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The Pisgah Post

Pisgah Presbyterian Church Our Mission: to worship God,

Woodford County, Kentucky Study the Scripture, practice the
October 2008 teachings of Jesus.

Thoughts from Ground Level • Proclaiming the good news

• Taking part in the common life and worship of a
particular church

very week as part of my welcome and
announcements on Sunday morning, I extend an • Praying and studying Scripture and the faith of the
invitation to all who are visiting to consider uniting Christian Church
with Pisgah Presbyterian Church. So in light of that • Supporting the work of the church through the
invitation, what does it mean to be a member of a giving of money, time, and talents
Presbyterian Church? • Participating in the governing responsibilities of the
At its basic level a person becomes a member of a church
Presbyterian Church through faith in Jesus Christ as • Demonstrating a new quality of life within and
Savior and acceptance of his Lordship in all of life. That through the church
is all that is required. Our baptism and public profession
• Responding to God’s activity in the world through
of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord become the visible,
service to others
public signs of our entrance into the active membership
of the church. • Living responsibly in the personal, family,
There’s no secret handshake to learn, no vocational, political, cultural, and social relationships
membership review committee, no dress code, no of life
waiting for an open enrollment period, and • Working in the world for peace, justice, freedom,
above all no expectation that you must join and human fulfillment
as a polished, sin-free, everything-in-order, Doesn’t that list sound like we
super-faithful person. Presbyterians take membership seriously? We
So what are members of a Presbyterian also believe that it is between each person and
Church supposed to do? We are called to the Holy Spirit to determine how these
be involved responsibly in the ministry of membership responsibilities take shape. As
Christ’s Church. In that sense membership this year’s stewardship season begins, I want
is a call to active and responsible ministry. to reflect on these high expectations. I know
Active in the sense that Christ’s call is the price of gas is high, and financial markets
ongoing. Responsible in that Christ’s call are up one day and down the next and for
requires us to match our gifts for ministry many the days ahead are not completely clear,
with the ministry we do. We also celebrate but I want to encourage everyone who is a
that Pisgah Church has a lot of friends who part of this community of faith—whether
are committed to Christ and His church, member or friend—to live into what it means
though they have not chosen membership to be a faithful part of the mission and
as an expression of that commitment. ministry of Pisgah Presbyterian Church. Such
These folks are a critical part of what we do here. So faithfulness means time, talent, and treasure.
how will we be involved in the ministry of the church? In some ways the future is not so certain, but that
Cynthia Woolever, a church leader who focuses on only means the future is uncertain to us. It is completely
congregational dynamics, writes that a church becomes certain to God. Our calling then is to do the work of
important to us when it demands our time, energy, and today, which means being active in the life and work of
creativity. Healthy, effective groups and organizations, Pisgah Church. Jesus said, do not worry about
she writes, communicate three messages that tomorrow, today’s trouble is enough for today. Here’s
differentiate them from average, ho-hum groups: how I hear that: Be active today in the matters of
o This organization is worth belonging to. today—mission and ministry in Christ’s church. In this
o This organization has set high expectations for way we are stewards of the work we have been given. As
its members. one who knows Jesus’ words and still sometimes
o This organization thinks enough of me to ask worries, I wish you…
for my unique contribution. Grace and Peace, Jon
As a Presbyterian church, I would like to think that
we communicate these messages. What do you think?
What about that high expectation part? Our church
constitution puts it like this: a faithful member accepts
Christ’s call to be committed to Christ’s Church on earth.
This commitment includes:

