliance of the
criteria given.
• BiH does not possess databases and modern inventories of flora, fauna,
habitat tipes and ecosystems
• BiH did not realize projects of creating of Red lists of species and habitats
• The majority of BiH endangered, specific or endemic species and habitat
types are not listed in the Annexes of Habitats Directive.
• There is no professional institution either on entity or on state level that can
manage activities in the field of biodiversity protection according to European

3.1 Definition of selection criteria

Neretva river catchment area is known as one of the most interesting from the aspect
of diversity of flora, fauna, fungi, habitat types, and ecosystems in whole region as
well as in Europe. There are numerous scientific publications about specific features
in bio- and ecological sense (see Scientific publications). However BiH did not realize
projects which would identify species and habitat types on its territory, or projects that
would assess level of vulnerability of those.

1. Following the European standards as the first criteria for selection of pilot areas,
the first step would be to identify the presence of species from the Annexes II, of the
Habitats Directive, and Annex I of the Birds Directive.
According to results of the project “Emerald network BiH” in the areas of the river
Rama (BA0000008), Doljanka (BA0000007), canyon of river Bijela (BA0000006),
Diva Grabovica (BA0000005), Zlatar (BA0000004), canyon of the river Idbar
(BA0000003), canyon of the river Rakitnica (BA0000001) and upper stream of
Neretva (BA0000002), the following species which require the conservation of habitat
are as following:
Mammals: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Rhinolopus hipposideros, Rhinolopus
euryale, Miniopterus schreibersi, Myotis emarginatus, Myotis capaccini, Lynx lynx,
Canis lupus;
Amphibians/Reptiles: Testudo hermanni, Triturus carnifex, Emys orbicularis,
Bombina variegata, Vipera ursini, Elaphe quatuorlineata;
Fishes: Salmo marmoratus, Rhodeus sericeus amarus, Cottus gobio, Barbarus

Invertebrates: Cerambyx cerdo, Lucanus cervus, Morimus funereus, Osmoderma
eremita, Rosalia alpina, Lycaena dispar, Euphydryas aurinia.

2. The next criteria in the selection of the pilot area has been the diversity of habitat
types from Annex I of Habitats directive on the area proposed for protection.
For the Neretva river catchment area the next habitat types which are of community
interest and which require establishment of Special areas of conservation (SAC’s):

3220 Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along their banks
4060 Alpine and Boreal heaths
6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands
6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates
(Festuco-Brometalia) (* important orchid sites)
62A0 Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae)
7220 * Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion)
8120 Calcareous and calcshist screes of the montane to alpine levels
(Thlaspietea rotundifolii)
8160 * Medio-European calcareous scree of hill and montane levels
8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation
8240 * Limestone pavements
8310 Caves not open to the public
9180 * Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines
91E0 * Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion,
Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)
91R0 Dinaric dolomite Scots pine forests (Genisto januensis-Pinetum)
9530 * (Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines

3. Unavoidable criteria in actions of biodiversity protection in general level, so in this

case too, are general characteristics of biodiversity of area identified.
According to results of the several relevant projects (First national report on
implementation of CBD in BiH, Emerald Network BiH, LIFE-Third Countries project “
Development of a new management policy for the Hutovo Blato wetlands, Bosnia-
Herzegovina”, Lower Neretva valley transboundary wetland – RAMSAR, National
diagnostical analysis of mediterranean region of BiH, Proposal of Network of
Protected Areas of RS), Neretva river catchment area is characterized with extremely
high level of diversity of habitats from the spring till the estuary entering the Adriatic
sea. Particular ecological and global value is in relict-refugial habitats Iin the canyons
of Neretva and its tributaries in which biologically very old species of plants and
animals have lived till today. Terrestrial Canyon communities are usually very
interesting polydominant forest communities, relict pine forests on dolomite and
limestone, communities on rocky slopes, screes etc.
“Refuges of the Neretva river catchment area possess unrepeatable
geomorphologic forms, diversity of soil types, hydrology networks and eco-climate
that generated highest levels of species and ecological diversity in BiH, and in
Dinarics as well. Canyons of the upper stream of Neretva comprise ancient forms of
nature, and richness of steno-endemic and relict plant and animal species gives the
important place to this area in global biodiversity.” (Draft of the first national report on
implementation of CBD in BiH: BiH – Land of diversity).

