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Independent New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today endorsed Attorney General
Andrew Cuomo to be the next Governor of the State of New York. The two leaders stood
together at a press conference outside of City Hall where Bloomberg praised Cuomo’s reform
agenda and commitment to independent leadership.

“I am proud to endorse Andrew Cuomo to be the next Governor of the State of New York.
New Yorkers deserve a leader in Albany who is committed to cleaning up the ethical mess in
Albany and reforming government. He has time and again made performance and integrity
his top priorities in Government and in Andrew, I know I’ll have a partner in Albany who will
take on the special interests who have time and again stifled needed reform. I look forward to
working with him to advance his fiscal and economic growth agenda, focusing on upgrading
and expanding our city and state infrastructure, including completing major rebuilding and
transportation projects, in order to create jobs and build a foundation for our economic future.
We need a Governor who knows that the partisan politics of the past cannot be the way of the
future. Andrew Cuomo has made the focus of his campaign to build a coalition for reform that
transcends party labels and brings together Democrats, Republicans and Independents behind
his agenda and I am proud to stand with him in that effort. ” Michael Bloomberg said.

“I deeply appreciate the endorsement of Mayor Bloomberg. He has set a national standard for
independent leadership, shown unwavering fortitude when taking on powerful special interests
in order to make New York City a better and safer place to live and work, and tackled enormous
challenges with steadfast leadership to get results for the people of this city. From leading
our economic recovery after 9/11, to cracking down on illegal gun traffickers who plague our
neighborhoods, to proposing one of the boldest environmental and green energy plans for a
big city anywhere in the world, Mayor Bloomberg has shown that government can work for the
people and has preserved New York City as the greatest city on earth,” Andrew Cuomo said.

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