Greetings from Mission and Evangelism

includes a CD for $35,923 which will be used for church
roof repair later this year. Through September 15th our
income was $143,592 or 63.8% of budget and our
Leaves changing color, cool crisp evenings, brilliant
expense total was $154,853 or 68.7% of budget. Our
blue skies and the harvest of bountiful crops remind us
pledge income is about $13,000 short of expected total
of God’s many blessings upon us. We share his many
for this point in the year.
blessings from Pisgah this month with the following
As we start the stewardship season our bookkeeper
organizations: The Faith Pharmacy located at the corner
will be sending pledge status letters to all who made a
of East 7th St. and Elm Tree Lane in Lexington, KY
financial pledge for 2008. This is as a reminder after the
(fills prescriptions for people who otherwise would be
summer vacation season and to help you plan for 2009.
unable to purchase their medications), Buckley Wildlife
Please give prayerful consideration to Pisgah’s financial
Sanctuary in Woodford County, the Red Cross USA for needs during the coming stewardship season.
hurricane relief funds, and we are supporting two As always, if you have budget or budgeting process
missionaries working in Ethiopia, Gwen & John suggestions or questions about Pisgah’s finances please
Haspels. talk to me or any member of the administration
The Haspels have been serving as mission committee.
coworkers since 1974, first in Ethiopia, then in Sudan, Don Schmidt
and now again in Ethiopia.
During their tenure in
Sudan, the station where Budget Presentation
they worked was attacked
and John was held hostage The Administration Committee will be making a
for 16 days by rebels presentation of the 2009 Asking Budget on October 19.
attempting a military coup. Copies of the budget will be available on October 12 in
“It is the truth which has the narthex and at the church website.
brought us here and enables us to keep going. It is the
truth which keeps all the hunger, violence, hatred, and
pain in perspective. If Jesus had not risen, then indeed Worship Committee
there would be little hope for the starving,” write the The Worship Committee would like to explore
Haspels as they witness the dynamic growth of the interest in opening the Church for prayer during the
African church amid adversity. They often write of the week. If you would be interested in using the Church
baptism of a hundred people at a time or of churches so for prayer during the week, please let us know what days
vital and crowded that they expanded to four services on and times would be most convenient to you so that we
Sunday only to have worshippers stay for all four could arrange to have the Church open during those
services. To learn more about the Haspels and many times. The Worship Committee is also planning to have
other missionaries in the field you may go to an Advent Booklet for this Advent Season and is seeking people who would be willing to compose a page for it.
Your generous August Fifth Sunday donation of The Committee would also like to thank all who took
$678 will be happily received by the music ministry at part in the Peace and Unity Service on September 21.
Olivet Presbyterian Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We
were excited to learn from Pastor Jon that another
central Kentucky church has been active in helping them Stewardship Fall Event
also. Jim Stewart, the pastor at the Danville Church, said
that they had made a trip in July and are planning a Fall brings thoughts of Stewardship to Pisgah. For
second trip to Cedar Rapids next month to help with the next several Sundays, you will be hearing brief
flood clean-up. Jim had been the Stated Supply Paster at “Stewardship Moments” during the Worship hour.
the Olivet Church several years ago! We plan to work on Fellow congregants will share personal thoughts about
ways to partner with the Danville Church to increase our what it means to volunteer time,
support of their efforts to re-build Olivet Presbyterian. commit to giving, or share a talent
God is Great. with their church family.
Mark your calendar and plan to
Peace and blessings be with you, attend the Stewardship Fall Event on Sunday, November
Pisgah Mission and Evangelism Committee 2. We invite you to participate in the annual chili cook-
off. People of all ages are invited to participate in the
brownie baking contest. Come join us!! Don’t miss the
From the Administration Committee fun!!
Stewardship Committee
As of September 15th our checking account balance Abe Fosson, Lindsey McHatton, Becky Wilder
was $5,549 and our investments totaled $90,594. This

