Ideas/texts David Gauntlett Is Associated

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David Gauntlett

Ideas/texts David Gauntlett is

• Moving Experiences: Understanding Television's Influences and Effects (1995)
Video Critical: Children, the Environment, and Media Power (1997)
TV Living: Television, Culture and Everyday Life (1999)

• Web.Studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age (2000) Edited collection
Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction (2002)
Web.Studies 2nd edition (2004) All new and revised edited collection

• Moving Experiences 2nd edition: Media effects and beyond (2005)
Creative Explorations: New approaches to identities and audiences (2007)
Media, Gender and Identity 2nd edition (2008)
• - the award-winning website on media and
: new art-centred approaches to media / identityAlso . . .Also . . .
University of Oslo collaboration: International project on mediatized storiesWikipedia contributionsPeople
complaining about TV, an old BSC study from 1995Editorial Board Member of
Visual StudiesEditorial Board Member of
Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media TechnologiesEditorial Board Member of
Foucault StudiesExecutive board member, International Visual Sociology AssociationCommittee member,
BSA Visual Sociology groupMentor for MFA program at Transart InstituteAdvisory Board Member of
Resource Center for Cyberculture StudiesTheory trading cards - knowledge you can put in your pocketTen
Things Wrong with the Media 'Effects' Model articleHow to write an essayHow to survive a PhDMedia
, Gender and Identity - site includes interviews and extra featuresSend me stuff, the mail-art project that got out of
handSome things about art and cities website, rather old nowNew Media Studies website, in need of some work
Theorists in LegoArt corner
• My key interests are summarised in the Make and Connect Agenda

• Also:

• Studies where everyday people are invited to make things or media products, giving some
insights into their relationship with media culture

• Creative study of the ways in which individuals use media products in the construction of
their own narratives of the self, and self-identity

• Digital media being used by everyday people -- Web 2.0.

• Work linking qualitative research on audiences with contemporary critical approaches.

• Research which tries to get to grips with the 'power' of the media on the one hand, and the
agency of audiences on the other ... but not 'media effects.

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