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Mehran University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering &Department of Mechanical Engineering

Training under
Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program

Irrigation and Power Department, Government of Sindh

Power System
Class Test

1. Electric power system is consist


2. Electric power can be generated from the sources like____________________,

______________, ______________, ___________,______________________

3. Generator is machine which converts __________energy into electrical energy.

4. Motor is a machine which converts Electrical energy into _______________.

5. Electric power transferred from the generating station to the local/city grid
station is called__________________ network.

6. Electric power transferred from the local grid station to our homes is
called__________________ network.

7. Types of consumers are residential, commercial,______________ and


8. Wapda has been distributed in two wings/departments namely water wing

and __________________.

9. Transmission network in country is handled by the __________

10. HESCO stands for

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