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L210. A particle travels in a straight fine such that fora short time 2s = 15 6s its motion is described by v= (A/a) R/S, where a is in f/si. If v= 6 ft/s when 25, determine the particle's acceleration when ¢ = 3s. IZ-IL, The acceleration of a particle as it moves along a straight ine is given by a = (21 ~ 1) my/s*, where vis in Seconds Ifs = I mand » = 2s when! ~ 0, determine the particle's velocity and position when 1 = 65. Also, determine the total distance the particle travels during this time period Lae flarnve ve Ponet fran fie rea 12-412, When a train is traveling long a straight track at 2 mi, it begins to accelerate at a = (600!) m/s" ‘where w isin mis Determine its velocity v and the position 3s alter the acceleration. TIA, The poritor ofa particle along a straight line is given by = (15° ~ 135 + 225) f, where Fis in ‘seconds Determine the positon ofthe particle when = {6 sand the total distance it travels during the 6 time interval, Hine Plot the path to determine the total distance traveled, Poston Te pion of epic when = 64s doutts(@) 158) ens0e-T0n hm on mT fetal Distance Traveled : The voy of he patie canbe eri yap 12 tp va S n4s0*-sroeas SISK SHO 509 So BK 55 tees the tals “The tines when hepa op we £50-270422.5=0 rele wd ra5e ‘Thepestion fe ple t= 08, Land 48 Bans #15(8)~13.5(08) 422.500) =0 dan, -15(2)~13.5(18) +2250) 1058 dog =18(8)-135(38) +2256) «37.50 From tepals pu, wn deuce fa 10544804 1052 69.00 a= 24 At 1=0 bullet A is fred vertically with an inital (muzzle) selocty of 450 mvs When 1 = 3', bullet Bis fired upward with a muzzle velocity of 600 mis, Determine the time t after A is fred, as to when bullet B passes bullet A. At what altitude does this occur? Ty aa sabre dee aw orsare tesa? ety stn stence dat os eme=) fess? ese 501 45057 = 609 ~ 10 49082 + 2988 4S "12-28. A particle moves long 2 straight line with an tleraten a= S804 wlth re meters. Determine the particle's velocity when s = 2 m, iit starts from rest wheas = I m. Use Simpson's rue to evaluate che integral onsale veLiemls Ane E26, Bald is released Trom rest at a height of 40 fe atthe same time that a second ball B i thrown upward Sf from the ground. If the balls pass one another at & hneight of 20, determine the speed at which ball B was throwe upward, Cebrenetebee soaeor}o27 Ce beenoedae “12-44 A motorcycle starts from rest at s = 9 and travels along a staight caad withthe speed shown by the t-1 graph, Determine the motorcycle's acceleration and position when f= 8s and 1 = 125. soe exe + 10-019 + Sons ~ Sones Y2AS. An aeplane lands on the straight runway originlly traveling at 110 ft/s when s = 0. If tis subjected to the decelerations shown, determine the time 1' needed to stop the plane and construct the s+ raph for the motion. ave foe = 0 2 =x15-9) = 820-1) =e = 29 xp 412453, Two cars stat from rest side by side and travel longa straight road. Car A accelerates at 4 m/s? for 10s find then maintains & constant speed, Car B accelerates 25 m/s! until reaching a constant speed of 25 m/s and then maintains this speed. Construct the a=, =f, and sf raph for each car Until r= 15s What is the distance between the two cats when = 155? aye) cut ventas : oS seneureta? msn weal sn ebeve be 28? emote fa 7 ae na s0e08 He 16 oe Syne aelmhn asr-60s When re1s, 3125 isan dewern he ca i deengry sOOASANS Cris tat of 8 EEE 12-66, A particle orignaly at rest and located at point 2-0,2 0,51) is subjected to an aceleration of a ~ [64 + 12 4] f/s” Determine the particles positon (x,y 2) aurets ete Te ty xe i Cain ee fo can aia by soning 2-9, aon [lave] (eee Pagar = (a'leen) fis ‘Potton The potion expen Caneste veco fom a be baie! ty seotrig Ba 12-7, beovd [lae[oreunya ra q{(2os)ieade(stes)a} re 1215, 1= (1543) be tbe (1445) 4b} “Teco of he pce re 6208 Ane 12-67. The velocity of a particle is given by » = {162 +40 + (51 #2)k) m/s, where cis in seconds If the particle is at the origin when ¢ = 0, determine the Iagnitude of the particle's acceleration when £ ‘Also, whats the xy, 2 coordinate position ofthe at ths