Advance OFS1B Small

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Off Air Frequency Standard OFS1 B

NATO Stock No 6625 - 99- 951-5254

Instruction Manual


Off Air Frequency Standard OFS1 B

NATO Stock No6625-99-951-5254

Instruction Manual

ADVANCE INSTRUMENTS Hainault Essex England

Telephone 01-500 1000 Telegrams Attenuate Ilford Telex 263785




3.1 Power Supply Check 8
3.2 Tuning Procedure 8
3.3 Phase Lock Adjustment 8
3.4 Normal Use 9
3.5 Grounding 10
3.6 Conversion to Battery Operation 10
4.1 Aerial Input Circuit 11
4.2 IlVIHz Oscillator 11
4.3 T rigger Circuit 11
4.4 Lock Control Circuit 11
4.5 Phase Comparator 11
4.6 Output Circuit 12
4.7 Meter Linearity 12
5.1 Removal of Case 13
5.2 Battery Replacement 13
5,3 Test Procedure 13
Fig. 1 Functional Diagram 21
Fig.2 Circuit Diagram 23
Fig, 3 Power Supply and Battery Connections 25 Introduction

Section 1


The OFSIB is a compact and truly portable frequency standard primarily intended to provide Timer counters with an external standard of greatly improved accuracy. The OFS1B can also be used as a laboratory standard or for checking existing frequency standards, and can be readily adapted for field use by fitting internal batteries.

The instrument provides two square wave output signals of 100kHz and IMHz having long term accuracies of five parts in 10 . Both signals -are phase locked to the B B C Light Programme carrier signal of 200kHz.

Setting up the OFSIB is straightforward and a front panel meter continuously monitors the locking of the internal oscillator to the 200kHz radio signal. The meter is also used to assess signal strength and to check the DC supply which is obtained from either the internal AC power unit, or, following a simple conversion, from internal batteries.

A ferrite rod aerial is built into the handle of the instrument and a 75Q BNC socket is provided for external 75Q aerial connection, together with both internal and external aerial preset tuning controIs.

6 Specification

Section 2


100kHz and 1MHz, approximately square wave.


Short term with no interference presents-

(i) Better than 3 parts in 108 over any period less than 5 sec. (ii)Better than 1 part in lOB over any period of 5 to 50 sec.

Long term:-

As B B.C Droitwich 200kHz transmitter. Accuracy: Better than 5 parts in lOl~ Stability: 1 part in 1010 per day.

OUTPUT LEVEL 6V peak to peak.



Internal ferrite rod aerial adequate for most of England. Coverage within a radius of 500 miles from Droitwich using external aerial.


Either AC supplies of 100V to 125V, 200V to 250V, 40Hz to 60Hz, single phase, 5W;

or two internal Mallory mercury cells TR-233R with an approximate life of 35 hours. Battery box replaces AC unit and is supplied with instrument.

,., I


o 0

o to +40 C.


Battery box. Three BNC plugs.


Section 2 7

Instruction Manual, Part No. 2'1904





81. 2111.


Depth 6in. 15.2cm

WEIGHT 7ilb (3.4kg).


Dark blue metal case with light grey front panel and medium grey surround .

.. \




Section 3

WARNING In the United Kingdom it is necessary for the user of an OFSIB to possess a radio receiver licence as issued by the General Post Office.


When the OFS1B is used with the a. c. power unit, remove the instrument from its case (para. 5.1) and check that the supply transformer tap connections correspond to the voltage of the local a. c. supply. The instrument is normally supplied for 200V to 250V operation, but to operate from lOOV to 125V supplies refer to fig. 3. To convert to battery operation refer to para. 3.6 and fig. 3. Replace the instrument in the case.

Set the function selector switch to CHECK SUPPLY and switch ON. The meter should read above 7 on the right-hand scale. If the reading is below 7, check the a. c. power unit, or replace batteries as outlined in para. 5. 2.


