FLM Extra Credit Fall 10

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Intro to Film

Extra Credit Opportunities (20 points each)

Write a well-developed paper (approximately 2 pages) on a topic/film listed below. This should
not be a summary of the movie. It should discuss how the film making elements are used.
Utilize the “Analyzing…” section at the end of the appropriate chapter to help you get started.
The “Screening Checklist” will help you know what to look for and what to write about.

1. Cabin Fever – Discuss Cinematography (Framing the Shot)

2. Aliens – Discuss Sound (not just Music)
3. American Beauty – Discuss Acting (Style, Casting, Types of Roles, etc.)
4. Seven – Discuss Editing. Type, Techniques, Transitions, etc.
5. Goodfellas – Discuss Mise-en-scene in terms of Design
6. Spirited Away – Discuss the elements of Narrative. (Order, Duration, Repetition, Characters,
Setting, Scope, Narrator, etc.)
7. Paranormal Activity – Discuss Documentary Film (How does this fit in?), Implicit and
Explicit Meaning, Is this film effective?
8. Artificial Intelligence – Discuss the use of Lighting
9. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon – Discuss the use of Color
10. American History X – Discuss Mise-en-scene in terms of Composition

Up to two papers may be submitted during the semester. Each paper is worth 20 extra credit
points. All extra credit must be turned in by the last class. Turning them in earlier is

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