6 Year Plan 10-11

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Physical Education Year Plan 10/11

Gr. 6

- Basic skills
- Under and overhand serving
- Bumping
- Setting
- Rules
- Fitness
- Push-ups
- Sit-ups
- Sprinting
- Long distance running
- Basketball
- Basic skills
- Dribbling
- Chest passing
- Bounce passing
- Lay-ups
- Shooting
- Rules
- Skating/Hockey
- Floor Hockey
- Fitness
- Push-ups
- Sit-ups
- Sprinting
- Long distance running
- Indoor Baseball
- Kickball
- Badminton
- Basic skills
- Fore and backhand serving
- Drop shot
- Back and forehand clears
- Overhand clears
- Rules
- Soccer
- Basic skills
- Dribbling
- Passing
- Shooting
- toe traps/stopping the ball
- Rules
- Football
- Fitness
- Push-ups
- Sit-ups
- Sprinting
- Long distance running
- Softball

Other sports/activities will be touch on throughout the year (ie: gymnastics/dance,

dodgeball, etc.). Safety will be stressed at the beginning of every class.
There will also be other topics covered as well, these include:
1. Heart rates
2. FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type)
3. Calories
4. Dangerous ways to loose weight
5. Proper names or muscles
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Hamstrings
- Calves
- Quadraceps
6. Resistance training
7. The importance of not lifting weights when the body isn’t fully developed

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