Set the function selector switch S2 to TUNE and aerial selector switch S3 to either INT. or EXT.

When using the internal ferrite rod aerial, rotate the instrument for a maximum meter reading and make final tuning adjustments using the preset capacitor C45 at the rear. Meter deflection when tuned should be at least to 5 on the scale. If the resulting signal strength is too low use an external aerial, making connection at

the rear using the BNC plug supplied. The external aerial should be mounted as high as possible, clear from buildings and have a screened down lead to the set, with nominal impedance of 75Q, Tune inductor L3 to give a maximum meter reading on TUNE. See Para 3.3 for final timing ~djustment,


NOTE Always employ a screened lead when using the 100kHz output at SKT3 in order to avoid second harmonics (200kHz) being picked up by the input circuit, thus resulting in a false locked condition. For the same reason do not stand the instrument immediately alongside a counter or similar source of 200kHz radiation.

Set the function selector switch to LOCK. With the SET LOCK control fully counter-clockwise, the meter needle should


Section 3 9


oscillate at several cycles per second. C45 or L3, depending on whether internal or external aerial is used, can now be finally adjusted so that the oscillation is central on the meter. Turn thSET LOCK control slowly clockwise until the needle stops oscillating and rests at the mid-position of the earlier oscillation.


When the phase lock adjustment or para. 3.3 is complete wait for an interval of approximately 30 seconds and then switch to NORMAL. The meter should remain as set.

The instrument is now providing 100kHz and lMHz output signals of 6V peak to peak from a nominal lkQ source. These signals are phase locked to the B B.C. Light Programme Droitwich transmission of 200kHz and possess a long term accuracy of 5 parts in 1010. Methods of using the signals for frequency checking are described below: -

(a) Counter External Standard

Connect one of the OFS1B outputs to a counter's external standard socket thus using the highly stable output signals from the OFSlB to drive the counter. The overall measuring accuracy of the counter will now be at least to 3 parts in 108, plus or minus one digit, or better, dependent on gate time (see short term accuracy speclf'ication) .

(b) Counter Display

Obtain a display of one of the OFSlB outputs on a counter and adjust the counter's internal oscillator until a reading of the nominal output (1MHz or 100kHz) plus or minus one digit is obtained. The accuracy of the internal standard is now better than the count error of plus or minus one digit. The subsequent accuracy is dependent on the internal stability of the counter's internal oscillator.

(c) Oscilloscope Triggering,

Use either output signal from the OFSIB to trigger the time base of an oscilloscope, Note the drift of the 'unknown' signal when applied to the Y terminals. The drift rate in cycles per second is the difference frequency between the unknown' and the OFSIB signals. A mean drift rate of one cycle per second indicates a difference of 1 in l06when using the 1MHz output, or 1 in 105 when using the 100kHz output. The direction of drift indicates the direction of error Le. a drift to the right indicates that the

unknown ' signal is lower in frequency than the standard, and a

10 Operation

Section 3

drift to the left that it is greater in frequency. (d) Lissajous Display

Use either output signal with the 'unknown' signal to form a Lissajous display on an oscilloscope. Despite the distortion due to the square waveform output it should be possible to obtain a recognisable trace. The 'unknown' signal is adjusted to the accuracy of the OFSlB when the trace is at rest.


The OFSIB is normally grounded via the supply lead to supply ground. In some applications, connection of the output socket ground to the ground of other equipment can close a ground loop. This may cause pick up in the OFSIB sending it unstable under these conditions. It is then permissible to disconnect the supply ground to the OFSIB and rely on grounding via the output socket.


With the OFSIB switched off and the a.c. supply disconnected, proceed as follows:

(a) Remove the instrument case after withdrawing four screws at the rear.

(b) Unsolder five connections from the eight-way tag strip illustrated in fig. 3a.

(c) Remove the four 4BA screws securing the a.c. power unit to the base of the instrument and remove the power unit.