Localities of extraordinary relevance from the aspect of maintenance of

biological and ecological diversity at the Neretva river catchment area are:

o spring basin in the Borač mountain area, downstream to Ulog – gorge

between Zelengora to the east and Crvanj mountain to the west

o Canyon downstream from Ulog to Glavatičevo, one of the most preserved,
and most natural parts of environment of Bosnia i Herzegovina
o Canyon from Glavatičevo to Đajići, upstream from Konjic
o Canyon of Ljuta river
o Canyon of river Rakitnica
o Gorge - canyon of river Trešanica
o Canyon of river Neretvica
o Canyon of river Idbar
o Canyon of river Bijele
o Gorge and canyon of river Rama with few tributaries (Klek, Here, Krupić and
waterfall in village Duge)
o Canyon of river Doljanka near Jablanica
o Canyon of river Grabovica
o Gorge of Glogošnica
o Canyon from lower Jablanica to the Mostar plane (Salakovac)
o Canyon of river Drežnica
o Spring front of river Buna near Blagaj
o Gorge and canyon of river Bregava upstream from Stolac
o Gorge and canyon of river Neretva with wild stream from Blagaj to Čapljina
o Gorge and canyon of river Trebižat from Gabela to Vrlika
o Valley of river Krupa

On the basis of settled criteria, it is clear that upper stream of river Neretva
distinguishes as particularly important in the frame of local, regional, and global
needs of biodiversity protection.

3.2 Identification and selection of the possible area(s)

On the basis of settled criteria, wide area of Glavatičevo with upstream and
downstream canyon on Neretva was selected as adequate pilot area for engagement
of the first steps in implementation of European standards for biodiversity protection

4 Selection of methodology for the identification and selection of areas

following the EU HD approach

The selection process for areas to be protected under the EU Habitats

Directive provisions (Natura 2000 network) has followed very different approaches in
the different EU Member States, so the selection of the most suitable methodology to
be applied is a very complex task. Based on possible opportunities and constraints of
every methodology analyzed we came to next conclusions.
Since the main task is to select sites according to the representation of
habitats and species listed in the Annexes I and II of the Habitats Directive, keeping
in mind that information about percentage of the habitat/species present in the site
related with the total national should be included in the standard data form for each
site; a proper selection process should start with adequate information in terms of
presence and distribution of habitats and species in the whole country. Since each
EU Member State must compile a list of the best wildlife areas containing the habitats
and species listed in the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive, a possible similar
process in BiH would best start carrying out complete inventories for relevant habitats
and species (central database). Such an exercise would be very useful for the
protection of the nature in BiH in any case.


1. Identification of
a) habitat types of Annex I of Habitats Directive in wide area of
Glavatičevo with upstream and downstream canyon of Neretva river
(pilot area).
b) Habitat types of Annex I of Habitat Directive in Neretva catchment
2. Creation of GIS maps of all habitat types :
a) on pilot area.
b) in Neretva catchment area
3. establishment of database of identified habitat types. Established database
could serve as base for future national database with all relevant informations
about habitat types that need protection in BiH.
4. assessment of the presence and national level of endangerment of species
from Annex II ofthe Habitats directive and Annex I of the Wild birds directive
a) at the pilot area.
b) in Neretva catchment area

5. Assesment of the distribution and size of populations of species from Annex II

of the Habitats directive and Annex I of the Wild birds directive in the habitats
defined in Annex I of Habitas directive in BiH
a) at the pilot area.
b) in Neretva catchment area

6. establishment of database of species identified. Established database could

serve as base for future national database with all relevant informations about
identified species whose conservation requires conservation of habitat, that
require strict protection or their taking in the wild and exploitation may be
subject to management measures in BiH.

7. Selection of areas with priority in Neretva cachment area in the goal of

ecological network setup. As far as possible, the criteria of the Annex III of the
Habitats Directive should be used at this stage.

8. Identification of specific BiH habitat types whose conservation requires

establishment of national protected areas in BiH and species with
conservation needs in Neretva cachment area.

9. Identification of habitats and species with conservation needs specific in BiH,

not present in the Habitats and Birds Directives Annexes.

10. Identification of necessary legal modifications for harmonisation of

environmental laws in BiH and harmonisation of sectoral laws (forests, spatial
planing, land use etc.)

11. Identification of potential financing sources for the conservation needs of the
identified areas.

12. Involvement of the different sector stakeholders (water management, forestry,

agriculture, private sector) in the processes, including the site identification
and designation and the possible proposal for legal modifications.