Christian Education Committee

(A1: Zacchaeus; A2: Delilah; A3: Gopher)
Youth Group
A New Season Has Begun
Here’s what Youth Group did in September:
Our Sunday school program got off to a great start
with Rally Day on September 7. This year, we have ~Bowling
several dedicated volunteers leading our students each ~Prayer Meeting
week. Please take a minute to thank our teachers when ~Melissa’s Birthday Party
you see them. ~Canned Food Drive
Downstairs in the preschool through 5th grade ~Regular Meetings
classes, we have 7 children being taught by Tamara
Youth Group in September was busier than usual.
Cassidy (preschool), Lesley Kindred (lower elementary),
We had a lot of extra events this month, not to mention
and Shelia Baker (upper elementary).
a large group most weeks. Some of the activities we did
Upstairs we have 8 middle-schoolers being taught by
this month included bowling, a prayer meeting, Melissa’s
Katie Burrier and Jennifer Chandler, and 6 senior high
birthday party, the canned food drive, and all of our
students being taught by Cathy Johnson.
regular meetings! We also welcomed three new sixth
Our two adult classes (whose ages we won’t
grade members to “A Light in the Attic” youth group.
discuss!) are also well attended. Ann Ortenburger and
They are Kendall Johnson, Taylor Johnson, and Hunter
Jon Martin lead those classes.
Several substitute teachers are on stand-by each
Youth leaders Cathy Johnson and Melissa Scott have
week, in case a teacher can’t make it. Thanks go out to
decided that every month the youth group is going to
Lisa Johnson, Janet Lake, Todd Cassidy and Julie Lacy
have a day where we go out, called “Fun Friday.” The
for being on-call.
fun days will always be on the third Friday of each
And last but not least, Aimeé Baston works with all
month, and the youth will always go somewhere away
of the younger classes, introducing them to the
from the church. The first “Fun Friday” that the youth
fundamentals of Christian music.
group had generated a large number of participants; over
The Christian Education Committee is fortunate to
seventeen kids showed up!
have so many dedicated and talented volunteers working
The next special activity that the youth group did
to keep our Sunday school program running smoothly.
was they went to a prayer meeting at the church. One of
Please join us in showing your appreciation to our
their own youth members spoke before the church and
they all went in support. The youth group also celebrated
the birthday of Melissa Scott this month. They had a lot
of colorful cupcakes to celebrate.
Bible Trivia and Trunk or Treat at Pisgah! Another important event this month was the canned
food drive. All of the high school youth who were at
Q1: Who climbed a tree to see Jesus? Sunday school the morning of the food drive helped to
Q2: Who gave Samson a really bad hair cut? make posters. The truck that was going to be filled with
Q3: What kind of wood was Noah’s ark made of? the canned food that the members of Pisgah brought
was decorated by the youth with streamers, balloons, and
If you know the answers, you could win a prize! posters.
Come to the Stewardship Fair on November 2 and try On top of all of this, the youth group still had their
your hand at Bible regular meetings every Sunday. These meetings usually
“Trivia.” Answer have a decent attendance, and there are always fun
an easy question games, time to reflect and pray, and delicious food. We
(more challenging would like to thank all of the families who volunteered
for the big kids...) to prepare dinner for the youth group this month.
and win a pass to Overall, youth group in September was busy, enjoyable,
the TRUNK OR TREAT sponsored by the Christian and interesting.
Education Committee. Car trunks will be decorated for The youth group will be doing a lot in October. Find
the occasion and will be overflowing with goodies. out more from the weekly bulletins, check the Church
Children are encouraged to wear Halloween News column in the Woodford Sun, or call Cathy Johnson
costumes or dress as Bible characters. Adults who want at 806-1574. A calendar will also be mailed to youth
to participate should decorate their trunk and bring loads homes at the beginning of the month.
of yummy treats to share with our children.
Submitted by Lucie Chandler
To find out how you can get involved, call Jennifer
Chandler, Becky Prater or any member of the Christian
Education Committee. Help us make it a Spooktacular
Stewardship Fair on November 2.
week is for the whole family. I also appreciate the
willingness of Troop 1784 to come and assist with
setting up tents, and cooking for our opening of bible
camp each year.
I would like to thank Jennifer Chandler and the
The new curriculum in the children and youth
Education Committee for the reception on my last
Sunday schools seems to be well-liked. I am also glad
Sunday, September 28. It was nice having people stay
that the Middle School and High School youth have had
after worship as well as the friends who returned for the
separate classes since my arrival as their needs are so
day to show their love and support. It was a lovely day
different. Second Graders now receive the Adventure
and I truly appreciated the hugs, your kind words, the
Bible which includes age-appropriate notes throughout its
cards and gifts you gave to me.
During the reception, people thanked me for things
I have appreciated being part of the Confirmation
that were meaningful for them during my time here. I
classes led by Jon and feel that youth always get more
also wanted to share some of the things I considered to
out of the experience when it is pastor led. I will always
be highlights over the past three years. They say that
remember how Madeline
imitation is the greatest form of flattery and so I hope
Clark was able to join our
that some of these things spark a memory for you and
weekly class an internet
continue after I leave. (I do understand that the Christian
connection from Germany.
Education Committee is going to use the Trunk or Treat
And just as Confirmation is a milestone in the life of a
idea I brought to them last year!).
young person, I hope that the Graduation Open House
I came to Pisgah in 2005 during the holiday season
and Recognition will also continue along with Youth
and started singing with Jon and Chuck Martie at the
early worship service. One of the first collaboration of
Loved By God, Mary Magdalene, Living the Psalms, John
ideas generated between Jon and me was a glass globe
3:16, Preparing My Heart for Easter. These five women’s
ornament the church gave to everyone who was in
Thursday evening bible studies have to be toward the
church on Christmas Day. The next year, the children
top of the list. The first three studies averaged between
did a traditional Christmas pageant and last year we
17 and 28 women of all generations. We enjoyed the
presented the play, Christmas Windows, I wrote for the
fellowship as much as the study itself as we shared
Church Christmas program.
thoughts and got to know one another better. I am glad
For the Easter season, the youth made the Flowering
that we were able to meet that need of the women at
Cross and we raised butterflies to release—
Pisgah and think it is nice that the current Beth Moore
once outside on the cross and once in the
study group is imitating that evening format.
church! It was out of a study in the Mary
I have also enjoyed taking part in the Mary Shepherd
Shepherd Circle, Jon and I were able to put
studies and having the opportunity to have taught the
together a Friday night Tennabrae Service of
January Adult Sunday School class each year.
Darkness. The Easter Egg Hunt now also
I leave with so many more memories of events, such
includes a breakfast provided by the youth. Its original
as our Pisgah Baby Boom Shower, Taylor Manor,
purpose was to help fund a mission trip.
sending out pocket sized bibles to those on our military
Stressing mission has been a focus of my ministry
list, picnics with the Community Club—but mostly, I
here. The children and youth involvement in Heifer
leave with memories of the people of Pisgah.
Carnival is a highlight. They studied the benefits of
Let me end with a story from Children’s Church.
various animals to families in need as well as made the
Last year, the children started the Word and Song Bible and
personalized offering envelopes. The whole church
have been hearing at least one story from EVERY book
supported their efforts. Kids of the Kingdom focused
in the bible. They are almost through this and I am
on mission as they learned about other children their age
proud that they have stuck with it and have asked some
that had nothing and put together Christmas shoeboxes
very good questions along the way.
with great love and thought. The children also had a
There is a saying that God reveals his great love for
“stone soup” activity where they acted out the play of
us through our friends and so I thank those of you who
giving and brought in their vegetables to make and
have truly shared your friendship with me.
donate soup to the food kitchen. Some of the members
also benefited from homemade apple turnovers made With love and appreciation,
and delivered. Sue
Changing the format of Bible Camp to evening the
past three years has allowed
working parents to have an
active role in participating. And
the addition of the Adult section
of Bible camp seems to have
been well accepted so that the