(d) Replace the power unit with the base of the battery box and secure to the instrument using two of the discarded 4BA screws with additional 4BA nuts. Make soldered connections to the eightway tag strip as shown in fig. 3b.

(e) Place two Mercury cells TR- 233R in the clips provided, taking special care to observe the correct polarity - see fig .3b and the markings on the box assembly.

(f) Switch ON and move the function switch to CHECK SUPPLY Check that a reading greater than 7V is obtained on the right- hand side of the meter scale.

(g) If the conditions described in sub - para. (f) are satisfactory.. switch off and fit the battery box cover by means of the lip and single 4BA screw. Replace the instrument case. The OFSIB is now ready for battery operation independent of any external supply.

Circuit Description

Section 4 11

A functional diagram is illustrated in fig.l and the complete circuit diagram in fig.2.


The 200kHz broadcast Signal is received by either the internal ferrite rod aerial, or when using an external aerial via SKTl. C2 and trimmer C45 tune the internal aerial circuit and the adjustable tuned inductor L3 and C1 provide the external aerial tuned circuit. A switch, S3, gives either internal or external aerial facility.

The signal is amplified by transistors TRl, TR2 and TR3 and adjustable tuned inductor L2 gives signal drive to the phase comparator circuit.


The IMHz crystal oscillator circuit includes TR9, TR10 and the output is fed via the emitter follower TR8 to the amplifier stage TRl7, and then via the emitter follower TR16 to the trigger circuit TR6, TR7.


The output from the trigger circuit TR6, TR7 is connected to the 200kHz locked multivibrator TR4, TR5. After shaping by R66 and C46, the multivibrator output is passed via C16 to the phase comparator circuit at the slider of RV2.


The SET LOCK control RVl is supplied by a stabilised 5.6V due to the zener diode MR4 and is used to set the standing d.c, to the .phase comparator bridge at L2B. The potential at the wiper of

RV2 is made up of the potential set by RVl plus the output voltage of the bridge. From the wiper of RV2 the potential is passed as a control voltage to VCDI via a low-pass filter. In the LOCK condition the filter is formed by R3S, C35 and in the NORMAL condition C34 is added to lengthen the time constant. Resistor R39 charges C34 to the same potential as C35 ensuring that when

, ' . .

S2A is closed, there is a smooth transition when switching from

LOCK to NORMAL. This charging time is 30 seconds and explains the time interval mentioned in para. 3.4.


This circuit consists basically of L2, MRl, MR2, C14, C15 and has

12 Circuit Description

Section 4

two inputs. One input is the broadcast signal via L2 and the other input is from the crystal controlled multivibrator via Cl6 across the centre tap of L2B and the slider of RV2.

A change of phase of the lMHz oscillator will cause a DC error signal to be generated across the bridge. This is added to the voltage set on the slider of RVI and is applied to VCDI from the phase comparator circuit, via the filter network. As a result the capacity of VCDI will be changed and the lMHz oscillator will again be pulled into phase.


The bistable circuit TRI2, TR13 divides the signal from the 200kHz locked multivibrator by 2. The resulting 100kHz output is passed

to the output socket SKT3 on the front panel via the output amplifier TR14.

The output amplifier TR15 is driven by the IMHz trigger circuit (TR6, TR7) and its output appears at SKT4 on the front panel.


The diode MR3 in conjunction with R17, R18 and R37 provides non-linear scaling to the meter in the TUNE condition, so that a useful indication of signal level is obtained in areas of widely differing signal strength.

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Section 5 13


Withdraw the four screws from the rear of the case. The case and chassis assembly can now be separated, but beware of straining lead connections to the aerial circuit at the rear.


When the OFSIB has been converted to battery operation using the battery box assembly supplied, battery replacement may be made as follows;-

(a) Remove instrument case (para. 5.1)

(b) Remove battery box cover by withdrawing one 4BA screw from the base of the chassis and releasing the tag from the slot in the chassis.