instant? ‘Acceortion : The ack express Casa Yoo form canbe ote bympting 12-9, tammy sk) ave (ay. 12(2) pS = (644 94) ml, Te made teens (ITE ETF «0201 rey "te prin express Cannan vss frm an obi by sepling 12-7. drove SdeeL(16ibsary cso) Parye(Se+2)] Beye) H[]@) rae cen tegen = ‘as, tea of ei (427, 160, 140) ane 38 eee 12-70, The ear travels from A to B,and then from B 10 Cas shown in the figure. Determine the magnitude of the displacement of the car and the distance traveled. Deslaat: —ar=(21~3)) om fe are (POB 361m Ame | Danae nae: x an2¢3=Sim Ame TEAL, A particle travels along the curve from A to Bin 28. It takes 4 for it to go from B to C and then 3s 10 go from C to D. Determine its average speed when it goes | : we = tare hes 12.22. A cartravels e291? ko for S minutes then north kev for 8 minutes. and then west 4 km for 10 minutes Determine the total distance taveled and the magnitude senysebeote otal Ditance Trevied and Diyplacement Ts wa Ssane eaves ae tal he ear, a, whet the magne a serciage vlc and the werge seed? et map dec ee ee rm are ee ite Remap enc ana sean ame sett mene Cong 6.52 0/8 Ane a 300 40 127%, A cat teaveling along the straight portions of the road has the velocities indicated in the figure when it a attves at points A. Band C.Ifit takes 35 to go from A ee to Band then $s to go from B to C, determine the ote nad average acceleration between poinls A and Band vento between points A and C. ee nus = 040616 207 mt the = 2500) a 12-74, A particle moves along the curve y = 2 such Velocity: Taking efi dervaive oft gah y= 7, 48 bas that its velocity has a constant magnitude of » = 4 fr/s Determine the x and y components of velocity when the particle isat y = 56 However, #05 andj 8p He, v= 4f¥4, Toe : Sohing E21 nd yes syn $ te 50.2% x= 080 Ts, BAS “The patho patie defn = At and component of velocity along the y aus i ty = ct here both and care constants Determine the xan y component of aceleration. 2A? 29 A shoe) Am eel 12.88, From a videotape, it was abserved that a pro . football player kicked a football 126 ft during 8 measured time of 36 seconde Determine the inital speed of the rand the angle # at which it was kicked. )) semewe 126200 8 cones eth smeneedee ononimp oe ds220367 on)y = S096HUs we VOTTETIO = 61.785 nw sa Ane 12-86, During a race the dirtbike was observed to leap tp off che small hill gt A aC an angle of 60° with the horizontal f the point of landing is 20 ft away, determine the approximate speed at wich the bike was traveling just before it left the round. Neglect the sizeof the bike Oat for the eaetaion. on a = Or vs gaattr Lesaay? 12.91, is observed that the skier leaves the ramp A at tan angle 6, = 25° with the horizontal. If he strikes the ‘round at B, determine his initial speed v, and the ne of fight tan (5) osm G1) rememeedar -4-100(8) = 0+rseastan 39.40 sobiag weri94mis Ame tyehte AM "12-108, Starting from rest, the motorboat travels around the circular path, p = 50 m, at a speed v (027) m/s, where 1 is in seconds. Determine the ‘magnitudes of the boats velocity and acceleration at the instance = 3 Velocity: When 123 6 te Datenel at asec of 2(3)) = 180mis Acceleration Te angen eon 4204(0)= 120m “Te deen he somal cern, spy By 12-20. ae et oon ait a Ths, he mane of selon THEFT I= 20 14? BAMA cr move a 58 ee ack ofr BO Wands ped for ash peridot ine cee 9301) Rlswtee needs Decrees Iain of 0 ssabrsion when = 3 Fee oe ‘it traveled in t = 25? a Wher 1225, aa doeerstst ee ease ee 6° 0 TSI 0151 kee foe fr(ee0a wot] Aes i8h Ans “12-16. ‘The jet planes traveling witha constant speed ‘of 110 m/s along the curved path, Determine. the ‘magnitude of the acceleration of the plane atthe instant in seaches point 4 (> = 0) aise() au As) 2 afer Tape a0 OF 5 as 9s! Fo aa Pe ‘Siete ple ewes wih acon sped a 2. Hee onan? Ane ssn A217. A train is aveling with 2 constant speed of 114 m/s along the curved path. Determine the mageicade of the acceleration of the front of the train, B, at the instant it reaches point (y ~ 0) reine? “(i tease] C257 55 06m Fos

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