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Consider the terms “cause”, “effect” and “rule (theory)”.

Use these terms to explain

the difference between induction, deduction and abduction. Why was Popper against
induction? Give a practical, everyday example where abduction is used.

Cause Effect Rule

Induction √ √ ?
Deduction √ ? √
Abduction ? √ √
√ - already known
? – don’t know

Induction - finding the rule, given the cause and the effect
Deduction - finding the effect, given the cause and the rule
Abduction - finding the cause, given the rule and the effect

Example :- Hooke's law F=k.x (rule) which relates the force applied (cause) to a
spring and its extension (effect). If the force and Hooke's law are known, the
elongation of the beam can be deducted. If the elongation and Hooke's law are
known, the force acting on the beam can be abducted. If the elongation and the force
are known, Hooke's law can be inducted.

Karl Popper, a philosopher of science, sought to solve the problem of induction [4][15].
He argued that science does not use induction, and induction is in fact a myth [16].
Instead, knowledge is created by conjecture [17] and criticism. The main role of
observations and experiments in science, he argued, is in our attempts to criticize and
refute existing theories[18].

According to Popper, the problem of induction as usually conceived is asking the

wrong question: it is asking how we can justify our theories given they cannot be
justified by induction. Popper argued that we do not need justification at all, and
seeking justification "begs for an authoritarian answer". Instead, Popper said, we
should be looking to find and correct errors. Theories that have survived criticism are
regarded by Popper as better corroborated, and more likely to be true, in proportion to
the amount and stringency of the criticism.[19]

A practical, everyday example where abduction is used is in any diagnosis. For eg:
Medical Diagnosis, Fault diagnosis in machines etc.

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