(c) Replace batteries, noting especially the correct polarity as indicated in fig.3b.

(d) Replace battery cover and instrument case.


If the OFSIB should fail to operate according to the instructions in Section Three it is recommended that the instrument be returned to the factory for servicing. If this is impracticable a thorough test of the OFSIB can be made by following the procedure outlined below.

NOTE The Test procedures in sub-paras. (b), (c) and (d) are most easily performed when the 200kHz receiver signal is removed by short circuiting C13.

(a) Supply Voltage Check

Ensure that the a.c. power unit is set for the nominal voltage of the local supply. If battery cells are fitted, check that their polarity is correct (fig,3b). Switch ON and check that a reading

of at least 7V appears on the right- hand meter scale. Also check that a similar voltage reading is obtained with a voltmeter on the printed circuit boards, i.e., DROITWICH RECEIVER, IMHz OSCILLATOR and WAVEFORM GEN. Ripple with an AC power supply should be less than lOOmV pk. pk. If the reading is less than 7V, check for a fault such as a failed electrolytic capacitor in the power unit, or, if applicable, renew the batteries.

(b) Crystal Oscillator Check

Check that the IMHz oscillator is working by measuring with an oscilloscope the following voltages:

14 Maintenance

Section 5

At emitter of TR8, approx. O.5V At emitter of TR16, approx. 2V

(c) Trigger Check

Check that the transistors TR6 and TR7 are operating by connecting an oscilloscope to either collector and noting the approximate square waveform. Also check the IMHz output at SKT4.

(d) Multivibrator Alignment

Set 82 to NORMAL. With an oscilloscope check that a square wave output exists at the collectors of TR4 and TR5. Remove the IMHz crystal and adjust RV3 to give a period of approximately 6/ts. The mark to space ratio should be approximately 1: 1. Replace the IMHz crystal and check that multivibrator has locked to a period of 5/-1-s.

(e) Receiver Alignment

Switch 82 to TUNE to stop the multivibrator and switch 83 to INT. Remove the shorting strap from C13 and connect an oscilloscope to one side of this capacitor. Turn the case with the ferrite rod aerial for maximum signal strength. Adjust C45 for maximum output on the oscilloscope. Tune the core of L2A for maximum output and again tune C45. Beware of a false tune position if C45 is at its maximum or minimum capacitance position. When using the internal aerial the tune position of C45 should be at mid-range.

When an external aerial is used the tuning control is L3 and this should be adjusted for maximum reading on the meter. However, in all cases it will be easier to set-up the receiver using a signal generator with a 75Q output.

Remove the crystal and set S2 to LOCK. Set RV2 on the DROITWICH RECEIVER board for zero deflection on the front panel meter. Replace the crystal.

(f) Crystal Oscillator Alignment

Set 82 to TUNE; use the output from the collector of TR3 to trigger an oscilloscope and monitor the IMHz signal on the collector of TR6 or TR7. With RVl set at approximately mtd-posttion, adjust C22 until the trace on the oscilloscope is stationary, apart from short term jitter due to broadcast modulation. If a counter is available, check that the output at SKT4 is very close to IMHz Check also that a variation of at least 10c/s above and below IMHz


Section 5 15

is possible with RVI adjusted to its extreme clockwise and counter- clockwise positions.

(g) 100kHz Output Check

Set S2 to LOCK. Check at SKT3 for an approximate square wave of 100kHz.

(h) The instrument is now correctly aligned and should tie replaced in its case and set up according to the operating instructions in Section Three as applicable.