5 Identification of gaps

• In despite of very large number of scientific papers that regard to flora, fauna,
habitats and ecosystems diversity at the Neretva river catchment area, BiH
does not posses enough that can be used in appliance of the criteria given.
• BiH does not possess databases and modern inventories of flora, fauna,
habitat tipes and ecosystems
• There is a lack of digitized maps, satellite images, GIS layers of relevant data
in appropriate scales
• BiH did not realize projects of creating of Red lists of species and habitats
• The majority of BiH endangered, specific or endemic species and habitat
types are not listed in the Annexes of Habitats directive.
• There is no professional institution either on entity or on state level that can
manage activities in the field of biodiversity protection according to European
• The current state of environment protection in BiH is characterized by an
extremely complicated and ill-defined division of competences, and
consequently by an inadequate institutional structure.
• The present environmental legislative is not harmonised between different
• The present environmental legislative is not harmonised with EU regulations
and standards.
• There is a lack of legal regulations and documents that would support
practical implementation of the legal provisions.
• Public awareness on environmental issues is at very low level. There is a lack
of environmental issues treatment in education process, media, politics etc.
• Historical factor and traditionally bad attitude to environmental issues
• Very high influence of different socio-economic lobbies on the state
environmental policies (e.g. energetic, forestry, tourism)
• Small percent of protected areas
• Lack of longterm strategy for environmental protection

6 Definition of basic lines of a possible Action Plan

a) Overall goal.

The main goal of the action plan would be to ensure the conservation and
sustainable use of the diversity of species, habitats and ecosystems in the
area upstream and downstream of Glavatičevo, as well as in whole Neretva
river basin,using European standards for selection and designation of priority
areas, and their management to ensure their conservation in the long term.
Protection of species and habitat types on the Neretva river basin will
represent the base of the future work related to establishment of network of
protected areas in BiH.

b) Main objective:
Maintaining or restoring on favorable conservation status the natural habitats
and species of Community Importance4 in part of Neretva river basin.

Habitats of Annex I and Species of Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive.

Table 8: Action plan for establishing pilot protected areas according EU standards in Neretva river basin
main actions and description schedule responsibility assumptions budget.
Identification and In order to accede to biodiversity Ministry of environment • Decision on the
digital mapping of the protection according to European 2008. and tourism of FBiH government level 30.000 E
distribution of habitat standards, first necessary step would and • Identification of the
types be to research existance, distribution Ministry of Urban expert team
a)in the pilot area and size of habitat types, as well as Planning, Civil • Preparation of the
b) in Neretva basin existance and eventual population Engineering and TOR and contract
density of species from Annex II of Ecology of RS in activities
Identification and HD, including the mapping in Neretva cooperation with
digital mapping of the river basin experts
distribution of species 2008. 30.000 E
from Annex II of HD
a)in the pilot area
b)in Neretva basin
• Establishment of
Ministry of environment central databases
Data collected would be stored in and tourism of FBiH of Natura2000
Establishment of database which will represent the base 2009. and areas, based on
digital database for future database for all areas in the Ministry of Urban the decisions of
future network of protected areas in Planning, Civil entity governments 20.000 E
BiH. Database would include relevant Engineering and • Data input
information according to local legal Ecology of RS in
acts regarding Natura2000. cooperation with
experts and IT
Filling in of the 2009 Ministry of environment • There should be 1.000 E per site
Standard Data Form and tourism of FBiH enough information
for the pilot areas and from the previous
Ministry of Urban inventories
Planning, Civil
Engineering and
Ecology of RS in
cooperation with
experts and IT

main actions and description schedule responsibility assumptions budget.
According to relevant standards it is Ministry of environment • Producing of the
Campaign with necessary to involve all relevant and tourism of FBiH breaf booklets
stakeholders stakeholders in the biodiversity 2009. and containing 60.000 E
protection process. It is clear that lager Ministry of Urban research results
number of participants from different Planning, Civil achieved
parts of process is required Engineering and • Creation of
Ecology of RS in presentations with
cooperation with NGOs results and goals
of protection
• Organization of
round tables
• Organization of
• Poll
• Public discussion
Ministry of environment o Preparing of report
and tourism of FBiH about research
Reching the decision In order of establishment protected 2010 and results for the entity 10.000 E
area according to European Ministry of Urban governments
standards, it is necessary to reach the Planning, Civil o Preparing of report
decision at the entity governments Engineering and about campaign
level Ecology of RS in with stakeholders
cooperation with for the entity
interentity body for governments

main actions and description schedule responsibility assumptions budget.
Preparing of In order to develop the mechanism of 2010 Federal ministry of o Preparing of the 30.000 E
guidelines about intersectoral approach in biodiversity environment and guidelines for
nature management management, it is crucial to prepare tourism and different sectors
and protected areas the guidelines, with the power of legal Ministry of Urban o Approving and
use at the background regulation, which would serve to Planning, Civil accepting of the
of intersectoral related sectors as the guide through Engineering and guidelines by the
approach the management possibilities of the Ecology of RS in Entity governments
natural resources cooperation with
interentity body for
Presentation of Coincident with the 2010 goal, BiH 2010 Ministry of environment o The project has 20.000 €
results internationally could present their work towards the and tourism of FBiH achieved its results
biodiversity protection according to EU and satisfactorily
standards in relevant forums to Ministry of Urban
international audience, especially the Planning, Civil
EC and EU Member States. Engineering and
Ecology of RS in
cooperation with NGOs


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