On Sunday, November 2, 2008, Remember


Happy Birthday to You in October

2 Libby Jones
3 Wendell Harris, Sara Thauburn Welch
5 Jennifer Chandler, Marlin Yawn, Steven Hayes
6 Todd Cassidy
7 Sandi Bromagen
8 Stuart Brown, Ruth Miller
10 Aimeé Baston, Amanda Rose Holt, Laura
12 Jeff Davis, Larry Jones
14 Pam Stilz, Bobbi Sweeney
15 Barbara Orr, Garrett Shropshire
18 Zjelko Ulm
19 Garrett Shropshire, Jr., Tavner Dunlap
21 Johnnie McClanahan
22 Ward Crowe, Ann Hayes, Jadranka Ulm, Jimmy
Van Meter
23 Bob Berryman, Mary Dan Raider
24 Hunter Baker
25 Betsy Fishback
26 Sarah Howard, Jack Pryor
28 Tony Raider, Anna Rachael Cullen
29 Levon Kadamyan
30 William Andrew Cullen
31 Ed Harris, Dale Wolfram

And in early November…

1 Mary Louise Quisenberry
5 Sarah Cox
6 Frank Snipp
8 Sandy Marting, Annie Stilz
9 Pam Stokes

Please help us keep this list up to date!

The Pisgah Post is published monthly by the Pisgah

Presbyterian Church, 710 Pisgah Pike, Versailles, KY
40383. The deadline for the November 2008 issue of
the newsletter is October 24. Please submit signed
articles to the church office or email them to

Sundays at Pisgah Church

9:45a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Worship

The Staff Email


Presbyterian Web Sites:

Presbyterian Church (USA):
Transylvania Presbytery:
Presbyterians Today:

Pisgah Church Staff

Jon Martin, Pastor
Linda Jones, Organist
Lynn Davis, Secretary
Ted Bendis, Bookkeeper
Bob Keller, Groundskeeper
Rhonda Ball, Nursery Worker

The Pisgah Post

Non-profit (bulk rate)
U.S. Postage Paid
Versailles, KY 40383
Permit No. 192

October 2008
Pisgah Presbyterian Church
710 Pisgah Pike
Versailles, KY 40383

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Web:, Voice and fax: (859) 873-4161, email:

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