16 Component list and Illustrations

Section 6

Ref Value Description Part No
Rl 33K RRC 5SWD18 5% 317
R2 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R3 2.2K RRC 5SWD18 5% 425
R4 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R5 1K RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R6 33K RRC 5SWD18 5% 317
R7 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R8 2.2K RRC 5SWD18 5% 425
R9 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
RIO lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
Rll 33K RRC 5SWD18 5% 317
R12 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R13 470Q RRC 5SWD18 5% 1373
R14 lK RRC 5SWDI8 5% 384
RI5 10K RRC 5SWD18 5% 11503
RI6 10K RRC 5SWDI8 5% 11503
RI7 4.7K RRC 5SWDI8 5% 386
RI8 3300 RRC 5SWDI8 5% 1894
RI9 6800 RRC 5SWD18 5% 309
R20 8.2K RRC 5SWD18 5% 314
R21 4700 RRC 5SWD18 5% 1373
R22 4700 RRC 5SWD18 5% 1373
R23 15K RRC 5SWD18 5% 315
R24 15K RRC 5SWD18 5% 315
R25 10K RRC 5SWD18 5% 11503
R26 1. 5K RRC 5SWD18 5% 385
R27 '1. 5K RRC 5SWD18 5% 385
R28 33K RRC 5SWD18 5% 317
R29 1K RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R3D lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R3l IK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R32 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R33 3.9K RRC 5SWD18 5% 312
R34 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R35 lOOK RRC 5SWDl8 5% 319
R36 82K RRC 5SWDl8 5% 2088
R37 ·1.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 310
R38 1M RRC 5SWD18 5% 766 Component list and Illustrations Section 6 17
Ref Value Description Part No.
R39 3.3M HRC 5SWD18 5% 2091
R40 15K RRC 5SWD18 5% 315
R41 56K RRC 5SWD18 5% 756
R42 3.9K RRC 5SWD18 5% 312
R43 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R44 10K RRC 5SWD18 5% 11503
R45 iooe RRC 5SWD18 5% 11504
R46 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R47 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R48 10K RRC 5SWD18 5% 11503
R49 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
H50 3.9K RHC 5SWD18 5% 312
R51 2.2K RRC 5SWD18 5% 425
R52 220n RRC 5SWD18 5% 304
R53 10K RRC 5SWD18 5% 11503
R54 680n RRC 5SWD18 5% 309
R55 10K RRC 5SWD18 5% 11503
R56 2.2K RRC 5SWD18 5% 425
R57 220n RRC 5SWD18 5% 304
R58 680n RRC 5SWD18 5% 309
R59 1K RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R60 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R61 470n RRC 5SWD18 5% 1373
R62 15K RRC 5SWD18 5% 315
R63 1K RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R64 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R65 loon RRC 5SWD18 5% 11504
R66 560n RRC 5SWD18 5% 308
R67 lK RRC 5SWD18 5% 384
R68 5.6K RRC 5SWD18 5% 787
R69 2.2K RRC 5SWD18 5% 425
R70 3.9K RRC 5SWD18 5% 312
R71 6.8K RRC 5SWD18 5% 313
R72 1.5K RRC 5SWD18 5% 385
R73 1.5K RRC 5SWD18 5% 385
RVI 10K Pot Colvern 1213
RV2 2.2K Plessey MPD 1756
RV3 10K Plessey MPD 2262 18 Component List and Illustrations Section 6
Ref Value Description Part No.
Cl lOOpF Lernco H06R 11675
C2 100pF Lemco 11675
C3 ,22j.lF Wirna Tropyfol 1\1[ 2601
