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Indian advertising industry is talking business today. It has evolved from being a small-scale
business to a full-fledged industry. It has emerged as one of the major industries and tertiary sectors
and has broadened its horizons be it the creative aspect, the capital employedor the number of personnel

Indian advertising industry in very little time has carved a niche for itself and placed itself on the
global map.

Indian advertising industry with an estimated value of Rs13, 200-crore has made jaws drop and set eyeballs
gazing with some astonishing pieces of work that it has given in the recent past.

The Indian advertising today handles both national and international projects. This is primarily because
of the reason that the industry offers a host of functions to its clients that include everything from start to
finish that include client servicing, media planning, media buying, creative conceptualization, pre and post
campaign analysis, market research, marketing, branding, and public relation services.
Top Advertising Companies Of India:
“What's unique about Ogilvy India is that we are
cheered not just by award juries, but also by
thousands of non-advertising, common people of

There is no doubt that the marketing communication environment has changed/is changing and here at
Ogilvy we believe the old 4Ps of marketing, that many of us were brought up on, are beginning to lose
their relevance in the new world of digital. As a consequence, at Ogilvy, we have developed the 4Es
and we would argue strongly that they are much more relevant to marketing communication given
today’s environment. We suggest that the marketers who embrace and practice the 4Es will survive and
thrive in the future. Brian Fetherstonehaugh, Chairman and CEO—OgilvyOne Worldwide

From Product to Experience

From Place to Everyplace
From Price to Exchange
From Promotion to Evangelism
This is an up-dated interpretation of the Why, What, How, Where and When of marketing
communication, designed to meet the needs of the new “social” world we inhabit:
• Social Intelligence = Why
• Social Ignition = What
• Social Currency = How
• Social Velocity = Where and When
" Branding the last mile" strategy
OM plans to invest in manpower , infrastructure, and technology to
add muscle to the new dimension. The objective behind this: is to
make the brand come alive in various retail outlets before consumers
make their final decision. This concept or strategy is called “ branding
the last mile”
Brand equity:
1. O&M emerged as premier ad agency in “ The brand equity ad agency Reckoner” for the 7th
consecutive years. This Reckoner is an initiative of Economic times. India’s leading financial
daily in 2003.

2.Annual ranking No.1 on “ The nations most admired ad agencies”,, ranked by various ad
agencies, influential people, creative directors.

3.Ranked India’s number one agency by Brand Equity survey on leadership,

creative ability, investment in employees, client servicing, most influential people and
hottest creative directors.

4.Evaluation criteria
Ability to Provide 360 Solutions
Client Servicing
Account Planning
Partnering with Clients
Employee Satisfaction
Innovation & Thought Leadership
Business Development
O&M is ranked No.1 in A.C.Nielsen ORG-MARG agency ranking

•McCann Erickson
1.O&M is ranked No.1 in A.C.Nielsen ORG-MARG agency ranking
•Mudra communication
•Grey worldwide
•Leo brunett
•Bates India
•Saatchi & Saatch
•FCB – Ulka

Ad strategy of O&M

• O&M India is going global this year

• John Goodman after taking charge of OM India and south asia, is drawing a aggressive strategy
• For starters OM is planning to export its creative talent to other countries, after designing
creatives for confectionary major Perfetti in Italy
• OM 1200 co. plans to strengthen its relationship with business partners in Bangladesh &
Srilanka. Also wants to expand by providing creative and strategic services in south asian zone.
• As a part of their future plans: The agency is planning to expand the services f its recently
launched division called “Signscape” which is essentially a retail communication specialist
• OM plans to invest in manpower , infrastructure,and technology to add muscle to the new
dimension. The objective behind this: is to make the brand come alive in various retail outlets
before consumers make their final decision.
This concept or strategy is called “ branding the last mile”

• In India its agenda is to make its 360 degree branding strategy really work for its clients.
• Essence: in essence they want to offer a neutral approach to solutions for their clients.
• OM launches Islamic branding: Ogilvy noor- 1 st ever multidisciplinary global Islamic branding
practice, that aims to help brnds better engage with muslim consumers worldwide.
Source: The Hindu
Popularity of Fevicol was due to creative marketing strategy including successful ad campaigns..
Source: campaign India

They are different and their strength:

• OM provides inspiration because of the quality of creative work

• OM known for its tremendous creative output. This creative output force arises out of a solid
foundation that comprises through knowledge of consuers and sharp insights into their lives.
Vodafone ad by Ogilvy India .

• Ogilvy India was behind the Zoozoo ads.

• It was to position Vodafone as innovative
leader in mobile service
• It took IPL event as support and avoided repetitive ads.
• It added 7.68 million subscribers
at end of Q1 FY 10 and increase in 23% revenue.
• Overall cost was just 3 crores for 30 advertisements.
• Value added services were projected.
• Amalgam of creativity and strategy.
Customer based brand equity of
Brand salience- value added services.
Brand performance –serviceability
Brand imagery- expressive zoozoo
Brand feelings- fun excitement
Brand resonance- sense of being a community
of zoozoo.
The glue that glued to the mind:” Fevicol”

Pidilite started the “Fevicol” story in !959

Ogilvy India was behind the Fevicol ads
Overall cost was 3 crores
Brand’s reputation for its consistent focus on quality was propagated through
word of mouth strategy.
Integration of creative strategy and intelligent humour
Brand Equity:

Fevicol was ranked No. 1 in the Household Care segment of the Most
Trusted Brands in India for 2007-08 by Brand Equity (The Economic Times)
and overall has been ranked the 20th Most Trusted Brand.

Brand salience: excellent resin adhesive

Brand feelings: stubborn stickness or strong bonding

• Cadbury uses an umbrella brand strategy.

• The family brand, Cadbury is linked with its famous
sub-brands, The family brand identity is firstly
communicated by the packaging with the Cadbury
corporate purple colour and the distinctive Cadbury script logo. The sub brand is then
distinguished by its own individual livery.

• Presently, Cadbury using interactive media

• Spots Vs. Stripes
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk
Dairy Milk - 33% of the total market share.
• Brand Salience- Sweetness.
• Brand Imagery- Amitabh Bachhan
• Brand Positioning- “Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye”
• Brand Rejuvenation-

• The brand has an interactive website

which contains lot of interactive fields and downloads.
O&M Brand Forum : Brands are made in the heart, says Piyush Pandey

 O&M concluded the Brand Forum, reminding everyone that finally, the brand
communication should speak to the heart.

 By speaking to the heart is a surefire way that a communication can break

the barriers of language, creed, and sex.

 Surely in matters of the heart, logic has no place. Mr. Pandey gives the example
of Amul Chocolate to illustrate his point. “The ad on Amul said that you were
never too young, never too old, but just right for Amul Chocolates.

 when we thought of promoting Cadbury, we decided to talk to the child in all of us.
 Mr. Pandey points out that emotional bonding with the brand is not a
category-specific phenomenon. Even in low involvement categories such as
paints and adhesives, emotions play a very important role.

 Humour is also an emotion, you can cry for a while, scream for a while,
but you can smile all the time.”

Ex: Humorous ads created by O&M, reportedly increased the sales of

Favicol by 35%

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