C4 O.47j.lF Wirna Tropyfol M 2429
C5 O.22f.lF Wirna Tropyfol M 2601
C6 O.OlJJF Mullard 802
C7 O.47JJF Wirna Tropyfol M 2429
C8 O.22JJF Wi rna Tropyfol 1\1[ 2601
C9 O.OIf.lF Mullard 802
CIO 0.47JJF Wima Tropyfol M 2429
Cll 0.22f.lF Wirna Tropyfol M 2601
C12 .022JJF Lernplac 2663
C13 680pF Silver Mica 20238
C14 .022JJF Lemplac 2663
CIS .022JJF Lemplac 2663
CI6 100pF Lernco lI06R 11675
C17 390pF Erie Ceramicon HI-K 328
CI8 150pF Lernco 1106 11572
C19 15pF Elrnco 1106R 4505
C20 560pF Ceramicon 329
C2I 560pF Ceramicon 329
C22 60pF Trimmer Mullard 1866
C23 lOOOpF Mullard 769
C24 O.lj.lF Hunts W48 150V 325
C25 400MF Wirna Printilyt 15V 2772
C26 47pF Lernco l106R 685
C27 47pF Lemco l106R 685
C28 330pF Lemco 1106 2307
C29 330pF Lernco 1106 2307
C30 560pF Ceramicon 329
C31 O.22j.lF Wi rna Tropyfol 2601
C32 O.22j.lF Wi rna Tropyfol 2601
C33 560pF Cerarnicon 329
C34 10fhF G A Stanley Palmer 160V 3274
C35 IJJF Wima Tropyfol 2364
C36 25f.lF Plessey 25V 321
C37 Select on Test
C3S 100j.tF Wi rna 30V 3064
C39 100,uF Wima 30V 3064
C40 400J.tF Wirna 15V 2772 Component list and Illustrations Section 6 19
Ref Value Description Part No
C41 4OOt-tF Wima 15V 2772
C42 1000pF Mullard 769
C43 560pF Ceramicon 329
C44 O.OIt-tF Mullard 802
C45 92.4pF W & R C8-03 Trimmer 3060
C46 220pF Lemco 1l06R 820
C47 100pF Lemeo 1106R 11675
C48 IOf-lF Wima Printilyt 15V 4195
C49 O.Olf-lF Ceramic 5001
C50 O.Olf.CF Ceramic 5001
MR1 OA91 Mullard 2490
MR2 OA9i Mullard 2490
MR3 OA9! Mullard 2490
MR4 ZF5.6 Zener 4109
MR5 A91 Mullard
MR5 OA91 Mullard 2490
MR6 OA91 Mullard 2490
MR7 OA91 Mullard 2490
MRS OA 91 Mullard 2490
MR9 HGIOOI Hughes 2323
MRIO HGIOOI Hughes 2323
TRI OC170 Mullard 1557
TR2 OC170 Mullard 1557
TR3 OCI70 Mullard 1557
TR4 BSX19 Mullard 22171
TR5 BSX19 Mullard 22171
TH6 OC44 Mullard 338
TR7 OC44 Mullard 338
TR8 OC44 Mullard 338
TR9 OC170 Mullard 1557
TRIO OC170 Mullard 1557
TRll Not used
TR12 OC44 Mullard 338
TRI3 OC44 Mullard 338
TR14 20302 Texas 2226
TR15 2G302 Texas 2226
TR.l6 OC44 Mullard 338 20 Component list and Illustrations Section 6
Ref Value Description Part No.
TR17 OC44 MULLARD , 338
TRIS BSX20 23307
TRIg 2N3053 4039
TR20 BSX20 23307
TR21 BSX20 23307
LI Coil Ariel RF644
L2 Vinkor Inductor 3056
L3 Vinkor Inductor A20497
FSI Fuse Belling Lee L562 lOOmA 4876
Tl Supply Transformer Marinair MT636
Sl 2 pole 2 way toggle (On/Off) 332
82 4 pole 4 way rotary (Function) 16723
83 Slider 2 pole 2 way Function Aerial 18899
BRI Rectifier Bridge W02 19725
Ml Meter lO-O-lOp.A 3057
XTAL 1 lM/cs STC Crystal 3059
VCDI Diode Capacitor 6. 8SC20 or BAllO 3063
Bl TR233R 4V Mallory 1761
B2 TR233R 4V Mallory 1761
SKA BNC Socket 1222
SKB BNC Socket 1222
SKC BNC Socket 1222 Component List and Illustrations

Fig, 1 Functional Diagram

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Section 6 21



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Hainault Essex England Telephone 01-500 1000 Telegrams Attenuate "ford Telex 263785

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